A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 271 Are they all Guanzi generation? 【Second update】

"Did you gain anything?" Chen Muyu interjected.

Jin Jianfeng said, "I dare not talk about the harvest, but after these days of investigation, I feel that if the ancient ruins really exist, there are not many places where it is possible."

As he spoke, Jin Jianfeng took out a map, pushed the things on the table aside to clear a space, and then spread the map on the table.

Chen Muyu took a look and saw that it was a map of Yandu City.

Jin Jianfeng made several irregular circles on it with a black pen.

"The treasure book Master showed us recorded that the place where the ancient ruins are located is surrounded by mountains and lakes, and is guarded by four elephants. The geographical situation is very special. During this period, we visited and surveyed everywhere, and roughly selected three possible places. .”

"Master, look." Jin Jianfeng pointed to the circle on the map, "One is in Mengxian Lake in Fushun County. It is close to Xianlin Mountain and has the word "xian" in its name, so it is the most suspicious place. ; The second place is in Weiyuan Wanfo Mountain, with a White Jade Lake next to it. We have visited it. According to Feng Shui, it is also a blessed place guarded by four elephants; and the third place is Erlang Mountain where the steel factory is located. There is a lake near Erlang Mountain. Green Melon Pond can also be matched.”

"At present, these three places are the most likely. During this period, we have used professional equipment to explore Linxian Mountain and Wanfo Mountain. The only remaining place is Erlang Mountain where the steel plant is located. We planned to explore the area near the steel plant a year ago, collect all the data in one place, and then return to Yuzhou to return to work. Among my disciples, two of them studied geological exploration. Once they have analyzed it, and if they can determine the location of the ancient ruins, they will organize excavations in a few years, and then the master will probably come in person."

Chen Muyu frowned, "So, in other words, you are only in the preliminary investigation stage. You have no idea whether this ruins really exists?"

Jin Jianfeng nodded and smiled a little awkwardly.

"Then do you know the origin of that ancient ruins?" Chen Muyu asked.

Jin Jianfeng shook his head, "Master has given us very little information. I'm afraid only Master knows the specific origin."

Chen Muyu closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then nodded slightly, "Okay, you and your people will continue to carry out the exploration work. I will say hello to the steel plant and ask them to provide convenience for you. However, no matter what the survey results are, I want to First-hand information.”

"Yes, Master."

Jin Jianfeng accepted the order. He can be said to be loyal to Chen Muyu now. He can basically give in to his master and so on.

"Master, do you have any other instructions?" Jin Jianfeng asked.

Chen Muyu thought for a while, "There is something. I want to ask you. Around the third day of November three years ago, was there an old man named Chen Guanhai who visited your Ge Laoshan?"

Chen Muyu was a little hesitant about this question. He was afraid of asking an answer he didn't want to hear.

"three years ago?"

After Jin Jianfeng heard this, he recalled it carefully. Three years had passed, and it had to be precise to the specific point in time. I am afraid that it would be difficult for anyone to recall what happened at that time without a particularly deep memory. Live or something.

Not to mention three years, one year is difficult.

Jin Jianfeng shook his head, "Three years ago, I should have been in Yudu. At that time, my cousin got married for the second time and asked me to help be the officiant. I was busy for more than half a month. During that month, I Basically, they are not at Ge Lao Mountain. Only on New Year's Eve do they go up the mountain to kowtow to Master."

Speaking of this, Jin Jianfeng added, "Master, in Ge Lao Mountain, there are very few disciples who are permanently stationed on the mountain. People of our generation, except for a few senior brothers, are basically stationed there. We travel to various places to take care of the property in Ge Laoshan, and we rarely go back unless there is a New Year or a festival, or when Master summons us."

Chen Muyu nodded slightly. He was originally worried, but when he heard Jin Jianfeng say that he didn't know, he felt relieved.

The more you care about some things, the more afraid you are of hearing the truth, because you are simply afraid that the truth will be unbearable for you.

"Then have you heard of Chen Guanhai?" Chen Muyu asked.

"Chen Guanhai, I have never heard of this name, but..." Jin Jianfeng shook his head, but he hesitated to speak.

"But what?" Chen Muyu immediately asked.

Jin Jianfeng said, "We have an uncle named Chen Guanshan."


Chen Muyu frowned slightly when he heard this. What a coincidence?

Chen Guanhai, Chen Guanshan, one word different?

Jin Jianfeng said, "Uncle Guanshan is the youngest son of the old mountain master and the only one still alive. He is also my master's brother-in-law. This uncle was born with a bit of intellectual disability. After the old mountain master passed away, My master took over the position of the master of Ge Lao Mountain, and for so many years after that, he was raised by my master. He was confused all day long, like a child, he loved to play and make trouble..."

"Where is your wife?" Chen Muyu asked.

"Master's wife?"

Jin Jianfeng sighed, "Master's wife passed away seventeen years ago. When she broke through to the realm of Yuanshen, she lost her temper, went crazy, and died without any cure. She was only fifty-six years old at the time."

Chen Muyu took a deep breath, "Then, what's your wife's name?"

"My wife's name is Chen Guanyu. She is a very good person. It's a pity that good people can't live long." Jin Jianfeng sighed again at the end, "Ten years ago, Master married a new Master, who was from the Fu family in Yuzhou. There is a daughter named Fu Shuangshuang, who is almost forty years old this year..."

Chen Muyu frowned slightly when he heard this, thinking that this old guy is quite good at playing.

Jin Jianfeng's knowledge was limited and he couldn't give Chen Muyu the answer he wanted. The two chatted in the private room until after eleven o'clock at night. Chen Muyu gave Jin Jianfeng some instructions before letting him go.

Since Peng Guanghan asked Jin Jianfeng to investigate the ancient ruins, Chen Muyu just went with the flow and there was no need to stop him. Anyway, Jin Jianfeng was his person now. If he found any precise information, he would be notified as soon as possible.

After returning to the hotel, Chen Muyu explained the situation to Teng Hu and asked the steel factory to open a convenient door for Jin Jianfeng and the others.

Teng Hu also felt a little baffled by Chen Muyu's sudden change, but after thinking about it carefully, those people had a lot of background, so it was better not to offend him. As long as they did not affect his work, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. .

The demolition of the factory has been scheduled for the end of the year, so now that Chen Muyu opened his mouth, Teng Hu readily agreed.

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