Ah, by the way, as expected, we should give Luo Qixi some extra salary, right? After all, being an object of entertainment is actually quite hard for her, so she should find an opportunity to increase her income.

While he was thinking about raising the salary of his all-around teacher, he did not stop. He quietly took out the newly purchased camera, turned on the recording function, and turned it into a brooch with the magic taught by Irena. On the chest.

"Cough, cough... Before teaching magic today, let's talk about sex... sex, sex..."

Luo Qixi, who could feel her cheeks getting hot, lowered her head slightly and mumbled, trying to speak but couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

After a long while, she still stumbled over the word sex, but her face was so red that she almost bled.

Just when she couldn't help but think that she should give up, the moment she raised her head, she noticed that An Luo was looking at her intently. There were no strange thoughts in his eyes, but only expectations and desires.

This immediately made her feel frustrated. Even the disciples didn't think that much. How could she, a master, think about those messy things? Sure enough, her idea is really weird, right?

...Am I really worthy of being An Luo's teacher with such a weird me?

With this thought flashing through her mind, Luo Qixi suddenly slapped her face hard, leaving two palm prints on her already red face to force herself to calm down, and finally raised her head with a self-deprecating smile.

"——Okay! An Luo, now let's start the education about 'sex'."

"Yes, please."

"First of all, well...how do I say...that, girls are not allowed to touch it, did you know?"

"Which one?"

"It's, it's yours... Wu..." Halfway through his words, his eyes glanced at Luo Qixi under his crotch from time to time. After all, he still couldn't resist the shameful hands that almost made people explode. He lowered his head while covering his face, and wailed from between his fingers: "Sure enough, it can't be done...it's such a shame to give sex education to such a big child...it's so shameful!"

"Teacher... Am I really a burden to the teacher?" Seeing that education could not be maintained, An Luo immediately said sadly: "If that's the case, please don't force yourself anymore. These things will last my whole life. It doesn’t matter if you don’t even know.”

"No, no...I...I can do it!"

Although she wanted to give up, but faced with An Luo's understanding and sadness...or perhaps because of his understanding permission, Luo Qixi felt that she had no way to give up.

It was really hard for her to disappoint her kind and innocent apprentice. She wanted him to respect her and rely on her to think that she was really worth relying on.

Therefore, she worked hard to muster up her courage again, trying hard to let go of her shame for her ignorant and kind-hearted apprentice. She resisted the urge to run away and pointed at his crotch with her trembling fingertips: "That, that's... that It’s something for having a baby with a girl! It’s a private thing! So, so... you can’t let others touch it, do you understand?”

"Why can't people touch the things that are used by girls to give birth to children? Isn't it the same for Master? I think Master is not someone else."

"——Dang, don't, don't, of course it won't work!!" Luo Qixi's speech was too childish, and Luo Qixi couldn't help but raise the pitch of her voice several tones: "Because...because, that's a private...part." , so no one can see it, do you understand? Neither me nor anyone else can do it!"

"I don't understand. Can you explain it in detail?"

"This, this...how do I know this kind of thing? No, privacy is privacy! How can I explain it in detail!"

Luo Qixi couldn't help but retort loudly due to her bursting shame.

At this time, she was occupied by shame and was completely led by An Luo. She still couldn't think of why she was obviously just an ordinary magic teacher, but she had to teach both magic and miscellaneous subjects, and she also had to cook and clean. Now she couldn't even think about it. Sexual enlightenment is all covered?

Chapter 4 Luo Qixi wants to die together

In the ordinary cabin, a strange and bizarre scene was taking place.

A girl who looked about fourteen years old, with a flushed face, said words and actions to a boy who looked about seventeen years old and had an expressionless face that made people wonder if she was engaging in a different kind of sexual harassment.

But just as what you see with your eyes may not necessarily be true, sometimes what you hear with your ears may not necessarily be true. This does not seem to be the case...

"Just, that means...this, this...breast...is a girl's privacy, and boys can't touch it either, do you understand?"

Because An Luo said that it was difficult for him to judge the relationship without pointing out the location, Luo Qixi, who was already broken, put his hands on his chest.

"Breasts...? Is this...?"

An Luo looked at Luo Qixi's chest, but his face was filled with sincere confusion. At this moment, Luo Qixi's body froze, and her hot face quickly cooled down, and she stared at him with a cold expression: "What... Any dissatisfaction?"

"Ah, no...I'm sorry...please continue."

"Hmph...that's pretty much it."

Luo Qixi turned her head slightly and fiddled with her bangs, trying to calm herself down a little. Then she pointed downwards with full shame and whispered in embarrassment: "Boys can't touch these either. ..."

"What is that?" An Luo lowered his gaze and looked at Luo Qixi's crotch, thinking about the possibility of her being angry.

"...Why do you ask so clearly! It's okay if you know you can't touch it! It's common sense! Why do I have to say it to this extent?!"

"Please don't get hung up on the details.....Please carry on."

He felt that asking too much would make Luo Qixi, who was already a little suspicious, whether he did this on purpose or not, and it might even lead to the end of the entertainment. Therefore, he did not continue to delve deeper and just looked at him with eyes full of curiosity. He looked at her and extended his hand in a gesture of invitation.

The Loli teacher who kept saying "Really!" and complained continued to educate the evil warrior...

An Luo also used the camera and magic to record the girl's teaching video from two aspects. He looked forward to watching it with her as a gift when we parted, to cherish the good memories of the past.



Time passed by, and two months passed in the blink of an eye as Luo Qixi taught An Luo.

The rice fields around the cabin have become golden, and it is almost ready for harvesting. Whenever the breeze blows, the cabin will be filled with the fresh fragrance of wheat.

There were no facilities around the cabin, so it was newly built when we rented it. When we first moved in, the smell of fresh wood still lingered around. Considering that he might have to stay there for a long time, An Luo simply stayed there after a week. I bought it, expanded it and made my own bathroom.

And thanks to Luo Qixi's knowledge of the world, he also knew that transfer magic involving space was considered taboo in this world.

The transfer magic circles left in this world were basically built during the war between humans and demons. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he could only try his best to prevent others from discovering that he was using teleportation magic. Of course, he had to restrain himself from flashing. Can.

This so-called war between humans and demons is literally the same as the war between humans and demons. However, the definition of demons is a bit strange, even if it is the name given to the enemy by humans during the war with demons a long time ago.

In addition to magic, Luo Qixi also chatted with him about swordsman, which is the second largest profession in the world compared to magic.

Overall, the difference in combat effectiveness between magicians and warriors at the same level is probably a matter of distance. The magician who is far away wins, and the warrior who is close to them wins.

Similar to witches, no matter how powerful a magician is, he is just like an ordinary person. If he gets close to him, he is basically dead. On the other hand, when a warrior waits for the magician to release his magic, he is also dead.

At the same time, swordsmen and magicians are similar. Magicians have three major types of magic, and swordsmen also have three major schools.

Sword God Style, Water God Style, and North God Style.

Kenshin-ryu emphasizes on controlling the enemy's aircraft first and killing them with one hit. However, if you don't have a single-hit kill, you can only hit and run and fly a kite. Suishin-ryu is all about defense and counterattack. Hokugami-ryu is probably about adapting to the situation and being a little clever from time to time to take things by surprise. The feeling is that the emphasis is on winning by surprise.

But no matter what kind of faction it is, it is difficult to get ahead with a single study, unless it is a genius. And An Luo heard that the swordsmen here have fighting spirit and sword energy. For example, the sword god style can emit sword energy from a long distance. Slash the opponent.

This made him immediately interested in swordsmen, and he even went to the Holy Land of Swords late at night to steal the swordsmanship secret book left by the first-generation sword god, intending to study it thoroughly before returning it to the other party... Although he has complete memory ability , but this does not prevent him from liking to study with books.

However, in the evening, when she noticed that An Luo had been practicing Sword God-style swordsmanship for a while and releasing magic without chanting, Luo Qixi's expression suddenly became extremely complicated.

Although she felt it was strange to ask the disciple, she had already initiated sexual enlightenment on An Luo and did not feel that there was anything more shameful in facing this disciple, so she couldn't help but ask: "An Luo, what are you... Did you chant quietly? Or... no chanting?"

"This...singless one."

"Eh? Really?? How did you do it??"

"Give up chanting spells and follow the feeling of using magic...that's probably it, right?"

"Give up reciting the mantra? Just follow your feelings? . . . Sorry, I've tried what you said, but it doesn't work."

What An Luo said was too sensory, which made Luo Qixi dissatisfied and a little disappointed, but she quickly pretended to be nonchalant and smiled: "Forget it, let's teach you new magic first."

"No, wait for the magic first... Teacher really hopes that there will be no chanting?"

"It depends on fate~ I'm a Water Saint, so I don't really care about these things. In fact, well, I don't care. Compared to this..." Luo Qixi, who didn't want her thoughts to be seen, led Looking up into An Luo's eyes with a forced smile: "I think...it would be better if you don't call me master."


"It's only been two months, and you've already reached the level where you can use advanced magic... This talent is simply unheard of." The girl lowered her head as if she had been hit hard, and couldn't help but reveal a complex expression that was difficult to describe. : "You are simply wasting your resources by learning swordsmanship, but even now it's obvious that it's not too late. I believe that even if you don't use swordsmanship and just use magic, it won't take long for you to defeat me."


"Wouldn't it be embarrassing to call someone weaker than you teacher?"


In other words, except for the Dukes of Hell who can easily bend the rules, he has basically surpassed everyone now. Therefore, he does not care about the opponent's strength and only respects the opponent's knowledge.

.....Although Luo Qixi was more teased by him as an interesting person than respected.

But it's not good to be teased all the time, so he plans to make some compensation, or give him a certain reward for being teased.

Therefore, he used to think that Luo Qixi should be given a salary increase, but since there was no reason to increase his salary, he planned to try to let Luo Qixi learn chanting-free magic.


The thoughts are different from the nearly invincible An Luo. Just recalling what happened in the past, Luo Qixi's mood becomes gloomy.

Dirty, lowly demon... This insult from the teacher's mouth is something she still can't let go of. Even now, when she sees An Luo, who is better than herself, she will think of it, and even worries that she won't be able to help it because of it. Uncontrolled jealousy said the same thing to An Luo.

She didn't know if her mentor had ever regretted what she said, but she was sure that if she really said that out of jealousy, she would definitely regret it... I'm afraid she would never be able to say such a thing to someone in her lifetime. words to relieve yourself.

The reason why the instructor said such things to her in the first place was that her talent was so high that she easily surpassed him, which caused uncontrollable jealousy in her heart.

Thinking of the mentor who had insulted her in the past, Luo Qixi couldn't help but have a mocking smile on her lips: "Even if you don't feel anything now, it's just because you haven't seen the world and have a pure heart... I'll wait for you one day Once you have more experience and become like other people, you probably won’t think this way.”

"How could it be? In my heart, once you are a teacher, you will always be a mother. The teacher will always be my teacher."

"Then if I'm jealous of your talent, can you still think so?"

"Is the teacher jealous of me?"


Although he wanted to deny it, Luo Qixi hesitated, turned away to avoid An Luo's sight, and nodded slightly: "...a little bit."

"Is that so? Even so, I think it doesn't matter, because teachers who can admit this frankly are great and deserve my respect."

Praising people doesn't cost anything and can make people happy. It doesn't hurt him if others are happy, so An Luo opened his mouth to praise without thinking.

"Thank you, but... you may think so only now. If my jealousy comes to the surface, I don't know what I will say... You will definitely be angry by then, right?"

"Although I don't have the talent to get excited when being scolded, I can still tolerate it to a certain extent, and I trust the teacher."

"It's useless! .... Not having a stronger teacher will only make people unhappy!"

Facing An Luo's generosity and trust, Luo Qixi couldn't help but feel an uncontrollable irritation in her heart. After leaving these words, she quickly returned to her room and forcibly ended the topic.

"...It seems that the teacher was jealous of her because she made too fast progress, and it left a shadow? How pitiful." An Luo watched the girl who was a little out of control from where she was. She didn't chase her but just shook her head silently.



About a week later, An Luo, who went to the city from time to time to collect information, basically understood why chant-less magic was the exclusive preserve of a very small minority in this world.

Because many people are not clear about the principles of magic itself, or have no idea why magic has the effect it does. They only know how to recite the spell according to the rules.

Although the science of magic principles in this world is not easy to explain... at least the science that An Luo understands is not easy to explain, but the basic physical principles can, to a considerable extent, help people understand some of the situations caused by magic. What principles are contained within.

After his personal experiments, if magic is used scientifically, the power and energy consumption of magic can definitely be greatly improved.

Similarly, if you just recite a spell, even if you gradually figure out a method without chanting in the future, you will be limited by the instinct of muscle memory that you have to do thousands of times and tens of thousands of times from a beginner to a proficient one. If you want to forget to chant, you will become It is very difficult. If you rely too much on chanting and then try without chanting, you will not know what to do.

Luo Qixi cannot sing without chanting, mainly because she is too proficient. After all, she is not too old and cannot be corrected. Therefore, she does not understand the principles of magic well. Simply put, for Little understanding of basic physics.

So... this morning, Luo Qixi put on her cloak and three-cornered hat, picked up her staff and was about to go out. However, An Luo put his hand on her shoulder to stop her from going out, and He handed over a book.

"Teacher, can you stop practicing magic for a moment? If you want no chanting, then I think you should read this book."

"What's this?"

"I started writing a few days ago. The knowledge passed down and studied by scholars in my hometown from ancient times to this day should undoubtedly be of some help to the teacher's chanting and magic."


Luo Qixi opened it in confusion and saw that it was densely packed with basic physics knowledge written in the language of this world.

Of course, this is a physics textbook adapted by An Luo. He completed the entire book super fast with telekinesis. It can be said that it is tailor-made for Luo Qixi, so that Luo Qixi can understand it as much as possible.

Luo Qixi, who was seeing a book on this topic for the first time, read the content carefully and turned two pages, and quickly turned a few more pages before her eyes widened unconsciously, but... ..But she gritted her teeth, closed the book again and pushed it back:

"No, this is too expensive. Although it is not a magic book, it is worth at least fifty... No, at least one hundred gold coins, right? No, if this is the inheritance from your hometown, Then this is a profound level of knowledge that cannot be measured by money... I can't just accept it."

"This knowledge may... no, it is indeed very precious, but if it can make the teacher go further and not be jealous of me, this will definitely be more important than a hundred gold coins."

In order to make Luo Qixi believe in his sincerity, An Luo made an exception and broke the cold setting, showing a rare and somewhat stiff smile: "The outstanding disciple Zhuo Nao is different from others, and the master is also outstanding. I think this is the best The mentor-disciple relationship.”

"Well...this, this...but..."

Hearing An Luo say this and seeing his smile for the first time, Luo Qixi couldn't help but feel shaken.

Although there was an unspeakable feeling in her heart, she still couldn't bring herself to accept the book directly, so she seemed very embarrassed.

Most people may not understand the unprecedented content recorded in this book, but she is also a talented person who is called the youngest genius magician. She has only read a few but can feel that the knowledge in this book definitely exists. It is of great value, and one hundred gold coins is definitely not enough.

After all, the most expensive thing in the world is knowledge, and the price of ordinary books is very high. After working for a year, she can only buy an ordinary book. But now, even if she sells her wand, she will not be able to win at all. But this book is worth it.

Originally, she had a lot of savings as an adventurer, but because there have been three wars between humans and demons in this world, humans will naturally discriminate against demons in their own land. For example, she even has to let officers and soldiers pass when entering and exiting the town. fee.

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