A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 197 Automatic return! 【Third update】

Another very important reason why he retreated so decisively was that he wanted to wait for the space suit to be delivered, so that he could go down to the abyss and take a look.

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No matter how cold it is down there, it shouldn't reach minus two hundred degrees, right?

Long Yuan Guo has been taken care of. It’s still early and there’s enough oxygen left, so it’s time to satisfy my curiosity.

Stepping on the Silver Shadow Flying Board, Chen Muyu began to fly into the deep hole at his feet.

The cold wind blew from bottom to top, making it extremely cold.

Chen Muyu had no doubt that if it weren't for this space suit and his body being exposed to such a cold environment, he would probably be frozen into an ice sculpture in a short time.

Looking at the temperature display on the arm, the number keeps rising. Of course, there is a negative sign in front of the number.

Eighty degrees below zero,

Ninety degrees below zero,

One hundred degrees below zero,

Going all the way down, the cave seemed to be bottomless. Chen Muyu did not dare to fly too fast. After about ten minutes, he sank to about three thousand meters.

The surrounding environment is still the same as before. It is impossible to see what is below and when to reach the bottom. There is only darkness and thick ice walls next to it. The diameter of the entire cave is not much different from the beginning.

The temperature has dropped to more than 110 degrees below zero.

Terrible low temperatures.

The spacesuit can still withstand it.

Chen Muyu continued downward, the wind became stronger and stronger, and the temperature actually continued to drop.

"Warning, warning, cryogenic overload!"

"Warning, warning, cryogenic overload!"

What Chen Muyu didn't expect was that the spacesuit on his body was fine, but the silver shadow flying board under his feet was the first to sound the alarm.

"Low temperature overload, low temperature overload, return automatically after 3 seconds!"



"The automatic return function is turned on..."


Chen Muyu couldn't help but curse, "What kind of alien technology is this? It's actually overloaded by low temperature?"

Out of control at all, the Silver Shadow Flying Board, which was still descending, turned around and flew upwards.

It felt like I was on the run!

Two minutes later, when they arrived at the place where they had just picked the Dragon Yuan Fruit, the Silver Shadow Flying Board slowly stopped, and Chen Muyu regained control of it.

"I go!"

Chen Muyu was speechless. He could have gone deeper, but he didn't expect Silver Shadow Flying Board to play such a trick on him.

This alien technology has not yet been able to create a space suit.

At less than 120 degrees below zero, its cryogenic protection was triggered, making Chen Muyu really helpless.

There is no way, alien technology products are just a kind of product, and they must have their limits. Besides, Chen Muyu's Silver Shadow Flying Board is still someone else's obsolete product, so we can't ask for too much.

Looking at the dark abyss below, Chen Muyu was really curious about what the scene would be like below. Could it really be the legendary dragon cave?

It's a pity that even if he goes down again now, I'm afraid the Silver Shadow Flying Board will still fly back again. He doesn't dare to jump down directly. After all, he doesn't have the ability to fly in the air. If he goes down, he may not be able to get up.

Although it is a pity, I can only go out and make plans again.

With a little bit of disappointment, I walked out of the cave.

The jade bottle was handed over to the Hong family father and son, with a total of 107 Dragon Yuan Fruits. The father and son were very happy.

One hundred and seven fruits brought their family more than a thousand years, and if distributed to future generations, it would be enough to last for hundreds of years.

"Lao Hong, relying solely on fruits is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause..."

At night, Hong Ze sat next to Chen Muyu on the toad stone in front of the Chen family's old house. After getting the fruit, Hong Ze obviously relieved the burden in his heart, and sometimes he could laugh out loud unconsciously.

Hong Ze smiled and said, "I know, but this batch of fruits can bring our family a long time, even if it is only two or three hundred years. Now that medical technology is developing so fast, even if we can't find a treatment method now, the two Three hundred years from now, who can say for sure? Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, and I can’t worry so much..."

Chen Muyu thought for a while and said, "I feel that this problem inherited from your family may not necessarily be a disease..."

"Brother, you are a capable person, can you tell anything?" Hong Ze said with a little hope.

Chen Muyu shook his head, "To be honest, I can't see anything... But just because you can't see it now, doesn't mean you won't be able to see it in the future!"

This is indeed true. He has scanned it many times using the scrap system, but unfortunately, no useful information was found.

Either Hong Ze didn't have any illness at all, or he didn't have enough authority to find out the specific information about his so-called strange illness.

Hong Ze's previous statement was serious and he could spend 400 million to find an antidote. This didn't seem to be false. Therefore, Chen Muyu felt that the latter possibility was more likely.


After hearing Chen Muyu's words, Hong Ze stood up and then knelt down in front of Chen Muyu.

"Old Hong, what are you doing?" Chen Muyu looked stunned.

But he didn't reach out to help him.

Hong Ze said, "Brother Chen, we have some friendship, right?"

Chen Muyu nodded slightly. 400 million certainly counts as friendship.

Hong Ze continued, "That's enough. I know that Brother Chen, you are not an ordinary person. I hope that if it is possible in the future, brother, you can think of a way to help us find the root of the ancestral disease of the Hong family and eliminate the root of the disease." Get rid of it, of course, brother, don’t worry, if that day comes, regardless of whether I am still alive or not, our Hong family will definitely give you the most generous reward..."

"Lao Hong, you get up first and then talk."

Chen Muyu would not make a promise to anyone so easily. He just raised his hand to Hong Ze and said, "You are almost sixty. If you kneel in front of me, won't this shorten my life?"

"Hey, my emotions have reached this point, I can't hold it back anymore."

Hong Ze laughed dryly, stood up and sat next to Chen Muyu, "Brother Chen, what I said is true. You are a capable person. I believe you can help me."

Chen Muyu pondered for a moment and said, "I dare not promise you anything. I can only say that I will do my best."

"Thank you, Brother Chen." Hong Ze said sincerely.

The young man in front of him was indeed very mysterious in his eyes. His intuition told him that this young man might really be the savior of their Hong family.

"I want to borrow that spacesuit and other equipment for a while." Chen Muyu said.

Hong Ze paused and said, "Brother, do you still want to explore that cave?"

Chen Muyu did not deny it, "I always feel that there is something incredible there, so I want to go down and have a look."

"Brother, although I don't know what's under there, I can feel it. It's scary and dangerous. Everyone has curiosity, but I still want to say this, brother, curiosity will kill the cat!"

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