"Just say what you want to say?"

"Then...that's what I said." Takumi Eshiro asked cautiously: "President...have you met my daughter before? Judging from the previous conversations, you seem to be quite familiar. ?”

"How come, we met last night."

"Last night? Weren't you still lying in the hospital bed last night?"

"There is a wheelchair." An Luo spread his hands and said, "Then? What else do you want to ask? Don't be secretive."

"No, I don't have anything in particular to ask..."

There was actually a lot he wanted to say, but he was not a fool and couldn't express all his thoughts, especially the idea that he hoped An Luo could stay away from his daughter.

Although An Luo could tell that he was hiding something from her in this regard, he didn't want to pay attention to it and said in a casual tone: "Really? But speaking of it...your daughter has a heart disease." Bar?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"It seems serious?"

"...Did Kanade tell you?"

"No, I just felt it from the conversation. I guess I won't live to graduate, right?"

"Yes..." Without denying it, Tachibana Jiangshi lowered his head and clenched his fists unwillingly: "I am a useless father. I can't even cure my daughter, and I haven't found a suitable heart yet. , I can only watch her... get weaker a little bit."

"Hmm~ If you behave well when you do things for me, I can help you find your heart quickly."


"Of course, I like that kid too~"

"Like, like...?" An Luo's calmness made Lihua Jiangshi's face look bad: "Um, President, she is still young, and you are so outstanding, I... ..I really can’t reach that high.”

"It's okay, I don't want you to marry me, you don't need to ask for it."

"That's not what I mean. What I mean is that our family is not worthy of it. Ah, by the way, I think that teacher is very beautiful. Do you want me to find someone to tie her up for you?" Takumi Jiangshi said with a bitter face. It was very difficult to refuse, and he even wanted to tie up Kirisu Mafuyu for the safety of his daughter.

"Just kidding, look at you like that, how could I possibly take action against my subordinate's daughter?"

An Luo shook his head speechlessly. At the same time, he was somewhat depressed about being rejected by his subordinates. But when he thought about it, it was actually normal. No matter what he was like, in his current real occupation, he would not have a father. Are you willing to hand over your daughter?

"Yeah, really? That's true!"

It was indeed what An Luo thought. He didn't want his daughter to get involved with the Yakuza at all, and he didn't want his daughter to have a dangerous person next to him who was so well disguised that he, a former elite police officer, couldn't see any flaws in his appearance. Lihua Jiangshi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked cautiously: "President, I am not questioning your ability, but the scope of our Far North Society's business seems to have nothing to do with the hospital, right? How do you want to find a heart?" ?”

"It's very simple. Everyone has a heart. Although there may be some trouble in matching, the success rate of heart matching is still very high. There must be many traitors in our association, and there will definitely be expansion in the future. I think Finding a suitable, healthy heart is not difficult."


Even if the other party doesn't cooperate, An Luo can still make the other party cooperate. Tachibana Jiangshi knows this better than anyone else. If An Luo is really willing to help, then finding a suitable heart is almost a certainty.

As for the sense of guilt... In the face of the life and death of his family, Tachibana Jiangshi had no time to care about it. His eyes became hot when he looked at An Luo, and he completely forgot everything that happened in the ward.

"Ah~ don't get too happy too early." Just when Tachibana Jiangshi wanted to do something, An Luo also poured cold water on him: "In the end, it still depends on your performance, you understand this Bar?"

"Yes! I know, if you need anything, please just ask!"

"There is nothing needed now. Anyway... just push me back to the ward first."

Looking at the man in front of him who wanted to take a bullet for him immediately, An Luo just chuckled and shrugged.

In fact, heart transplant surgery is difficult. There is also a mortality issue after the transplant is successful. Even if the operation is very successful, as long as Tachibana Eisei does not die unexpectedly, Tachibana Kanade will definitely die before Tachibana Eisei. , this is almost a certainty.

After all...the one-year survival rate of heart transplantation is relatively high, the two- and three-year survival rate is about 80%, and the five-year survival rate is about 70%. The second longest life expectancy in the world is 25 years, but the average is 12 years. about there.

In other words, Tachibana Kanade is now 16 years old. If you are very lucky, you will die at the age of 28. If you are slightly unlucky, let alone the worst. The limit is basically to work for a few years after graduating from college. There is no hope of being filial to your parents. .

After all, even if you are very lucky, you have to take anti-rejection drugs all year round, and the side effects of immunosuppressants and hormones are not small. After all, anti-rejection drugs suppress the immune system.

Of course, even though Tachibana Kanade has no other problems, she is still in a weak physical condition. Even if she undergoes surgery and it is successful, she may not be able to survive for long.

The best luck is to live until you graduate from high school and survive the adolescence that requires taking medicine every day. It is still impossible to go to college... This is An Luo's understanding from studying medical books during this period.

Heart transplantation is a major surgery, which will put a weak person's already weak immunity to great challenges. At the same time, he also needs to take drugs that suppress the immune system. The results are naturally obvious, so living for two or three years is almost the limit. The 20% mortality rate is almost the same for people like Tachibana Kanade.


"If it were my ability, even for heart diseases for which modern medicine has no other alternative but transplantation, many of the lesions could be eliminated without transplantation." In the elevator, An Luo looked at his hands and unconsciously thought The voice that only he could hear whispered.

"...President? Are you talking to me?"

"No, just talking to myself."

An Luo, who only guessed that Tachibana Kanade needed a heart transplant so that he could continue to live for a while, did not actually know what type of heart disease Kanade had, so it was yet to be determined whether it was a heart disease that he could solve.

The biggest problem is that if it is a more troublesome heart disease, it must be performed at the cellular level. For now, if he wants to do it...it will take time.

In the final analysis... forget about ordinary good deeds done out of boredom. He doesn't mind helping others casually, but is it really necessary to do this to just bribe bodyguards? This is also a problem for him, but from an experimental point of view, Tachibana Kanade is also a good target.

Of course, what I said before about finding someone to change my heart was more of just painting a cake and motivating Tachibana Jiangshi.

This kind of cake is mostly fake in the workplace, but it cannot be said to be a complete lie. Sometimes it can be true. It all depends on the ability of the employee.

What's more important is that even though he knew that he wouldn't survive for a few years after a heart transplant, as a father, Tachibana Eisei still couldn't refuse the cake that would allow his daughter to live longer.



In the ward.

When An Luo returned, everyone in the ward was still there, and they all thought that Tachibana Jiangshi had taken An Luo to treat the wound.

Therefore, when they came back, Tachibana Kano took Tachibana Jiangshi and walked to An Luo, wanting to solemnly apologize to An Luo, but...

"Forget it. Mr. Lihua has already apologized to me a few times. Apologizing again is basically adding to my psychological pressure."

An Luo, who was actually the perpetrator, didn't like receiving meaningless apologies, so he blocked Tachibana Kanade's actions first.

This statement also made Kanade unable to insist on expressing her apology. For a while, she was worried about what she should do.

"We'd better go back now and don't disturb An Luo-kun's rest." Tachibana Jiangshi, who didn't want his daughter to have too much contact with An Luo to avoid unnecessary trouble, wanted to leave here without saying a word. .

"That's right...it's not good to disturb the patient all the time." Zuo nodded hesitantly, then bowed his head slightly to An Luo and said, "We'll leave now."

"Well, let's play again when we have time."

"Yes, I will."

She didn't see her father looking bad because of An Luo's words. Kanade responded naturally and followed Tachibana Eisei out of the ward.

An Luo almost didn't need to think about it. Later, Tachibana Jiangshi would definitely tell Tachibana Kanade not to come here or anything else, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Anyway... he was living in this hospital now. When he was bored, even if Tachibana couldn't play, he would go there to pass the time.

His legs are long, so Tachibana Jiangshi can't interfere with his actions, right? No...should I say the wheel is under him?

"You are really on guard." After watching Tachibana and his daughter leave, Kirisu Mafuyu, who saw the fleeting twisted expression of Tachibana Eisei, couldn't help but asked: " Did you do something bad before and you were arrested by that police officer?"

"police officer?"

"Xiao Zuo just said that his father is a policeman."

"Ah...is that so?"

"So, what's going on?"

Kirisu Mafuyu looked at him curiously, leaning forward, which made Anluo feel very depressed: "Why do you assume that I have been arrested by the police?"

"Because I always feel that if you have been arrested and counseled by the police several times, it seems to be a reasonable development."

"What's your impression of me? And is this really what a teacher should say? I'm still a student! Can you be a little gentle to me as a student?"

"Foolish question, the answer is of course NO."

Regarding An Luo's accusation, Mafuyu gave a negative answer without even thinking about it.

At the same time, her eyes glanced at the iron box that had been packed on An Luo's bed, and she couldn't help but frown: "And not only personally, I think you also have a problem with making friends."

"What a coincidence, I thought so too, but there is nothing we can do about it. No one can make mistakes without being a sage, and there is nothing we can do about making careless friends."

"A careless friend?"

"What? What's the problem?"

“I think it’s just that birds of a feather flock together.”

"...Although it's not completely unreasonable, I feel that sometimes you speak too directly. This is a big problem for a teacher. I'll forget about it. Anyone else would probably be criticized for being too straightforward." Bai's words hurt you a lot."

It took more than a day or two to get to know Kirisu Mafuyu, so Anluo could guess that she must be the type of dean in school, because her strict and straightforward words made people stay away.

But Kirisu Mafuyu, who had kept a straight face since just now and maintained the expressionless iceberg beauty state as usual, at this time, his expression became a little weird, and he sighed slightly: "... ..As a teacher, what if you can’t directly point out the students’ shortcomings? And I think compared to my problem, your failure to deny it at this time is the biggest problem.”

"It's okay. In fact, I am self-aware."

"Self-knowledge...this is probably one of your few advantages, but...is that self-knowledge as a pervert?"

"Didn't I already tell you that this thing was given by someone else? Why are you still calling it a pervert??"

"...Have you forgotten what you did to me?"

Recalling the fact that she had been spanked, Kirisu Mafuyu still feels ashamed today. When An Luo subconsciously looked at her buttocks, she couldn't help but glared at him with red cheeks: "Don't look! "

"Ahem, let's put this question aside for now. Did you organize this?"

An Luo, who couldn't help but recall the feeling on his hand, coughed awkwardly and looked aside to see the iron box that had put all the things in it. He was a little surprised that Mafuyu Kirisu's character would help him pack such things.

"No, they were collected by Xiaozou. The child doesn't seem to know what these are for." As she spoke, Kirisu Mafuyu's face also looked a little strange. It was obvious that the scene was quite interesting to her. strangeness.




(PS: Although we plan to calculate the bounty at the end of the month, we’d better calculate it together on the 5th.

By the way, because the 19th of this month is the anniversary, if you want to top up and give rewards, you can wait until then, but don’t forget the monthly passes and blades that are distributed for free every month~! The reward will be offered until the 5th...just hold the meeting again on the 19th, it's the anniversary after all. )

Chapter 35: The Innocent Teacher·So I’m very popular?

"Hey, hey...is that so?"

Unconsciously, I thought of the scene of Kaoru randomly stuffing notebooks into the bulging iron box, picking up lubricants, airplane cups, and notebooks one by one, and then carefully putting them back into the iron box so that the lid could be closed. An Luo's scene His expression also became a little weird like Kirisu Mafuyu's.

There is no other way. The image of a pure girl who is not familiar with the world, touching and sorting those things, just appears in her mind, which is full of a sense of disobedience.

Kirisu Mafuyu, who also felt the same way, couldn't help but fell into silence with An Luo when he recalled that scene full of contradictions.

But not long after, she thought of something again. She looked at the iron box with the dirty things sealed and asked, "What are you going to do with that thing?"

"How to deal with it?" This problem made An Luo look a little troubled, but Kirisu Mafuyu stared at him with suspicion: "...You don't want to use it when no one is around, do you?"

"How is that possible! I'm not that kind of person!"


"At this time, do you just believe me, or do you mean that you have no intention of reflecting on your previous misunderstanding of me? Don't you think this is very chilling!"

"This..." Kirisu Mafuyu was so painful that he couldn't refute it. He was choked and couldn't speak. He could only nod his head with difficulty: "...I believe you for the time being."

"Then it's up to you!"


"You are the only one I can ask for help in this matter! Just treat it as an apology for misunderstanding me and deal with this matter!"

An Luo handed over the iron box with respectful hands, but this sincere attitude made Kirisu Mafuyu lean back sharply, as if being approached by a dirty thing, resisting without wanting to touch it at all: "No! Why should I?" Touching this kind of thing? Take care of it yourself!"

"I am a wounded person, and my scope of activities is limited to this hospital. What should I do if I throw it into the hospital's trash can and accidentally make others suspicious?"

"But I'm a girl! Isn't it weirder for me to be seen with something like this??"

"It's okay, you are already an outstanding woman, show your confidence!" An Luo tried to encourage the female teacher who was still leaning back.

But Kirisu Mafuyu mustered up the courage to touch the dirt and pushed the iron box away hard: "I don't need that kind of strange courage! And don't just treat the teacher as a useful tool! I'm not Your tool man!”

"How could he be a tool?! I like the teacher very much! So only the teacher can ask for help in this matter!"

"——Like, like?!" The astonishing line made Mafuyu feel like he was electrocuted, and he said in a panic with a red face: "No, no! Dirty! What are you, a kid, thinking about!?"

"Teacher, this should be my problem, what are you thinking? The love I am talking about is definitely not the love between men and women!" Anluo, who understood that Kirisu Mafuyu was already in his twenties, but was still an innocent girl at heart, deliberately He teased: "Does the teacher actually have that kind of thoughts towards me? Oops~ I'm so sorry. Although I like and respect the teacher, I don't have those thoughts at all?"

"You, you guy!!" Kirisu Mafuyu realized that he was being teased, his face turned red and he was so angry that he pointed at him, but he didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong? Are you talking about something that hurts you?"

"A child actually made fun of an adult?!... I can't forgive you!" Mafuyu stood up suddenly, wanting to settle all the past grudges, but... An Luo simply moved the wheelchair back. Go to the button to call the nurse: "Teacher, if you want to bully the injured, I will call the nurse sister~"

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