The core idea of ​​this sect is to manage and control one's own violence and laziness through faith. Of course, in fact, Warbuck can really control violence and laziness, although it can both reduce these and strengthen them.

"I always feel that this sect is much more positive and progressive than Catholicism, Buddhism or other religions used by rulers to manage civilians..."

An Luo, who was working late at night, was working hard on the desk to compile the teachings. Warbuck...wrong, it should be Muse now. Muse was also very active in assisting in writing the teachings, and neither of them stopped fighting until dawn.

If you want to ask why An Luo is so active, it is of course because... He has wanted to experience being a magic stick a long time ago... Ah, no, it is the feeling of being a priest to deceive people on behalf of gods... a shepherd .

And when this sect develops, he can get many nuns to be his maids. After all, isn't he the Pope at that time? And when the time comes, wouldn’t it be more interesting to start cheating?

If there is a true God and this religion can really get some blessings, wouldn't it be easy to develop?


the next day.

At dawn, An Luo and Muse were still at the desk, writing doctrines until Bai Yingui knocked on the door, causing An Luo to subconsciously lift the soundproof barrier.

"Brother An Luo, it's time to have breakfast. Let's go out together quickly."

"Ah...I know, wait."

An Luo, who was too immersed in writing teachings, subconsciously glanced out the window and realized that it was already daytime. He couldn't help but responded and looked at the goddess Muse beside him: "Do you want to eat?"

"God doesn't need to eat, but... I want to eat!" Muse said very seriously.

"But you will attract attention if you look like this, right? Can the eyes and ears be changed?" An Luo observed the muse's vertical pupils. Although he didn't think everyone would pay attention to this, it was still a fairly obvious feature. , especially the ears are still pointed... and they stick out from the hair.

The excuse of cosplay can be used once or twice, but it is always inappropriate to use this excuse all the time, so...

"Unfortunately, this can't be done... But I can change into three forms and become a giant beast... It's definitely not possible. Then there should be no problem if I become a cat, right?"

"That's it~! This is good!"

"....Don't touch me!"

Seeing that An Luo seemed very excited, Muse couldn't help but take a step back and gave a careful warning before turning into a black cat that looked no different from the past Maunosuke, with the cross still painted on its head.

"I won't do anything weird, come on?"

An Luo squatted on the ground and stretched out his hand towards Muse, but she bared her teeth and showed her sharp fangs, intimidating him before flying directly to stand on his shoulder.

Just when An Luo subconsciously wanted to touch her, she raised her paw first and warned: "Don't touch me, or I will touch you again!"

"Okay, okay, I just won't touch you. You are such a willful cat."

"I am a goddess."

"Yes, Lord Kami, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Hmm~ How about the manticore?"

"...I'm sorry, just pretend that I haven't asked you. Let's just eat ordinary fish...Well, it's not up to us to decide what to eat in the morning."

For ingredients that could not be obtained in the world, An Luo simply refused and told her the cruel reality.

In fact, this is also the case. They don't even cook. They rely on either Baiyin Gui or Baiyin Yuxing. To be precise, they mainly rely on Baiyin Yuxing.

These words made Muse angry, and she couldn't help but scratch his neck with her claws, leaving a few red marks as a souvenir.

When they came to the living room, Shirogane Kei, who had already changed into going out clothes, seemed particularly surprised when he noticed her on An Luo's shoulder: "Brother An Luo, have you and Maunosuke finally reconciled? "

"Well, because I gave her a new name, this dead cat... well, that's wrong, this cute little kitten reconciled with me."

"... Do you finally want to deceive even a cat with sweet words?"

Kei was speechless and didn't know what to say to him, but in the end he just shook his head and didn't care about it.

After the peaceful breakfast, An Luo soon spent the morning writing teachings.

When the muse had fallen asleep on his bed, he, who had stayed up all night, drank a cup of coffee and headed to the fourth palace villa with strong energy.

During normal times, there would be no one outside the Fourth Palace Villa. Due to the appearance of the owner of the house, it was put into the highest alert state. There were two people at the four corners of the outer wall. The originally unattended gate also had four more bodyguards standing on both sides. .

At the same time, there were two more people in the center of the gate, Hayasaka Nao and Hayasaka Ai... a blond young woman and a blond girl who usually had very cold expressions.

Of course, due to the relationship with her mother, although Hayasaka Nao was still very cold and serious, the extremely maternal Ai Hayasaka was clearly standing at the gate, holding her mother's hand and acting coquettishly, ignoring the eyes of the bodyguards next to her.

Even when An Luo arrived at the gate driving a heavy motorcycle, he did not stop his coquettish behavior like a kindergarten child, which was too frank and dependent, and completely ignored An Luo's existence.

"...No matter how many times I see this scene, I can't get used to it." After stopping the car, An Luo took out his phone almost immediately and took a picture of the harmonious scene of the mother and daughter together. .

"Master Anluo, taking pictures is NG (no good). It will trouble me very much if you do this." Hayasaka Nao couldn't help but protested as if she really had a headache.

"It's okay, I won't post it online."

"...What you said is exactly the same as what those men who leaked bed photos of their girlfriends said before taking the photos."

"...Although what I said is not serious, your metaphor is even weirder, isn't it?" It sounds like I have some strange relationship with you mother and daughter.

Although he thought so, considering that Hayasaka Ai might go berserk if he told her, An Luo just wiped away the cold sweat and assured: "It's okay, I have sufficient security guarantees for electronic information, even cloud backup. In a personal NAS with complete protection." (NAS dedicated data storage server)

"Have you prepared a NAS? How should I put it... Are you so obsessed with things like photos?"

"Well, of course, if you can't agree to it no matter what, then I can just delete it."

"No, it's okay. Since you can guarantee that the photos will not be leaked, I can't force the guest to do such a thing. Please follow me inside. Master Yan'an is waiting for you inside. The banquet has already been held. Ready."

Without saying anything more, Hayasaka Nao stretched out her hand and guided her inside. The two butlers who appeared at an unknown time also bowed deeply and stretched their hands to guide her inside.

Hayasaka Ai was also driven away by her mother calmly at this time. She could only turn back in three steps towards the side door of the building. At the end, she glared at An Luo, seeming to blame him for coming too early. I didn't have much time to be close to my mother.

..... The change in this guy when he met her mother was like a completely different person. He is still so maternally controlling at such a young age, and the maternal control is to such an extent. Could it be that he has been brainwashed since he was a child and this has led to this situation? Bar?

..... Regarding Hayasaka Ai's dissatisfaction, Anluo couldn't help but speculate with malicious intent. Of course, the egoistic ideological policy inherited from the Shinomiya family is not impossible. After all, for the Shinomiya family It is said that even ignorant children are just a kind of props. Hayasaka Ai herself was transferred to the Shinomiya family headquarters at the age of 2 and was trained until she was 7 years old before she began to act as a spy.

However, judging from the fact that Hayasaka Nao still hopes that she can leave the Shinomiya family, she should have feelings for Hayasaka Ai. In this regard, he may just be thinking too much.

In the spacious hall of the Fourth Palace Villa, many maids and deacons waiting for An Luo's arrival lined up to welcome his arrival.

"""——Welcome, Lord An Luo!"""

The sight of men and women who were obviously professionally trained bowing deeply together made An Luo feel like he was back in the royal city.

But he didn't miss it for too long, and looked at the old man with white hair and a cane at the end of the long table. He obviously looked like he had been through battle for a long time and didn't care about the people around him. He simply walked over and sat down. The other end of the long table.

Beside the table, which looked just like the one in the TV series, stood Shinomiya Kaguya, who had also stood up to greet him before. Since he was a concubine, he had never greeted guests with his father, and had always been in other places. Prepare in the room, and you can leave when the matter is over before you show your face. This time, you only got permission to come out because you and An Luo are classmates.

She is very concerned about her father's attitude, because she always gets too flustered and thinks too much about things that she cares about too much. Therefore, under the influence of this caring and chaotic character, she is embarrassed and doesn't know what An Luo is like. After sitting down by yourself according to the process, should you sit down now or wait for a while?

This made An Luo couldn't help but feel a little funny. He shook his head and said, "Shinomiya is so polite. We are all classmates and this is your home, so don't just stand and sit around."

"This...father?" Kaguya subconsciously looked at her father, who just nodded silently, and she sat down obediently.

There was no one else near the long table, and Hayasaka Nao also stopped outside the building early. The butlers and maids around them also took action to put the pre-prepared appetizers on the table after Shinomiya Yanan looked at them.

At this time, Shinomiya Yanan said: "I don't know what you like, so I asked you to do a little bit of everything. If there is something you like or dislike, I can ask you to change it."

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Shinomiya, but I can eat most of the food except what I cook."

"Really? It turns out that Mr. An Luo cooks by himself?"

"Others just call it poison making."

"That's a funny statement. Is this your hobby?"

"To a certain extent, I guess so. I just wonder what Mr. Shinomiya's hobbies are?"

"Me? I used to have a lot of hobbies, but now I'm old and can't do anything. I don't have the vitality of a young person like you. I just hope to keep the family business passed down from my ancestors."


An Luo and Sigong Yan'an obviously just met for the first time, but neither of them felt unfamiliar at all, and the content of the chat was also very relaxed, as if it was exactly what An Luo said, that they fell in love after the first phone call. They had similar interests and became friends throughout the year.

But Kaguya, who was completely unable to intervene in the conversation, knew very well that this was not a normal situation, because her impression of her father had always been that of an indifferent and taciturn old man.

But she also knew that it should be because it was the attitude of a superior towards a subordinate, so it was the same attitude towards both her subordinates and her.

But as the leader of a consortium, he would never have such a cold attitude towards everyone. It is impossible for that kind of person to control the Shinomiya family. This family has fierce internal struggles and faces three powerful enemies. Now this situation can only It means that in the eyes of Shinigong Yanan, An Luo is someone who has formal dialogue with him.

In no time, the number of conversations between the two of them exceeded the amount of conversations that Kaguya had had with her father since she was a child... Of course, this was just because she had never had a real conversation with her father.

Even after she was born, she was raised by Hayasaka Nao. This was the first time she ate at the same table with her father. She had never heard her father say: good night, good morning, be careful on the road, good job and other words that are very common in normal families. .

Longing for family love, she wanted to intervene in the conversation countless times, but because she cared too much about it, she was always worried that she would be blamed by her father. From the beginning to the end, she just quietly laughed and apologized. At most, she would say when she occasionally mentioned school. But I couldn't say anything because I was too nervous, so...

When the conversation between the two was almost over, Shinomiya Yanan suddenly looked at her and said casually: "We have to talk about business now, you can go back."

"Ah, yes...Father."

Although she wanted to say something more, she did not dare to object to her father's words. She could only leave with a forced smile, returned to the room and fluttered on the bed, worried that she had let her father down.

After Shinomiya Kaguya left, Anluo shook the wine that he couldn't drink, but it should be very expensive. He looked at the old man opposite through the wine glass and said with a smile: "Mr. Yan'an is really impatient, and it really happened the next day. I came to Tokyo from Kyoto.”

"I should deal with important matters as soon as possible. This is my habit. Then... let's get straight to the point. What are your conditions?"

"I happen to be interested in the school. The Shinomiya family's shares in the private Shuchiin Academy, and the security company TG in Tokyo. How about this company? I can't do anything about it even if I don't have a good starting point. It’s hard to explain when I get back home, so I can only ask Mr. Yan’an to give me a little reward for the information on my side.”

The profits of Shuchiin cannot be underestimated. At the same time, Anluo also plans to arrange certain places for himself and some of his subordinates who want to clear their names. This is also another channel for him to clear his name. Therefore, TG, a large security company, has also become his Target.

The number of subsidiaries under the Shinomiya Group exceeds one thousand. Although many of them are small in scale, TG is not small. In addition to Shuchiin's shares, this is not what Anluo said. But it is not small for the Shinnomiya Foundation. How important it is.

Especially in the face of life, any amount of money is just a passing cloud. Therefore, Sigan Yanan, who is extremely wealthy, said bluntly: "This is not a problem, but it also depends on how many traitors you have on my side."

"Of course..." An Luo smiled and nodded, then whispered "Recognize lies", then looked at the waiters lined up in Sigong Yan'an, and then glanced around After the maid and the butler left, Shinomiya Yanan's cronies asked, as if mentioned casually: "Are you loyal to the Shinomiya family or Mr. Shinomiya Yanan?"

"Of course we are loyal to Master Yan'an!"

"That's it." An Luo immediately recognized that two of the twenty people present were lying. After obtaining their names with the magic of insight, he looked at Shinigong Yan'an again and said with a smile: " So... Mr. Yan'an, can you please let them all leave here temporarily?"


Although he didn't understand the meaning of the question he just asked, Sigong Yan'an still gave the answer after a moment of silence, letting everyone else leave. Only An Luo and him were left here. An Luo He also wrote two names directly on the note, crumpled the note into a ball and threw it to him.

After looking at the name above, Sigong Yan'an couldn't help but frown, and said in a deep voice: "...Is this true?"

"My greatest strength is sincerity."

"...What Kaguya said is different from you."

"Private life and public life are different."

"So do you have proof?"

"It's a pity that I only saw these two names marked in red among the people closest to you in the intelligence department of 'hometown'? If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself."

"...I believe it. I will have someone transfer the shares of the school and the company to you later."

After a moment of silence, Sigong Yan'an, who stared closely at An Luo, showed that he had the courage to control the Sigong consortium for so many years and decided to believe An Luo's unfounded statement, but he showed it last time. Extraordinarily accurate information.

These servants are the people closest to him, which means they know all his movements, and his decisions represent the fate of the Shinomiya family, so he feels that the two traitors are worth it in exchange for his life and the fate of the Shinomiya family.

His attitude also made An Luo very happy. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip and said with a smile: "Mr. Yan'an is worthy of being the head of the Sigong family. He is really different from the ordinary people who care about everything. He is a wise and powerful man. I want to Maybe we can talk about other aspects as well.”

The two chatted in the spacious hall for quite some time, and did not end the exchange until two o'clock in the afternoon. They promised to go back to find out the situation behind the Shinomiya family cadres and help him find An Luo, the internal spy. Weimian was also a little unable to bear it, so he just found a guest room in the Fourth Palace Villa and slept soundly.

And when he got up again, it was already dark outside.

There were no lights in the room, but the moonlight outside the window spilled into the room, laying a layer of gorgeous silver sand on the carpet, which also provided him with the most basic light to see.

However, when he turned to look to the other side, he could see a blonde maid with side ponytail who was staring at the mobile phone in her hand with her chin in one hand, playing a boring game to kill time.

"...Although the sense of déjà vu is very strong, and the maid does not have the professionalism that a maid should have, but when I wake up, there is a maid next to me. This feeling is awesome!"

"You are in a good mood, but don't you think about my mood? My mood is not good at all."

Hayasaka Ai, who didn't take her eyes off the phone, retorted casually. Judging from her face, her mood seemed to be even worse than that time in the hospital.

"That's it...that's really..." An Luo seemed to be a little guilty and hesitated in speaking. Hayasaka Ai couldn't help being a little surprised by this, but turned his face and hummed: " Huh, are you embarrassed? Stop pretending, I don’t agree with you..."

"——That really made me feel better!" An Luo suddenly changed the topic and showed a sunny smile full of vitality: "Your unhappiness is simply the beginning of my joyful day!"

"...You guy...!"

Hayasaka Ai, who was still a little embarrassed, her expression instantly froze. She held her phone tightly and resisted the urge to take a picture of his face with the phone.

Although she understands that he has a bad personality and will take advantage of herself for nothing, but to be so bad and such a sudden attack is really beyond her tolerance level, but she still has something to say and can only endure it. .....At least she originally wanted to endure it, but An Luo's next words made her reason collapse.

"What's wrong? Xiao Ai? You are so rude, you actually talk to the guests like this? When a normal guest wakes up, shouldn't you as a maid lift up your skirt and show off your fatness to satisfy..."

"——Die! Pervert!"

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