A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2859: Subdue Fang Ming!

Chapter 2860 Surrender Fang Ming!

Fang Ming was horrified.

He was careless, too careless.

I underestimated Chen Muyu and did not expect that Chen Muyu did not use his full strength from beginning to end.

He actually had something to hide.

This guy's first move was to confuse himself, but in the second move he used his killing move without hesitation.

As a result, he overestimated himself and underestimated the other party, and did not use all his strength to deal with it.

I suffered a dark loss.

Fang Ming quickly dodged and teleported away.

When he reappeared, half of his body had been blasted into nothingness.

In this case, the original body will definitely be severely damaged.

But not yet fatal.

Driven by his skill, his damaged body quickly grew back.

A handsome face filled with boundless anger.


Fang Ming was furious. He lost all his previous calmness and cursed directly.

When Chen Muyu heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy, "What do you say, Your Excellency? You and I were fighting, but you didn't pay attention, and in the end, you turned around and called me despicable. I would like to ask, how did I become despicable?"


Even though Fang Ming was very articulate, he was choked to the point of speechlessness at this moment.

The corners of Chen Muyu's mouth curved slightly, and a sword appeared in his hand.

It was the sword in Fang Ming's hand just now.

"Since you are reluctant to use such a sword, you might as well give it to me." Chen Muyu smiled slightly.


Fang Ming sneered, "It's ridiculous. This is the Taichu Sword given by my master. Even if you get it, what can you do? Can you still use it?"

"Here comes the sword!"

Fang Ming gave a soft drink and wanted to recall the sword.

Chen Muyu immediately felt the sword in his hand vibrating violently, as if he had been summoned by some kind and wanted to bite him back.

Frown slightly.

This guy does have something.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, he put the sword into his mind space.

I still don’t believe it. It has entered my mind space. How can you bring it back?

Sure enough, the next second, Fang Ming's confident face changed.

It became unbelievable.

At that moment, he actually felt that he had lost contact with Taichu Sword.

He could no longer sense the existence of Taichu Sword.

How is this possible?

This sword was given by his master, Taoist Master Taichu, and had his mark on it. Even though the sword was far away in the Taichu world, he would come and wave it away as soon as he called it. How could it be disconnected?

"Here comes the sword."

"Here comes the sword."

"Here comes the sword!"

Fang Ming shouted several times, but there was no response at all.

Taichu Sword didn't give him any response at all.

It is indeed disconnected.

Fang Ming stood there blankly, "What did you do? Where is my sword?"

At this time, he had completely lost his composure.

Chen Muyu laughed dumbly, "What sword? What are you talking about?"

"Give me back my sword!"

Fang Ming roared loudly, and without saying a word, he condensed his energy into a sword and went straight to kill Chen Muyu.

You are no match for me even with the Taichu Sword. Now that you are holding the Qi Condensation sword in your original body, can you still be my match?

Chen Muyu sneered, braced himself, and charged forward with his gun.

Lightning, flint, sword, gun and shadow!

The void exploded, like the sky falling, and the entire void world looked like a doomsday scene.

I don’t know how long it took, but this brutal fighting finally stopped.

The void slowly calmed down.

The two people faced each other in the air.

Chen Muyu's clothes were messy and he was very embarrassed.

On the other side, Fang Ming was even more unbearable, his body was already riddled with holes.

A face full of fear and unwillingness.

Fear, because in the battle just now, he was undoubtedly at a disadvantage, and could almost be said to be defeated.

He is no match for Chen Muyu.

The reason why he was unwilling was because he was careless.

Chen Muyu should not have been despised from the beginning. It was this kind of contempt that made Chen Muyu teach him how to behave as soon as he came, which severely damaged his original body.

As a result, fighting when the original body was severely damaged, and the sword was taken away by Chen Muyu, it was impossible to face Chen Muyu's violent attack.

If it weren't for these reasons, the result shouldn't be like this.

Chen Muyu stood with a gun in hand, divine light flowing around his body, and in an instant, his broken clothes became brand new.

Standing proudly in the void.

Chen Muyu didn't give the other party a chance to breathe, and directly raised his gun.


Fang Ming was also a ruthless person. In this situation, he didn't even ask for mercy.

He immediately took out a super-grade spiritual treasure-level long sword and struck at Chen Muyu, his eyes filled with infinite rage.

Suddenly, the world was shaken again.

The void shattered and the two figures could not be seen clearly.

I don’t know how long it took, but the explosion in the void finally stopped.

Two figures reappeared.

Chen Muyu still stood proudly, but Fang Ming was already kneeling on one knee, and the hand that had just held the sword was broken.

His original body had been destroyed countless times in the battle just now.

Now, the recovery speed is extremely slow.

Even the realm has been shaken.

When the advantage on the battlefield tilts to one side, it will inevitably lead to a disparity in strength, and this disparity will only get bigger and bigger as one side loses power, and in the end, it will be completely crushed.

At this time, Fang Ming's origin body was severely damaged, and his foundation was shaken. If he continued to fight, he would not only fail to win, but also risk his realm falling back.

It was still good to fall back in realm, because the opponent had the strength to destroy him.

Fang Ming felt extremely regretful.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this at all.

Is Chen Muyu really better than him?

Not necessarily.

If he had shown full determination at the beginning, instead of looking down on Chen Muyu, it would be hard to say who would win this battle.

At least, his winning rate could account for 60%.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Because of his blind arrogance, he thought that he came from the Primordial Realm and could not meet an opponent in this realm. He paid the price for his arrogance.

"Why, do you want to continue fighting?"

Chen Muyu looked at the man in front of him with some amusement.

He suddenly appeared and said he wanted to kill him, and he was so high and mighty. As a result, the feeling of being stepped on by others should be very unpleasant.

The disciple of the Taoist Primordial Master, what a great title.

In reality, it is nothing more than that.

Chen Muyu directly put the Hongmeng Gun on his neck.

The cold edge stimulated Fang Ming's nerves.

"You dare to kill me?"

Fang Ming's eyes were wide open, and his whole body was full of hostility, as if he wanted to eat Chen Muyu alive.

Chen Muyu smiled indifferently, "Why not?"

"My master is the Taoist Primordial Master, the supreme existence. His strength is beyond your imagination. He only needs one finger to crush you to death..." Fang Ming said.

Chen Muyu smiled, "So?"

Fang Ming said, "If you dare to kill me, you will definitely die."


Chen Muyu couldn't help laughing, "I say, Fang Ming, are you stupid? Your master asked you to kill me, is it sure that he didn't ask you to die? Even if I don't kill you, does it mean that your master won't kill me?"

Fang Ming paused when he heard this.

Indeed, he had said before that at most three years later, his master, the Taoist Taichu, would come in person and kill Chen Muyu in person.

This is an unchangeable fact, so his threat is useless to Chen Muyu.

Whether Chen Muyu kills him or not, the Taoist Taichu will come at that time and fight Chen Muyu to the death.

Therefore, his so-called threat is a complete joke.

"Kill me if you want to, why are you talking so much nonsense."

Fang Ming snorted coldly, with an expression of being ready to die.

Chen Muyu was a little amused, "Aren't you going to struggle again, for example, self-destruct your body or something?"


Fang Ming frowned, but then snorted coldly, "I don't care about this. Humph, this battle is not my true level. If you, a treacherous villain, fight me in an open battle, I may not lose..."

"If you lose, you lose. What excuses are you looking for? Can't you afford to lose as a disciple of the Taoist Priest Taichu?"


Fang Ming was very unhappy, "Kill me if you want to. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

He really is ready to die.

Chen Muyu was surprised.

Although this guy lost, he is at least a nine-star perfect existence, and he is not without the ability to escape.

If he doesn't run, he will not be willing to explode and die with Chen Muyu.

He is determined to let Chen Muyu kill him.


Is his brain so stubborn?

The more he asked Chen Muyu to kill him, the more suspicious Chen Muyu became.

"Why, you don't dare to kill me?" Seeing that Chen Muyu was reluctant to take action, Fang Ming showed some teasing and ridicule on his face.

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows, "Why do you have to let me kill you?"


Fang Ming sneered, "Do you need me to give you a reason to kill me?"


Chen Muyu shook his head, "I think there is a trick here, let me guess..."

He thought about it, as if he had thought of something, "If I kill you, will your master have any means to resurrect you, so that you can return to the Taichu Realm?"

Fang Ming's face trembled when he heard this.

Are you a worm in my stomach? You can guess this?

He was a little unbelievable.

What Chen Muyu said was really the answer.

It was basically the correct answer.

He had a treasure on him, and this treasure would break through the space and bring him back to the Taichu Realm when he was on the verge of death.

This is why he had to let Chen Muyu kill him.

The reason why he couldn't self-destruct was that once the self-destruction was activated, it could not be reversed. Even if the treasure took him back to Taichu Heaven, I'm afraid it would self-destruct in Taichu Heaven.

He now urgently wants to leave this world, so he provoked Chen Muyu to kill him.

"It seems that I was right."

Chen Muyu was so impressed by him that he put away his spear and said, "I have decided not to kill you."

"Not kill me?"

Fang Ming's face turned green, "You don't kill me, but I want to kill you."

He immediately condensed thousands of sword beams and prepared to attack again.

However, Chen Muyu smiled lightly, "As long as you are willing to recognize me as your master, I will not kill you."


Fang Ming couldn't believe his ears at all.

He actually asked him to recognize him as his master?

He was the disciple of the supreme Taichu Taoist of Taichu Heaven, and he actually asked him to recognize him as his master?

Was he mistaken?

"What? Don't you want to?" Chen Muyu looked at him calmly.

Fang Ming's face was very ugly, "Chen Muyu, do you know what you are talking about? You are provoking the dignity of the master."

"So what?"

Chen Muyu spread his hands, "That master of yours has already decided to kill me. Why the hell am I provoking his dignity? What's wrong?"

Is it possible that I still have to be shy and give him some face?

"You are looking for death." Fang Ming gritted his teeth like a mad bison.

Countless sword rain fell directly on Chen Muyu.

At this moment, Chen Muyu found it extremely easy to deal with it. With a wave of his spear, he directly defeated the rain of swords in the sky.

"You can refuse, but I will not kill you. I will only defeat your original body again and again, causing your realm to fall to the eight-star realm, the seven-star realm, the six-star realm..."

"Even if you fall out of the realm of perfection or the realm of the Holy Lord, there is no guarantee that you will be completely turned into a mortal."

Fang Ming's eyes widened angrily, "You're so good, Chen Muyu, no wonder Master wants to kill you, you are so vicious."

Ha, what a messy reason.

Chen Muyu was overjoyed, "Give you another chance, are you willing to recognize me as your master?"

"If you want me to recognize you as my lord, you would rather die."

Fang Ming spoke one word at a time, each word squeezed out from between his teeth.


Chen Muyu smiled and said, "Your master really has a good disciple, but it's useless. I will accept you as a slave."

Soon, Fang Ming's expression changed slightly.

From anger to confusion, and from confusion to humility.

The eyes looking at Chen Muyu gradually became firm and respectful.

No matter how powerful you are, you cannot resist the power of the system.

Soon, Fang Ming bent his noble knees.

"Fang Ming, meet the master."

Respectfully, all I had to do was kneel down in front of Chen Muyu and kiss his feet.

A smile appeared on Chen Muyu's lips.

Very satisfied.

An existence in the Nine Star Realm, and this person's identity is the disciple of his inexplicably extra opponent.

Taking this person in will bring many benefits.

Although a lot of wealth is wasted, in the long run, it is definitely worth it.

At least I can get a lot of information related to Taoist Taichu from his mouth, which can be regarded as planting a nail next to Taoist Taichu.

"Get up."

Chen Muyu raised his hand and put away the Hongmeng gun.

Fang Ming stood up and stood with a bow.


"Husband, are you not injured?"

In the Bai Cui Building, Ning Qing took Chen Muyu's arm and looked up and down, fearing that he was missing arms or legs.

Chen Muyu shook his head, expressing his helplessness.

Lingqiao looked at Fang Ming, his beautiful eyes filled with hostility.

"His name is Fang Ming, and he is one of our own."

Chen Muyu said simply.

"One of our own?"

Ling Qiao was shocked when he heard this.

Wasn't this man shouting to kill Chen Muyu just now? Why did he suddenly become one of his own again?

She was a little confused and didn't know what was happening.

"He has been surrendered to me."

Chen Muyu did not explain too much.

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