Chen Muyu asked her something again, but she didn't say anything.

There are several paddy fields behind the house, all of which are irrigated with water from the Black Wind Canal. However, perhaps due to neglect, or perhaps intentional, there are no crops planted in the paddy fields. The water is green and overgrown. Lots of tiny duckweeds.

There are lobster holes and eel holes everywhere on the field ridges. Chen Muyu cannot tell them apart, but Ye Xiaoqing can tell them apart at a glance.

Which is the lobster hole, which is the eel hole, which hole is in it and which hole is not in it? Ye Xiaoqing can tell clearly. He stretches out his hand to dig open the mud, shoves his hand into the hole, and catches a big eel in a few strokes. .

"Brother Muyu, look!"

He grabbed the eel firmly with one hand, raised it in the air, and showed it to Chen Muyu with two small tiger teeth exposed.


Chen Muyu was really impressed by this little girl.

"Hold it for me first!"

He didn't bring any tools, so Ye Xiaoqing had to catch another eel, so he threw the eel into Chen Muyu's hand.

To be honest, this thing tasted delicious, but it looked quite disgusting. It was wet and slippery in my hand, and I almost lost it when I struggled.

For ordinary people, contact with this thing is still a bit of a test of psychological endurance.

But Chen Muyu is still a big man after all. He dares to catch other girls. If you don't even dare to take it, isn't that making people laugh?

At this time, Chen Muyu somewhat regretted the braised eel dish he had just ordered.

"Looking at how skilled you are, do you often catch eels?" Chen Muyu asked.

Ye Xiaoqing grinned, "I've known it since I was a child. I can catch eels, loaches, and lobsters. Our family also has a secret recipe passed down from generation to generation, specially used to catch these things. Just spray it at the entrance of the hole, and it won't take five seconds. , all kinds of fish, shrimps and eels came out by themselves!"

"Oh? So magical?" Chen Muyu became a little interested.

People are really different. It would definitely be boring to accompany Xu Sifeng and the others to catch eels, but with such a little girl, the mood is completely different, and it is somewhat enjoyable to watch.

"It's not magical. These things like the smell of blood. It's easy to catch them if you find out their habits!" Ye Xiaoqing is like a little expert. "I have a cousin who does live broadcasts on Kuaiyu. Every day Just fishing for eels everywhere, and then selling our ancestral food attractant, we can sell hundreds or even thousands of orders a day..."


As he was talking, Ye Xiaoqing suddenly exclaimed, pointing to a corner under the field ridge, "What a big, what a big eel hole!"

Chen Muyu took a look and saw a large pile of mud where the water met. There was a hole behind the mud, as big as two fists.

Ye Xiaoqing suddenly became excited. Regardless of whether the water was dirty or not, he rolled up his trousers and jumped directly into the paddy field.

"Be careful, it's not a snake hole!" Chen Muyu reminded quickly.

This little girl seemed quite quiet before, but she was still a bit of a tomboy at heart.

"Not a snake hole!"

Ye Xiaoqing replied, not sure how she could tell the difference, but she was very confident anyway.

"There should be an eel nest down there, and there must be more than one!" Ye Xiaoqing quickly came to the conclusion. He dug the soil and patted the water again. The water in the field soon became muddy, but there was no movement.

"Brother Muyu, wait for me here, I'll go back and get something!"

Ye Xiaoqing quickly climbed up the field ridge, stepped on a pair of bare feet, and ran back.

After a while, Bai Yufang also ran over.

Bai Yufang was surprised when she saw such a big hole. She didn't know when such a big hole had appeared.

"Be careful!"

Watching Ye Xiaoqing enter the water, Bai Yufang reminded him.

Ye Xiaoqing grunted and pierced a piece of chicken liver with a bamboo stick. It was obviously freshly slaughtered by Bai Yufang and it was still bloody.

Then he took out a small spray bottle from his pocket and sprayed it on the pig liver again and again.

Chen Muyu instantly smelled a stench. It was so stinky, fishy and smelly. The smell was really hard to describe. It was so overwhelming that he almost made him vomit. He couldn't help but push back two steps.

Ye Xiaoqing seemed to be used to it and didn't even frown.

He picked up the chicken liver on a bamboo stick and placed it in the water in front of the cave entrance, shaking it gently under the water.

Ye Xiaoqing stared at the entrance of the cave very seriously.

One second, two seconds!

In less than three seconds, the water at the entrance of the cave became obviously turbid from the inside out, and it was obvious that water was gushing out.


Ye Xiaoqing's eyes suddenly lit up. The water was rushing in so fast. It must be a big guy. His left hand was ready to catch him at any time.

Chen Muyu felt it was amazing. He had never seen others fishing for eels, but it was too unscientific for this thing to be able to lure the eels out of the hole so quickly.


At this moment, Ye Xiaoqing suddenly screamed, as if he was electrocuted. He threw the stick away, took a few steps back, and almost fell into the water.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Muyu and Bai Yufang did not see the situation below because they were standing on the ridge of the field.

"so big!"

Ye Xiaoqing's beauty faded a little, and she quickly climbed up to the edge of the field, "What a big eel!"

Bai Yufang rolled her eyes and handed it over, "Pretend to be weird!"

How big an eel can be, four or five pounds is incredible, and it’s not like I’ve never caught it before.

An eel catcher can actually be frightened by eels, and he won't be afraid of being laughed at if he tells it.

"Grandma, she's really big, with such a big head."

Ye Xiaoqing gestured, not sure if it was an exaggeration, but it was as big as the mouth of a tea cup.

After saying this, Bai Yufang didn't believe it even more, so she wanted to go into the water to find out for herself.

There is a saying that when you are old, you are still hot. If you have grown this big, you have never seen such a big eel. Even if you did, you would still catch it for you.

"Grandma, be careful!" It was Ye Xiaoqing's turn to remind her.

Ye Xiaoqing came to Chen Muyu's side.

"It's really an eel, not a snake?" Chen Muyu asked.

Ye Xiaoqing nodded seriously, "It's an eel, I can even see its head!"

At this time, Bai Yufang took the bottle of food attractant.

"Grandma, wait a minute!"

Ye Xiaoqing stopped her, took out his phone, and started recording at the eel cave, "I'll record a video for my cousin. Such a big eel will definitely gain my cousin a lot of fans!"

"Is it okay?"

Bai Yufang also couldn't laugh or cry. She must have experienced this kind of thing a lot. She is not surprised. Ye Xiaoqing's cousin is her grandson. She must support her grandson in his career, right?


Ye Xiaoqing shouted and transformed into a great director, looking extremely serious.

Bai Yufang was indeed much more sophisticated, so she didn't use any bait anymore. She unscrewed the bottle cap and poured half the bottle of food attractant twenty centimeters away from the hole.

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