A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 785: Linchun, Li family!

"So, how was the monster dealt with in the end?" Chen Muyu asked.

Ma Santong shook his head, "He ran away. I heard that he broke into a small city in the Chaoyang Kingdom two days ago and caused a huge riot. The Chaoyang Kingdom authorities dispatched troops and used missiles to force them back. From now on, The monster ran into the mountains and never appeared again!"


Chen Muyu pinched his chin, "Is the news reliable?"

"It should be reliable. In the video conference just now, when President Ou made a report to the headquarters, I heard what the people at the headquarters said." Ma Santong said.

Then there will be no fakeness.

"In the past two days, our side and the Chaoyang Kingdom have sent a large number of troops to patrol. Brother, do you think that monster ran out of the illusion of the void?" Ma Santong asked.

Chen Muyu thought for a while and shook his head, "Probably not. After all, it's so hard for us to run out, let alone a monster!"

"Then it should have been sealed there a long time ago!" Ma Santong frowned and thought for a moment, "I heard from the General Association that this matter is a bit big. The General Association has offered a reward of five million to the martial arts world. , let the insiders provide clues, brother..."


Chen Muyu interrupted him directly, "Don't try to drag me into this matter. I'm not the kind of person who would give up for five million. This trip to the Void and Fantasy Land was a narrow escape. I don't want to experience it again... …”

"That was not what I meant!"

"Don't care if you mean it or not, I won't go up the mountain anyway. Besides, brother, you have many talented people in your Wushu Association, and Hu Fei is missing. There are other talented people, so don't worry. They all pulled me up, my little arms and legs really can’t stand the torment!”

Ma Santong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Okay, I won't say anything anymore, okay?"

Chen Muyu shrugged, "That's right. I help your Wushu Association do things, but it doesn't benefit me at all. This really doesn't make sense..."

"I have no control over this matter. If you want benefits, you should go to President Ou!" Ma Santong spread his hands, helpless.

Chen Muyu shook his head, "I really don't understand why your Wushu Association is targeting me!"

"Don't be so repulsive!" Ma Santong couldn't laugh or cry, "I want to say, we should evacuate as soon as possible. After all, the monster hasn't been caught yet, and it might appear again at any time. This place is so isolated Being so close, if we are attacked, we have nowhere to hide!”

Hearing this, Chen Muyu showed a smile on his face, "If nothing else, your thoughts are the same as mine!"

Ma Santong laughed, "This is called a confidant!"

"Fuck your soulmate!"

Chen Muyu also rolled his eyes at him and asked him to ask Ou Linxie if he wanted to leave. If so, they should go to Linchun together first.

Linchun is not far from here, but it is relatively safer in a big city.

To be honest, Ou Linxie is also afraid, but he can't leave because of his responsibilities. Ma Santong doesn't talk about responsibilities and responsibilities. His responsibilities are in Xichuan. Things here are none of his business. His life is important. If it's time to pull, retreat immediately.

The next day, Chen Muyu left with Ma Santong. This was not the time to show loyalty. Besides, he and Ou Linxie didn't have much of a friendship, so there was no need to stay.

Linchun City, the capital of Bac Giang Province.

At the end of October, it has started to get cold. The weather in the north is a little dry, dry and cold. It is different from the damp and cold in Xichuan, which can be cold to the bones.

The sun rarely comes out. Under the warm sunshine, the air expands and flows, creating windy weather. When the wind blows, it feels even colder.

Most of the pedestrians on the street were already wearing thick clothes, and some were even wearing down jackets.

It seems that winter is not far away.

Chen Muyu has never experienced the winter in the north, but it is said that it is dozens of degrees below zero and he dare not pee outdoors.

Ma Santong has traveled several times in the spring, so he is relatively familiar with it. He knows all the tourist attractions in the city that are worth visiting.

"Brother, the Li family is in Linchun, should we go and disturb them?"

In a noodle shop, Chen Muyu made several steaming dumplings, and Ma Santong asked from the opposite side.

Chen Muyu shook his head directly, "Forget it, they are just being polite, how can we really come to them? That seems too cheap. Let's see if we can book a flight for today. Let's go back to Xichuan today!"

"So anxious?" Ma Santong paused, the dumpling hanging in the air.

"If you feel anxious, you can play here for a few days!" Chen Muyu said.

Ma Santong laughed dryly and was about to say something when he suddenly looked up and looked outside the store.

Chen Muyu looked back and saw two black Audis parked in front of the store, and a young man got out of them.

The young man was in a suit, straightened his clothes, and entered the store directly.

Li Hua, Li Changqing’s eldest grandson.

When the landlady was about to ask a question, Li Hua waved his hand and walked directly in front of Chen Muyu and the other two.

"Mr. Chen, Vice President Ma, there has been a banquet at home. Grandpa asked me to pick you up!" Li Hua said respectfully.

Chen Muyu was stunned, how did Li Changqing know they were coming?

Turning to look at Ma Santong, is it you?

Ma Santong waved his hand quickly, "Brother, I will always be with you..."

Li Hua smiled and said, "It was President Ou who called to inform me. Grandpa said, Mr. Chen, it is rare for you to come to Linchun. If you want, I will definitely invite you back!"

"Mr. Li, this is too polite! We are just passing by and don't want to disturb you!" Chen Muyu said sarcastically.

"Mr. Chen, don't refuse. I found you with great difficulty. If I don't invite you back, grandpa will definitely not be able to spare me!" Li Hua said.

"Forget it, brother, it's rare for Li Yaowang to be so sincere, so you can give me a reward. Let's go. I won't eat the dumplings. Let's go to the big ones!" Ma Santong put the dumplings on the plate with his chopsticks and said happily. stood up.

It's hard for Chen Muyu to refuse, after all, people are blocking your door sincerely.

Forget it, let’s take a look at the unprecedented grand scene of the Li family, the king of medicine in the north.

Got in the car and headed all the way to the city center.

The city center is the old city, and the Li family has a house here. Ordinary families like to live in high-rise buildings, but Li Changqing still lives in this old yard.

It's easy for people to feel nostalgic after seeing it. Every flower, every grass, every table and every chair here is so familiar. Once you get used to it, there are memories everywhere, and you don't want to move again.

The old house is not big, with three entrances and three exits. Of course, it is not big for a big family like the Li family.

The decoration is also very classical, with a sense of history.

Now only Mr. and Mrs. Li Shifeng live in this old house. Li Shifeng likes to be quiet. After leaving his business to his children to take care of, in his spare time, apart from playing with the herbs in his backyard and the pharmacopoeia on the bookshelf, he basically does All that's left is cultivation.

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