A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,330 The situation in the Emperor’s Tomb!

Of course, he had only heard about it. The existence of the Emperor's Tomb was too long ago. To the powerful men of their time, it was just like a mirror in the mirror, existing only in legends.

Could it be that my chance is in the Emperor's Tomb?

Thinking of this, Zhan took a deep breath.

With his current state, it is not difficult to imagine that there is an opportunity for him to improve in the Emperor's Tomb.

"Brother, how much do you know about the Emperor's Tomb?" Chen Muyu asked.

Zhan came back to his senses and sighed, "I know, I'm afraid I don't know as much as you do. I just heard that it is the place where the Hongmeng gods and demons are buried. It is extremely dangerous inside. It is said that Huang came out from there. The strong man..."

Chen Muyu nodded, "What about the others? What else do you know?"

Zhan shook his head and said, "That was a very long time ago. I don't know how many years have passed since the opening of Hongmeng. There is very little information about the Emperor's Tomb. Even the emperors like me are not sure about the emperor's tomb." Does the Imperial Tomb really exist? My dear brother, is it possible that our chance will come true in that Imperial Tomb?"

He was talking about us, and his words were vaguely tied to Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu sighed, "Brother, if so, will you go?"

Zhan hesitated slightly.

"Brother seems to have concerns?" Chen Muyu looked at him in surprise.

Zhan said, "The legend of that place is that it is quite dangerous. If it really existed, it would be difficult to get out after going in, and..."

Zhan looked like he was hesitant to speak.

"Brother, you might as well speak frankly." Chen Muyu asked.

The war commander sighed, shook his head and said, "Forget it, my dear brother, if you find the Emperor's Tomb, no matter how dangerous it is, I will accompany you there."

He also felt bitter in his heart. If you were caught in it, wouldn't I also suffer along with you? Instead of doing that, I might as well go in with you, not to mention that there might really be a chance for me inside.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

Chen Muyu was a little surprised. Zhan was very excited when he mentioned the opportunity before. Now when he said that the opportunity might be in the Emperor's Tomb, Zhan became a little timid. This was something he didn't expect.

Zhan must be worried about something, but he doesn't seem to want to talk about it.

Chen Muyu did not ask further questions, and the two of them just waited quietly for Ze to wake up.


About half an hour later, Chen Muyu and Chen Muyu were startled by a cat's meow.

Ze was lying in the corner, as if he had just woken up, stretched his body vigorously, and yawned vigorously.

Zhan Daxiu waved his sleeves and restricted the entire room.

With a sixth-level emperor here, even the most powerful Haotian Holy Emperor in Chaos would have a hard time spying on everything here.

"What did your father say to you?" Chen Muyu asked immediately.

Ze walked to the left, jumped lightly on the table, and lay down in front of Chen Muyu, "There was a ray of thought left in the pendant, and now it has dissipated. He taught me a set of techniques called Nine Turns Break." Taoist secrets..."

The skills left by Emperor Huang must be extremely powerful skills. After all, he was the only one who reached the eighth level after the creation of Chaos. However, neither Chen Muyu was interested in it.

After all, it’s just Kung Fu. At their level, they no longer pay attention to any Kung Fu. Everyone has their own way of cultivation. The right way is to follow their own way. What monks at the peak of the Great Dao Realm practice is the right way. Comprehension, understanding of the laws, and the skills are only secondary.

"Is there any information about the Emperor's Tomb?" Chen Muyu asked directly.

Although Ze said before that it knew some information about the Emperor's Tomb, the information was incomplete. This was why Chen Muyu had to come to the Bone Continent to find a map.

Both of them looked at Ze with burning eyes.

Ze nodded, "Yes, I asked my father, and he told me some secrets about the Emperor's Tomb, but he still said that if it wasn't for the fact that the chaotic world can no longer accommodate me, and there is no other place to go, I must not go there. Adventure in the Tomb of the Emperor.”

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows.

He turned and looked at each other with Zhan, both of them had a bit of solemnity in their eyes.

Emperor Huang repeatedly stressed not to let Ze go to the Emperor's Tomb. There must be only one reason. It was very dangerous there. It was a place that even Emperor Huang felt was dangerous.

"Brother Xian, do you want to take a long-term approach to this matter?" Zhan asked.

Chen Muyu nodded, "There's no rush, even if we want to go, we can't go there rashly."

Zhan then nodded with confidence. With his character, it was not because he was afraid. He was Zhan, and he was born for war. To be able to achieve what he is today, he had experienced many life and death disasters. The more terrifying things were. , will only arouse his stronger fighting spirit. He is just cautious and does not want to fight an uncertain battle.

After all, there is so little information about the Emperor's Tomb. Breaking in rashly is no different from an ordinary person rashly breaking into a minefield. There is no telling when it will be gone.

In addition, what Zhan really worries about is not himself, but the descendants of their Zhan family.

Now that the great calamity has come, as a family descended from the emperor, uu read

It is absolutely inevitable that the Zhan family will be involved in this catastrophe. If he exists, the inheritance of the Zhan family may be preserved, but once he leaves at this time, the Zhan family may be in danger.

After all, it was the Emperor's Tomb. It was easy to enter but difficult to get out, even more so even if he was an emperor.

Moreover, just because he is an emperor, an emperor recognized by the extreme, and enters the burial place of Hongmeng gods and demons, God knows what will happen?

You must know that those Hongmeng gods and demons fell because of breaking the Tao. The Tao they broke was none other than the Ultimate Tao.

"Tell me carefully, what did your father tell you?" Chen Muyu continued to ask.

"See for yourselves."

Perhaps Ze didn't want to waste so much time, so he immediately condensed two memory light balls and sent them to Chen Muyu and Zhan respectively.

Zhan was stunned for a moment. Is Huangdi's son so cheerful and generous? Are you giving it to us so unreservedly?

On the other hand, Chen Muyu, without any mental burden, grabbed a ball of light and pressed it between his eyebrows.

A stream of information quickly poured into Chen Muyu's mind.

Chen Muyu closed his eyes and collected himself for a moment.

The content is exactly the information related to the Imperial Tomb.

Back then, Emperor Huang and his party of eighteen super-god-level warriors entered the Emperor's Tomb. The Emperor's Tomb was a very huge space with countless small land masses floating in it, similar to stars. Many of the small lands contained the gods of the Hongmeng Demon God. The tomb exists.

Although it is the burial place of the demon god, the Emperor's Tomb has still given birth to many powerful beings over the years.

Huangdi and his party explored from the outside of the Emperor's Tomb. The area they explored was not very large. At first, everyone was working together. However, after they excavated some tombs of gods and demons and got a lot of good things, the spoils were unevenly distributed. , and gradually they parted ways.

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