"Do you know me now?"

Listening to the people around him talking about him, a proud expression appeared on Mo Qianyu's face. This is the glory and aura brought by the championship.

"so what? Someone who has done something wrong must apologize. As a former champion, do you want to protect him?"

Li Fan doesn't agree with him. This person is obviously on Mo Wu's side. There is no need for him to show a humble and flattering posture.

"Well said, but what should you say about the things you did wrong?"

Mo Qianyu's words confused Li Fan. Did he do something wrong?

"Could it be that it was wrong for me to bump into Mo Wu and have an affair?"

Li Fan asked weakly, do people from aristocratic families all have the same brain circuit?

"It’s not like I deliberately wanted to eavesdrop."

"Shut up! Freeze said."

The explosive words exploded in the crowd, and the people around him fell into a commotion. Mo Wu roared uncontrollably.

Mo Qianyu glanced at Mo Wu without leaving any trace, and there was a slight doubt. For a flash, it was obvious that Mo Wu I didn't tell him about this.

Soon, his eyes became cold again. After all, he was a previous champion, but the other party showed no respect at all.

"It seems like you really don’t know where you went wrong?"

"Now you have one more fault to add, spouting shit without any evidence."

"He learned to talk nonsense at a young age"

"People of your quality are not qualified to enter any academy"

"When the colleges come to select people tomorrow, I will make it impossible for you to enter even one college."

Mo Qianyu looked at Li Fan and said word by word, articulating the words very clearly, and wanted to see how arrogant he would be.

"Who are you?"

Li Fan sneered and laughed angrily. He came up to ask questions and said that he was wrong.

"Who am I? Ask them, who am I?"

"I am a past champion!"

"Why do you think I appear at this competition? It was the competition that invited me back. I am still a student of the First College."

"This amount is enough for me to let other colleges recognize you, right?"

Mo Qianyu said coldly and looked around at the people around him.

"You're right, Brother Qianyu."Huang Tian, who had been standing aside to watch the show, said coldly, showing his minions,"This boy named Li Fan is full of lies, bragging and not drafting."

"Even though he had no results, he said that he had created a yellow-level spell, which made people laugh out loud."

"Every year there are people like this who want to get close to the family"

"You just said that I was wrong when you opened your mouth, but I want to hear what you said, where did I go wrong? Champion brother."

Li Fan started the yin and yang magic method, and he was very unhappy.

"Oh, are you sure you want me to say it here?"Mo Qianyu raised his eyebrows, as if he heard something interesting, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly,"I heard from Mo Wu that you cheated in the game."


Li Fan's mind was filled with questions. He didn't know what happened. Could it be that the system had been discovered?

"What did you say? Please speak louder, I don't understand very well"

"Everyone present, you should remember that cheating is not allowed in this competition. Do you know what cheating looks like?"

Mo Qianyu did not directly answer Li Fan's words. Instead, he raised his voice a few degrees and said loudly.

When the people around him heard this, they immediately recalled the rules of the competition.

The competition stipulated that contestants can either use the original spell text provided by the official to learn on the spot, or They can use spells they create themselves, or they can be taught by someone in their family, as long as they can provide the original text of the spell afterwards.

However, there is one kind of cheating that is not allowed, and that is players using it without learning or creating it. If a ready-made treasure activates a spell, it will be considered a violation and will be directly disqualified.

So what does this have to do with Li Fan? Does Li Fan have such a treasure?

"Cheating is to use treasures to release spells instead of activating them yourself."

"However, he made such a big mistake"

"I have reported this situation to the authorities and I believe they will send someone over soon to find out."

Mo Qianyu was like a speaker, proudly explaining this rule to everyone, pointing the finger at Li Fan


Li Fan couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. He was a fool who didn't understand the situation.

"why are you laughing?", Mo Qianyu looked at Li Fan indifferently.

"I laugh at you for being such a stupid champion."Li Fan cracked his mouth and smiled,"You just said that I was talking nonsense without evidence. What evidence do you have now to prove that I cheated with treasures?"

"Mo Wu said that he saw you using real magic with his own eyes.……"

"Mo Wu said, Mo Wu said, are you a pig? I will only listen to what Mo Wu says……"

"It turns out that all your evidence was just hearsay! ?"

"Don't be so harsh here."Mo Qianyu's face began to deform slightly. He did not expect that a Qi Refiner would dare to refute him in public, which made him unbearable."Is it possible that you, a Qi Refiner, know real magic?"

"Do you know what real magic is?"

"Can you understand the real original text of the spell? ?"

Finally, Mo Qianyu gritted his teeth and said with a ferocious smile, enunciating each word clearly!

"you know?"

Li Fan's calm face is calm and his eyes are indifferent.

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