A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 188 Long Yuan Fruit? 【Third update】

What is this mess?

Chen Muyu raised his head and looked at Hong Ze.

"It's a long story." Hong Ze laughed dryly, "It starts with my grandfather's great-grandfather's generation. My grandfather's great-grandfather was a mountain king. He did too many immoral things, and he didn't even know it. Whose retribution is it? Starting from my grandfather’s generation, a strange disease has been inherited. If the descendants do not live past the age of thirty, their bodies will spontaneously combust and die..."


Chen Muyu was stunned. Is this old boy making up a story with him?

Spontaneous combustion? So outrageous?

Hong Ze gave a bitter smile, not feeling outrageous at all, "It sounds a bit unbelievable, but my grandfather's grandfather, my grandfather, and my grandfather all did not live past the age of thirty. They all ignited suddenly and spontaneously. Without warning, it will be instantly burned to ashes.”

"You must be in your fifties or sixties at least. How are you still alive and well?" Chen Muyu asked.

Hong Ze shook his head, "I am relatively lucky. Thirty years ago, I met an old Taoist priest. He gave me three fruits and asked me to take one every ten years. Each one can prevent me from disaster for ten years. , I took one when I was twenty-nine, and sure enough, I lived past thirty..."

"But the old Taoist said that my disease will occur once every ten years. I am already fifty-nine this year, and I only have three fruits. The last one helped me survive my fifty years. Now, not only am I already fifty-nine, Nine years old, my son is already twenty-nine years old, and they are all waiting for the fruit to save their lives..."

"Is that your son outside?"

"No, his name is Hu Kai, and he is my business partner. I saw that he was strong, so I tricked him into helping."

Chen Muyu frowned slightly, this old man was quite sinister and not a good guy.

"Why don't you go find that old Taoist?" Chen Muyu asked.

Hong Ze grimaced, "It would be great if I could find him. I have been looking for him all these years, but there has been no trace of him. I think when I saw him back then, he was already ten years old. Now thirty years have passed. I’m afraid he would have died a long time ago.”

"This photo was what he left to me. He said it was the place where the fruit grows. I have been looking everywhere for these years. Not long ago, I saw the distance, feeling and photos of Longtan Mountain in the brochure of Shao'e Mountain. They look very similar, so I rushed here..."

This story was told quite vividly, and Chen Muyu didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"What does the fruit you mentioned look like?" Chen Muyu asked.

Hong Ze said, "It's about the size of a thumb, white and transparent, like a Bodhi seed. The old Taoist called it Dragon Yuan Fruit."

"Dragon Yuan Fruit?"

Chen Muyu frowned slightly, having never heard of it.

"The fruit is so cold that it can freeze you into ice when you eat it. It's so cold in this cave, so it must have grown here. I must have come to the right place." At this point, Hong Ze looked slightly excited. .

"Is that really all?" Chen Muyu looked at the old man questioningly.

The old man nodded repeatedly, "That's all, little brother, you see I'm like this now, is there any benefit to me from hiding you?"


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At this moment, a roar came from a nearby cave.

Hong Ze's scalp was about to explode. He followed the sound and saw a black bear slowly walking out from the entrance of the cave.

It was the big black bear from before.

"Little brother, turn off the flashlight." Hong Ze quickly shouted in a low voice.

This old man had learned the power of the big black bear, but now he was completely helpless.

Chen Muyu smiled.

The black bear's eyesight is not very good. In this dark cave, it doesn't matter whether there is light or not. It relies more on its sense of smell to confirm its target.

Now that the lights are turned off, you can't see it, but the black bear is like a bright mirror. It can find you by smell. Isn't that deceiving yourself and others?


The black bear had also been wandering around the cave for a long time. When he was bored, he became excited when he saw Chen Muyu. He roared and rushed towards Chen Muyu.

Hongze screamed and rolled aside quickly.

Chen Muyu, on the other hand, not only did not hide, but instead rushed forward, dwarfing slightly, directly grabbed the black bear's back foot, and jerked it upwards.

This black bear was extremely fierce, but its weight was not as heavy as that of the wild boar. Chen Muyu's internal energy was activated, and his strength increased dramatically, and he directly lifted it into the air.

He flipped over in mid-air and fell heavily to the ground.

This scene stunned Hong Ze next to him.

It's too fierce for a human to fight against a black bear, right?

Seeing this, Hong Ze was no longer afraid and quickly got up from the ground. The image of the young man in front of him suddenly became much taller in his mind.

The black bear wasn't stupid at all. It rolled around on the ground. Knowing that it was no match for Chen Muyu, it turned around and ran away, getting out of the cave in despair.

Chen Muyu chased after him. Hong Ze didn't dare to stay here alone, so he quickly followed.

Not to mention, although humans are known as the primates of all things, they are really inferior to animals in some aspects.

The two of them wandered around for a long time without finding a way out. They followed the black bear darting here and there. In less than ten minutes, they saw the light.

But the exit was not where they had just entered, but a low valley mouth halfway up Longtou Ridge.

Behind a large stone, it is only one meter high and is covered with grass. If you don't know there is a hole here in advance, it is basically impossible to find it.


When Chen Muyu squeezed out of the cave, he happened to see the black bear jumping into the forest in panic.

In a flash, he disappeared.

Chen Muyu didn't chase it. After all, this thing is a protected animal. You can't kill it, right?

He didn't want to collect such a thing again, otherwise, his Wanjie Waste Collection Station would really become a zoo.

Hong Ze tried his best to climb out of the hole. He pushed away the dead branches and leaves near the entrance of the hole. He kept coughing and was covered in mud. He looked really miserable.

Sitting down next to the entrance of the cave, Hong Ze didn't want to move.

Looking at the sky outside, it feels like I have just climbed back into the world from hell and been reborn.

Returned to the mountain and dragged Hu Kai out of the cave.

"He was seriously injured and had to be sent to the hospital quickly."

Looking at Hu Kai lying on the ground with blood all over his body, Chen Muyu reminded him.

This guy has more than just gunshot wounds. The gunshot wounds are only secondary. After all, they are not fatal. The most important thing is the bear scratch wound, which is the most fatal.

I was scratched on the chest. Fortunately, the wound was not deep. But I was slapped on the back. I'm afraid a few ribs were broken. I don't know if the internal organs were injured. If so, it was okay. A bit troublesome.

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