To sort it out, roughly...

The eldest of the two girls is named Ailijie, and the younger Ailijie's two-year-old sister is named Milina. About four days ago, they lived with their families in a mountainous area far away from human habitation and lived a peaceful life.

Both her parents worked as hunters, hunting animals and slaughtering them outside. She and her sick and weak sister worked together to prepare the prey brought home by their parents. Although they were poor, they relied on the orcs' innate strength and ability to be stronger than humans. With agile movements and stronger intuition, it is possible to easily catch prey without worrying about food and clothing.

But the peaceful life of this family was shattered when six businessmen from this country near the mountains encountered financial difficulties.

The merchants planned to capture the family and sell them. Unfortunately, even though they pretended to be lost and relied on the large number of people to deal with the unsuspecting orc couple, they still encountered desperate resistance and the three merchants fell into the cliff with them and died.

The other three who survived came back with the bodies of their companions and told the state officials. They deceived the kind-hearted officials and said that the couple had died accidentally. They suspected that they still had children, so the officials, who were worried that the children who had lost their parents would starve to death, took a large number of them with them. People went to the mountains to find the sisters who were crying over the corpses of their parents and brought them to this country.

The kind country is indeed kind. As soon as the sisters arrived in the country, they immediately arranged a home for the two of them to live in. Even if they were not their own citizens, they also gave them good treatment. They put food in front of the house every day and a certain amount of living expenses. The state will take care of them at their expense until their injuries heal.

However, for the sake of money and revenge for their dead companions, the surviving businessmen turned their targets to the girls. As soon as they rushed in, they planned to beat the older one half to death, completely unable to resist, and then join her with the weaker ones. Capture them and sell them.

After all, although the two sisters are young, they are both very beautiful. If they meet someone with strange habits, they will definitely be able to sell them for a good price.



Although the country is generally kind, there are always some outliers among the group of good people.

An Luo didn't know what to say about this, and he didn't expect that these people were more outrageous than he thought. It wasn't enough to kill other people's parents, and now they were even thinking of selling others.

But he, who was out of vulgar taste, did not hit these people, but just led the three of them out of the house.

After walking far away, at the edge of the big tree by the river, he simply used magic to create ropes and tied the three people into rice dumplings. Ignoring the three people whose mouths were gagged and crying and whimpering for mercy, he kicked them into the river one by one. inside.

After three "plop!" sounds, the three businessmen, whose hands and feet were tied and unable to swim, all fell into the river. They could only twist and struggle in the river, and sank into the water little by little.

The magic in this world can conjure a variety of things, but these things cannot exist for a long time. Instead, they maintain their existence according to the amount of magic injected. The more magic is injected, the longer they will exist and vice versa, and the thirty-minute magic The strength is enough to ensure that even if the three of them are talented at holding their breath, they will not survive.

However, he was actually a little worried about whether to kill these three people. Of course, he did not need sympathy or mercy for those who caused harm to other people's families and destroyed their lives for no reason.

But it would not be good to kill them like this. After all, someone must know that they went to the home of the two orc sisters. If others find out that they are missing or dead, it may be related to the orc sisters.

If the two sisters were not human beings and were involved in the murder, they would probably be blamed to some extent even if they were the victims. After all, let alone fellow citizens, they were not even human beings. If someone died because of them, they would probably be shunned to some extent.

And those businessmen must have family members. How will those family members treat the sisters who are unable to fight back? Even if they don't take the same actions as these three businessmen, they will probably continue to bully the orc sisters.

But An Luo was very reluctant to let these three businessmen go, not to mention his personal unwillingness to let them go. According to the common laws of this world, the three of them would only go to jail but not the death penalty. What if they want to take revenge on the sisters after they get out? ?

If the root of the grass is not removed, it will grow again with the spring breeze. After all, if you send the Buddha to the gang, you have to send it to the west, right? But it seems that no matter what they do, the sisters will not be able to survive normally in this country, but it is probably difficult for the young girls to survive outside this country.

Just when he was worried for a while and didn't want to know what to do if he was entangled with two children before his journey had even started, he suddenly came up with a good idea and prepared to let the three of them act in a play. You only need to control them to attack the guards, so that the three people killed by the guards have nothing to do with the orc sisters.

But he had just thought of this idea, and before he could fish the three of them out of the was a coincidence that the two little girls who had forgotten his use of the devil's whisper under his devil's whisper command Unfortunately, he appeared on the road from where he came from.

When they saw him and noticed that he was looking over, the two little girls who were chasing him subconsciously lowered their hoods covering their corners and shrank back in confusion.

In order to prevent the children from seeing him doing something inappropriate for children, he simply pushed the three people down hard and sank directly to the bottom of the river to avoid them discovering what he was doing.


"It's really... I'm unlucky. From what I said just now, it seems that they can cook, so let's bring two cooks with them." Although his words were a little depressed, An Luo walked towards the two little girls and said, Still showing a soft smile: "Are you two okay?"

"No, it's okay...Thank you, Mr. Magician."

Alijie, who had just suffered brutal violence, reflexively grabbed the brim of the hood that covered her face when she heard him speak. She lowered her head but still whispered her thanks. The little girl behind her also whispered: "Thank you very much..."

If it weren't for An Luo's amazing hearing, he probably wouldn't have been able to hear the voices of these two people clearly.

"I won't bully you. There's no need to be so frightened."

An Luo stepped forward and leaned down to look at the girl with her head lowered. As soon as she met his eyes, the girl's shoulders couldn't help but tremble. She didn't deny his words but nodded slightly as if she was afraid of something.

This little animal-like attitude was quite endearing, and he couldn't help but caress the girl's head through his hood. The feeling of rough fabric and horns on his hands was quite a novel experience for him.

"T-that...Mr. Magician...?"

"What's wrong?"

" no......"

Although she wanted to ask him why he touched her head, after much hesitation, Ellie gave up the question. She was very familiar with this action in the past but had recently become very unfamiliar. She felt nostalgic for it and felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help but leave. sight.

By chance, when she looked away, she noticed bubbles rising on the dark river beside her.


Ailijie asked in a low voice with some curiosity.

"Well, where's the fish?"

"Well, um, Mr. Magician...where did those three bad guys go?"

"After I gave them a lesson, I accidentally let them escape."

"Yes, that's it...thank you."

Not quite knowing the real cause of her parents' death, Ailijie just nodded a little and thanked him on the ground.

"You are welcome."

"Is Mr. Magician...a traveler?"

"So be it."

"... Can you, let us, follow you for the time being?"

After a long gap, the timid talented girl raised her head slightly and looked at An Luo pitifully as she made her request, her red and swollen eyes filled with the smell of pleading.

She was subjected to such violence when she first came to this country. Although she didn't know the reason, the fact that something like this happened was enough to make her feel particularly uneasy. Especially since the prisoner had escaped, she couldn't help but worry about sleeping at night. When the time comes, the three of them will kick open their own doors again.

Usually when children encounter difficulties, they turn to their parents, but her parents have died not long ago, which makes her have to rely on the man who helped her just now, and she herself thinks that she is being a bit shameless. , so he quickly added: "I, we will definitely not hold back. We can cook and clean... If there is money... I will pay as much as possible. If it is not enough, I can find a way to earn." ,affim......"

"Wait, don't you think of me as a scumbag who drives children to work? If I agree to what you say, even if I don't think I am a scumbag, others will definitely treat me as a scumbag and a bloodless person. Are you a tearful animal capitalist?"

An Luo refused without even thinking about the proposal of letting a child who had just lost his parents work and use the money he earned to pay for protection fees, which was more outrageous than letting a rich loli keep him.

But this made the girl feel despair about the dark future in front of her. She couldn't help but have a haze on her face, and her brown eyes also showed a sad color. However, the body temperature coming from her sister behind her made her still try to muster up courage. , and finally tried to plead: "No, no matter what, it won't work? We will do anything, and we are willing to do anything, as long as we can get out of here...!"

"No, you misunderstood. I'm not rejecting you and letting you follow me. I just don't plan to ask you to do anything, let alone work. Ah, of course, if you are in the wild, you will be required to cook."

"Really, really? Of course! That, that..." Alijie, who was full of joy but didn't know what to say at this time, hesitated for a long time and didn't know how to say it. Finally, she just took her sister with her. Bowing deeply at 90 degrees: "——Really, really, really thank you very much. We will definitely repay you if possible!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, it's just a matter of taking what you need and doing whatever you need."

After speaking, his eyes unconsciously moved away from Ailijie and fell on the river nearby; after chatting with Ailijie for a while, the bubbles in the river had disappeared.

It was obvious that the three people had drowned, so regardless of their will, it seemed that they couldn't live without these two little guys... At least if he just left the two little kids here like this, his conscience would feel a little guilty. I can’t help but care about the situation of these two children during subsequent trips.

But after finding a suitable place, he will keep the two of them. If he really can't find a suitable place... it is also a very good choice to put them in Irena's hometown. After all, it is peaceful and peaceful there. Irena's parents can help take care of her.

Chapter 5 The girl in the sea of ​​flowers and meeting Irena again

After getting acquainted with the two little girls, An Luo saved himself the trouble of finding a hotel. After using telekinesis to push the three businessmen deep into the mud of the river, he followed the two sisters who were uneasy about the country's environment back home.

Ailijie gave her bed to him to sleep with his sister Milina, and he lay down on the quilt made of cloths of various colors without any ceremony.

Although the bedding looked patchy and exuded an unmistakable aura of poverty, the twelve-year-old girl's bed also made him feel a little strange, as if he was lying on Alice's bed in the past... ...Because Alice was twelve years old last year.

"No, no, what weird things am I thinking about? Even if Alice matures precociously, she is still a child... No matter what, you can't make mistakes with children. This is too perverted no matter what."

He shook his head vigorously to forget that he had done too many things in the last 18 days and accidentally had some strange thoughts behind him. He closed his eyes and forced himself to fall asleep.

The peaceful night passed quickly. Early the next morning, An Luo took the sisters with sad faces and helped them store the things they needed. Then they left the home where they had only stayed for a while.

Whenever they pass by people on the street, everyone casts a strange look at the two girls clinging to each other next to An Luo, causing Ailijie and Milina to shrink their bodies and pull down their hoods from time to time. .

"What's wrong?"

Sensing that something was not right about the two children's actions, An Luo couldn't help but look at the little guy next to him.

"I, our horns...are the devil's horns, the horns of misfortune...that's what the kids next door said, and they even threw stones at us..."

When Ailijie was still hesitating whether to say anything, Milina muttered in a low voice with obvious unwillingness.

And for children to say this about them, it is indeed in line with the character of children to say whatever they think. After all, both of their parents are dead, and there is no way other children will think like this with prejudice.

But even if he knew what the child was thinking, An Luo deliberately pretended to be surprised: "Devil's horns? Unfortunate horns? What kind of strange prejudice is this? No, is this jealousy?"

"Are you talking about...jealousy?"

"Of course, isn't this very cute? How can the devil's horns be so cute? Either they are jealous or they don't understand what cuteness is at all!" While speaking, An Luo also walked behind the two little guys, with his left and right hands on each other. One by one, they touched their heads and said seriously: "It must be jealousy, right?"

"Is that so?" Ailijie looked a little unconvinced.

"Of course, the foundation for me to settle down as a fortune teller is integrity. Do you think I will ruin my reputation?"

"No, no!"

Although she understood that An Luo was just comforting herself, the girl who had always shown only a sad expression felt sincerely happy to be recognized by her parents for the first time. Looking a little uneasy, he showed a somewhat reluctant smile and quietly lowered his head again.

It seems that although it is not difficult to get these two children out of the shadows, it is not too easy either. But it is not easy to do this after both parents died, right? An Luo followed the hood and touched the horns of the two girls, and couldn't help thinking about ways to untie the knot between the two.



Before the three people who were pushed into the mud surfaced, An Luo took the two sisters to the street, bought some herbs and tents, and spent all the money "borrowed" from the businessman at once. And left the country neatly.

"...I always feel like this is a little strange."

On the broom, An Luo glanced at the girls on the left and right who were brought up to him. Although they were literally hugging each other, he couldn't be happy.

First of all, he didn't like sitting on the broom very much. He felt that sitting on this pole was okay for a while, but it would make people feel uncomfortable after a long time.

Moreover, one of the two girls was twelve years old and the other was ten years old. On average, they were only eleven years old. These extremely young companions made him a little depressed, especially the horns on the heads of the two girls were a bit hard, and they were occasionally touched. The feeling I got is quite complicated.

"It's okay, I-I don't care."

Ailijie seemed to have misunderstood An Luo's words. Milina did not understand An Luo's mood and just nodded along with her sister.

"... Usually at this time, if you say you don't care, you actually care in your heart, right? In other words, I am the one who should really care..."

An Luo muttered depressedly. When the two girls looked up and took a look, he started the broom without saying anything and flew in the direction of Irena.

If there is a kind person who is suitable for them and can take care of them on the way, then he will leave the two children behind. If he does not meet them, he will give the job of taking care of the children to Irena.

Of course, as a traveler, Irena would definitely not be able to take care of the children. At that time, he could suggest that she go home and take the two children back with her to take care of the parents who happened to have no children with them.

In this way, not only did Paul and Victorique have company, but he could also complete Paul's commission and let Irena, who had been away from home for several years, come home. This was a move that no one seemed to have done yet. The plan to suffer a loss was simply perfect for him personally.

An Luo was secretly proud of his plan. However, the two sisters gradually relaxed and behaved like ordinary children after they took off in the air and were nervous about being next to strangers for the first time. They looked around and seemed to know everything outside the city. All full of curiosity.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but think of a way to quickly enhance the relationship. He reached out and hugged the two little girls from behind. Before they could say anything, he said, "This is a rare opportunity. I will take you to experience flying on a broomstick in the air."



"Hold me tight~ It starts now~!"

As he spoke, he increased the magic power injected into the broom, and the broom instantly accelerated and flew out.

The mid-length hair of the two girls, which reached half of their waists, swayed with the oncoming wind. The broom led the three of them to stir up wind and waves and quickly rose up from the ground and straight into the sky.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" "Sister, sister ahhhhh!!"

The lovely screams of the two girls echoed over the plains, and they did not dissipate for a long time.


Doing exciting things can relieve depression, and the suspension bridge effect can also quickly shorten the distance between each other. Knowing this, An Luo took the two girls, flew a broom in the air, and rushed into the sky a hundred meters high. .

At first, the two girls hugged him in panic, worried that they would fall, and kept hoping that he would lower his altitude or move slower. However, it didn't take long for him to fall down under his persuasion, and they gradually realized that even if he flew very high, he would still fall. It's fast but also very safe.

At this time, they finally calmed down a little bit and were in the mood to watch the situation on the ground.

Sparse groves are scattered on the seemingly endless plains. Except for one road opened up by people on this land that has not been eroded by technology, the vibrant greenery covers the entire land as vast as the sea.

The green grass was rippling, and the cool spring breeze blowing on the three of them couldn't help blowing. The girls opened their mouths unknowingly, showing expressions that seemed to be mixed with surprise, joy and emotion, and their hearts were like stagnant water. It was activated unconsciously.


"It's amazing~!"

Even though they still didn't let go of the hands holding An Luo, the two girls, who were slightly leaning forward to look down at the earth, let out an emotional sigh that was different from the previous gloomy expressions.

After unknowingly flying over the plain, An Luo lowered his altitude and flew between the forests formed by slender and towering trees. The people walking on the ground barely expanded about one meter above the winding road and maintained a steady flight, but The speed still did not slow down.

The leaves scattered on the ground were lifted up by the wind and waves, and the forests on both sides of the road also made rustling sounds and swayed. At first, the two girls were a little uneasy and worried that they would hit the trees, but after a while, they quickly got used to it due to their previous high-altitude experience. , just opened his mouth slightly in surprise and silently, looking at the scenes on both sides of the road.

The weather is cool and the cool breeze is constant, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

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