A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,224 Emperor’s Heart Pavilion!

The words on the plaque can no longer be read clearly.

"Where is this place?" Chen Muyu asked.

"Emperor's Heart Pavilion!"

Gu sighed, as if he was remembering something.

Emperor's Heart Pavilion?

Chen Muyu looked at the plaque and saw that it should be these three words.

"Is there something you want in here?" Chen Muyu asked.

Before coming, Gu had already revealed that he asked Chen Muyu to help get some things from the Huangdi Cave. Although he didn't say what they were, what Gu specifically told him was definitely not an ordinary thing.

Gu was noncommittal, "This Emperor's Heart Pavilion was the place where Huang retreated and practiced. There must be a lot of good things left in it. You can go directly to the third floor. There is a space on the third floor, and there is an Emperor's Heart Pool in it. You take it, and we’ll leave.”

Emperor's Heart Pond?

Chen Muyu's eyes moved slightly, "What's it for?"

Gu Dao said, "You still need to ask. The Emperor's Heart Pool was Huang's training place in the past. After his death, all his cultivation was recovered by the Emperor's Heart Pool. There are countless Hongmeng essences contained in the pool. In addition, the Emperor's Heart Pool's The water in the pool is no less effective than the Ascension Stone. To be precise, the water in the Emperor's Heart Pool is actually smelted from the massive amount of Ascension Stone that Huang collected back then. This pool is the biggest opportunity in the Emperor's Palace. …”

Hearing this, Chen Muyu's eyes brightened slightly, but then he said, "I mean, what's the use to you?"

This old guy has an obsession. He can still use the Emperor's Heart Pool to cultivate. No matter what, the Emperor's Heart Pool is also useful to Chen Muyu. But Gu's encouragement to Chen Muyu before made Chen Muyu feel that Gu asked him to take something. , should be useful to ancient people.

"You don't need to ask any more questions about this." Gu Ke had no intention of explaining to Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu spread his hands, "If you don't make it clear, I won't go in."

"If you don't go in and pull him down, just turn around and leave. They are coming in soon anyway," Gu said.

While talking, there was a roar in the distance.

Chen Muyu looked around and saw that the outer perimeter of the Huangdi Palace was filled with soaring rays of light. The territory set by the Huangdi was being attacked.

The glass-like curtain wall covers the entire Huangdi Palace, and vague human figures can be seen moving in the area within the curtain wall.

They are those people from the eight major families.

The realm left by the Huangdi is a natural barrier to protect the Huangdi Palace. When Li Qiankun brought people here, they probably fell into that protective realm.

However, this cave has been too old, and the power of the guardian realm left by Huang Emperor has also faded a lot. This time, the eight major families sent out many strong men, and even the peak god emperor of the first or second rank joined the formation. , it is probably only a matter of time before these powerful men join forces to cross the boundaries of the guardian realm.

"Senior, shouldn't the most important thing between friends be honesty? Look, you asked me to help you get something, and I came without saying a word. What a risk I took, but I really wanted to I made you a friend, but you still hide it..." Chen Muyu complained.

In his mind, the ancient emperor must have rolled his eyes at this moment. Such words could actually come out of this kid's mouth. When I asked you to come, how long have you been coy about it? Don't you have some idea in your mind?

"In the Emperor's Heart Pond, there are things you need, and there are also things I need, but in the final analysis, they are still things you need." The Ancient Emperor sighed, feeling a little tired, "What I said should be enough, right? "

"Don't ask what that thing is. For you now, that thing has only disadvantages and no advantages."

Gu's next words blocked Chen Muyu's next words.

Chen Muyu shrugged angrily and stopped chatting with Gu.

The movement in the guardian realm in the distance was getting louder and louder. He didn't dare to wait any longer. He no longer hesitated and came to the gate of the Emperor's Heart Pavilion. He stretched out his hand and pushed lightly, and the door opened directly.

There was no seal, no protective formation, and it was not known whether it was decayed or something because of too long a period of time. Chen Muyu easily entered the first floor of the Emperor's Heart Pavilion.

In the pavilion.

The space on the first floor is so large that it can almost be called a small world.

Chaos spiritual stones, spiritual mines, spiritual gold, as well as books, weapons, magic weapons and other objects were piled everywhere. It was simply piled up like a mountain.

Is this Huangdi a treasure-gathering master?

Chen Muyu shook his head. He heard that Emperor Huang had collected a lot of wealth. But now he saw with his own eyes that the rumors were far weaker than the reality.

As time goes by, many things have decayed, and I don’t know how many of them are still useful.

Chen Muyu didn't have time to check carefully, so he just went straight to Wanjie Station to collect them.

Let the employees at the station help sort them. He has hundreds of millions of employees now, so he can at least give them some homework, right?

"Hey, boy, do you collect rags?"

The ancient emperor's scoldings came to his mind. He really couldn't bear it anymore. Why did this kid want all kinds of rags, magic weapons, magic weapons, etc. Many of them were already rotten to the point of disgrace. This kid actually liked them. Eye.

He didn't know where Chen Muyu was taking it, so he just thought he was in the inner world.

At this moment, Gu Zhen wondered if he had chosen the wrong person. This guy had a small nose and small eyes, and wanted all kinds of rubbish. This Lou Jin made him feel embarrassed.

"What's the hurry, uu read a book

If I don’t take so many things, should I wait for others to take them? "

Chen Muyu retorted, but did not stop, but continued to collect the things on this floor. Gu was actually right, he just collected rags, and doing this was purely a professional instinct.

Although these things are useless, they definitely still have a certain value and can bring him a lot of wealth. Besides, after the employees of Wanjie Station sort them out, there may be something else that can be used.

Gu was too depressed to speak.

After collecting the first floor, Chen Muyu went up to the second floor under Gu's guidance.

The second layer is stacked with the same kind of stuff, but the grade should be higher than the first layer.

Without another word, Chen Muyu was in a state of confusion again.

Gu is too lazy to talk about him, just love him as he pleases.

A few minutes later, the space on the second floor of the attic was already empty. Chen Muyu clapped his hands with satisfaction, and the third floor was next.

The Emperor's Heart Pavilion has three floors in total, and the third floor is the top floor.

Arriving at the third level of space, Chen Muyu was slightly stunned.

There is no other reason. The space on this floor is relatively small and empty.

There are no treasures piled up in this space as expected, and it is about the same size as an ordinary attic space, probably less than a hundred square meters. There are many wooden shelves around it, but unfortunately they are all empty.

"The Exotic Land Development of Vegetable-Growing Skeletons"

"Senior, couldn't someone have come in earlier than us?" Chen Muyu's face darkened slightly.

This place is completely unobstructed. Not to mention the treasures, the ancient Emperor's Heart Pond, it doesn't seem like a place where a pond can be placed.

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