"Eh?! It actually costs money!? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Irena's face changed slightly, and at the same time she frowned and asked cautiously: "If my wish doesn't come true, he Can you pay me back?"

"...To be honest, this is the first time I've heard of people wanting to get back the money they've thrown away."

"Can't?! Isn't this a scam?!"

"...I really want to record this sentence and play it to you when you are lying."




(PS: The book is almost finished, so... at the end of this month, I would like to ask for recommendations for Blade Monthly Pass for the last time...)

Chapter 13 The money-grubbing Irena and the sudden appearance of the Saya sisters

Just because An Luo threw a coin into the box, Irena was particularly indignant about making a wish, and subconsciously concluded that this was a fraud.

After all, collecting money in advance before the wish is fulfilled, and not being able to refund the money before the request can be fulfilled, is basically the same as the fraud she committed in the past, and it will naturally make her feel unwilling.

Of course, there were things like wishing fountains and churches in her world in the past, but she was a poor traveler, so naturally she had never spent money on them, and she stayed away from them. The church was replaced by a temple. I accidentally relaxed and got hit.

This behavior made An Luo couldn't help but feel a little funny, but just when he complained about wanting to record her, Irena suddenly became quiet again, and stretched out her hand to him to signal him to be quiet too.


Irena looked into the wooden box. Although her view was blocked by a large number of crossbars on the wooden box, she could still vaguely see some banknotes and coins. She couldn't help but stare at them and asked without looking back:

"Are the papers and coins here all money?"

"I think in theory, no one should throw ordinary paper and iron pieces in, so there should indeed be money inside."



"In this case...hehe~"

After getting the accurate answer, a bright smile appeared on Irena's face, and she looked around calmly.

This was obviously to confirm whether there was anyone nearby, and the way they looked when they passed by a wishing pool on the road in the past made An Luo understand that she seemed to be preparing to make money from the wishing pool. Here is a story. Repeat the trick.

"Um...Miss Irena, all the money here belongs to the monks of this temple. It is different from the semi-ownerless state of the wishing fountain we passed before."

"Hey, but it's outdoors, right? Doesn't the meaning of outdoor mean that you can throw it in casually and take it when needed? If it's like a church, it should be placed in a church!"

After saying that, Irena narrowed her eyes suspiciously again, stared at him and asked suspiciously: "You... are you trying to lie to me, and then come over later to pick up the money and eat alone?" ?”

"Let me tell you...Who do you think I am?" Full of malicious suspicion, An Luo couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, but Irena said without even thinking about it. : "Of course he is a liar who likes to defraud women of money, otherwise what else could he be?"

"...I think you really have a big misunderstanding of me. After all, what you said makes it seem like when we cheated money, it was all me who was cheating! This is too unfair no matter how you put it. ?”

"Now I'm talking about Nino and Amnesia, and me."

"No, no, no, you just wanted to say that we were trying to collect travel expenses and seek sponsorship when we were traveling, right?"

"No, I'm talking about the three of us." The girl who refused to admit it asserted: "Then? Do you have any other explanation?"

"...Well...I don't think that's a lie." Although he felt that he shouldn't have done anything wrong, Irena's sharp eyes at this moment made An Luo cautiously defend himself: " I have contributed labor to Emnesia, and I plan to pay back Nino’s. As for yours... I have also thought about paying it back, right?"

"Hey~ Is that so? Do you mean that I wrongly blamed you?" Irena softened her sharp eyes and looked at him with a flowery smile, but she didn't seem to give up on the pursuit.

"...No, I just think..." An Luo, who felt threatened by his smile, muttered with a bitter face and unwillingness: "Okay, my fault, I shouldn't be bluffing around. , and you shouldn’t cheat girls out of their money..."

"Very good~ Only a good boy knows his mistakes."

An Luo's unwillingness was very helpful to Irena. She nodded vigorously with a smile and followed suit. An Luo touched his head like her own, as if to declare her victory and status change. .

An Luo naturally wanted to complain a lot about this behavior, but he had done too many things that made him feel guilty, so he could only give up complaining for a while and let go of everything like an enlightened monk.



After all, the two of them couldn't do anything about taking the money out of the wooden box. After a little quarrel, they boarded the wooden ladder outside the main hall of Honnoji Temple together.

Of course...after taking advantage of An Luo, Irena felt proud for a while, but when she left, she looked back three times at a time. She was reluctant to look back at the wooden box from time to time, and she didn't know why. I still don’t want to part with the money An Luo invested, but I still don’t want to part with the money in the wooden box.

The way An Luo looked at the wooden box eagerly made him feel cute and funny, but he still took her hand and dragged her indoors, and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh:

"You are really obsessed with money... Hurry up and leave. I didn't throw away much money, and there shouldn't be much money in it, so don't stay here."

"I-I'm not reluctant to give up money! I just care a little bit. Since no one is watching, why is no one taking it?"

"...If there is no magic and key, it will not be so easy to take out."

"pour out?"

"That wooden box is so heavy. Even if the average person can lift it, it will still make a lot of noise, unless you pry the lock directly... By the way, can this topic be ended? I feel that the people nearby Everyone is looking at us."

He noticed the monks and tourists nearby, and glanced at them from time to time. Those strange looks made An Luo feel an unspeakable sense of shame, and he just wanted to pull Irena and escape from this place quickly.

"Humph~ It's because I'm so cute~!"

Irena raised her head proudly and snorted.

"... Regardless of whether we are pretty or cute, I think it has nothing to do with whether you are cute or not. Besides, you'd better change your clothes. Your clothes are too conspicuous."

"I think this dress is good. I'm used to it. Let's go in and take a look!"

Saying that, without waiting for his objection, Irena deftly ignored the surrounding sights and pushed him forward.

The entrance to the main hall is a wooden sliding door. You need to take off your shoes when entering the interior. When you open the wooden door, you will find that the interior is much larger than they imagined. Once you enter, there are two rows of neatly decorated chairs, with a few old people sitting here and there. above.

However, although it is large, only the outermost part is accessible to tourists. A little further inside, it is surrounded by a half-meter-high wooden fence to prevent entry. At the same time, there is a sign saying no entry is posted on it, and there are also words on the side. The warning said that security equipment was installed here, and as long as someone stepped over the guardrail, an alarm would be triggered.

But compared to these things, when Irena entered the temple, her eyes were first attracted by the large metal hangings on the ceiling in the center.

The huge metal hanging, similar to the shape of a luxury chandelier, is hanging from the ceiling. There are also a large number of bells hanging together, hanging down in series like ordinary vines.

But these are not the key points. The key point is that they are all made of golden metal, so golden that they are even a little dazzling.


The girl who seemed unable to control her gaze looked at the big golden guy with her little mouth slightly open. Not only did her eyes almost turn into money symbols, but there was also uncontrollable crystal liquid at the corner of her mouth, and she even subconsciously pulled it. La Anluo's clothes: "...An Luo, are those gold?"

"I don't think so."

"Eh? Isn't it?!" The girl who woke up suddenly turned her head and looked over, her face full of shock and disappointment.

"From a normal perspective, it is impossible for such a large amount of gold to be found in a place like this. Otherwise, even if there is security equipment, it would have been stolen by others before you showed up... .”

An Luo, who had no idea what to do with this money-obsessed man, could only sigh and stretched out his hand to wipe the drool that had just flowed out of the corner of the mouth of the disappointed girl with the corner of his clothes.

"Well..." Irena's fair face suddenly turned red as he moved, but she just stared at him with such a red face, making him feel doubly innocent and couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing? I'm obviously trying to protect your image, why are you staring at me again? I don't even dislike your dirty saliva..."

"But don't you want to make me shy to death in this public place? And the saliva of a beautiful girl like me is not dirty! It is sweet! It is a priceless treasure!"

"..." An Luo had many things he wanted to refute, but he did not intend to refute. Instead, he responded to Irena's unreasonable accusations in this shy state with silence.

Because...both the worshipers and the monks maintaining the altar looked over because of Irena's accidentally louder voice, which made him want to pretend not to recognize Irena for a moment.

In front of the Buddha statue, the old monk with pale eyebrows and beard walked over without holding back. He glanced at them with a frown, clasped his hands in front of his chest and lowered his head slightly:

"Two donors, this is the pure land of Buddhism. If you two must fall in love, please find a suitable place and do not disturb the tranquility of Buddhism here."

"Did you hear that? I'm talking about you!" Irena, whose cheeks blushed even brighter for a moment, pushed the pot onto An Luo without thinking, making him a little dumbfounded by this skillful pushing of the pot. .

But he was not an energy-saving lamp, so he said without hesitation: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have a weird personality, and I'm still young and I really don't know the etiquette. Let's leave now!"

"...A bitch? Are you scolding me?" An Luo suddenly stood on the peak of high moral standards, but Irena first showed her dissatisfaction with the word bitch.

"Don't you deny that you are eccentric?"

"No matter how eccentric you are, you are not as eccentric as you!"

"I consciously take honesty as my foundation and be kind to others. I am not eccentric or anything like that..."

"——That's enough! Please get out! Stop flirting in front of the Buddha! Disturb the purity of this temple!"

..... Before An Luo could finish speaking, facing these two unscrupulous people, the old monk finally couldn't bear it anymore and directly drove them both out of the temple that they had made noisy with. .



Outside Honnoji Temple, there is an alley some distance away from the main street.

Irena and An Luo, whose cheeks were still flushed, looked at each other and tacitly chose to forget the embarrassment just now and planned to start their trip in this modern ancient capital again.

However... Irena, who seemed to be angry at first, didn't look too angry, and was even in a surprisingly good mood.

"What...why do you keep looking at me?" Irena, who noticed An Luo's gaze, looked back with a wary expression.

"Ah~ I just feel like you are really cute."

"Cute?...Tell me honestly, what's your plot!?"

"...You are really wary of me."

"Of course, if you're not careful, it doesn't matter when it will be sold to you."

"No! It's really..."

Knowing that he was basically a person without credibility in Irena's heart, he could only sigh and grab her hand a little forcefully, and without giving her a chance to object, he pulled her to the avenue. Go: "At this time of year, the maple leaves in Arashiyama are almost red. Let's go see the maple leaves together."

"Maple leaf...? What kind of tree are those leaves? Why are they red?"

Irena, who was a little embarrassed about holding hands, was immediately diverted when she heard this new word.

"Maple leaves are of course the leaves of maple trees. They turn red at a specific time. Because there are many maple trees in Arashiyama, it is also a famous tourist attraction during this season, right?"

"Hmm~ It's a famous tourist attraction, you really need to visit it."

The traveler's habit made Irena feel that she had to go and take a look, so she allowed An Luo to hold her hand.

Relying on modern means of transportation...that is, taxis, they arrived at Arashiyama from Honnoji Temple in a short time. Irena was almost always looking out during the journey, and she had a considerable interest in modern cities. curiosity.

From time to time, she curiously asked about things that concerned her, her eyes were shining with a desire to explore all the unknowns, and An Luo also took the trouble to explain everything on the way to the girl from another world. Everything you encounter.

There are naturally a lot of tourists in Arashiyama during the red leaf season. Although it is not crowded, the flow of people is quite dense, and many women wearing kimonos can be seen.

Even in Japan, there are not many scenes where you can see kimonos if you live in Tokyo, so An Luo unconsciously took a few more glances at women in kimonos, causing him to be stepped on by Irena. A kick.

However, before going up to Mount Arashi, they stopped by the Sagano Bamboo Forest, a designated historic site on the edge of Mount Arashi.

Of course, it is a designated historic site, but there are actually no man-made artifacts or ruins. It is just that the winding paths are covered with straight, towering bamboos on both sides.

Although it is just bamboo, there are really countless bamboos here, and they are quite dense. They are close to each other to form paths that are about several hundred meters long.

Walking in this long tunnel, the warm sunshine shines in through the gaps in the bamboo forest, and the silent bamboo forest also makes a rustling sound swaying in the autumn wind.

The pleasant sound combined with the falling bamboo leaves from time to time and the bits of sunlight make the whole path exude a cool atmosphere. Therefore, walking on this bamboo forest path, you can inexplicably feel some kind of baptism from nature, and some of your souls are moved. The feeling of being healed by nature.

“It’s nice here~”

The gray-haired girl, bathing in the sparse sunshine in the forest, couldn't help but sigh while walking on the path. However, she also took two more steps and looked back at An Luo behind her, and found that there was only An Luo behind her. Luo Yiren couldn't help but asked with some confusion: "Huh? It's strange. There were many people on the street outside just now. The scenery here is so beautiful, why is no one here?"

"Well~ I guess this can be considered a little magic, right?"

"Hey~ Did you really do something?" Irena wasn't surprised, but she walked over curiously and asked, "What kind of magic is it specifically?"

"It should be considered a self-created magic? But don't worry about it at this time. The most important thing is to enjoy the beautiful scenery now, right?"

He said it was magic. In fact, he just used a little manpower to have the staff of the film company affiliated with the Arctic Association come in advance and temporarily borrow it in the name of filming movies. This bamboo forest is often used as a filming location, but it is troublesome to explain. He explained it directly with magic.

"That's right. If you don't enjoy yourself at this time, you will be wasting a lot of time." Irena didn't pay too much attention to the real reason. She nodded and really no longer cared about this aspect, and leisurely walked in the bamboo forest. He took a leisurely stroll and admired it.

Most people might feel a little guilty about monopolizing a place like this and preventing others from entering for the time being, but she didn't have this psychological burden.

Of course, it cannot be said that Irena's character is really bad. She can also be very gentle when necessary... It's just that there are fewer such situations and there are more bad times. But even though she loves wealth, she doesn't He is too poor and has a flexible moral bottom line just like An Luo.



A man and a woman were walking in a quiet and zen-like bamboo forest. It felt like they were on a date... to a certain extent, it was indeed a date.

But it didn’t take long before they walked up through the bamboo forest and came to the ticket office of the Arashiyama train.

Originally, according to the scheduled plan, they should buy tickets directly and take the sightseeing train, but...

"——It's indeed my brother and Miss Irena!"

Among the crowd, a girl wearing a black cloak similar to Irena's style and a standard magician's three-cornered hat, rocking neat and gorgeous short black hair, rushed towards the two of them with surprise cheers.

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