A strange world

Chapter 582 Chapter 239 The Demon King Returns

Chapter 582 Chapter 239. The Demon King Returns

The dust in front of the window was scattered by the figure that broke into the room.

Sitting on the chair, Annan, shrouded in shadow, rolled his eyes numbly.

"He looked like he was about to die because he was rejected. Mr. Annan is really bad..."

"Laila...why is it you?" Annan's voice was indescribably hoarse.

"I learned that a certain person locked himself in a room after failing to invite Miss Itilia on a date, so I came to see if he was dead~" Layla put her hands behind her back and leaned forward with a malicious smile: "What? Well, it doesn’t look like you’re too sad.”

At this time, Annan was watching everything in the room from a third-person perspective.

This scene reminded him of the time when he and Little Spider met.

So, the curse of the Demon King is over?

Although there seems to be something wrong with Layla and Itilia appearing...but it is better than staying at the edge of the lava lake where there is nothing.

Annan looked at himself on the chair, lowered his eyes and whispered: "I will never be happy or sad again in this life..."

"It's really bad. You use bad means to initiate a bad invitation, and then you become dejected when it fails. What a bad man~"

Annan raised his head: "Have you said enough? Can you please leave?"

Leila's stunned delicate face showed a hint of gloom. Instead, she sat on the bed, her dangling legs swaying: "Your method is wrong. Of course you will fail. Do you want me to help you?"

"...How do you want to help me?"

"I'll help you get in touch with Itilia. I'll teach you how to get in touch with girls and what girls like."

"forgive me……"

"Cheer up!" Leila jumped down and patted Annan on the shoulder: "How do you know you will fail a second time if you don't try!"

"I...I don't dare to speak."

"There's really nothing I can do about you..."

Seeing Annan looking like a wounded cub, Leila squatted in front of Annan and tilted her head: "Then I will be your Itilia."

"What's the meaning?"

"That's it..." Those pure black eyes made Leila's cheeks blush, and she quickly stood up: "Don't get me wrong! I, I just see how pitiful you are, and I want to help you out of kindness!"

"I do not understand……"

"You are the one who trained me as Itilia!"

Annan stood up excitedly: "Is this okay?!"

Layla lifted her hair lightly and turned her head to avoid the blazing gaze: "I don't want the friend I just met to become a loser because of a failed confession... Don't get me wrong, I just feel sorry for you!"

"Laila, you are really my good friend!" Annan held Laila's hand excitedly.

"It's so disgusting and disgusting! I'll come find you tomorrow!" Leila threw Annan away in disgust and ran out of the room.

Leaning against the corner wall, Leila covered her beating chest and murmured: "That goes without saying..."

Next, Annan watched the intimate interaction between "himself" and "Laila".

Leila taught him how to express his gentlemanly side, how to gracefully cover a lady's clothes, wipe the park seats, how to hold hands and step out of the carriage, the format of a love letter, and the tone of voice.

There was also a dance at dinner.

Annan and Leila were close to each other in the bedroom. Leila guided Annan's dance steps, tilted her head and said, "If I don't help you, you will definitely fail, so don't think too much!"

"Thank you for doing so much for me..."

"Who, who did it for you! I will treat it as if I was bitten by a pig!"

After the words fell, Annan let go of him and took a step back: "I learned, now I'm going to confess!"

Layla broke away from the reluctance to break up, covered her mouth and sneered: "If you fail, I will call you Mr. Bad for the rest of your life~"


After Annan went out, Leila showed her pride in watching a good show: "Itilia is the most talented mage in the college. Her tutor is so strict, how could she agree to it? Just wait until I call you Mr. Bad Person for the rest of your life~"

Leila fumbled around in the bedroom, looking for Annan's things. At a certain moment, she heard shouting from outside the window.

Opening the window, the voice suddenly became clear.

"She promised me!"


On the lawn downstairs, Annan held the shy Itiliya in his arms: "Itiliya agreed to be with me. Without you, I would have no chance of success. Thank you Leila!"

"No...you're welcome..."

Leila, who lost her strength, slipped from the window and collapsed on the floor.

Big teardrops hit the floor, reflecting the broken Layla.

"Why did she agree... I'm not the only one who likes you from the beginning to the end... Why... let me stay alone with you..."

"I messed up everything..."

In despair, Layla pulled out the dagger and stabbed it into the soft throat——

"don't want!!!"

Annan woke up from a nightmare.

The window in the next room lit up, and the maid Abby hurried in with a magic lamp.

A shocked Annan explained: "I'm fine... I was just stepped on the face by Lily. What time is it now?"


"There's still an hour until daybreak."

"It's okay, you can continue to rest..."

Damn the devil's lord, it has changed its ways!

No longer hurting your body, but instead attacking your soul!

This dream even affected Annan throughout the day. In the evening, Layla, who returned from fishing, noticed something was wrong and ran to complain to Itilia: "Annan has been avoiding me today... stop!"

Leila spotted Annan passing by quietly outside the corridor.

Annan walked into the office helplessly, glanced at a few small fish in her hand, and said before she spoke: "Second sister, your level has improved."


"Well, it's a third bigger than the fish I caught before."

From little finger to thumb.

"that is because……"

Layla's attention was diverted and she kept talking about the fishing time.

When it was dinner time, Annan saw Leila come in and wiped the chair for her with his sleeve.

"Master, I wiped it very clean..." the maid Abby said carefully.

"I know, I'm just serving my sister, and don't call me master." Annan corrected Abby.

"That word is 'care', and serving is wrong." Itilia corrected Annan.


Annan lowered his head and ate in silence.

The observing Idilia noticed that Annan made amends with Layla out of guilt, but felt guilty towards herself.

What happened to them...?

After dinner, Annan left the restaurant in a hurry. Itilia retracted her gaze: "He is much gentler to you."

"What?" Leila blushed: "This guy finally knows how to love his sister!"

Itilia said nothing and continued to stare at Leila.

Her face became increasingly red. "I'm sleepy! I'm going to bed! Good night!" Leila ran out. When he passed by Annan who was reading a book in the living room, he slapped him.

"Good night!"

Annan looked up blankly and saw a fleeing figure.

Returning to the bedroom and throwing herself on the bed, Leila turned over and looked at the ceiling, thinking of what Annan did today...

"He won't know...how is that possible!"

Leila let out a whimper and buried her head in the quilt.

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