A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,226 Entering the pool!

"What does it want to do?"

The sense of crisis in Chen Muyu's heart has not subsided at all. This cat must be very strong. There is no doubt that it can at least crush him and kill him. However, the cat does not seem to be in a hurry to do it.

Just like this, forcing Chen Muyu to the edge of the Emperor's Heart Pond step by step seemed more like he had some intention.

It is said that when a cat catches a mouse, it likes to tease the mouse and play with it until it is exhausted before eating it.

Does this cat think of itself as a mouse?

"It wants you to enter the Emperor's Heart Pool." Gu's reminder came in his mind.

Entering the Emperor's Heart Pond?

When Chen Muyu heard this, he frowned slightly and turned to look at the Emperor's Heart Pond behind him. As he approached, the Emperor's Heart Pond seemed to sense a foreign object. The water was boiling, and the original clarity had turned purple, which was quite strange.

"Why are you entering the Emperor's Heart Pond?" Chen Muyu asked.

Gu Dao, "It's definitely not a good thing. This pond seems to have given birth to a certain consciousness. It must have some connection with Ze..."

Chen Muyu felt a chill in his heart. Looking at the pool now, it was as if he saw a big open mouth, waiting for him to go in and swallow him up.

"What should I do?" Chen Muyu asked nervously.

The system scanned the cat in front of him. Chen Muyu wanted to take it away directly, but found that its information could not be scanned at all.

There is an existence that has surpassed the peak god emperor. Although he is also the peak god emperor, he is at least the third level. The system's current authority is not able to scan the powerful people of this level.

If the information cannot be scanned, then there is no way to reject him.

If you can't take it back and can't take it back, if you can't fight it but you can't fight it, isn't there only a dead end?


The orange cat took another step forward and roared at Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu was shocked.

Aren’t cats supposed to meow? Why is this cat meowing so horribly?

"what to do?"

Chen Muyu's feet were already standing on the edge of the Emperor's Heart Pool, and he could even feel a force pulling on him in the pool.

At this time, Gu Ye was unusually solemn, "Give it a try and enter the Emperor's Heart Pond. If you are lucky, you can find that thing and the current dilemma will be solved."

"What?" Chen Muyu asked immediately.

Gu said nothing and seemed a little hesitant.

"Senior, how long has it been and you are still hiding it? If I die, it will be of no benefit to you." Chen Muyu said immediately.

"Emperor's heart."

Gu seemed to have figured it out, spit out two words, and continued, "The emperor's heart, this emperor's heart pool is actually the heart of the emperor. It should not be conscious in the first place, but it has been too long, and the water in this pool has The laws are intertwined, and under the nourishment of the origin, a new consciousness is probably born, but the problem is not big. As long as we find it, we will have a way to subdue it. Then let it open the passage to the pond, and we can leave safely. Chaos is so big. , not afraid that the cat can find you."

Chen Muyu swallowed nervously, "Is it easy to find?"

The pond is not big, so it seems to be easy to find. The heart should be quite conspicuous.

"It shouldn't be particularly hard to find!"

Gu replied to Chen Muyu, obviously lacking in confidence.

Chen Muyu's face trembled, "Senior, it's time, don't cheat me."

"Do you still have a choice? Let's give it a try." Gu smiled bitterly, "The water in the pool is smelted from the Ascension Stone. You haven't reached the peak level yet. Don't try to absorb the water in the pool after entering. Energy, in addition, there is a large amount of Hongmeng essence in the pool, and the origin of the laws is mixed, which will definitely bring great pressure to your origin. You must hold on, if the Tao Fruit is shattered by the laws in the pool, boy, we will See you in the next life."

"Next life?"

Chen Muyu also smiled bitterly, where did the next life come from?


The orange cat took another step forward, roaring horribly, its eyes unusually ferocious.


Chen Muyu cursed secretly, turned around and jumped into the Emperor's Heart Pond.


Just like a drop of water entering a pan of oil, the moment Chen Muyu entered the Emperor's Heart Pool, the entire pool boiled even more fiercely.

Chen Muyu instantly felt the terrifying pressure coming from his soul. Countless laws were tearing at his body and crushing his soul.

So fierce!

Although Gu had warned him before, Chen Muyu still underestimated it, and it took him a while to wake up from the dizziness.

The skin is dissolving.

Pain, endless pain.

This is...the Law of Corrosion?

Chen Muyu was horrified. In just an instant, his skin, which was as strong as a spiritual treasure, had been corroded to the point where flesh and blood could almost be seen.

Is this pool really conscious? Does it want to eat me?

A huge human-shaped head appeared in front of his eyes, covered in mist. He opened his huge mouth and bit at Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu could even smell the corrosive stench coming from the giant mouth.

"Wake up and find your heart quickly." Gu's voice sounded in Chen Muyu's mind at the right time.

Chen Muyu was suddenly enlightened, his ears and eyes were clear, but it turned out to be an illusion.

At that moment, he kept his mind and looked towards the edge of the pool. The cat just now was standing by the edge of the pool, looking at him with a smile.

Yes, it's laughing.

The smile was so demonic that it made people shudder.


Chen Muyu cursed, and then he stabbed it fiercely. He didn't care whether it hurt or not. The top priority was to find the heart that the ancient emperor mentioned and surrendered to it. Then he could dominate the Emperor's Heart Pool, wrap it around the Emperor's Heart Pool and leave here.

This pool is really deep.

When Chen Muyu dived into the water, he discovered that the pool was not as small as he thought. There was a lot of space underneath and it was extremely deep.

The huge pressure of the law made Chen Muyu dare not use his spiritual thoughts at all, fearing that the law would penetrate and crush the Dao Fruit.

For Dao Dao realm monks, condensing Dao Fruit is not easy. Only in the God Emperor realm can it be condensed and transformed. If it is broken into pieces, the skill of the light person will decline, and the serious person will die on the spot.

Down, down, down.

Chen Muyu's skin had been completely corroded, and most of his flesh and blood had been corroded, almost turning into a bloody skeleton.

But Chen Muyu didn't care. The pain in his body had already made him numb. As long as the Dao Fruit was still there, these injuries were nothing and they could be repaired naturally after he got out.

But where is the heart?

Where is that heart?

The further down you go, the more terrifying the pressure from the source of the law becomes.

Chen Muyu didn't know how deep he had gone down. He hadn't reached the bottom yet, and in his mind, the Daoguo creaked and trembled, and cracks were already appearing vaguely.


Chen Muyu cursed in his heart, this ancient emperor is really a scammer.

Isn't it hard to find?

Still trying your luck?

I can't use my spiritual thoughts, and even my physical eyes are restricted. How on earth can I find it?

Isn’t this the same concept as finding a needle in a haystack?

At this moment, Chen Muyu stopped going down.

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