No Game No Life Zero, Human Base

"Rick...Do you think we will be exposed?"

Kroni asked worriedly.

In fact

, it was not only Kroni who was worried, but the entire human base was beginning to worry.

Especially when they saw the crowd cheering....


Looking at the familiar faces...Even I myself shouted"Swear to the Oath" in the light curtain, participating in the great cause of mankind to end the war of the gods. Everyone was extremely proud and excited!

However...The enthusiasm came and went quickly!

Everyone soon realized...

The light curtain seems to be visible not only to humans, but also to other races in this world!

If everything was unclear at the beginning of the inventory, then there was nothing to worry about.

But now!

Humans want to end the war between gods in the most humble capacity.

This purpose...Some of the plans have even been exposed!

The Elves, Flügel, and other races...Even those high and mighty gods will continue to indulge themselves like this?!

This makes it hard for everyone not to worry!

However...Rick naturally noticed the worry on everyone's faces, but he seemed to have anticipated these problems. His expression did not change at all, and he said calmly:

"Don't worry too much!"

"Those so-called"fifteen races" might be suspicious and wary of each other!"

"But for us humans...Their views are surprisingly consistent!"

"In their view...We are just a group of"monkeys" who can talk but are weaker than ants!"

"not to mention...They are all very conceited and stubborn!"

"Even if the facts are in front of them, I guess they won’t believe that we"monkeys" can turn the world upside down."

"I think...The"I" in the light curtain will also use this to play a crucial role in future actions!

Rick's words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"So just watch the light screen and collect intelligence! After all, intelligence is now in a state of explosion!"

"Yes!...No...Swear to the oath!"

Just as everyone was back on track, Chloe once again came close to Rick and whispered:

"But then again, Rick, what are you going to do about your"Iron Bride" Hubie?"

""Kroni, what are you talking about? What is the 'Iron Bride'?"

Rick blushed and was at a loss....

Unconsciously, Rick seemed to be attracted by the little figure in the light curtain who had always been by his side....

Without him noticing...

I felt the same emotions as"myself" in the light curtain!


Somewhere on this continent.

The Ex-Machina girl who had just been disconnected from her tribe was staring blankly at the light screen, muttering:

"Rick...Where are you?"......

【To end the war of gods, it takes more than just passion.】

【soon...Rick and others entered the deployment phase!】

【After about a few hours, Rick had explained the plan in detail and assigned the tasks!】

【Everyone took action immediately!】

【Rick and Hubie have temporarily arrived at the place where they first met!】

【It was at this time...】

【Hubie's cute voice suddenly sounded behind Rick:】

【"Rick, Hubie still doesn't understand"heart". The success rate of each operation is less than 1%..."】

【Before Hubie could finish, Rick smiled and answered:】

【"But why are everyone so confident that they can succeed?"】

【"You want to ask this, right?"】

【Hubie didn't say anything, but the doubt in his eyes was his answer.】

【Rick continued:"I said...Hubie...What is the probability of getting a six on a roll of the dice?"】

【Hubie blurted out:"One sixth"】

【Rick:"So if...There's a guy that doesn't exist...What if you change the dice to one that can only roll six?"】

【Hubie's eyes lit up:"You mean manipulating variables?"】

【Rick:"Yeah, that's called cheating, isn't it fun?!"】

【"In calculation, we are abnormal, and we converge all probabilities, strategies and calculations in a direction that is favorable to us.!"】

【"If we succeed..."】

【"Miracle!" This time it was Hubie who answered:"If that happens, probability theory becomes far-fetched."】

【Rick smiled and said,"Yes, everything is possible. There is neither zero nor hundred in probability theory. In the final analysis, it is just market talk. Do you want me to prove it to you?"】


【Looking at the still confused and silly Hubie, Hubie smiled knowingly and said very gently:】

【"now...I'm here...What are the odds of proposing to Hubie?"】

【Hubie blinked his eyes and said,"The question is unclear and the estimate is basically zero."】

【Rick said triumphantly,"You see, this is wrong."】


【Rick suddenly knelt on one knee, took out the ring he had prepared for a long time, looked at Hubie sincerely, and said word by word:】

【"Marry me? Hubie!"】.......

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