"so much?"

Chen Muyu frowned slightly. He did indeed find two ingots of silver from beside the withered bones, and they were indeed silver made in Qingshan County. 50 taels of silver, two ingots are only 100 taels.

Compared with 1 million taels, this is far behind.

What Wu Xiaobao said was true. Could it be that he was mistaken that day?

At that time, he searched the quagmire near the withered bones, and indeed he only found two ingots of silver.

"Brother Yu, are you interested? How about we find time to go to Ganquan Village to look for it?" Wu Xiaobao asked. One million taels, based on 16 taels per kilogram in ancient times, is converted to more than 60,000 kilograms or more than 30,000 kilograms today.

According to the current market price, even if it costs 5 yuan per gram, if it is directly converted into wealth value, it is still 150 million.

Of course, such a huge amount cannot be sold as antiques, but can only be directly exchanged for wealth value.

Recalling what happened under the reservoir that day, the owner of the withered skeleton carved words on the stone wall, mentioning that there was a treasure.

At that time, Chen Muyu felt that if the treasure was only two ingots of silver, it would be too shabby. Now listening to Wu Xiaobao's words, Chen Muyu really had some doubts in his heart. Maybe those two ingots of silver were just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe that The owner of the withered bones also left other clues in the crypt. One million taels of silver is not a small amount of money.

"Brother Yu?"

Seeing that Chen Muyu was distracted, Wu Xiaobao shouted quickly.

Chen Muyu came back to his senses and saw Wu Xiaobao looking at him, waving his hands and saying, "Stop daydreaming. If you expect this, you might as well buy a lottery ticket."

When it comes to buying lottery tickets, Chen Muyu feels a little nervous.

I don’t know if the effect of that lucky charm has expired. Although I got 30 million into my account, it still took some trouble. Could the treasure of 1 million taels that Wu Xiaobao mentioned this time be? What is the lucky charm hinting at?


at night.

Thinking of that 1.5 billion, Chen Muyu couldn't sleep, so he secretly left the city on the Silver Shadow Flying Board, and soon arrived at Mei'eryan Reservoir.

During the day, he was still saying that Wu Xiaobao was daydreaming, but at night, Chen Muyu came by himself.

I have to say, it smells really good.

Whether it is true or false, you still have to check it carefully to know. After all, it would be a pity to miss 150 million like this.

It was very cold by the reservoir.

There was a shed set up not far away, the lights were on, and an old man from the village was keeping vigil.

Seeing that the New Year is coming in two months, and it is already the end of the year, more and more people are buying fish. After all, fish is an essential dish on the New Year’s Eve dinner table, and the fish in the reservoir are fed by the village. Everyone They all pointed out that they could get some money by selling the fish.

Recently, many people have come to fish at night, which has harmed the fundamental interests of the villagers, so the villagers found a few people to take turns keeping watch.

"Hey, who are you?"

In the distance, there was a shout.

The light from the flashlight shone over and was a little dazzling.

The uncle was quite alert, and he discovered Chen Muyu just after he landed.

Chen Muyu didn't want to meet him face to face, so he quickly rubbed oil on the soles of his feet, jumped into the woods nearby, and disappeared in a flash.

All I could hear was the old man's loud scolding, obviously mistaking him for a fish thief. The language was so unpleasant to listen to.

Ignoring him, Chen Muyu followed his memory and walked towards the mountain next to the reservoir.

After he fell into the water, he was pulled into the cave by the boulder toad. If he went down through the water, he would probably not be able to find the direction. But when he came out, he came out from a narrow gap on the top of the mountain. So, where to go in? It's more convenient, and you don't have to get wet.

Soon, we reached the top of the mountain.

The mountain is not high, only forty or fifty meters. There is a huge boulder on the top of the mountain, which looks like it has been cut open by an axe. There is a crack in the middle, less than half a meter wide, which can only allow one person to get down.

The flashlight shined down, it was dim and dark, and the atmosphere was eerie.

Chen Muyu already knew what was going on below, so he stepped onto the Silver Shadow Flying Board without hesitation and slowly lowered it.

There was a fishy smell, a pungent fishy smell.

It has a fishy smell, but also an earthy smell, which is very unpleasant.

Without the giant stone toad and the withered bones, the cave was no longer so scary.

The small space was half filled with water and half filled with mud, and there were piles of large and small river clams.

The words that I had seen before were still engraved on the stone wall.

"If someone is destined to get my treasure, they should bury my bones, otherwise..."

Only the word "or" was mentioned, but there was no more information in the back. Chen Muyu wondered if it had been too long and the stone wall had weathered, resulting in the loss of information in the back.

Immediately scan it with the system. If there is anything missing, it can be repaired.

But it is a pity that it seems that there were only these few words in the first place. The person who carved the words must have exhausted his strength by carving it here.

I looked everywhere with my flashlight and found no other inscriptions. There were no trap doors or anything like that on the stone walls.

Not disappointed, Chen Muyu was familiar with the road and fumbled around the dead bones he had found before. Although it was all mud, he didn't feel dirty at all.

After all, 150 million yuan is at stake. Even if this is a cesspit, you have to touch it.

Including the location of the pile of river mussels, I also carefully checked.

Last time, due to time constraints, he was in a hurry, so it was inevitable that there would be omissions. This time, he had plenty of time, so he could search slowly.

About an hour.

Chen Muyu was covered in mud, but he still gained something.

There were a few piles of broken silver, which probably added up to less than two taels, and there were also half a scabbard and a few wisps of cloth.

None of these things were important, but one thing caught Chen Muyu's attention.

It was a piece of animal skin about the size of two palms, with a very irregular shape. It looked like cowhide. Because it had been soaked in water for a long time, it looked very worn. There were obviously some artificial lines on it, but they were all gone. It's blurry, and I can't see any shape at all.

System scan.


Items: 1 map.

Introduction: An ordinary cowhide map that roughly records some geographical location information.

Completeness: 5%

Repair: Consumes 500 wealth points.


Could it be a treasure map?

Chen Muyu was overjoyed. He looked around carefully, and after confirming that nothing was missing, he put away the torn cowhide and left the crypt.

When I got home, I took a shower and changed my dirty clothes.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning, but Chen Muyu was not sleepy at all.

He took out the piece of broken cowhide, spread it out in the palm of his hand, and directly used the repair function of the system.

A broken cowhide map only costs 500 wealth points to repair.

The light wrapped the cowhide, but after a moment, the light faded, and what appeared in Chen Muyu's hand was a brand new, one-foot-square cowhide map.


Thank you Brother Ah Niu for your support, thank you Brother Youlan for your support, I love you all, thank you Guigu!

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