A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 240 You can’t afford to hurt a poor rabbit (fourth update, please subscribe!!)

Director Dongguo, who was in the study room of his apartment, subconsciously took off the glasses on his nose after listening to Zheng Xian's words.

"what happens?"

"Ambassador Han and I were chatting with Director Luke Dane just now, and we accidentally learned how much Nick Fury lost this time."

"That's too much to lose."

Hearing this, Director Dongguo smiled and shook his head: "At that time, I asked you to come to Washington to watch the show. If you didn't come, Nick Fury would have lost too much this time. However, isn't this just you? The reason why you want to go to Los Santos and see it with your own eyes?”

No matter what, Nick Fury is also the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., which was jointly formed by the five overlords.

Director S.H.I.E.L.D. has unlimited resources.

The results of it?

Although Los Santos is all Luke's territory, it is not possible for a SHIELD director who controls a secret agency and has massive resources to admit defeat in the end. From this point alone, it is not a simple local snake. Simple summary.

There are only two possibilities for this matter.

Or it was a pig-killing plate specially prepared by the FBI.

Either the FBI did it so flawlessly this time that no one can find any faults.

But anyway.

If you lose, you lose.

Nick Fury can obtain relevant information about Luke, and similarly, the directors of East Kingdom can also obtain relevant information about Luke.

Luke's resume is undoubtedly outstanding.

In the two years since his debut, he has not had many cases, but each case can basically be said to be a relatively sensational case at the time.

From the initial Tang Gang smuggler case and the hospital parking lot bombing, to the Colombian radio station hijacking case that shocked the entire West Coast, and even the Mill community bombing that shocked the entire Los Santos.

Luke appeared in the "Tang Gang Snakehead Case", rose to prominence in the "Hospital Parking Lot Bombing Case", then rose to prominence in the "Columbia Radio Hijacking Case", and was sublimated after the "Mill Community Bombing Case". Secured his top spot as a West Coast superhero.

After that, there was also the sensational "Mandarin Terrorist Attack Case" some time ago, and even the "Assassination Case of Roland Fury" a week ago.

The two cases after Lu Ke passed them gave him a 100% winning rate in solving the case.

Of course.

In this glorious resume, if there are flaws, there are actually some.

Luke Luke's information is actually not that complete.

Of course.

This matter has also passed.

Other than that, there's only one minor flaw left.

for example……

Luke is a bit of a useless boss.

Bill Kings, who introduced Luke, and Horton Lewis, who promoted Luke.

Both of them have successively served as Lu Ke's boss, but now they have a common characteristic.

They are all dead.

From this point of view alone, this Lu Ke seems to have some attributes that defeat the boss.


As everyone knows.

Dongguo people pay attention to materialism.

I'm not afraid that he will defeat the boss, I'm afraid that he will be Lu Bu!

After seeing Lu Ke's information, Zheng Xian dropped this sentence, and then flew from New York City to Los Santos to decide for himself whether Lu Ke was born to be the boss or Lu Bu.

If it is the former, feudal superstition is unacceptable.

But if it's the latter...

But this is no longer Zheng Xian's focus right now.

When Zheng Xian heard the sudden words from Director Dongguo, he immediately realized that he might not have made it clear: "This time, Nick Fury lost to Luke, a female agent, and fifty million US dollars. S.H.I.E.L.D. Fifty million dollars transferred from public funds!”

There was silence on the phone for a moment.


Director Dong Guo stood up from his seat with a roar, his tone a little unbelievable.

"What, fifty million, are you sure?"

"Of course, he showed me and Ambassador Han the screenshots of the transfer. It's unmistakable. The remittance account belongs to SHIELD."

In order to avoid the Dongguo director misunderstanding, Zheng Xian directly told them what Luke had just told them like gossip about the female agent and the $50 million that Nick Fury used as a bargaining chip. Then, without any surprise, he was expelled. I described the incident at the gambling table to Director Dong Guo.

Of course.

This also includes the fact that when Lu Ke talked about the rise, he was afraid that Zheng Xian and Ambassador Han would not believe it, so he took out his mobile phone and showed them the screenshot of the 50 million transfer.

After listening to this, Director Dongguo felt a little numb.


He sat on the seat behind him again, subconsciously covering his throbbing little heart.

He treated his female agent as a bargaining chip and threw it on the gambling table, so forget it.

After all, the female agent herself had no objections. As long as the female agent did not intend to report it, it would basically not be brought to the forefront.


Those 50 million, and they were public funds, were used as chips and thrown on the gambling table. This was a big deal.

This is fifty million.

What a beautiful knife.

This money cannot be used to build another aircraft carrier, but it is more than enough to build a destroyer or something.

The results of it?

Nick Fury just took 50 million of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s public funds and just wasted it without saying a word?

Good guy.

Do you think S.H.I.E.L.D. is your own? Do you think you will take 50 million in one game if you gamble 50 million?

Director Dong Guo’s breathing became heavier.

My heart bleeds.

"This is fifty million."

"Yes, Director!"

Zheng Xian felt the dripping sound of Director Dongguo's blood coming from the other end of the phone and sighed: "How much do you think the 50 million would be if it were us? If nothing else, the twelfth seat of our Divine Spear Bureau is empty. The base of the Heavenly Mothership should also be able to stand up."

When he said this, Zheng Xian suddenly paused.

"Wait a minute, Director."

"What's wrong."

"This time, it seems that among the 50 million that Nick Fury lost, our money was included."


Zheng Xian quickly calculated and said to Director Dong Guo: "By the way, out of these 50 million, at least 17 million are ours."

Director Dong Guo took a breath of cold air.

Zheng Xian frowned immediately.

"Director, Nick Fury has been back for so many days and hasn't reported this matter to you five directors yet?"

"He needs to report properly!"

Director Dongguo snorted coldly.

In the past seven days, after Nick Fury returned to Washington, he has been busy dealing with the accusations from the Department of Justice, Quantico, and the National Security Agency. In addition, Federal Director Alexander Pierce has been dealing with the four directors.

The reason is simply that the holiday is coming soon, so why not wait until after the holiday to hold a Security Council hearing or something like that.

Because everyone is a director and meets frequently, the Dongguo director did not force the meeting to be held before the holiday.

But right now?

This fucking thing is 50 million.

Especially among the 50 million US dollars, there are more than 17 million US dollars given by Dongguo.

Director Dongguo's thoughts were spinning, and he wished he could catch Nick Fury at the Security Council hearing tonight. Suddenly he thought of something, and his expression changed slightly.

"By the way, Zheng Xian."

"Director, tell me."

"Do you think Luke accidentally told us this as gossip, or did he do it on purpose?"


Zheng Xian pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and thought: "Director, I think the question is not whether Luke knows about our existence, because this is not a question, he has already told us, so the question is, why, That’s the problem.”

Director Dong Guo nodded.

"You're right, then why do you think he did this, submitted a petition?"

"not sure."

"Didn't you already meet him?"

Director Dongguo smiled and said: "Our Director Zheng Xian, isn't he said to be able to read people's hearts at a glance? Why, it failed this time?"

Zheng Xian replied: "Extraordinary people have extraordinary intentions. However, I have roughly guessed the reason, but I am not sure yet. You know me, I never make rash judgments, but one thing is for sure. He gave us This message is intended to come back but not to be disrespectful."

Director Dongguo nodded: "So, this Luke Dane came to us to borrow a sword."

And from a certain perspective.

Or borrow their swords to kill their people.

"Tsk, tsk."

Director Dongguo was speechless repeatedly: "His acting style is very fierce, but this is worthy of the reputation he has gained in the past two years."

Zheng Xian smiled: "Yes, and the timing of his action and the person he found were quite precise."

Director Dong Guo took a deep breath.

“Then come prepared.”

"Yes, but it shouldn't be for this matter."

Zheng Xian said: "Didn't Ambassador Han say that he invited Luke at the last cocktail party held by Mr. Mayor? At that time, the Nick Fury incident had not happened, and it had already happened. It's been seven days, and he just came up with it now, maybe it was meant to be a meeting gift."

Director Dong Guo laughed and said: "Send one gift and do two things. I have to say that this Luke Dane does have some of our Dong Guo characteristics."

Zheng Xian shook his head and said: "But we still have to do it. After all, Mr. Director, these 50 million are real money. At least we paid more than 10 million in real money. If the masters compete with each other, if they lose, It doesn’t matter, victory or defeat is normal, but if the dignified Director of SHIELD is slaughtered as a fat sheep, then that’s a problem.”

When Director Dong Guo heard the fifty million again, his heart began to bleed again, and he said in a deep voice: "This matter must be investigated clearly. It just so happens that tomorrow is Christmas Eve, the federal judiciary is on holiday tomorrow, and Nick Fury is also there. empty."

It's time to start the Security Council's investigation process seamlessly.


Have a holiday?

You have squandered all my little money, and you still want to take a vacation?

Go ahead and dream your big dreams.

As everyone knows.

What a poor rabbit fears most is others cheating him out of his small money.

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