.....Well, doing a good deed after a long time does not count as doing a good deed every day, but An Luo personally likes to claim that he does a good deed every day, so that people who don't know think he really does a good deed every day.

However, just as he was thinking about these positive things, Megumin, who had Maunosuke on her head and an eyepatch before entering the house, had already rushed out of the room.

"——An Luo! You can do it today!" Relying on Maunosuke's powerful sense of smell as a radar and reminder, Megumin knew An Luo was back when he got downstairs and blocked his way back to his room.


"Explosion Magic! You promised me to use Explosion Magic!"

"Oh, next week? You see it's so dark now, it's almost time to go to bed, right?"

"No! You said the same thing last time!"

"Oh, I won't lie to you."

"This time? How many times do you think this is?!" Huihui rushed forward emotionally, grabbed An Luo's shoulders and shook her desperately: "Next week, next week, it was obviously promised to be next week, but next week Then it’s next week! It’s almost a year! Can you understand how I feel?! It’s almost a year since I used explosion magic!”

"Stop swaying, what I said this time is true."

"You say that every time! I've heard this more than 100 times! If you don't promise me today, I'll throw it over there!" Megumin pointed her finger in the direction of the station, looking like she was going to kill the fish. .

"There's a dessert shop you like over there."

"...This way!"

"We buy our pudding from the convenience store over there."

"That, that..."

Anxious Huihui looked around, trying to find a good place. This also made An Luo understand that she was really depressed and panicked, so she could only say: "In this way, you understand that only by giving in can you get rewards." Right?"


"Well~ Just kiss me and I'll take you there right away."

"...Are you perverted?" Seeing that Huihui was a little frightened, An Luo smiled with a confident smile and said provocatively: "Anyway, you signed the contract because you couldn't stand it, and the consequences will be You have to bear it yourself. If you throw away explosion magic casually, you probably can only throw it away once in your life, so you can only beg me, but... well, in the end, you only care about explosion magic to this extent. Love, go back to sleep quickly, I’m sleepy too.”

"Damn it... you look down on me!" Huihui bit her lip unwillingly at An Luo's words, and then, as if she thought of something, she suddenly raised her little head and laughed: "It's just a kiss. What’s the big deal? We, like the Americans, have the custom of kissing each other when we meet. A virgin like you can’t stand it at all!”

"...What kind of perverted race is that?"

"Hey, Luo Suo! You are not allowed to insult our folk customs!"

"No...it's you who is insulting your folk customs, right?"

"You think I'm lying?!"

"Nonsense, why can't I see this little trick of yours? I've told more lies than you've ever said." An Luo casually took the Mamonosuke from Megumin's head, making Megumin grit her teeth in anger. : "What's there to be proud of! That just means you're such a bad person!"

"It's a joke, even I'm not to that extent, but... forget it, since you really want to let go, I'll just take you there."

Although it felt a bit troublesome, being idle was also idle, and at the same time he had to avoid Megumin's mischief, Anluo finally chose to compromise, leaving Mamonosuke at home to drive a heavy motorcycle, and taking Megumin to avoid the urban area as much as possible. There wasn't a lot of surveillance, so we drove all the way to the beach in the suburbs.

Thanks to the sparsely populated characteristics of Japan at night, after confirming that there were no people and surveillance nearby, he rang the command and gradually set off a sandstorm around him. Under the cover of the sand, he drove the vehicle into the ocean.

After the sea water naturally dispersed to both sides, the heavy locomotive, which had been suspended just now, plunged into the ocean, forming a semicircular upside-down bowl around it. The sea surface above quickly returned to its original shape, with only a conical shape. A large bubble enveloped the two people and the motorcycle.

The suspended vehicle maintained a position about fifty meters below the sea surface, and its speed exceeded four hundred kilometers per hour in a short while. It could be said to have experienced an extraordinary speed and lightning.

"Oh oh oh~~! So handsome! So awesome!!"

Hui Hui, who was hugging An Luo tightly behind her, looked at the seawater flowing at high speed around her, her eyes widened and she exclaimed loudly.

They are like an undersea tunnel in an aquarium, but the difference is that they can smell the fresh smell of the sea, but the repulsive force formed by the power of thought pushes the sea water away.

After driving for about twenty minutes, An Luo also felt tired, but he had already left Tokyo Bay and was located on the Pacific Ocean more than 100 kilometers away from the Tokyo Bay area.

The vehicle that had stalled long ago landed on an uninhabited island. An Luo parked the car directly on the beach, and then he lay on the sand, looking up at the night sky with only floating clouds.

"..... Take a rest and wait until I recover before continuing."


Huihui was in a good mood and simply sat next to him, looking up at the dark sea with constant waves not far away, shaking her head and humming a song that An Luo didn't understand.

However, Hui Hui just hummed for a while, and An Luo, who was scanning with telekinesis, noticed that there seemed to be something strange on the uninhabited island, so he immediately stood up and looked at the creature crawling not far behind him.

Under the bright moonlight, a creature about one meter long from the head to the tips of the legs was reflected... an adult coconut crab.

"What is that?" Huihui looked over subconsciously and couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Crab? So big?"

"It's coconut crab, but I didn't expect it to be found here. It's a rare opportunity, so we..."

"—Eat it!"

Megumin's eyes glowed red with excitement.

"Okay, but I think we need some tools..."

"It's okay! You can bake it! Leave the crabs to me, you go find the wood!"

When it comes to eating, Megumin's mobility is frightening. Without saying anything, she stood up and patted the sand on her butt, wanting to catch the coconut crab, but An Luo stretched out a hand and grabbed her foot directly. .


Walking too fast and being unprepared, Huihui fell face-first onto the beach.

"Wu, wu, wu! What, what are you doing! Bah, bah, bah, bah... there's sand in your mouth..."

Megumin suddenly stood up with her hands on the sand, and kept spitting out the sand in her mouth without any image. The excitement on her face turned into a scowl.

"I just said, that's a coconut crab, right? If you catch it accidentally, your arm can be pinched off by it."


"It can even pinch open coconuts, don't you think?"

"Okay... Come on, I'll wash your face."

After taking a closer look at the coconut crab's pincers, Huihui decisively gave up and stepped forward, leaving the matter to An Luo, who had powerful telekinesis and stood at the apex of living creatures.

An Luo's action was very simple. He looked at the coconut crab on the spot. Although he didn't do anything, the huge coconut crab automatically left the ground and flew over from a distance. His head was suddenly hit hard out of thin air, and the carapace cracked. While driving, lives were also lost.

Then from the inland of this uninhabited island, a large number of dead branches and leaves automatically flew over and gathered at the edge of the beach. Then there was a sudden tremor in the air, and the dead leaves were instantly ignited.

"Wow~ It feels more and more like your telekinesis is like cheating, as if you can do anything!" Megumin looked at the ignited flames and couldn't help but envy the convenience of this ability. He also asked in passing: "If you can cause high temperature, can you lower it?"

"By controlling the speed of particles, you can control the temperature. Although I currently have no way to control each particle individually, there are approximately 80 trillion cells in the human body. To complete a simple hand-withdrawal reflex, the number of cells involved depends on the number. It’s impossible to count, but people themselves don’t need to control the work of individual cells, they only need to send signals from their brains.”


"During this period, I set up a mode for my brain that is similar to the human body's actions. I can let my brain subconsciously help me perform calculations in this area and control particles and their surroundings even when I am still unable to perform individual particle-level manipulations. Together they promote acceleration, or reduce the speed of particles to a certain extent, creating high and low temperatures."

"Telekinesis is such an ability that you can cheat to the point of being struck by lightning..." Megumin sighed with a little envy as she manipulated the wooden sticks and coconut crabs, preparing to roast them on the fire.

"Ah~ By the way, I have specialized in the control of electronics. If you need it, I can create lightning to strike you right now."

An Luo snapped his fingers proudly, and more than a dozen twisted and tumbling white-blue electric lights immediately appeared next to him. With a wave of his hand, thunder and lightning rushed out, and the bombardment set off a burst of sand on the beach not far away, but the sand and dust However, it failed to blow over, and was automatically dispersed and disappeared.

"That's so cheating! What else can't you control?! Don't tell me, can you still produce water?"

"Okay? You can make water by gathering water molecules in the air, or you can use condensation to obtain water by lowering the temperature... Well, don't worry about these little things, hurry up and bake. I'm a flower to send you here. It’s a lot of brain power.”

Without further explanation of his abilities, An Luo urged Megumi to grill coconut crabs, and sat aside to watch the young girl grilling diligently and skillfully...while sighing at the peacefulness. good.



On the beach of the uninhabited island, the fragrance of the roasted coconut crab gradually emitted. After Huihui confirmed that it was cooked, they just ate the crab meat with coconut without adding any seasoning.

"It would be great if there was wine." An Luo grabbed the crab claws and took a big bite. He was a little regretful that there was no wine at this time. Huihui nodded in agreement: "I want juice too!"

"Isn't coconut just juice? This is still original."

"But...it doesn't seem to taste very good?" Huihui frowned slightly, questioning the taste of coconut.

"Hmm~ Maybe it's not mature yet? After all, the peak season for maturity is summer."

"What? You're not familiar with it yet..."

"It's okay. Coconuts can be eaten even if they are not ripe. At most, they just don't taste very good. If you can eat and drink, what else do you have to pay attention to? You must know that coconut crabs are very expensive to buy. This one costs about 100,000. Around yen.”

"real or fake?"

Huihui, who was holding the crab legs and grabbing the meat with bare hands regardless of her appearance, didn't believe it because she was deceived too much by An Luo. Coconut crabs that can be easily caught can be so expensive.

"Why did I lie to you when I had nothing to do? I will take the rest back later and just say that someone else invited me."

There are so many rich people in Shuchiin, so it is not surprising that they would treat them to coconut crabs, so there is nothing suspicious about this.

The two of them ate crabs and played on the beach for a while. When they were a little full, they simply lay side by side on the beach, lazily waiting for the passage of time to help them digest the food in their stomachs.

I just had instant noodles at night, and now I'm eating coconut crab. Is this change a bit extreme? ..... While An Luo was looking at the sky and thinking about this, he turned around and saw that the girls next to him seemed to have fallen asleep.

This made him drag her up immediately, and just like that, he pulled up Huihui, left the vehicle on the island temporarily, then carried her into the water together, and quickly dived to a depth of about one thousand meters.

The Pacific Ocean just south of Japan is almost a deep water area. You don't need to worry about the water being deep enough. After all... the average depth of the Pacific Ocean is nearly four thousand meters.

"——Anluo Anluo! Look! Look! It's shining over there! Is it the lantern on the bottom of the sea? It's amazing! It's amazing!"

The drowsy Huihui, who was lying behind An Luo, no longer had any sleepiness at all, pointed to the bright spot in the depths of the dark water and kept making noises, with excitement and curiosity on her face.

To be precise, she spent the entire journey in curiosity and excitement, just like a child going to an amusement park for the first time. She took a small flashlight and kept taking photos everywhere, observing the life forms in the dark waters.

They encountered a lot of fish on the way, and there were even carnivorous sea creatures that wanted to attack them, or strange fish that An Luo couldn't even name, and they were attracted by the light.

"Don't keep moving around and be calm. If you accidentally fall, if you leave me, you will be crushed into a bursting tomato by the water pressure."

"So I will hug you, it's okay, it's okay~"

Although she said so, Megumin still subconsciously held onto him tightly to prevent herself from accidentally losing her protective layer.

Of course, such an action also caused An Luo to touch something small but still soft on his back... and he could fully feel his heartbeat because he was so close.

It wasn't just feelings. Due to the excessive silence around him, he could clearly hear the beating of Megumin's heart, as if he was lying on the girl's chest and listening.

In addition, because Huihui was so excited and kept twisting on his back, the specifications of the soft thing could basically be clearly felt, which made An Luo feel a little embarrassed, but he was also somewhat glad that this action was Huihui's. The feeling of Hui...

If it were Chika Fujiwara stuck on his back, it would probably be a bit unbearable, but after all, Megumin is just a lolita... Yes, after all, she is just a little lolita, and there is nothing that can be done about it. .

"...An Luo, what are you thinking about?"

Megumin, who had calmed down for a while, suddenly put her mouth close to his ear, causing him to cough awkwardly: "I wasn't thinking about anything. I was just thinking that the scenery in the deep sea is quite boring. It's dark everywhere."

"There's no need to change the subject in a hurry. The intelligence of the Crimson Demons is very high. I've said this before, right? Do you want me to guess what you're thinking now?"

"Ah~ I was thinking that Megumin's figure will grow to Moeha's level one day."

"——Liar! You are simply looking down on me!"

An Luo's line sounded like a lie, which made Huihui, who roughly guessed his thoughts, become angry and wanted to punish him.

"Hey, hey, don't mess around. If I accidentally get distracted, both of us will be ruined."

"Then apologize! Apologize to me quickly!"

"Yes, I was wrong, I shouldn't have been disrespectful to your breasts,"

"Damn it! Are you really thinking about that kind of thing?! One day I will also have big... breasts! Just wait for me!"

Hui Hui hugged An Luo on his back and spoke indignantly. In fact, the words she spoke...even she herself didn't believe it.

With all the fuss going on, An Luo probably felt it was about the same after diving for a while, and stopped, looking back at the girl behind him: "You can try it now."

"Great! I thought I would never be able to use explosion magic again in this life!"

The explosion magic has not been used for more than half a year, which has exceeded the record of not using it in the past six months. Megumin, who was already itchy, forgot about her previous unhappiness and raised her hands directly.

"Wait a minute! Speaking of which, you didn't bring your wand, so if that's the case..."

"It's okay. It's just for decoration. It just changes the launch point from the arm to the wand. There are actually very few people in my hometown who use wands and magic balls. After all, it's troublesome to hold them."


So what do you do with it? Not heavy?

Although An Luo, whose face was full of black lines, really wanted to ask this question, An Luo, who had a premonition that he would get such a more handsome answer, gave up asking this question.

"An Luo—let me see you now, the real explosion magic!"

Megumin, whose red eyes emitted red light, waved her little hand and started the magic prelude... In fact, there is no need to chant, but because it takes time to accumulate power, it is better to chant something during this period, so Then she began to sing:

"Darker than black, the pitch black of darkness! Fusion with my true red! The time of awakening has come, falling into the realm of infallibility, forming an invisible distortion! Appear - Explosion!!"

A huge magic circle appeared above Megumin, and then a flash of light flew out from Megumin's hands, illuminating the nearby sea and flying towards the distant ocean... But before it reached the scheduled location, it was in the water. It exploded under pressure.

——Boom! ! !

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