The girl looked at An Luo with a cute smile. Her words seemed very calm, but her hand was wiping the already spotless holy sword.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the fact that cheating is allowed in the education of nobles, but the foundation of that education is that normally, both princesses and noble women have to accept political marriages.

There is no love in this kind of marriage, it is just a thing in name only. Therefore, allowing cheating and acquiescing to cheating is a good thing for everyone. Naturally, tolerance needs to be promoted.

But she did not marry the prince of a neighboring country as the king had planned. Instead, she chose the person she liked due to An Luo's interference. Therefore, women's possessive nature will not easily allow such a thing.



On the surface, Alice didn't seem to be angry... No.

It should be said that except for blind people, unless people with low emotional intelligence are like blind people, they can basically feel the fact that she is angry.

This also made An Luo, who was looking at the holy sword, unconsciously feel a chill running down his spine.

He didn't know what Barnier had said to Alice, so he could only force a smile and said: "Alice, you are obviously a good child, why do you suddenly want to bring me here directly as if you are looking for flowers?"

"It's very simple. Master An Luo has been acting strange recently!"

"How to say?"

"From time to time, he will deliberately please me!"

"No, that's not a reason, right? I like you very much, so I want to be nice to you. Isn't that natural?"

"No, it's feels completely different! Mr. An Luo seems to be a thief with a guilty conscience these days!"

Being told bluntly that she liked him made Alice's mouth relax unsatisfactorily, but she shook her head vigorously, refusing to be deceived by sugar-coated bullets, and just stared at him with her lips pursed.

"...I really don't trust you..."

"Of course! Mr. An Luo flirts with women too much!"

"...I can't deny it."

"Is it hard to deny it?" Alice slowly raised the holy sword with a gloomy face: "...Does that mean you admit it? Am I here to look for flowers? Obviously I have always...always tried my best. You fulfill your duties as a wife, but you would rather be outside..."

As the princess of an armed kingdom, although she also received some education that values ​​peace, the royal education, which essentially advocates force, is more deeply rooted in the concept of subduing people with force.

Therefore, the girl pointed the holy sword at An Luo and muttered with a sense of darkness: "Sure enough, her husband should be disciplined by herself."

"...Why do I feel like I can't explain it?"

"Master An Luo, don't worry. If you are injured, I will take good care of you."

"I would be happier if you could directly use healing magic to treat me. No, that's not right... If I am injured, wouldn't it be great if you could directly use healing magic to treat me? Taking care of me is not to give me more care for no reason. A time of weakness and pain??”

"Kureya told me that careful care is also the way to cultivate emotions, and it is the best emotional communication."

Alice revealed what the education specialist and bodyguard Kurea Senfonia had tried hard to instill in her during the year An Luo left.

"...That crazy woman obviously just wants to use your hand to kill me, right?"

As soon as Kureya's name came out, An Luo knew that this must be Kureya's deliberate instigation and a strategy specifically used to target him. This made him brainstorm in distress and try to find a peaceful solution to the problem. , asked: "...Can't we resolve the conflict peacefully?"


"Huh? Really?"

Originally he was just asking casually without any hope, but when he got a positive answer, An Luo couldn't help but look surprised. Alice looked at his gentle and annoying voice and said with a smile: "If we are officially married, I will forgive Mr. An Luo." All the mistakes I made before marriage.”

"No... you are too young anyway, right?"

"Is this the excuse again?"

"Why is this an excuse??"

"Didn't you almost go to bed with the woman behind you just now? She's not much older than me, right?"

"So...this is your misunderstanding. Luo Qixi looks not much older than you, but she is actually older than me."

"Master An Luo...don't you deny that you want to have sex? Or are you saying that you have already done so?"

The smile on Alice's face suddenly froze.

Originally, she just wanted to scare An Luo a little, to show her determination to fight against cheating, and that she would not easily ignore such behavior like a normal noble, but in the face of the current situation...

A large number of light particles appeared around the holy sword, like a large group of fireflies dancing around, and the sword gradually emitted a bright light.

An Luo understood very clearly that the dance of those seemingly beautiful "fireflies" was completely a dance of death that brought death to others, so he immediately waved his hand and said: "Wait! Alice! Calm down, I just want to Explain, don’t judge me so quickly, we are really innocent! She is really much older than me!"

"Lord An Luo, do you think I'm a fool?"

"No! This is a different world. Don't be fooled by common sense. She is actually a rather peculiar race, one that cannot grow up after reaching a certain level. This is how she looks like an adult now, and it will last until she is 150 Only one step further..."

"That's enough! Master An Luo! Take the move!" Since she was fully aware of An Luo's lying character in the past, this strange and excessive racial trait was unheard of, so Alice yelled and hit him. Cut him off.

Then, without waiting for An Luo to continue to explain, or subconsciously thinking that he was completely insincere, Alice, who had inherited the highest level of berserker blood and had the ability to go berserk, although she had not gone berserk, was stimulated to do so again. Swung down the holy sword.

"-Sacred Explode!!"

Amid the angry shouts of the girl, the dazzling golden light once again shone in the continent of this other world, lighting up the dim night sky above and making the earth tremble uncontrollably.



After all, the explanation didn't go to the end, and it didn't seem to be very clear. The worst-case scenario that was envisioned still happened.

In other words... this is completely the scene that Barnier dreamed of and tried his best to achieve - the strongest princess in mankind, slashing the most evil warrior in history with a sword.

Alice waved the holy sword with all her strength, filling the night sky with endless light, venting her anger to her heart's content.

However, she also vented her emotions in a controlled manner, concentrating her power on one point just like before... To be precise, except for the previous linear attack and this one-shot attack, there was no foundation at all. Except for the ground being blasted into a crater, the rest were point-like damage that concentrated the power. Because it caused too much damage to the ground, it was completely concentrated on An Luo's body and dissipated to the sky when it missed.

Facing this frontal attack, which was not a sneak attack, An Luo was not afraid even though he was fully prepared. He just kept using flash and super mobility to avoid the fierce attack of the girl below.

As for fighting back... He already felt guilty, and there was no way he would attack the child he liked.

So this sudden battle of attacking and hiding continued like this for a while.

When he felt that Alice's emotions should be vented somewhat, in order to prevent the situation from continuing, An Luo had to use the bitter meat trick to pretend that he was unable to dodge, and let the back of his palm be grazed by the fatal beam.

The light swept across the back of the palm and instantly took away some flesh and blood. A red blood mist bloomed in the air. The girl who couldn't help swinging the sword suddenly shrank her eyes. She calmed down a lot in an instant, and the movement of swinging the sword stopped immediately. Come down.

"...Lord An Luo, did you do this on purpose?"

"Oops? Have you been discovered?"

"...Please don't hurt yourself!"

Alice angrily stepped on the ground with all her strength, causing a strong shock around her. An Luo, who slowly landed on the ground, pretended to be innocent: "But it was you who cut it... No matter how you say it, it is not the same as self-mutilation." Are you related?"

"How could I cut you under normal circumstances! Even if you pretend to be similar, it's just your intention!"

Alice, who attacked An Luo so unscrupulously because she didn't think she could really hit An Luo, gritted her teeth hard and stared at him with unresolved resentment.

"Okay...that may indeed be the case, but I think there's nothing wrong with letting you vent for a while, so that you can calm down and listen to my explanation, right?"

"Then there's no need to use this method! It's true, it's true! .... Take care of yourself at least."

Even though she knew he was doing it on purpose, it still happened as he wished. Alice couldn't help but glare at him hatefully.

Judging from her expression and tension, those who didn't know it thought she was bleeding and injured, and it was actually her who felt the pain.

As the only injured person, An Luo originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it seriously, it was really not good to use his emotions in this way, so he could only shut up and not refute.

When Alice treated herself with healing magic, she also smiled and thanked her little fiancée. Alice, on the other hand, remained silent, puffed up her cheeks and stared at him angrily, so that he could only immediately Use kind words to persuade, and do your best to comfort them as much as possible.

The girl, who had been unable to attack for a long time, finally put away the holy sword after persuasion, but... she did not return to her usual good-natured appearance, and instead negotiated with An Luo.


After using the magic of time reversal to repair the surrounding material where it still existed, An Luo tried to complete it as much as possible from the microscopic realm and restore everything to its original state.

And in this restored cabin, he who had just finished everything was not liberated, but was forced to become Alice's chair under an unequal treaty.

He sat upright on the wooden sofa, and Alice immediately said "Hey~" and sat on his lap.

Although just like this, the girl subconsciously showed a happy smile, but she quickly stretched out her hands to pat her cheeks, tried hard to cool down, folded her hands across her chest, and looked at the person who had already seen him in a scrutinizing manner. Luo Qixi was shocked by her astonishing power, and she still didn't come back to her senses.

"Continuing with the question just now, Miss Luo Qixi, right? What is your relationship with Lord An Luo?"

"What's the relationship...?"

Looking at the blond girl sitting on An Luo's lap trying to pretend to be serious, but her attitude has softened greatly, and her cheeks are still flushed; she can no longer understand the relationship between the two people, and inexplicably feels that their conflicts and solutions Luo Qixi, who behaved like a couple quarreling at the head of the bed and made peace at the end of the bed, just responded with confusion when asked: "... master and apprentice."

"Master and apprentice? Really?" Luo Qixi did not lie, but such an answer did not satisfy Alice. She even asked with suspicion: "Are you stronger than Lord An Luo? But I'm sorry for being rude. Frankly speaking, you... seem to be weak?"

"Well, you... are really rude..."

Luo Qixi froze for a moment, and couldn't help but murmured dissatisfiedly.

She has obviously mastered the chantless magic, and is still a water saint level magician who is also considered a powerful person in the world. Being evaluated like this by a thirteen-year-old child made her feel extremely complicated.

However, the other party was really as strong as a monster, so she couldn't help but have a temper. She couldn't help but sigh. When she clearly heard what she said, Alice, who had a somewhat apologetic look in her eyes, was about to speak, and said : "Although I am indeed not as strong as this guy, I am indeed this guy's teacher. Of course... I feel that he was just looking for someone to have fun at the beginning."

"How could it be! Teacher, don't belittle yourself! You..."

An Luo, who was suddenly startled, subconsciously wanted to defend himself, but the girl on his lap suddenly lay back. When her back was pressed into his arms, she raised her head and put it on his chin. In an instant, He was forced to shut up.

Then the girl who interrupted his speech looked at him from bottom to top, smiled, and said in a tone that could not be refused: "Master An Luo, I think we should really have a good talk."

"...When did my Alice change from the obedient child she once was to this..."

An Luo felt the soft hair on his chin, the alluring warmth and softness in his arms, and could clearly smell the fragrance of the girl's hair. While he was in this beautiful paradise, he also felt the pain of being stepped on on his soles. , and the obvious thorn in these words, I couldn't help but miss the innocent, kind, shy and obedient child in the past.

"This is all thanks to Lord An Luo's influence."

"...I don't remember teaching you this. If I were the one who taught you, could you please stop using all these bad aspects on me?"



"This is also a way of expressing emotions. Hitting means kissing and scolding means should I put it?"

"I think you used the idiom in the wrong place..."

An Luo and Alice were chatting in an uncomfortable atmosphere. Luo Qixi, who was sitting opposite and couldn't get in, could not help but feel left out.

Facing such a high-level and overly powerful noble for the first time, she was naturally a little nervous for no reason because of her low status in the world. She didn't know what she should say and remained silent.

But one thing she was sure of was that seeing Alice sitting on An Luo's lap and even lying directly in his arms now, this obviously very intimate behavior made her feel a little uncomfortable.

However, knowing that I was a latecomer, my inner emotions were more complicated than dissatisfied.

This made her purse her lips and then lower her head, choosing to turn a blind eye to everything in front of her. She habitually fiddled with the ends of her bangs to hide her emotions and avoid letting the two people opposite her notice the expression on her face.

In fact, not only Luo Qixi, but also An Luo and Alice had many problems in their hearts.

Since dinner wasn't even ready yet, Alice struck with her sword and destroyed everything, leaving them with no choice but to head to a nearby city.

On the way, An Luo explained to Luo Qixi that he and Alice were not from this world. He also tried his best to explain to Alice that he was interested in magic from another world, so he came here and hired Luo Qixi. Nozomi taught herself that since this was the first time she came into contact with an unknown magical body, it had nothing to do with the difference in strength between them.

Luo Qixi was surprised by these "truths" and Alice was half-convinced, but he still learned from the inquiry why Alice came here.

Barnier, who had made a fortune from him, pretended to inadvertently reveal that he had gone to another world, and then received a fortune from Alice.

It can be said that in this incident, Barnier, who benefited from both sides and could watch the show, is the biggest winner.

"——Please bring me a glass of the strongest wine in the store!"

Just when An Luo arrived at the city hotel with two girls and found out about Barnier's immoral behavior, he couldn't help clenching his fists in anger. Luo Qixi, who was sitting next to him, suddenly reached out and patted the table for him. What he wanted to say was shouted out, causing both of them to look over subconsciously.

"Are you actually drinking?" Alice covered her mouth with one hand and looked surprised.

"Don't treat me like a child! I'm over thirty, what's wrong with drinking some wine?!"

Luo Qixi, who hated being treated like a child because of her petite stature, couldn't help but refute loudly.

"Huh? Really?" Alice seemed to understand that Luo Qixi was not a love rival, so Alice, who had greatly softened her attitude, was only sincerely surprised by this frank dissatisfaction, and subconsciously looked at An Luo for confirmation.

"...You actually come to ask me again at this time..." He was suspected just after saying the same thing, and now he was asked about the strange situation, which made An Luo shake his head helplessly: "This matter I really didn’t lie to you. If you don’t believe me, just ask the people next to you. Many of them must have heard of the MiGrud tribe.”

"Hey, there is such a race?" Alice, who understood that An Luo was probably not lying, did not ask any more questions, and observed Luo Qixi with full curiosity.

Luo Qixi ignored her curious look, raised the glass full of strong liquor with inexplicable reluctance, and drank it all in one breath.

No matter how many years had passed, her little face, which was still young and tender, immediately wrinkled under the influence of the strong alcohol. When she felt the unbearable burning in her esophagus, her head was dizzy for a long time and she could not recover.

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