A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1969: Reaching the 28th level of the super realm!

Now, Min Yu has been taken away from him. In a sense, he has fallen. Naturally, he will not pose any threat to him in the future.

Of course, the premise is that this Jianjiu has no hostility towards Chen Muyu.

When Jian Jiu left just now, he sent a message to Chen Muyu, vaguely intending to win Chen Muyu's cooperation.

This person has only one purpose.

That is revenge.

His enemies are King Taihao, King Menggao, Queen Tian, ​​and Ancestor Min.

Now that he has taken over Min Yu's body, he must be the first to deal with Ancestor Min.

And he said that if he still wants to use the Yuhuatan after two months, he can go to him and he will help him.

I'm afraid, the real purpose is to help him get rid of Ancestor Min, right?

Once Ancestor Min died, Yuhuatan became ownerless, so he could use it whenever he wanted.

Chen Muyu didn't think too much about what happened two months later. Now, he still wanted to try the effect of Yuhuatan water first.

Hao Jie looked at Tianyuan Shen worriedly, but he actually didn't have any good premonition in his heart.

That made Ancestor Min feel even more helpless.

The power of the curse is indeed terrifying.

Yougu was guarding by the pool to prevent anyone from disturbing Pang Yunxi's practice.

That's why I said that this person's identity is not just a fabrication at all, he is just a complete liar.

Tianyuan Shen didn't speak for a while.

Jian Si took away Jie'er, which was not a small idea.

In special circumstances, the time it takes for a super-qualified monk to comprehend an origin is only about 10,000 to 20,000 years.

Intentional situation.

After all, the number of origins I have understood now has not reached 28,000.

The turbid waves surged into the sky, and a flying boat flew slowly in the air.

When I just understood the origin, Tianyuan God had not noticed the power lingering under me.

Seeing this person, Hao Jie bowed, full of respect.


When Hao Jie heard this, his expression froze, "I know why, I feel my heartbeat is pounding. I've never felt that way before..."

"Li Gong."

If you want to practice slowly, you may have to use that pool before.

Scared to death.

After that, my analysis speed was about eight hours, and I could analyze the seven origins.

We still have to go there, but that's the Luo Ye clan. How can he secretly soak my Yu Pangyun under the eyes of God Tianyuan? Perhaps, a few of the weak Holy Lords in Pang Yunxi's country can really discover something from the Rain King's Court, thereby breaking the curse of our clan.

Pang Yunxi nodded, "You are going to be in seclusion for two months. There must be nothing wrong with you. He will remember to wake you up."

After a long time, I made a confident breakthrough and won, which caused my strength to drop a lot.

Old Ancestor Min's face was filled with surprise.

The realm has successfully reached the 28th level of the super level.

That time when I went back, I had a long conversation with several elders. Unfortunately, all the elders were helpless.

Pang Yunxi looked into the distance. It seemed that the southern continent had not caught my eye yet.

Unfortunately, once the water leaves the pool, it is no different from my water, and it does not contain the power of laws.

Take off your clothes and enter the water.


In this regard, the elders have plans.

Things are obviously going well, so why don't you feel safe?

Hao Jie also has seven words, I am also afraid now.

At that speed, I can comprehend 9,000 origins in two months.

But I never mentioned that to anyone, for fear that others would think me a stupid idiot.

I understand why Mr. Li did that. He wanted to confirm whether there was no curse underneath me.

Hao Jie sat in silence for a long time, then smiled bitterly, "If something happens, it at least proves that it's not because of your poor qualifications..."

When I think about being soaked by those fat maggots before, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

However, recently, I know why, but I feel a little less anxious in my heart.

When I left that year, I was seven. When I went back, after so many years, I was still seven.

An origin, analysis completed.

The efficiency has been improved by less than seven times.

There is indeed no such curse power under me.

There is an endless sea of ​​territory.

At the beginning, it took me about 20,000 years to comprehend one thing. However, as the source of understanding increases, the time spent becomes less and less. As of the most recent time, it took me 70,000 years or less to understand one thing. The original understanding is completed.

Yougu felt like he was always hanging in his heart while he was here. I wanted to leave quickly, but Patriarch Min was willing to leave, so there was nothing I could do.

My mood is also very light.

Luo Ye City.

Tianyuan Shen sighed, "Perhaps he is under too much pressure and something will happen. When he returns to Taihao Kingdom, Li Gong will help him solve the trouble."

Hao Jie paused, and then seemed to see hope.

At this moment, he could already feel the existence of the mysterious origin law in the pool.

Chen Muyu tried hard to get rid of those unpleasant images, closed his eyes, and concentrated.


In Chen Muyu Country, almost all of Pang Yun's disciples who have reached the super level are facing the same situation.

The water in the pool was not as cold as expected, but rather a little warm.

It's quite possible to find such a trace of slow happiness in happiness.

Jie'er is burdened with the power of the curse, so I think it must have been affected as well.

Tianyuan Shen shook his head repeatedly, "This matter involves a secret past event of Chen Muyu Kingdom, he needs to know..."

The time was shortened slightly.

Hao Jie was stunned for a moment and thought back carelessly, "Perhaps your realm is too high and you didn't feel any power to stop you, but you haven't understood the origin since then. Indeed, you have understood it very quickly, compared to the sacrifices in the enshrinement courtyard. The speed is almost gone.”

"Master, how are you doing?"

In a blink of an eye, two months passed.

Human nature is selfish. It is probably easier to get the weak in the Holy Lord Realm to sacrifice their lives voluntarily than to kill us directly.

But, there is time.

Yougu nodded repeatedly at the side, "It's a pity that the pool was refined by Tianyuan God, and there is no way to lock it with a magic circle, so there is no way to take it away..."

Currently, my subordinates have not yet understood the origin of the 7,000 Dao.


Hao Jie nodded and thought about it a lot.

Between the eyebrows, there is full of care from the elders to the younger ones.

Reached the 28th level of the super-grade realm.

It is false that I am the son of King Taihao, but I am also the grandson of Tianyuan God.

When I returned to Pang Yunxi's country, I wanted to check this person's identity, but most importantly, I wanted to talk to the elders in the clan about my situation.

Before Jian Si took Jie'er's body, he had also been in seclusion for two months. He must have been in a new and unfamiliar body and had not come out.

In addition, Tianyuan God may come back at any time, and by then, we still know what the situation will be.


"Thank you Li Gong."

That's why I said that with the financial and material resources of Chen Muyu's country, such a young man could not cultivate a weak person in the Holy Lord realm.

"He, come with you."

"That pool is a bad thing."

The small continent in the south was not getting closer yet, and Hao Jie's heart was as surging as the sea water on his feet.

Yes, I'm afraid.

At that time, a clear voice came from behind.


In Pang Yunxi country, there are no seven Holy Lord realms of Wo Yin. That time I went to Pang Yunxi country, I have never seen the weakness of those great ancestors. Even the weak ones in the Holy Lord realm who are capable are Is there any way to break the curse?

In Chen Muyu's country, there are seven weak people in the Holy Lord realm.

Opening the system, taking out the source of the Jidao, Chen Muyu began to analyze it.

After all, after so many years of preparation and so few resources invested, it was all in vain at the end, which is really unacceptable.

Time, ten minutes.


Just for a moment, he was not standing in front of Hao Jie.

Below the deck, stood a young man.

Hearing that, Hao Jie didn't understand yet.

After saying this, Haojie was speechless for a long time.

Ancestor Min sighed sincerely.

Hao Jie thought of something, "I heard from my mother that Yu Pangjun can dispel the power of the curse..."

Also, I didn’t try to leave with some pool water.

Ancestor Min couldn't help but laugh. We could just secretly use other people's ponds, but that guy also wanted to carry the pond to others.

Even if this person is killed, there is no need to worry about any hidden dangers.

But now, an origin only takes ten minutes.

"Huatan, he has reached the super level now, but he doesn't feel any inexplicable power preventing him from understanding the origin?"

"It looks like he has no soul and is just guarding his house. What's wrong?" God Tianyuan asked.

To be honest, if Ancestor Min was confident enough, at that time, I actually had not broken the path just because of my attempt.

"Pang Yun, what are you thinking about?"

"Li Gong wants to go back to the Eastern Continent?"

Understood 9000 origins.

After a long time, God Tianyuan breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Moreover, when you returned to Chen Muyu Kingdom, you also reported the matter of the Rain King's Court to your father. My father asked you to take the Rain King's Court back. We can study it carefully and maybe we can find a way to break the curse."

"Li Gong, how are you?"

Pang Yunxi suddenly seemed to remember something and asked Haojie.


That's why I said that in eight great hours, I can analyze the origin of the fourteen paths.

Haojie didn't understand our practice either, so he often came to discuss it with us.

Then, my mother can worry, and my father can also worry.

In the world of that domain, there is no precedent for 20,000 Taoist origins to break through the Tao.

I wish I could return to Taihao Divine Kingdom immediately.

As for the Rain King Court, Pang Yunxi hadn't been out in the water for two months.

Mentioning that, God Tianyuan sighed again, "It is true that the Rain King's Court can dissipate the power of the curse, but there is no limit to the dissipation power. The power of the curse is constantly improving as his realm improves. Yu Pang Yun is still enough to wipe out that power."

My heart is full of joy, thinking that before I return to the southern continent and the Kingdom of Taihao, everyone will look at me with admiration.

Among them, there are only a few who are in special situations with Tianyuan God.

Difficult or not, what happened in Taihao City during the time you left?

It probably doesn't take ten thousand years for those to make offerings and realize the origin.

However, the breakthrough itself had the smallest psychological impact on me.

That's because of me.

The offerings in the Enshrining Court can be considered to be the best in the super realm, at least in the Taihao Kingdom.

Tianyuan Shen smiled bitterly, "That was a curse cast by a weak person in the Holy Lord realm at the cost of his life. To break it, I am afraid that a weak person in the Holy Lord realm would also need to pay his life. Haha, no weak person in the Holy Lord realm is willing to How about giving your life for our seniors?"

The first one let out a long sigh, "That curse is really the maggot of the tarsal bone, following it like a shadow."

Tianyuan God smiled, "Let's finish dealing with his mother's affairs first."

The strength has naturally increased a lot.

A fat old maggot walked out of the cabin.

The expression on his face was very serious.

Only a few months after leaving the Southern Continent, I followed Li Gong to the Eastern Continent, to the legendary Chen Muyu Country, and gained a lot of experience.

The black flying rabbit is gone, and time is fleeting.

"Huatan, he will be sad too, there will always be nothing he can do." Pang Yunxi's words seemed to be comforting Hao Jie, and also seemed to be comforting himself.

After all, to be tolerant, I don’t have the blood of Chen Muyu’s Minyu in my body.

Now, when God Tianyuan asks, I have to tell you the truth.

This curse was cast by a weak Holy Lord after his death. It was aimed at the entire Tianyuan Pang Yun. This is a kind of lawful power that is extremely self-caused. The seven Holy Lords of Pang Yunxi Kingdom have studied it for a long time. Anyone can break it.

Yougu asked curiously from the side. I also wanted to retreat from the bubble, but no matter what, I had to guard the gate for Patriarch Min.

To be honest, I am too egotistical.

Comparing Haojie himself, I have reached the low-level realm for a long time, and I have also finished comprehending the origin very early. However, my speed of comprehension is far different from those of those who worshiped it. It often takes me tens of thousands of years to comprehend the origin.

Being entangled in the power of the curse, one can understand the origin very quickly, and it is completely possible to break the path.

I even received a reward from my great-grandfather, Holy Lord Tianyuan, an extremely rare God Pill, which directly helped me understand the origin of the seven thousand ways.

Luo Ye tribe, Pang Yunxi.

To reach the threshold of understanding the 40,000 origins, if I have enough origins, I only need to retreat outside that pool for seven months.

From the low-grade realm, I retreated into the super-grade realm.

But Patriarch Min still wants to be safe. 40,000 Origins is my basic goal.

Everything is in a state of mind now.

Two months have not come yet. Counting the time, Tianyuan God should be back.

I have also completed what my mother told me. This person is everything. Li Gong used the power of Chen Muyu to find the missing Min Yu in the Eastern Continent. There is no such person as Ancestor Min.

"Is there really a way to get rid of it?" Hao Jie gritted his teeth.

However, I am afraid that the pool itself is a super-grade treasure. The system cannot scan the information, and there is no magic circle locked by Pang Junxi. Even if I want to take away the pool, I will do it. It is to.

"Li Gong, where did that curse come from?" Hao Jie asked.

The Rain King's Court is really magical.

Tianyuan Shen frowned and took Hao Jie directly back into the cabin. He asked me to sit cross-legged, took out an origin, and taught me to understand it on the spot.

In fact, Ancestor Min was also very tempted.

Hao Jie was at a high level and was aware of it, but Tian Yuan Shen had been entangled with that power for countless years, and it couldn't be more strange.

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