A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 181 Huge Kudzu! 【Second update】

Let's talk about Chen Muyu. When he went up the mountain, he saw that the wild boar was huge and would leave footprints and traces wherever it ran. Moreover, if the wild boar was slapped by him, it must have been seriously injured. There were sporadic blood stains on the road.

Chen Muyu followed all the way, and soon entered the depths of Longtan Mountain.

Although Longtan Mountain is not high, it is big enough. In the early years, villagers went to the mountain to clear wasteland and collect firewood. However, in recent years, after returning farmland to forest, fewer people entered the mountain.

Many of the roads we used to take are now deserted. Wherever the grass is lush, a person can be as tall as a person.

In winter, I am not afraid of encountering snakes, but the road is difficult to walk. Although Chen Muyu's Sunflower Reflecting Moon Step has been successful, it is not easy to perform in this mountain forest. There is a lot of moss underfoot and it is easy to slip.

Therefore, after not walking for long, Chen Muyu simply took out the Silver Shadow Flying Board. Anyway, it also consumes fat, and flying in the air is more comfortable than running on the ground.

"Hmph, hum..."

We chased them all the way to Mentougou. This place is deep in Longtan Mountain and is already inaccessible. Few people in the village come to this place.

Mentougou is a canyon in the mountains. There is a spring flowing out of the old forest. It gradually forms a message and slowly flows out of the mountain. From a distance, this place looks like a gate, so it is called Mentougou.

When Mentougou leaves the mountain, it is called Youlonggou. It is connected to the Qinglong River outside Longtan Town.

Therefore, this can also be said to be the source of Youlonggou.

Next to Mentougou, there is Xiaziping, a very gloomy locust forest. When Chen Muyu was a child, he heard many scary stories about Xiaziping from the elders in the village.

Among them, the one that shadowed Chen Muyu the most was that there was a large stone grave in Xiaziping. The old people in the village said that it was the grave of a human bear. The human bear had eaten many children in the village.

So much so that when he was a child, he followed the adults into the mountains, and Chen Muyu didn't dare to go near it. Even now, when he passed by Xiangziping and saw the stone tomb, Chen Muyu still had this instinctive shadow in his heart.

The light in the locust forest was very dark, and the smell after fallen leaves was very unpleasant. Chen Muyu originally did not intend to come in, but the footprints of the wild boar king were clearly heading here, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and come in to take a look. .

The stone graves and the human bears are just used by the elders to scare children.

Xiangziping is a very open place, and the stone tomb is also very conspicuous, right next to a huge old locust tree.

From behind the stone tomb, there was a roar of wild boars.

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If Chen Muyu hadn't been chasing him all the way, a person would have been frightened to death hearing such a sound in a place like this.

In broad daylight, there are no gods or ghosts.

Not to mention it is just a legend, even if it is really a human bear, Chen Muyu may not be afraid of it. No matter how terrifying it is, it is just a beast. How can it withstand the dismembering palm of his own divine dragon?

After taking a detour behind the stone tomb, there is a large hole in the cliff.

It was about two meters tall, and was surrounded by dead leaves. Looking inside, Chen Muyu saw the figure of the wild boar.

This guy was lying in the cave, groaning and dying.

This must be its lair.

This beast was obviously seriously injured. Chen Muyu's Divine Dragon Dismembering Palm probably injured all its internal organs. But even so, this beast is not dead yet, and he can still run such a long way back. Not recognizing the tenacity of life.

It was dirty and smelly inside. Chen Muyu disliked it and didn't want to go in, so he wanted to kill it directly with the Taiyi sword.

But at this time, Chen Muyu suddenly heard other sounds in the cave.

He took out his flashlight and looked inside.

Chen Muyu frowned slightly. Behind this wild boar, there were actually four little wild boars.

It was very small, as if it had just been born, the fetal hair had not yet faded away, and it was even unsteady when standing.

"Hmph, hum..."

The Wild Boar King looked up at Chen Muyu, his eyes blood red with anger and seeming to be pleading.

This guy came all this way just for his group of piglets?

At this moment, Chen Muyu's heart was somewhat touched.

It is said that everyone has compassion. The weather has been cold recently and life in the mountains has been difficult. This wild boar king may have just given birth and cannot find anything to eat, so he has no choice but to go down the mountain to harvest crops.

Even though he was injured all over his body, he had to come back to protect these little wild boars. I am afraid that even if it is placed on a human being, many people cannot achieve this kind of emotion.

If we kill it, I'm afraid these little wild boars won't survive either.

But this thing is always a scourge. If it is left alone, it will be a threat to the lives and property of the villagers.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Muyu pulled out the system and scanned the wild boar king in the cave.

A female wild boar weighs 920 kilograms. She can be regarded as the king of wild boars. However, she is still far inferior to exotic species such as the boulder toad. Even if she is seriously injured, she can gain her loyalty. A compulsory acquisition of 10 times the value is only worth 30,000 yuan.

Without saying a word, he collected the four little wild boars together.

After acquiring the loyalty of the Wild Boar King, the way the Wild Boar King looked at Chen Muyu instantly changed, and he quickly became docile. He grunted twice, crawled out of the cave, and lay down at Chen Muyu's feet very submissively.

Chen Muyu took a look and saw that this guy was seriously injured. He was also rough-skinned and thick-skinned. He had been slapped, but he could still hold on until this point.

Unfortunately, the training auxiliary pot was now occupied by Gu Zheng, so Chen Muyu had no other option. He found a fourth-grade Yang Yuan Dan and fed it to it, hoping that it would be beneficial to its injuries.

Immediately, Chen Muyu collected the Wild Boar King and the four little wild boars in the cave into the scrap collection depot in his mind.

It’s almost becoming a zoo.

Clapping his hands, Chen Muyu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw something shiny in the wild boar's lair.

Chen Muyu was a little stunned. He held his nose and walked in. He saw something like a tree root on the cave wall. It was huge, as thick as an adult's thigh. The lower part must have been eaten by a wild boar. Just outside the cave. The bright sparkle I saw was really the reflection of the place where the roots of the tree had been chewed.


Pull out system authentication.

Chen Muyu was stunned by the message that popped up. It was actually a kudzu root.

Pueraria lobata is a kind of herbal medicine, which is the root of the leguminous plant Pueraria lobata. It has the functions of relieving muscles and reducing fever, clearing rash, promoting body fluids and quenching thirst, promoting yang and stopping diarrhea.

It is a very common medicinal material, but such a big kudzu root really shocked Chen Muyu. How many years does it take to grow to such a big size?

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