A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 21 The Miracle Magician


"No, it's magic."

Owen raised his empty right hand and waved it in front of Peeves' eyes. Then he turned his palm over and with a "swish" sound, his wand seemed to appear out of thin air in his hand instantly.

"Be well prepared in advance and use superb skills and professional knowledge to complete an incredible performance for the audience. This is magic."

"Isn't this just a sideshow? Do you think Peeves likes that kind of thing?" Peeves huffed and puffed.

Owen raised his eyebrows and stared at him with a smile: "I admit that magic is a kind of trick. But in essence, it is a trick."

"I have your attention..." He opened his empty hands and moved his long fingers casually.

He clasped his hands together, and then pulled out a snow-white handkerchief from his palms. He held the handkerchief in both hands and showed its front and back to Peeves: "I have gained your trust..."

Then, he suddenly shook his right wrist, and the white square handkerchief exploded into confetti in his hand, leaving only a white rose in Owen's hand.

"Try to deceive you again." He said in a playful tone.

"It's not just a trick, it's a spirit and a belief." Irving put the flowers in his pocket. "I deceive the audience, but I will give them happiness and surprise, so that people can get entertainment and inspiration from it. , so I am a magician."

"But if I take advantage of other people's weaknesses, play with their trust, fool the other person's mind, use lies and deception to achieve my own desires, and win the audience's helpless angry roars and desperate cries, then I am a fraud."

"I'm not a fraudster, although for me, taking this step is just a thought." Owen said with a half-smile, "But I can teach you how to fool people's hearts and complete a more perfect trick..."

"Say it, come on it!" Peeves jumped around like a rubber ball and urged him impatiently.

"Teaching magic is not free. This is one of the basic rules of magicians." Owen narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Help me find a thing with special magic that appears in Hogwarts this year. This is your tuition."

"Okay, just wait and see!" Peeves made a face at him, pulled down the curtain and threw it over Owen's head, then quickly disappeared through the wall.

Owen moved sideways and easily dodged the curtains that were covering his face. Then he squinted his eyes, looked at the soft and bright sunshine outside the window, and whispered softly: "That's why I look down on those wizards who perform magic as magic." Ah, that’s just a juggling act at best, without any ideological core, and it’s a trick that anyone with magic skills can perform.”

Wizards pursue the magic of magic, while magicians pursue miracles. They constantly fill themselves with knowledge, use creativity and imagination to break through themselves, and pursue miracles that no one can accomplish except themselves, miracles that are unique and cannot be copied, miracles that shock the world!

Owen's desire to revive magic is not to build the magic framework of the previous life in this world. That is simply impossible. What he wants to revive is just that spirit and belief, or in other words, he wants to become a miraculous magician himself, reach the pinnacle of magic, and announce the revival of magic with a miraculous magic show that will amaze the whole world!

Every magician wants to be the best!

"So, I don't reject the combination of magic and magic, but I can only be the one to create that supreme and bright miracle." Owen said to himself in his heart.

This was his ambition, pure but arrogant than anyone else's, and perhaps one of the reasons why the Sorting Hat sorted him into Slytherin.

"Perhaps in the eyes of some people, my thoughts are dangerous." Owen slowly stepped onto the lawn outside the castle. "After all, miracles that shock the world can be magic... or they can be fraud."

He sat on the lawn covered by the sun. The sun that had begun to set in the west was bright and warm, but the wind brought a bit of coolness. Owen closed his eyes slightly, feeling a little sleepy.

"Hey, Owen, why are you here?" Harry's voice woke him up, "I thought you would be huddled in front of the fireplace in the lounge and warming up."

"More exposure to the sun is good for physical development." Owen stretched and looked at the pale skin on the back of his hand with some dissatisfaction, "Are you going to find Hagrid?"

"Well, yes." Harry said a little lowly.

"Can I go with you?" Owen thought about it and asked. He is very interested in the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest. After all, the inspiration and principles of many magic spells come from them. If you get to know them in advance and ask Hagrid about the distribution of some creatures in the Forbidden Forest, you might be able to get some forbidden information. Where's Lin's map?

"Together? Okay!" Harry's eyes lit up. He was worried that his fellow Slytherins didn't seem to like Hagrid very much. He felt very happy to have someone like Owen who supported him.

Owen glanced at him, stood up, and walked with Harry towards the cabin at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He didn't want to support anything, he just didn't want to be early if there was no benefit, but looking at Harry's excited face, he didn't want to ruin the scenery.

"Actually, Hagrid is a very good person. He is very friendly, but he has little contact with people..." Along the way, Harry told Owen about Hagrid's situation and how they met, with a sincere expression on his face. Genuine joy.

Owen smiled and listened, responding occasionally, until the two stood in front of Hagrid's cabin door, and Harry knocked on the wooden door.

There was a nervous struggle and a low barking sound from inside the house, and then a deep voice said: "Stay back, Yaya."

The door opened a crack, revealing a big bearded face. He looked at Harry with complicated and pitying eyes, as if he was about to cry. He blew his nose and said, "Harry, you're here... Oh, wait a minute, stand back, Fang!"

A huge black hunting dog was struggling and jumping, trying to pounce, but a big hand tightly grasped the collar around its neck.

Harry entered the hut first. Owen peeked into the room and greeted him politely: "Hello, Mr. Hagrid."

"No...you're welcome," Hagrid noticed Owen and quickly waved his big hands, his black beetle-like eyes shining brightly, "Just call me Hagrid."

"Okay, Hagrid." Owen glanced at the big dog held by Hagrid, then slowly walked into the house, sat down on the chair near the door, and silently glanced around the room. The layout has a panoramic view.

The simple cabin had only one room, with hams and turkeys hanging from the ceiling, a copper kettle boiling water in the brazier, and a large bed in the corner with quilts made of broken steps. Although it's a bit crowded, it's not too dirty.

"Hmm, wait a minute, the feather duster hanging on the wall is made of unicorn hair?" Owen's expression turned blank for a moment, "The decoration over there seems to be the horn that fell off as the unicorn grew up. And the horns of the horned camel..."

In addition, Owen also recognized many useful magical animal materials. Some of them were extremely precious, some were very common, and some were of no use at all. At this time, they were all put together without discrimination. Ash.

"So, although Hagrid lives a simple life, he is actually a hidden little rich man." Owen held his chin in one hand and casually threw a piece of homemade magic fire paper at the drooling dog tooth who wanted to pounce on him. . The fire paper turned into a ball of sparks on the big dog's face and disappeared. However, Yaya, who was unharmed, was startled and jumped up, almost knocking Harry to the ground.

"Hagrid, this is Owen, Owen Shafiq." Harry finally pushed away the big head that was licking his cheek frantically, and introduced Hagrid.

"Oh, do you want some rock biscuits?" Hagrid looked at Owen, who was sitting elegantly on the chair, quite uncomfortably. This guy looked out of place here. He raised his hand to scratch his head and put a lot of pancakes as hard as rocks on the plate on the table.

"Thank you. I've been listening to Harry talk about you these past few days." Owen broke off a small piece of rock biscuit, held it in his mouth like a hard candy, and winked at Hagrid with his left eye, " I heard that you are very familiar with the situation in the Forbidden Forest. No one knows the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest better than you. I happen to like these very much..."

Harry also looked at Hagrid curiously, chewing on the rock cake with difficulty, his face filled with anticipation.

Without Owen's guidance again, after bringing up his favorite topic, Hagrid quickly started chatting in the face of the expectant and curious eyes of the two people, and revealed countless magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

For example, the proud and loyal Hippogriff, the pure and beautiful Unicorn, the cute and well-behaved Acromantula, the timid and shy Bowtruckle, the Moon-Crazy Beast who likes to dance in the moonlight, and a large group of people who live in seclusion. Centaurs and so on.

Owen and Harry listened with great interest. After the topic was discussed, Owen took out his notes and recorded their general distribution on it, while Harry was telling Hagrid about the class situation in the past few days.

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