A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 582: Heritage Bracelet!

"It's the most unreliable thing to do business with others. Your brother Jianwen has been cheated by others before. Jianli, it's not your sister-in-law who said it to you. You are not very educated. If others give you a big cake, you Just dig in..."

"Sister-in-law, okay, okay, I understand what you mean!" Chen Jianli couldn't bear it and interrupted quickly, "Whether the business is reliable or not depends on who you partner with. If someone else is cheated, it doesn't mean that I will be cheated too. You’ve been tricked!”

Aunt Jianwen shook her head repeatedly, "You're such an old person, but you still have this temper. I'm not happy to say a few words to you!"

"Sister-in-law, I don't dare to tell others. This company is a partnership between Mu Yu and I. If I want to cheat him, I will cheat him. Can he cheat me?" Chen Jianli's eyes widened.

Chen Muyu rolled his eyes.


Aunt Jianwen looked at Chen Muyu standing next to her with a little surprise.

"Muyu's daughter-in-law is the richest man in Qingshan City with a net worth of several billion. How can he still be short of me? Sister-in-law, you have been out for a long time and have seen a lot of things. You have a sharp eye." Instead, it became narrower..." Chen Jianli said sourly.

He and Aunt Jianwen didn't get along with each other when they were young. It's been almost twenty years, and they still can't stand each other.

The richest man in Qingshan?

Aunt Jianwen was stunned. She had only heard from Chen Jianzhong that the woman had some money, but she wanted to come to a small county town. No matter how rich she was, where could she go? But she never expected that Chen Muyu's wife The son's family is actually the richest man in Qingshan City.

After looking around, no one around him looked surprised. It was obvious that Chen Jianli didn't bluff him. Everyone knew about it, but he was the only one who didn't know about it?

Suddenly, Aunt Jianwen's face turned red. Where could she pretend to be? That night she even persuaded Chen Muyu to go to Binhai to work hard. His wife's family was so rich, why did she need to work hard?

Chen Jianwen pulled Aunt Jianwen behind him and said, "Say a few words less, and you won't be afraid of being laughed at and embarrassed!"

Fortunately, there were no outsiders at the scene. Everyone knew that Aunt Jianwen and Chen Jianli were not very good at dealing with each other. Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing.

Aunt Jianwen hasn't recovered from the shock just now. When she came back from Binhai, shouldn't she show off her superiority? Why the hell was she shown off instead?

"Jianli, please ignore her and come over here!"

The Eighth Master waved to Chen Jianli. Chen Jianli was so proud that when he heard the call, he quickly bowed his body and came to the Eighth Master.

"Ba Ye!"

Respectfully, Chen Jianli didn't even dare to take a breath.

Chen Jianli looked at Qin Hong next to him, and Qin Hong nodded slightly.

"Today, everyone happens to be here, and third brother is also here. There is something I have to do first. Let's all be witnesses together!"

The Eighth Master spoke slowly and in a very formal manner. Everyone gathered around him in unison. Judging from the posture, the Eighth Master had something important to explain.

"Our Chen family has a rule from ancient times to the present. The eldest family member has the clan leader, and the unitary family member is responsible for the inheritance!"

As Master Ba spoke, he opened his sleeve and took off a simple-looking bracelet.

"Kneel down!" Master Ba glanced at Chen Jianli.

Chen Jianli quickly knelt down in front of the eighth master in a polite manner. If nothing else, it was the first time for Chen Muyu to see his third uncle be so afraid of someone.

"This bracelet was passed down from generation to generation of our old Chen family. Each generation only passes down the Jianli family and Jianli. You are the youngest of the Jianzi generation. I have valued you very much since I was a child and I am stricter with you than others. It's a lot. Originally, this thing should be given to you after you get married, but looking at your situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until that day. Therefore, today in front of the clan, I will give this bracelet to you. Come on, be sure to keep it safe!" Chen Guanyue said, grabbing Chen Jianli's hand and gently placing the bracelet on Chen Jianli's hand.

Chen Jianli was a little confused. He had never heard of what the eighth master said about the Yaofang Shou inheritance before.

"Master Ba, this?"

It's so formal, and it was worn by our ancestors, and it can only be inherited by the monoton. Is there anything special about this bracelet?

Master Ba interrupted him directly, "Keep it, I also want to know. When Uncle Thirteen handed it to me, he was already seriously injured and dying. He didn't give any details. As for you, you want to know what this thing is. Just what our ancestors left behind will be enough, keep it well..."

Strictly speaking, Master Jiu is the youngest of the Guanzi generation, but Master Jiu comes from the lineage of the fifth great-grandfather Chen Qingxian, who was expelled from the clan.

If you don't count Master Jiu, Master Eight is indeed the youngest member of the Guanzi generation.

As for the Jianzi generation, it was also very popular in the past. According to the genealogy, there are 22 people in the Jianzi generation, but now there are only three alive, and Chen Jianli is the youngest.

It is reasonable and reasonable for things to be passed on to Chen Jianli.

Seeing this, Aunt Jianwen gave up a little bit. Even if the bracelet looks bad, it was passed down from ancestors. It is considered an antique at least, and there is no telling how much it will be worth.

"Old man!"

Aunt Jianwen stood up with a look on her face, "Old man, isn't this right?"

Everyone looked at Aunt Jianwen.

Aunt Jianwen said, "According to what you said, the bracelet should be passed on to the youngest. Xiaolong is the youngest in our family. If you didn't pass it to Xiaolong, why did you pass it to him instead?"

She had always looked down on Chen Jianli to some extent. This was an inherent impression left in her early years. In her opinion, her husband's elbows were turned outward, and good things would not be passed on to his own grandson, but to an outsider.

That's right, to her, except her husband and son, everyone else is an outsider.

"shut up!"

Chen Guanyue scolded.

Aunt Jianwen is a little dull. Her husband has never yelled at her like this since she married into the Chen family.

"Okay, everything I say is wrong. To your Chen family, I am just an outsider!"

Under Uncle Jianwen's glare, Aunt Jianwen just complained, "There are so many of you."

"Uncle Eighth, what my sister-in-law said is not unreasonable!"

Chen Jianli laughed dryly, holding the bracelet, which felt a little hot. After all, what Chen Guanyue said before about preserving inheritance was a bit too loud, and he was worried about what pitfalls and responsibilities he would have after taking away the bracelet.

He is a person who likes freedom and does not like to be bound by some rigid things.

"What's the point?"

The eighth master glared at his third uncle, "How to pass it on to the next generation is your business. As for who will be the youngest of the younger generation, it's too early to tell..."

Speaking of this, Chen Guanyue looked at Chen Muyu's mother and saw that she was still pregnant with one child.

Apart from anything else, isn't Chen Jianli not married yet? He may have children in the future, so it is still very early to say that he will pass it on to the next generation.

"Okay, okay!"

Chen Jianli hesitated and put the bracelet away.

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