A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 281 Chinese New Year! 【Third update】

"You can let me go, let's make a deal!"

Regardless of whether this thing could understand his words, Chen Muyu began to talk to it about the conditions.

This beast is a bear and a wild beast. It is unsafe to leave it anywhere. Especially now that it has been given an injection by Chen Muyu, its strength will definitely be greatly improved. Even if it is placed in a zoo, it will probably have a great impact. Dangerous.

So, either kill it or put it away.

It was too easy for Chen Muyu to acquire its loyalty.

After this guy was given an injection, his worth has increased a lot. Previously, in his injured state, he could receive 20,000 wealth points, and the mandatory fee of ten times the price was only 200,000. But now his worth has increased five times. To 100,000.

If Chen Muyu forcibly collects it, it will cost 1 million. Although this wealth is nothing to Chen Muyu, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. Just because you have money, you can't just waste it here.

Sure enough, after some "patient persuasion" by Chen Muyu, the black bear surrendered and was subdued with a wealth value of 100,000.

Soon, Chen Muyu clearly felt that there was some subtle connection with the black bear.


The black bear growled low and became much more docile.

It also had to be docile, and it was really satisfying to be beaten by Chen Muyu.

"Okay, it's okay!"

Chen Muyu said this, but he said it for the mother and others in the room.

Go back to the back door, take off the wooden strips on the door, and open the back door.

Mom and Xu Meng quickly pulled Chen Muyu in and looked up and down, as if they were afraid that Chen Muyu would be hurt.

"Brother, it, it's alive!"

Xu Xiaowan pulled Chen Muyu's trouser leg and shouted with a trembling voice.

Mom and the others were also shocked. They thought Chen Muyu had just beaten the black bear to death.

Xun Sheng looked around and saw the black bear lying in the yard, his chest still heaving up and down. Hearing Xu Xiaowan's words, he glanced over here, and he didn't know what that look meant.

"It's okay, it can't hurt anyone!"

Now that Chen Muyu has collected the black bear, he doesn't have to worry about it hurting others.

After all, it was a protected animal. Chen Muyu couldn't really beat it to death unless he had to, right?

The three of them were doubtful and did not dare to get close to observe. It was a ferocious beast.

Chen Muyu had no choice but to go into the house and search, and found the chain that used to tie the dog in the old house. Although it was a little rusty, there were two of them.

In the past, almost every household in the village fed dogs, so it was not easy to find such things.

The black bear was tied to the woodshed. Mom and the others were relieved when they saw the chain. They said they would let the village handle it, but it was too late now, so Chen Muyu said that we would talk about it in the morning.

Seeing that the black bear was lying in the woodshed and not moving, a few people went back to the house to sleep a little uneasily. Mom didn't even dare to wash their clothes!

Early the next morning, my mother got up first, and soon she banged open the door of Chen Muyu's room.

Xu Meng went to open the door and asked what was wrong. His mother exclaimed that the black bear was gone and asked Chen Muyu to go and take a look.

Chen Muyu pretended to go and take a look, but no, there were only two chains left in the woodshed.

Chen Muyu knew where the black bear had gone. When he got up last night, he put the black bear in his mind. After all, it would easily scare people if left outside.

Even if it doesn't hurt people, such a huge thing is not suitable anywhere. When the villagers see it, they will probably send it to the zoo.

What will happen to Chen Muyu then? Isn’t the wealth of 100,000 in vain?


What Chen Muyu didn't expect was that Chen Muyu's actions made his mother even more frightened.

Think about it, if this thing is caught, then it's okay. Now that it has escaped, it might pop up again from nowhere at any time. Is it scary?

There was no other way, so Chen Muyu went to town, bought a pile of bricks and iron fences, and surrounded the old house. He also helped Niu Erye's family rebuild the pig pen.

If you are celebrating the New Year, you can't find anyone to help you, so you ask your uncle, who is too lazy to do anything else. He can at most help you pass bricks, not as good as Mr. Niu.

Chen Muyu had no choice but to go to work in person and build a wall. It was such a simple thing. He had never eaten pork and had never seen a pig run away?

The village is still organizing people to go up the mountain to look for bears, but after a few days of searching and finding nothing, the enthusiasm gradually waned. As the Chinese New Year approaches, no one is thinking about it.

The bear never appeared again.

On New Year's Eve, my father and my third uncle came back. When my third uncle saw the wall built by Chen Muyu, he chewed his teeth. Finally, he couldn't hold it back anymore and was forced to start over.

Chen Muyu also had to admit that thinking and doing were completely different things. This construction guy was different. The construction was indeed much more beautiful than Chen Muyu's.

On New Year's Eve, they are still building walls. This year is probably the most unforgettable for Chen Muyu.

On the first day of the new year, I suffered from backache and backache. My mother woke me up early in the morning and told me not to stay in bed on the first day of the new year. Otherwise, I would have to stay in bed for the whole year.

I don’t know who made this rule, but I don’t know how to sleep on the first day of the year.

There were glutinous rice balls cooked in the pot. Dumplings didn't seem to be popular in Xichuan. Chen Muyu didn't know about dumplings until he was in junior high school.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, you must eat glutinous rice balls, and you can only eat even numbers, preferably six, eight, or twelve, which can have some meaning.

The glutinous rice balls made by my mother are so big that a bowl can hold at most four.

Growing up, Chen Muyu complained a lot, but his mother always said, you don’t know who is so and so, one of their dumplings can fill a bowl.

Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but fortunately there was enough stuffing, so he could barely accept it.

Last night, I was repairing the wall and the pig pen, and my physical strength was very high. Ye San made a whole pot of it. Chen Muyu ate twelve, and he really couldn't eat anymore.

My father and my third uncle were very talented. Because they ate one more than Chen Muyu, my mother said it was unlucky, so they forced themselves into twenty-four.

Chen Muyu was stunned to see that someone could really eat so much, and the Big Eater was right next to him.

The first and second days of junior high school were basically spent playing cards. In the second year of junior high school, both aunts came back to pay New Year greetings and spent the whole day playing.

The brothers and sisters of the Chen family have made a rule a few years ago. They all get together every year. There is no need to walk around, worship, red tape, streamline it when it needs to be streamlined, and run around during the New Year. We are all quite tired. Let's just get together and have some fun and give each other New Year's money. It can save a lot of trouble.

On the third day of the lunar new year, Chen Muyu also planned to go to Xu Meng's house to wish his future father-in-law a happy new year. The minimum etiquette must be in place. In addition, Chen Muyu also wanted to take this opportunity to ask his father-in-law Xu Sifeng specifically about the soul lamp.

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