The words fell.

Mullen, who was in the van, instantly pressed the remote control button of the X-gene suppressor.


In an instant, four X-gene suppressors were activated around the house of the Red Devil's mistress.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

As the blue liquid in the X-gene suppressor began to be energized, suddenly, boom, four blue light beams shot directly from the top of the X-gene suppressor.

The beam of light rose into the sky.


An unbearable scream came from a second-floor bedroom of the house.

"Oh, honey, what's wrong with you!"

The female orangutan who was enjoying herself on the bed looked at the red devil who fell painfully from her body, exclaimed, and then stood up like a tank.


Blood-red mist condensed in the room, and the naked figure of the red devil became erratic in the blood-red mist.


There was a bang.

As if encountering a spring, the red devil was bounced away by the blood-red mist and hit the wall directly.

Damn it!

The red devil's heart thumped, and after getting up from the ground, he quickly ran to the bedroom window, then carefully opened the corner of the curtain and looked outside.

Enter the eyes.

The faint blue light of the X-gene suppressor rising into the sky, and the silent and fully armed Sentinel agent emerging from across the road, holding the same X-weapon, came into his sight.

Sentinel Secret Service!

When the Red Devil saw this, his heart suddenly sank. The moment he turned around, he turned off the only light source in the house.


The house is dark!

"Andy, watch the back."


"Barron, Bolton, both sides, let him jump out of the window."


"dog Dog Dog!"

"SSS, open the door!"

As the fast-moving and silent Sentinel agents approached the door of the house, with a roar, the door-breaking hammer violently broke open the door, and then the Sentinel agents holding X-weapons filed in instantly.

After Luke got out of the car, he adjusted his suit jacket and then buttoned the buttons that he had just opened in the car.

Professional people do professional things.

Luke had no intention of stepping forward to help.

after all……

His current position is here, and again, if even the FBI branch director needs to appear in person, it means that he really has no one available.

Not to mention, this time it was the home of the Sentinel Secret Service. As the branch director of the FBI, he was not suitable for intervention.

Luke just needs to make sure the Red Devil can't escape this room.

William Stryker, who got off the co-pilot at the side, looked at the Sentinel agents who had already filed in, and invited Luke eagerly.

"Lu, let's go and take a look."


Luke looked at Stryker and agreed readily.

in the house.



Mullen, who put on a multifunctional night vision mask, took the lead. Holding an X-weapon assault rifle that also emitted a faint blue light in his hand, he led the team members. After entering the house, they quickly headed towards the door leading to the second floor. The stairs were approaching.

at this time.

A white light flashed in front of Maren.

The next second.

A huge and plump belly appeared directly in front of him.



Malen instantly flew backwards and hit the dining table behind him with a bang.

The dining table shattered.




"Tu tu tu tu!"

The other sentries reacted almost as soon as Mullen was shot away. The blue bullets whizzed out from the muzzle with a splash of cold light. They shot at the man who suddenly appeared in the stairway. On thick dark red arms.

A clicking sound came from the heads of the sentries.

Several sentries looked up subconsciously.



The floor of the second floor shattered, and a fat, dark red unknown object fell directly from the second floor, instantly flattening an unprepared sentry to the floor.


"Thick and greasy Xie Te!"


After a group of sentinel agents saw the appearance of this unknown object, they were completely lost and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

What appeared in everyone's sight was a huge figure, almost like a small hill, with a waist that would have required four people to join hands to hug it. His skin was dark red, as if it had been burned by countless flames, and it was covered with... A fat female monster with uneven scars and granulations that makes people shudder.

Why must it be a female monster?

Because the two low-hanging buckets on the chest are so recognizable.

Maren, who had just been knocked to the floor by the female monster, had already gotten up. After a roll, he merged with his team members, and then they all headed towards the angular but angular head in front of them. The huge and ugly female monster opened fire like crazy.

But after actual combat, even if Magneto was hit, the X-bullet that would have made him kneel down on the spot, after being fired, hit the scarred dark red skin of the female monster, just like hitting the thick flesh of a lizard. on the skin.


"This is not a mutant."


Mullen hurriedly reported to William Stryker.

Outside, having moved from the road to the van, Stryker, who originally wanted to watch the sentry capture the red devil from the first-person view, looked at the female monster from Mullen's perspective and couldn't help but frown. : "Is this...the mistress?"

Although her appearance has changed drastically, it can still be vaguely seen from the outline that the female monster looks somewhat similar to the mistress.



"Demon from hell?"

Stryker's thoughts were spinning and he looked at Luke aside, as if he wanted to get confirmation from Luke.

This is not the first time that the devil from hell has appeared.

The earliest time people knew that hell existed could be traced back to the Third Reich in the late World War II.

At that time, the defeat of the Third Reich had already appeared. In order to save the defeat, the crazy head of state used various black technologies like the explosive soldiers, and on the other hand, he pursued to find powerful extraordinary power.

At that time, the Allies learned that on an island, the Third Reich was trying to summon a powerful demon from hell. Captain America was unable to do anything, so Captain Britain led a team to attack the island, and then snatched the demon back. .

Since then, the existence of hell has been confirmed, and at the same time, the existence of demons has also been confirmed.

Of course.

Just like ordinary people don't know that SHIELD exists, news about hell is also tacitly blocked from ordinary people.

But Luke and Stryker are not ordinary people, so they are not among the blocked ranks.

Luke looked at the angular female demon in the first-person perspective, who was letting out a devilish laugh while using her own body power to completely suppress the sentries. He nodded, and then looked at Stryker: "Can handle it?" ?"

The Red Devil will definitely not be able to leave tonight.

His words.

If Stryker's Sentinel Secret Service doesn't work, he'll have to do it himself.



Stryker chuckled and rang the intercom on the table: "Switch to demon combat mode, the target is the demon, repeat, the target is the demon."

Maren, who was following the team members in the house to avoid the attack of the female demon despite her huge size, was a little slow because of it. He quickly responded to the confirmation sound coming from the headset, and then shouted loudly: "The target is the demon, switch. model!"

While talking.

Mullen directly threw the Weapon X assault rifle to the side, and then took out another assault rifle on his back with his right hand.

Weapon activation.

Unlike the flashing blue light on the gunshot of Weapon X, this time the flashing light on the sudden rifle was a holy white light.

Luke looked at the holy white light on the weapon, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Stryker beside him: "Okay, are you still contracting the demon-killing business?"

If he read correctly, the holy white light flashing on the weapon should be the holy water of a regular church that has been blessed and will emit light after detecting a demon.

A proud smile appeared on Stryker's face: "It can be regarded as a side job in the process of fighting mutants over the years. Once, during the process of capturing mutants, I also encountered demons. That time, there were heavy casualties. Later, in order to prevent something like this from happening again, I asked the sentries involved in the operation to bring weapons baptized with holy water and bullets made of mercury."

As everyone knows.

Holy water and mercury conquer all unclean things.

As Stryker spoke, he looked at Luke thoughtfully: "It seems that there is only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname. This red devil is probably related to hell. I guess, this is also The reason why X energy cannot be detected."

The X-gene detector carried on the drone was greatly reduced due to its size, and could only detect the X-energy of mutants.

Luke nodded.

Just about to speak.

The next second.

A horrifying scream suddenly sounded.

Enter the eyes.

Along with the mercury bullets that defeated the unclean things, they were shot from the weapons blessed by holy water. At this moment, the female monster who was like an iron wall just now suffered a severe blow.

The densely packed bullets wrapped with a ray of holy light hit the female monster's body, and made a sizzling sound after penetrating the female monster's skin.

Generally speaking, demons shouldn't stretch their hips like this.


The energy shielding network formed by the four rapidly operating X energy suppressors rising into the sky around the house can block most of the extraordinary power.

This is also the reason why this female demon can only use physical attacks and cannot use magic attacks.

But her physical attacks are not that sensitive because of her huge size.




As the sentry agents surrounding the female demon opened fire in unison, the demon, who was screaming and making sizzling sounds, suddenly froze at the last cry.

The female devil stood there, motionless!

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