A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 28 Why is this picture not stamped?

After just a glance, Chen Muyu's eyes were attracted by a black box in the man's hand.

It was a lockbox that looked just like the boxes used by secret agents in movies.

It seems that Qi Baishi's shrimp picture should be in this box.

It was quite formal, and compared to Chen Muyu carrying it in a backpack, it looked much more impressive.

But that's right, if it were really Qi Baishi's shrimp picture, it was worth hundreds of millions, not to mention being packed in a lockbox. Under normal circumstances, he would probably have to hire a bodyguard.

"Uncle Xu!"

When the man came closer, he was obviously already familiar with him, and he bowed directly to Xu Sihai, looking polite.

"Xiao Kai is here!"

Xu Sihai had a smile on his face, which was completely different from his attitude towards Xu Chuan just now. He pointed to the seat next to him and motioned for him to sit down and chat.

Wang Kai nodded repeatedly, and when he sat down, he saw Chen Muyu sitting there, a little confused, "This is..."

"Don't pay attention to him, he's just an insignificant guy!" Xu Chuan said angrily from the side.


Wang Kai was a little embarrassed. After all, he was very reserved in front of Xu Sihai.

"Chen Muyu!"

Chen Muyu reported his name, Xu Chuan was Xu Chuan, and the others were others. This person didn't show his face, so he still had to have the proper cultivation.

"Wang Kai!"

Wang Kai also quickly reported his name. He might not be clear about Chen Muyu's identity yet, and thought he was some kind of nephew of the Xu family.

Xu Sihai looked at Wang Kai amusedly, "I heard from Xiaochuan that you brought a painting over?"

When Wang Kai heard this, he stood up quickly and put the box on the table, "I have long heard that Uncle Xu likes calligraphy and painting. I happened to have such a painting at home recently, so I took it over and asked Uncle Xu to taste it shamelessly. Learn."

The purpose of his coming here today was to please Xu Sihai. Xu Sihai asked about painting as soon as he came up. In Wang Kai's opinion, this was impatient. Xu Sihai's love for calligraphy and painting was indeed well-deserved.

At that moment, Wang Kai was not ambiguous. He entered the password in front of the three people and opened the box.

Chen Muyu stretched out his neck.

Inside was a long mahogany box with a simple shape. It was opened carefully, and a scroll was held in red cloth.

Wang Kai was very serious and slowly pulled out the picture from the red cloth. The look was even more expressive than stealing a landmine.

Xu Chuan was not idle next to him. He quickly picked up the wine glass, cleared the table, and put a red cloth on the table.

Such a posture made Chen Muyu excited.

Qi Baishi's shrimp picture, the real thing is about to be displayed in front of him, this is such an exciting thing.

"Uncle Xu, please appreciate Qi Baishi's picture of a group of shrimps!"

The yellowed scroll slowly unfolded on the table. Wang Kai stood up straight, polite and with a proud smile on his face. It could be seen that he was very confident in a painting.

All rise!

Xu Sihai stood up and took a look. The expression on his face looked a little strange. It was hard to tell whether it was surprise or disappointment.

Anyway, Xu Sihai didn't wear gloves or reading glasses this time. He just opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Uncle Xu, how are you?"

Not seeing the expected shock on Xu Sihai's face, Wang Kai suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Xu Sihai did not answer him, but looked up at Chen Muyu who was standing opposite him, "Xiaoyu, what do you think?"

Chen Muyu was a little surprised to be named by Xu Sihai. After all, he was not very skilled in this area.

However, now that Xu Sihai has named him, he still has to bite the bullet and say a few words. After all, even if he can't understand it, the acquisition station in his mind has a certain treasure identification function. This is not a problem. he.


Next to him, Xu Chuan snorted lightly. He didn't understand why Xu Sihai looked at this kid differently. It was so unpleasant.

But so what if you are unhappy, you still have to endure it.

Chen Muyu carefully looked at the picture in front of him. It was very gorgeously framed. It was about four square feet in size. There were eight large shrimps drawn on the yellowed paper. Each one was vivid and had different shapes!

At first glance, it looked like that, but after a closer look, something felt wrong. Chen Muyu couldn't tell what was wrong, but he just felt that something was wrong.

Chen Muyu raised his head and looked at Wang Kai, "Can I ask, how did you get this picture?"

When Wang Kai heard this, he had something to say, and he quickly smiled and said, "This is a friend of my dad's who gave it to my dad on his birthday this year. My dad has always locked it in the cabinet. I dared to show it to others, but fortunately I found it, so I found an opportunity to show it to others..."

When Chen Muyu heard this, there were heavy black lines on his forehead, and it was difficult to complain in his heart. Your father did not dare to show it to others, probably not because he was afraid of losing it, but because he was afraid of being laughed at by the experts.

"How is it? Is this picture real?" Wang Kai asked.

"Yes, this thing opens the door quite well!"

Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although he knew in his heart that the picture was untrue, he didn't expose it on the spot. After all, Xu Sihai hadn't spoken yet. He could at most give a hint, "But, why didn't this picture be stamped?"

In addition to eight shrimps, this picture also contains a few words and a stamp. It was painted in the autumn of the Gengzi year, but it was not stamped.

Qi Baishi is such a famous artist, such paintings should not be stamped.

"Brother, you are an expert, you can tell there is a problem at a glance!" Wang Kai smiled cheerfully when he heard this, with a mysterious look on his face, "Actually, it's not that this picture is not stamped, but that it is not stamped. I haven’t had time to cover it yet. I heard from my dad’s friend that there’s another story here?”


Chen Muyu looked attentive, and Xu Sihai beside him was smiling and shaking his head. He also knew that Chen Muyu had noticed a problem, but it was just inconvenient for Chen Muyu to speak directly. This guy was also good at telling stories.

"Brother Kai, tell us quickly!"

Xu Chuan was full of interest and immediately became the king of fans.

Wang Kai cleared his throat, looking like a well-educated man, "I heard from my dad's friend that when Qi Baishi was learning to draw shrimps, he went to Hui Province to find his master who could draw shrimps. He spent a lot of money, and his master was... If you refuse to teach him, what will happen to you? Qi Baishi talked a lot and finally settled the deal with two bowls of chop suey noodles. Under the guidance of his master, Qi Baishi painted a picture on the spot, which is the picture we see!"

"It happened that the offal noodles were cooked. Qi Baishi was afraid of the noodles. He hurried to eat the noodles and forgot to stamp them. Later, the owner of the noodle shop kept the picture. It passed through the market for many years and changed hands several times. Finally, it was It was in the hands of my dad’s friend, and then my dad’s friend gave it to my dad…”

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