After confirming that there were no traces left, he pretended to be a panicked victim and left the alley before anyone outside appeared.

Thanks to the fact that even in Japan, an international city like Tokyo, the population is quite sparse during non-commute hours, and thanks to the bodyguards who had been driving them away before, no one witnessed this shocking scene... Of course , after all, this is where the bodyguards choose to do bad things, and there are no cameras.




Chapter 39 Mizi Photography Session

"...If you want to kill people, you can't blame others if they are killed, right? can't blame me."

He ran against the crowd to the opposite side of the alley, and found An Luo who was staying in an uninhabited alley. He murmured and took out the cigarettes he had obtained from the bodyguards earlier from his pocket, leaning his back against the wall. Light one and let the bitter and strange taste spread in your mouth, so that you will not remember the previous killing feeling.

To be honest, the development of things like this has exceeded his expectations. However, the first time he killed someone, he did not experience the nausea and vomiting that he experienced when watching movies, TV series, and novels in the past. He just felt some inexplicable panic and a strange pleasure. .

Because killing someone was too simple, just like squeezing an insect to death. It was so simple that it frightened him... He was afraid that he would accidentally get used to this behavior.

And just as he looked up at the narrow sky in the alley through the thin smoke, a familiar shouting sound suddenly came from not far away:

"--What are you doing!"


An Luo subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a petite girl staring at him with her back to the sunset, walking towards him quickly.



On the way home, Yako Iino learned what was going to happen today from her classmates who called her to show off and demonstrate. When she hurriedly changed her route, she asked her father for help. She called the police who were working in the court and prepared to go near the station. Find An Luo to stop him from going to work, or to stop an atrocity that may have already occurred.

But when the police went to check the sound of the car accident, she was worried that An Luo had been taken to another place, so she and several police officers started searching separately. Unexpectedly, after walking around for a few times, she was surprised to find that An Luo was actually here. A place that is not noticed.

But before she had time to be happy, when she discovered what An Luo was doing, the smile that had not yet appeared disappeared instantly, because as a member of the disciplinary committee and a girl with a strong sense of justice, she could not stand the fact that she was the one who respected and even respected An Luo. With excessive girlish feelings, the senior who I admired in the previous incident is actually learning to smoke inappropriately.

The unexpected discovery made the girl who had changed her route and hurried over halfway home, bit her lower lip angrily and glared at An Luo, who was looking over subconsciously, with a murderous gaze. She grabbed the end of the cigarette and threw it on the ground. He stomped hard twice to put it out.

The appearance of this unexpected person made An Luo couldn't help but let out a big sigh. The dazzling sunset behind the girl made him squint his eyes. At the same time, he calmed down and waved hello with a smile: "What a coincidence. Well, we actually met him in this place."

"It's not a coincidence! I was obviously worried about something happening to you, but what are you doing now?!"

"How should I explain this?" An Luo muttered to himself in annoyance, then chose not to explain, grabbed Mizi's hand and sincerely thanked: "Compared with other things, what I want to do most now is to thank you. The concern and the medicines just given me really helped a lot!”

"No, you're welcome, I just...that, just..."

An Luo's frank thanks made Mizi's anger disappear for the most part, and her upturned head drooped. Her small hands sometimes held the skirt and sometimes let go, twisting her body but looking a little happy.

"...It's really easy to deal with."

No matter how many times he saw it, An Luo couldn't help but be surprised by Mizi's character who could be easily fooled. However, Mizi heard his soliloquy and raised his head to stare at him seriously: "——You just said What did you say?"

"Can you help me go to the vending machine over there and buy a can of coffee?" An Luo ignored the girl's gaze and pointed to the vending machine on the side of the main road.

"Don't change the subject! And why should I run errands for you? Couldn't you just go there yourself?" Cai objected angrily, but Mizi thought of what might happen here, and immediately shook her head and said: "No, no, you can't do it today. Don’t go anywhere, come with me to where my dad works.”

"...Could it be that our relationship has reached the point where we can meet our parents?" An Luo teased, pretending to be surprised: "Although we have skipped many steps, if you are a cute and interesting girl like you, I You don’t mind either?”

"But, is it interesting to be cute? This is the first time someone says I am interesting..."

An Luo's unexpected remarks made Mi Zi's cheeks turn red, and she twisted her body again unconsciously. This shy and cute look also made An Luo couldn't help but take out her phone and take a picture.

"W-why are you taking pictures?"

"Because it's really cute~ So... can you turn around, open your hands, and let me take a picture of your back hugging the sunset?"

"...Senior Shirogane, you really can speak such lines without being ashamed at all."

Although Mizi complained softly, she still turned around after listening to An Luo's words, facing the sunset, shyly opened her hands and slowly raised them, as if welcoming the sunset.

"Okay! This position is great! Hold it for a minute!"

"Does it take that long to take a photo?" Mizi turned around in confusion, and An Luo immediately added: "Don't look back, don't look back, your posture will become weird!"

"Whoa whoa?"

"I want to take a few more photos and leave as many lovely figures of Xiao Yazi as possible, so can't I delay it a little...?"

"Ugh~~ Since you said it, for this reason... let me cooperate with you."

The girl who was constantly praised made a small cry because she was too shy, but she still kept her posture obediently and did not look back.


A minute passed.

"Are you ready? Senior?"

Another minute later.

"Not yet?...Why don't you answer me? Do you have to concentrate on taking pictures and not talk?"

When there was no response for another minute, even Yako, who had an overly serious personality, put down her hands because she felt sore from holding them for too long, and turned around to look over——

"Hey... where are the people?"

There was no trace of any living thing in the empty alley, and An Luo, who was supposed to be behind her, had disappeared without a trace.

As the girl's face became more and more gloomy, a plastic bag thrown by an unknown person flew from the depths of the alley.

The flying garbage bag swayed in front of her for a moment as if it were taunting her, and then floated past her and disappeared into the distance, making her so angry that she gritted her teeth and stamped her feet.

Chapter 40 Choosing a scapegoat in prison

On the rooftop of the building next to the alley, An Luo leaned on the guardrail and looked down. The girl, who was completely crazy, couldn't help shaking her head and laughing: "This kid is so easy to fool, I don't even have a sense of accomplishment anymore." .”

After observing Yako for a while and confirming that she had joined the police, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the sunset. He let the strong wind hit his body and sorted out his previously confused thoughts before leaving for Akihabara.

After rejecting the cosplay maid's solicitation on the streets of Akihabara, he observed the situation on the street for a while, then targeted a passerby wearing a hat, and knocked the passerby unconscious with telekinesis, and in the next moment The man, who was shaking all over like he was controlling a marionette, pulled down his hat stiffly, walked to the cos store on the roadside, and directly picked up a black cloak, mask, gloves, and shoes.

He slapped two more than enough 10,000 yuan bills on the counter and left without saying a word to complete the shopping. After entering the alley and handing it over to An Luo, he lay down on a bench in the park and pretended to be sleeping. He was released from control and regained his freedom.

An Luo, who changed his clothes, relied on his telekinesis, which had made great progress, to wait until dark on the roof of the building. Then he used his telekinesis to shuttle a certain distance on the roof, and then selected a man driving a van. The man, after knocking the other person unconscious through the air, controlled the man to continue driving his car and drove him to the prison according to his plan in an unmonitored area.

Yes, prison, he needed some scapegoats to pretend that there was a huge force in action, so this became his goal.

After the vehicle approached the prison, An Luo, who was hiding in the back seat without showing his head, closed his eyes and conducted some reconnaissance with the power of his telepathy. Then... the stones that An Luo had thrown on the ground earlier, It was like being launched from a slingshot, flying out accurately and hitting the surveillance camera at the prison entrance.

One by one, the prison's surveillance cameras were damaged amidst the sounds of "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The prison guard, who was not sure where the attack came from, immediately hid in the bunker and notified the interior. The alarm also sounded in the prison. A group of unarmed prison guards who were not in direct contact with the prisoners, but armed with live ammunition, immediately rushed to the front of the prison.

But just when they arrived at the front and were on guard around them, the prison's power supply was suddenly cut off, the backup engine also malfunctioned, and then...a huge explosion suddenly came from behind.


When most of the prison guards gathered at the front, An Luo arrived at the back in a car and took out a small piece of rosewood the size of a grenade from his pocket.

Rosewood was considered by Megumin to be compatible with magic power. Megumin used to work in a clothing store when she was in the Scarlet Demon Village, and she practiced injecting magic power into clothes. Because the magic power was too strong and she couldn't control it well, every time she injected it, the clothes would explode. The bomb almost blew up the clothing store.

And this rosewood was what An Luo asked Huihui to prepare in advance, and it was filled with a lot of magic power and used as a bomb to disguise himself.

"But...will this thing really be useful?"

Although it was not that he could not trust Megumin, An Luo still had some doubts about the power of the bomb turned from wood. He just followed the instructions and used telekinesis to wrap it up to avoid suddenly exploding and sending him to the west.

After casually weighing the red sandalwood, he threw the wood and hit the outer wall of the prison two meters away, and then...

——Boom! ! ! !

The mediocre wood burst into brilliant flames, instantly engulfing An Luo's figure amid the loud noise that ripped apart his eardrums, and the wall collapsed into a large amount of rubble.

"Okay, so awesome..."

After the explosion, An Luo removed the shield in front of him and looked inside the prison through the swirling black smoke. He was so surprised that he no longer knew what to say.

But he understood that he didn't have much time. After feeling a lingering fear that he was carrying such a dangerous thing, he quickly passed through the collapsed wall, entered the interior of the prison, and ignited his hand-made firewood without any skills. content smoke bomb.

Eye-catching blue smoke spread under the emergency lights, and the prisoners who were confused about the situation fell to the ground one after another... Of course, the smoke itself was just ordinary smoke, and what knocked them out was actually An Luo's telekinesis.

With one hand covering his head, An Luo quickly walked through the prison passage, searched everywhere, and selected the rooms of murderers, rapists, murderers and other serious criminals based on what he had found on the Internet beforehand. Lock the cell door.

The telekinesis simulated the posture of a door-breaking hammer, and opened the door with a "Bang!!" sound. However, the sound also attracted some guards who had not been transferred and were patrolling inside.


"——Raise your hands and don't move!"

"——Get down on the ground immediately!"

Three prison guards patrolling in a team noticed An Luo, who was dressed in black and wearing a mask, and immediately raised their guns. Since they did not find any weapons on him, they did not fire immediately but scolded him. surrender.

But An Luo did not obey. He just turned around and glanced at them. The three prison guards all fell to the ground in unison as if they had been hit hard from behind.

However, during the fall, someone did not know who pulled the trigger. Amidst the harsh sound of gunfire, several bullets flew out in the dazzling flames, and were scattered in the direction of An Luo, but they were shot halfway. It lost its kinetic energy and was frozen in the air like a photo.

"Oh, oh, this is the first time I've been shot."

Although he was startled, An Luo did not show it. Even after the shock quickly calmed down, he poked the bullet suspended in front of him with his fingertips. He was a little scared but also a little novel and couldn't help but sigh: " This ability is truly omnipotent, but it takes a bit of mental effort. If I hadn't been controlling bottles in the bar every day during this period, and my fine operations have also improved a lot, I probably wouldn't have been able to follow the plan, and I would have been forced to expose my ability long ago. ?”

In addition, if he could not achieve precise control, he would not have the courage to use telekinesis on himself, nor would he be able to maintain a protective layer around him. It would not necessarily be possible to kill him directly by bullets.

His telekinesis can be used in places where he cannot see, but he needs to spread the invisible telekinesis first. In invisible places, it is like a blind man groping and walking. Because it is scattered and perceived too much, it consumes too much. Far bigger than a frontal battle... Although he has no combat experience so far.

Chapter 41: Unable to be merciful to the enemy

If there was a chance, An Luo would like to play with these bullets, but he didn't have the time now, so he patted his aching head, and just before other support personnel arrived, he made a move, and the three guns on the ground were It automatically broke away from its master's hand and flew to his side.

These members of the peripheral guard force were armed and armed in case of emergencies, and now... these were all his.

"This is the first time I have encountered a real gun. As a man, I should definitely play with it...but I don't have time now..."

After complaining a little, An Luo looked at the three selected felons in the cell.

The prisoners all floated up automatically as if they were possessed by ghosts, followed him with the guns flying into their hands, and left the place together with him when the surrounding police discovered him.

The police reinforcements arrived belatedly and urgently sealed off the prison and its surroundings. When they entered the prison, they immediately discovered that three prisoners had escaped and three prison guards had been knocked unconscious from behind. The equipment in the prison had obviously been damaged from within. Therefore, While searching the prisoners, an internal investigation was also started to find out the spy hidden among the prison guards.



the other side.

The three armed prisoners were unconscious and put on clothes that An Luo had stolen from someone else's balcony. The group relied on mobility that far exceeded that of the police. When the police set up a blockade around the prison, they had already disappeared. near the prison.

Because...the police considered human mobility. It would take six or seven minutes to run back and forth into the robbed prison. But he relied on telekinesis to accelerate, but he completed it in two minutes. The police predicted The blockade he set was basically set up behind him, so it naturally had no effect.

Avoiding the passing police cars, An Luo asked the manipulated car owner to go to the leisure bench next to the police station on his way to the student's house he saw in the staff office, and poured a face full of liquor to disguise himself. He looked drunk and fell asleep on the bench.

And An Luo was about to continue heading to his destination, but he had only walked a short distance...


An Luo, who was looking at the night view of Tokyo on the roadside from the back seat of the car, suddenly noticed a quite large factory on the roadside when the vehicle passed by the industrial area. He immediately controlled the prisoner to step on the brakes and looked at the factory thoughtfully. After thinking for a while, he muttered to himself: "I remember this is the factory of Shiga Clothing, right? Then, let's burn this factory first... I hope Murakami-san's company can be burned down at home. We can continue to operate well.”

As soon as the words fell, the prisoner next to him got out of the vehicle, carrying the two bottles of liquefied gas that the driver had bought from the liquefied gas station on Anluo Road, and walked towards the deserted factory.

After An Luo opened the door, he attached a flamethrower sold in the hardware store to the two liquefaction bottles, tied the hands with tape to maintain the flamethrowing state, and lit the flames at different positions. The two flamethrowers kept spitting flames everywhere in the factory, and they didn't forget to lock the door again when they left.

After returning to the car and starting the vehicle again, An Luo glanced back as he gradually moved away from the factory. Vivid flames could already be seen from the vents of the factory where clothing was manufactured, but he ignored what was going to happen and continued concentrating on it. Go in the direction of your goal.

As An Luo's classmate, Morioka Shuri's family comes from a family of political figures, and his mother is the chairman of a listed company. The family of three all live in a single-family luxury villa.

Three prisoners climbed over the wall, broke the sliding door glass, and rushed into their home with guns.



"——That guy actually ran away! Are you all useless? You can't even beat a high school student?!"

After both parents fell asleep, Morioka Hisari was alone in the living room talking on the phone with someone. Judging from the sound, he was full of frustration. In the end, he simply threw the phone to the ground, walked back and forth and cursed: " That poor guy is quite capable of fighting, but even so, it’s useless. That guy who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth is immediately thrown into the Middle East! Let me see if you can fight, or the terrorists in the Middle East can fight!"

Seeing that An Luo, an ordinary person who enrolled in external school, had better grades than them and was still restless and sleeping all day long, Morioka Hisri, who had been unhappy for a long time, was very dissatisfied that there was no way to directly punish An Luo physically, but he couldn't beat the bodyguards. In the case of the other party, you can only ask for help from your family and classmates' families to help you vent your anger. this time, from somewhere, there was a sound of "ding!" glass breaking.

"It's so late, what's going on? Is there someone playing baseball...ball...?!"

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