A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Schrödinger’s Muse Rabbit

"Yes, that's right... to get rid of a... vampire that I met in Romania... that has been haunting... vampires are repelled by the smell of large... garlic."

Professor Quirrell looked weak and stammered in reply to the little wizard's questions. He looked submissive, which caused bursts of laughter.

"Ah, Harry Potter!" He suddenly stopped next to Harry and said excitedly, rubbing his hands together, "I think you must know... you know why this is, right?"

"Because the smell of garlic is like feces to vampires..." Harry said calmly, "Garlic can indeed drive away vampires. To be precise, it will make them run away from nausea, but don't expect one to be blinded by anger. The vampire will let you go for that.”

"Exactly...completely correct!" Professor Quirrell looked overly excited, "Perfect answer...answer! Slytherin plus...ten points! I told you that there is absolutely no need for you to take this class again... …”

"This is what the textbook says, Professor, I just previewed it before class..." Harry said.

"Well...wonderful!" cried Quirrell, as if Harry had done something extraordinary.

Harry's expression was a little uncomfortable, but thinking of what happened this morning... he instantly felt calm again.

"Harry Potter really deserves his reputation. At least he is very stable and has the demeanor of a general." Daphne whispered.

"Well, it seems that his reputation is not all watery." Blaise nodded in agreement.

Owen looked at Harry in surprise. Was there such a big change just on the first day he was assigned to Slytherin? Not only did you preview in advance, but your temperament also changed? Isn’t it said that the country is easy to change but the nature is hard to change? This has become too fast.

Shaking his head in amusement, Owen continued to look through his Defense Against the Dark Arts preview notes, pondering how to cast several spells without participating in the whispers of those around him.

In the blink of an eye, this joke-like Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson was over, and it was also their last lesson today.

When the bell rang, the little wizards rushed out of the classroom and headed towards the auditorium, eager to satisfy their hungry stomachs with food.

Owen washed his hands carefully, then came to the auditorium and had dinner with a large group of young wizards. Harry came over to get some food and left in a hurry. Looking at his back, he always looked a bit gloomy. Even if Malfoy called his name loudly from behind, he pretended not to have heard him.

"What is he doing?" Malfoy crossed his shoulders in confusion and glanced at Crabbe and Goyle who were crazily stuffing food into their mouths. The two big guys looked confused and shook their heads.

"Hide away. You took Potter through the city this morning. You don't think it's embarrassing, but we do." Theodore Nott said something faintly behind him, and then he floated away like a ghost.

"Impossible! Harry was so happy that his face turned red." Malfoy shouted to Theodore.

"That's shameful." Blaise was finishing his blows at the side, and Daphne nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Really? I think it's okay." Malfoy turned to look at Owen suspiciously, as if he wanted to get some support from him.

"Well, there are always some people who don't like to walk around in a ostentatious way. They think it's like bullies parading in the streets and crabs running rampant..." Owen said funnyly, and then gave a subtle advice in more acceptable words, "I think Harry would prefer to keep a low profile. Some, otherwise you will look like an upstart who gets carried away just because he is a little famous..."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it." Only Pansy's brain circuit could match Malfoy's.

Malfoy was seriously considering Owen's words, and nodded thoughtfully for a long time: "I understand."

Owen tilted his head and glanced at him, not sure what he understood.

After stuffing the last bite of pie into his mouth, he returned to the common room with Blaise and Daphne. Many students were already sitting in twos and threes on the carved chairs.

Owen threw his backpack on the chair closest to the fireplace and went back to the dormitory. He didn't forget to feed the rabbit.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, he saw Harry sitting on the four-poster bed with his head down reading a book. His thin figure looked lonely and a little pitiful.

"Oh, hi, Owen, you're back." Hearing Owen's footsteps, Harry raised his head and took a look, put down the textbook in his hand and rubbed his eyes.

"Why don't you go to the common room?" Owen nodded to him, walked to his table, and asked casually.

"Uh, well... I think it's quieter here." Harry muttered quietly.

"Actually, you don't have to accommodate Malfoy. If the other party really causes you trouble, then you have to speak out openly. Some things are not a big problem after you talk about them." Owen said with a smile, "If you just keep it in your heart, the hidden dissatisfaction will not disappear, it will only become a knot in your heart, and one day it will burst out, hurting others and yourself."

Harry sighed like an adult and said, "He's so enthusiastic, I don't know..."

Owen said no more. He looked at the rabbit lying in the nest and his eyes were stunned. He raised his hand and touched Muse's head, feeling only coldness and stiffness in his hand.

The muse is dead.

She's just a regular rabbit, not a magical creature with a longer lifespan. Probably because there is a large part of the blood of Polish rabbits, Muse is very small, only as big as a palm, and small rabbits have a shorter life span.

Owen met her by chance in the forest near the manor when he was a child. When Owen walked past, the little thing just stared blankly, like a silly roe deer. Owen saw that she was brave, so he took her back and kept her.

Speaking of which, Muse is really quite worry-free. He is not picky about food and rarely gets sick. He is not afraid of people like normal rabbits. Owen used her to perform magic. She wouldn't cooperate, but she wouldn't run around either. She was like a magic prop that couldn't move, which suited Owen well.

However, as Owen grew up, Muse also became an old rabbit.

"Oh, it's about time." Owen found a box and put Muse in it. "At least you are a rabbit who has entered Hogwarts."

"What's wrong with your rabbit?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Dead." Owen held the box in his hands.

"Sorry..." Harry said, only to realize that Owen's expression was very calm.

"I have been mentally prepared for a long time. She also died." Owen said calmly. He had raised many animals in his past and present lives, the most common ones being magic pigeons, and he had seen many of them leave.

"oh oh."

Owen walked out of the castle, dug a hole in the grass on the edge of the Forbidden Forest and buried it. Then he returned to the common room and curled up in a chair in front of the fireplace to warm himself.

"By the way, there is a copy of Muse in the wall space." Owen entered the wall space and planned to get rid of it.

As soon as he entered the misty space, Owen saw a white stuffed ball rushing over, squatting at his feet and looking at him with his head tilted, his red eyes very lively.

"Huh? Muse?" Owen was stunned, bent down and picked up the rabbit, looking up and down with strange eyes.

The tip of the rabbit's nose was up and down, and he found a comfortable position in Owen's hand and lay down, chewing the air with his mouth, as if to hint something.

Little did he know that at this moment, Owen felt a storm in his heart: "He is really a muse, with exactly the same personality and habits!"

"I copied this copy when Muse was alive. At that time, it was just a motionless body. So, after Muse died, she lived in this space?"

"In other words, the wall-facing space can resurrect the dead? Although the resurrection only exists in this space, if we study it in depth, can we achieve true resurrection from the dead?"

Owen was thinking excitedly about various possibilities, and many thoughts sparked bright sparks in his mind. After a long time, he calmed down and analyzed other things.

"Wait a minute, Muse is just an unintelligent rabbit who can't speak or express. Did her thoughts come here after death, or is it just a space-replicated thought, or did it generate another completely different one? thinking, none of this can be proven..."

"But no matter what, this wall-facing space is more mysterious and interesting than I imagined." Owen sighed, touched the rabbit's soft fur, and then placed her on the ground.

After returning to reality, Owen first completed today's homework, and then returned to the wall space, intending to continue practicing magic spells.

Before starting training, Owen glanced in the direction of Muse, and his expression suddenly froze.

I saw the little rabbit lying on the ground silently, without any heaving in its abdomen.

Owen leaned over and touched it. Although the body was still soft, there was no breath of life.

"Dead again?" Owen pulled the short hair on his forehead in confusion, as if he was determined to murder his hairline. This rabbit lives and dies, lives and dies again. Is this playing with his emotions?

Regardless of practicing the spell, Owen instantly left the space facing the wall. He needed to calm down.

"What's going on? Because the Muse copy in the space is also very old, so it died of old age just now?" Owen looked deeply troubled, which made Daphne look worried.

"Owen?" Daphne's eyes showed a deep blue under the light, like a clear and gentle lake, "Are you sad for Muse?"

Owen shook his head, said a few words to her, and after sending the little girl back to do her homework, he returned to the wall space again. With a somewhat stiff expression, he saw that the rabbit that was supposed to be dead there was jumping around again.

"This is so evil." He groaned.

After going back and forth in the wall-facing space more than twenty times, Owen finally determined the state of the rabbit muse.

Every time he returns to the wall space, the probability of Muse being dead or alive is random, almost a 1/2 chance.

"Is this... Schrödinger's rabbit?" After the initial doubt, Owen quickly became excited. "The entire space facing the wall is like a huge black box. When I didn't enter it, the muse might In a superposition state of life and death?”

"So, the wall-facing space may be related to the microscopic realm?"

"Whenever I enter space, the state of the Muse will collapse into one of the forms of life or death...Is this the observer effect?"


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