A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 121 The Overlord White Salamander!

When the flashlight shined down, the white mist suddenly appeared during the day, but the eerie and terrifying scene did not appear.

One second, two seconds...

Chen Muyu counted silently in his heart.

After almost 4 seconds, there was a popping sound from below.

Gravity formula, h=1/2gt2.

4 seconds, about 80 meters!

"It doesn't seem very high. How about you go down and have a look first?"

Patting the skin of the boulder toad, Chen Muyu encouraged him.

80 meters is not high?

The boulder toad twisted its face, as if giving Chen Muyu a roll of the eyes, and didn't even bother to croak, and jumped directly.

This guy was a professional and had extremely strong jumping ability. He was bouncing back and forth on the walls of the cave. After a while, Chen Muyu could no longer see his figure.


A few minutes passed, and just when Chen Muyu started to feel a little uneasy, there was a noise below, and then a huge figure rushed out of the darkness.


The huge body climbed up with a few nimbly movements, and lay directly in front of Chen Muyu, looking at Chen Muyu blankly.

Chen Muyu opened his mouth, wanting to ask it what it had discovered, but this toad is just a beast, and even if it discovered something, it would be impossible for him to tell you.

However, the fact that it can come up at least means that there should be no danger down there.

Immediately, he took out the Silver Shadow Flying Board and slowly flew downwards.

The boulder toad also jumped down again.

The space below is quite large, cold, humid, and slightly windy. The air is not dirty, but it smells like mud.

Although the air quality was not bad, Chen Muyu still put on his mask and gloves. After all, no one had been to this place for who knows how long. If there were any bacteria or viruses, he would not be able to bear it.

Soon, we reached the end.

Below is a shallow beach, twenty to thirty square meters in size, with a lot of domestic garbage scattered there, which must have been fallen from above by people who had been in the cave before.

What can be corrupted has already been corrupted, and the rest is basically plastic garbage. Out of professional instinct, I directly use the system to recycle these garbage in exchange for 15 wealth points.

It doesn't matter how much money you have, the key is to protect the environment, everyone is responsible!

There was almost no place to stay around just now, but now it is much better. It is surrounded by slippery stone walls, going straight up. There is no place to climb at all, and it is seventy or eighty meters high. If it were not for the Silver Shadow Flying Board, he would not be able to climb. May come down.

When I shined my flashlight, I saw a hole in the stone wall on the right.

The wind was blowing inside.

The entrance of the cave is oval and more than one foot high.

Before Chen Muyu could react, the boulder toad jumped in with a croak.

This guy is really ignorant and fearless, and he is more courageous than himself.

It's okay, it's better to let the dead Taoist friend rather than the poor Taoist, let him explore the way ahead.

Chen Muyu waded through the water and followed closely behind.

The wind is quite strong in this cave.

As we walked further inside, it actually felt a little warm.

You must know that this is the winter month, and this is in a deep mountain cave, so it should be even colder.

He held the frozen hand cannon in his hand with his finger on the trigger, ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

After walking less than twenty meters, a white mist suddenly rose up from the area illuminated by the flashlight, quickly rushing towards Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu felt a little nervous, and quickly used the system to identify it. It was just ordinary water vapor. After that, he felt relieved and continued to move forward with courage.

The boulder toad had already disappeared.

As the white mist came in, it was quickly submerged. Although there was a flashlight, the surrounding visibility quickly decreased. Walking a few dozen meters further, it was already to the point where you couldn't see your fingers.

Where does this fog come from?

Don't let any monsters suddenly appear, otherwise it will really scare someone to death.

Afraid of missing anything under his feet, Chen Muyu kept using the Silver Shadow Flying Board to move forward in the air.

"Gudu, Gudu..."

After a while, there was a gurgling sound in my ears, like bubbles bubbling in the water.

He quickly stopped. The fog around him was so heavy that he couldn't see the situation clearly.

"What the hell is this place?"

Chen Muyu cursed in his heart, and vaguely heard the cooing sound of the boulder toad, which sounded quite excited.

He quickly looked for the sound and left, his intuition told him that he had entered a very large space.

Very wet and very hot!

The movement of skills in the body automatically accelerated, as if there was an inexplicable force driving it, which was very strange.


In the white mist, a black shadow suddenly flashed across. Chen Muyu heard the sound of the wind and felt danger. He subconsciously stepped aside and something brushed past his ear.

Chen Muyu felt a familiar fishy smell.

"Are you crazy?"

That was a tongue just now, the tongue of a boulder toad. Chen Muyu had already learned this trick as early as the Meieryan Reservoir.


Sure enough, the voice of the boulder toad was right in front of him.

Strangely enough, when a gust of wind blew, the surrounding fog quickly dissipated, and the visibility quickly increased.

Looking down, Chen Muyu finally saw his current situation clearly.

Surrounding it was a huge underground cavity. Less than ten meters below it was a pool of water, a hundred meters in diameter. The water in the pool was churning and steaming upwards.

The white mist just now probably came from here.

I don’t know where the wind blows from, blowing the mist around, causing the white mist to surge in and out.

To put it bluntly, there is really a natural hot spring down here.

The water vapor transpired, turning the clear pool water white.

"I go!"

The flashlight shone forward and what he saw made Chen Muyu feel a little uneasy.

In the corner of the hot spring pool, I saw a giant rock toad lying on the back of a giant frog, squinting its eyes and trembling slightly in its abdomen. It looked like it was enjoying itself.


Beneath the boulder toad, there is a giant frog that is one size larger than it. This frog has snow-white skin, only one head is exposed above the water, and it makes a squeaking sound from its mouth, like a baby's cry.

The boulder toad raised its head and just lay on the back of the giant frog. Seeing Chen Muyu coming over, it had no intention of getting down.

You are a beast, you are a beast, you dare to hug me openly in broad daylight, why the hell do you even take me seriously?

Chen Muyu's face twitched slightly. He was still looking for it here and there, but he didn't expect that this guy would actually come here to flirt with a girl.

Of course, Chen Muyu is not that bad, and now he is going to ruin other people's good deeds.

This boulder toad must have been suppressed. After such a long time, he finally met a similar person of similar size. Why didn't he fight to the death?

I wonder where this giant frog came from?

Quickly pull out the system scan.


Name: Overlord White Salamander!

Introduction: Descendants of ancient Jurassic salamanders, cave creatures, huge in size and extremely powerful. When in danger, they can emit sharp sound waves, making enemies deaf and hallucinating...

Recyclable list:

1: The system directly recycles it as a whole, and you can get 500,000 wealth value.

2. Loyalty, absolute loyalty to the host, recommended purchase price of 5 million wealth!

Note that the host must obtain the consent of the other party before conducting acquisition operations. If a forced acquisition is conducted without the consent of the other party, 10 times the wealth value will be required.


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