A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 429 The Ruan brothers and sisters!

"That little girl is really beautiful. In all my life, aunt, I have never seen anyone more beautiful!" The aunt kept saying her words with emotion, "Young man, are you interested?"

Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Auntie, didn't I tell you that I have a girlfriend!"

"What's the point? Nowadays, having a girlfriend doesn't mean getting married..."

Auntie's thinking is quite advanced, so Chen Muyu doesn't even know how to respond to her.

"I can't afford 30 million in gifts!" Chen Muyu took a sip.

The aunt smiled and said, "You live in such a big villa, so you don't look like someone who is short of money. Besides, what girls value is not money, what they value is fate..."

"Okay, Auntie, I'm not interested in money or fate!" Chen Muyu hurriedly finished the noodles in the bowl and fled the scene at the speed of light.

Outside the community, by the river.

Lu Wanli stood next to Chen Muyu. Outside the fence, the river was rolling eastward.

"Master, Brother Gong has sent news that in the past three months, there have been a total of twelve beast refiners entering the country from South Vietnam. Ten of them are ordinary beast refiners and there is nothing suspicious about them, but the other two, You have a criminal record!" With no one around him, Lu Wanli reported the situation to Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, turned around, and leaned against the fence, "What is your identity?"

Lu Wanli said, "Two of the Thirteen Grandmasters of South Vietnam, the Ruan brothers and sisters, the boy is named Ruan Wentai and the girl is named Ruan Wenxiang. They are both ninth-level beast refiners and enjoy a very high reputation in the South Vietnamese practice community. They all have a history of being prostitutes..."

Still two!

Chen Muyu frowned. A ninth-level beast refiner was equivalent to a master in the Void Refining Realm.

"It's a bit ironic to say that the Ruan brothers and sisters are the leaders of an animal protection foundation in South Vietnam. This time they came to Nanyun for the purpose of academic exchange. The exchange meeting ended last month, but according to Brother Gong's investigation Detective, the customs has no information about the brother and sister leaving..."

"In other words, they haven't returned to South Vietnam yet and are still stranded in Nanyun?" Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows.

Lu Wanli shook his head, "Not in Nanyun either. After the exchange meeting, he said he was planning to travel around. According to the records Nanyun checked, he bought a ticket to Xichuan more than a month ago..."


Chen Muyu frowned and came to Xichuan? He is also a cheater with a criminal record, so he has to arouse suspicion.

"They are still contacting the Xichuan Wushu Association to check the current whereabouts of these two people. Logically speaking, the Wushu Association should have filed a record and the results will be available later today." Lu Wanli said.

"So, it is basically certain that these two people are behind this?" Chen Muyu asked.

Lu Wanli said, "Not necessarily. I can only say that these two people are the most suspicious. After all, although the profession of beast refiner is popular in South Vietnam, it cannot be ruled out that it is also available in other places. It is also available in our country. If it cannot be maintained, it will be hidden. Master."

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, "Forget it, let them check first. If you find out the results, let me know as soon as possible."


Lu Wanli responded. Now he was basically in contact with Gong Daquan and the others, "Master, do you want to call Brother Gong and the others back?"

"Why did you call me back?" Chen Muyu looked at him in surprise.

"Now someone is secretly targeting us. I'm worried that I can't take care of you, Master, by myself." Lu Wanli said.

Chen Muyu was happy, "Do I need you to take care of me? Besides, they are just two ninth-level beast refiners. After all, you are in the golden elixir realm, are you still afraid of them?"

"After all, I am in the light and the enemy is in the dark..." Lu Wanli said calmly.

Chen Muyu shook his head, "No need, they have their own affairs, there is no need to get together. As for those two Ruan brothers and sisters, let's check their whereabouts first. If these two are really responsible, just deal with them."


Lu Wanli accepted the order and said no more.

Just as he was talking, a black Mercedes-Benz stopped at the entrance of the villa area not far away.

Several people got out of the car, a fat man and two men dressed as bodyguards.

Chen Muyu saw that the fat man seemed familiar.

Wang Defa?

Why is he here?

Chen Muyu hooked his fingers and led Lu Wanli around.

Before reaching the gate of the community, the phone rang first. It was Wang Defa calling.

Didn't answer, just hung up.

At the gate of the community, Wang Defa was stopped by the security guard. Although it could be seen that Wang Defa must have some status in his posture, the security guard still did his duty and stepped forward to ask about his origins.

I wanted to call Chen Muyu and ask him to come out to pick up the phone, but I didn't expect that the call didn't go through and the other party hung up.

After looking at his phone, Wang Defa frowned.

"Boss Wang, why are you here?"

Just as he was about to fight again, Chen Muyu's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Wang Defa looked back and saw that it was Chen Muyu standing behind him. His face was suddenly filled with smiles. What a coincidence.

"Haha, Brother Chen, what a coincidence."

Wang Defa hurriedly came over and held Chen Muyu's hand, "Brother, as soon as I missed you, you appeared. We really have a good connection..."

If nothing else, Wang Defa's mouth can really speak.

"Stop standing here, go in and talk."

Chen Muyu couldn't stand his enthusiasm and quickly greeted him into the community.

The house was being cleaned and it was not convenient to receive them, so Chen Muyu led them to the villa where Lu Wanli and the others lived.

In the living room.

"Boss Wang is here, why didn't you tell him in advance?" Chen Muyu asked after letting the nanny serve tea.

Wang Defa sat down on the sofa. His weight made the sofa collapse. "I called you last night, but I couldn't get through, so I contacted your third uncle. He said you were at home, so I rushed right away." Are you coming?"


Chen Muyu was still practicing in seclusion last night, so of course it was impossible to answer his call, "Brother, you came to me specifically? Is something wrong? The medicine I gave you last time was not enough?"

"No, no, it's not about the medicine."

Wang Defa waved his hands quickly, his face turning a little red.

"That's it?" Chen Muyu looked at him doubtfully.

What was worthy of Wang Defa making a special trip to Qingshan to find him?

Wang Defa organized his words and said, "That's what happened. I wonder if you have heard of Song Juxiang?"

Song Juxiang?

Chen Muyu was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

Next to him, Lu Wanli sat over, "The only female grandmaster among the eight great masters in the southwest, a casual cultivator from Xiangxianggou in Tiantai Mountain, and the most low-key among the eight great masters."

"Yes, that's her."

When Wang Defa heard this, he patted his thigh directly and his eyes fell on Lu Wanli, "Who is this?"

"Lu Wanli, Mr. Lu, a senior monk from Mengding Mountain..." Chen Muyu gave a brief introduction.

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Lu, disrespectful."

Wang Defa stood up quickly and performed a decent salute. Although this person was not a member of the martial arts world, he still knew the names of these people in the martial arts world due to his status and family background.

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