A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 230 The big gamble of the little guy (Fourth update, please subscribe!!)


Thirty-five years old this year, he is still an ordinary agent who is not even a special agent. He has an ex-wife who needs eight thousand a month in alimony and is almost marginalized. He wears an eye patch. , was led into Nick Fury's office by two SHIELD agents.

Nick Fury nodded.

After the two SHIELD agents removed the blindfold from Ben Stasiak's face, they turned around and left the office expressionlessly.

After Ben Stasiak regained his sight, his eyes shrank for a moment. After he got used to it, he saw the one-eyed Nick Fury sitting behind the desk with a gloomy expression.

There was also a man and a woman standing not far away.

If he hadn't known exactly who the person meeting him was, he might have thought he had been kidnapped and brought to some kind of secret office of a criminal boss.


The man in front of me seems to be a black boss?

Ben Stasiak was slightly startled.

The next second.

Just when he was about to speak, Nick Fury had already spoken first.

"Are you the federal agent who's following us?"


Ben Stasiak nodded subconsciously, then shook his head quickly and looked at Nick Fury: "No, I didn't follow you."

Nick Fury said nothing.

Colson on the side directly took out the tablet and called up the surveillance of the neighborhood where their Los Santos branch office was located.

Enter the eyes.

Ben Stasiak sat in an ordinary car, staring directly at their office building disguised as an adult product.

"Isn't this you?"


Ben Stasiak looked at himself who looked a little wretched in the surveillance, nodded, and then quickly looked at Nick Fury again: "But I'm not following you, I want to make a deal with you."

Nick Fury's one eye stares at Ben Stasiak.

"What a deal."

"I know what you're looking for."

Ben Stasiak took a deep breath, controlled his little heart that was beating completely when he said this, pointed at the file in front of Nick Fury, and said to Nick Fury: "I I can testify for you that Roland Fury did not pose any threat at all when Luke Dane fired."

After saying that.

The expressions of Nick Fury, Coulson, and Natasha didn't change much, but Ben Stasiak himself began to breathe heavily.

Because he knew that after he said these words, he had no way out.

If the National Security Agency in front of him does not agree to his cooperation, then when the FBI people know what he said, his fate will be that he will disappear in the least, and he will not even have the chance to die in the line of duty. Arrived.

After the death of Holden Lewis was confirmed, and after Green died in the line of duty, Ben Stasiak felt more and more that although his work continued, he was gradually being marginalized. .

Ben Stasiak seriously suspected that Luke already knew that he was also a member of Holden Lewis.

He even seriously doubted that the death of Holden Lewis was not a plane crash at all as officially stated, and it was most likely that Luke killed him.

But he has no evidence.

Since the death of Holden Lewis and the death of Green, he has been on pins and needles every day when he goes to work, fearing that one day he will disappear for no reason.

But he didn't want to die in the line of duty either.

I am only thirty-five years old, and I should have a brilliant future.

Ben Stasiak screamed in his heart.

The first time he made a big bet last year was on Holden Lewis. After he did a small favor, Holden Lewis removed his trainee title and moved him to the Los Santos branch.

Ben Stasiak originally thought he would take off from this branch. As a result, before he could take off, the plane responsible for carrying him was directly pursued. Moreover, the bright future he had just seen seemed dim again. , and even the risk of premature death.


After he saw Nick Fury and the others coming out of the FBI, he realized that his second chance to make a big gamble had come.

There are always times in life when he needs to take a big gamble, not to mention that he has nothing to lose right now.

Ben Stasiak was heartbroken, gritted his teeth, and looked at Nick Fury: "I can testify for you, and I can prove that Roland Fury did find three mutants after he went to school. of."

Nick Fury frowned and said nothing.

Seeing this, Ben Stasiak couldn't help but take a step forward.

Seeing this, Natasha stretched out her right hand, and with a flash of cold light, a dagger appeared directly on Ben Stasiak's neck.

Ben Stasiak looked at Natasha's cold gaze, couldn't help but swallowed, and took a step back to his original position.

"What I said is true!"

"I know."


Ben Stasiak's eyes lit up and he looked at Nick Fury who finally spoke out.

"You believe it?"


Nick Fury nodded.

On the day they came out of the Federal Building, Natasha spotted Ben Stasiak following them.

Natasha and Coulson casually investigated this Ben Stasiak and came to a conclusion.

This Ben Stasiak is a mediocre character who is in a mid-life crisis and may be cut off at any time. He is a dispensable character with little to offer.


This character was definitely not sent by the FBI to follow them.

So since he didn't follow the order to follow them, he chose to follow them because he had something to find out about them.

The answer is obvious.

This Ben Stasiak was going to be a gambler.


"We also know what you said." Nick Fury shook his head and said, "But what's the use of knowing!"

He also knew that his brother Roland Fury was framed.

But what about the evidence?

Ben Stasiak heard this and spoke out again.

"I can vouch for that."


Nick Fury continued to look at Ben Stasiak, who looked anxious, with one eye.

Ben Stasiak nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, I can testify."

"Sorry, you can't."


Ben Stasiak lost his voice.

Nick Fury chuckled: "Do you think this is some kind of protest game, Agent Stasiak? And what kind of role do you think you are? If you say something like a traitor who betrayed the FBI, do you think you will be punished?" Do you approve it?"

What a joke.

If this were some kind of court trial game, and one of the plaintiff's people turned back and acted as a witness for the defendant, this might be feasible.

But is this a courtroom game?

this is not.

Nick Fury can guarantee that if he really uses Ben Stasiak as evidence to overturn the dossier given by Luke, then he will definitely see that shocking look on Luke's face again. A smile of extreme disgust.

And he can guarantee that he will also become a laughing stock of all known law enforcement agencies.

Wait a moment.

This guy couldn't have been released to him intentionally by Luke.

Luke didn't want to fire this idiot because he would have to pay 2N+1 compensation, so he tried to use this method to kill two birds with one stone?

Nick Fury's single eye looked at the anxious-looking Ben Stasiak, thoughts spinning in his mind.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his suspicion seemed right.

Luke wouldn't think that I was as stupid as my brother.

Did he think that when he saw Ben Stasiak, he would bite the hook immediately?

Luke Dane.

Luke's disgusting face once again appeared in Nick Fury's mind. He took a deep breath, closed his one eye, and turned Luke's handsome but disgusting face into his mind. banished from his mind.

Ben Stasiak looked at the green-eyed Nick Fury and suddenly became anxious.

"Director Fury, what I said is true. I can send..."

"No one will believe the traitor's oath."

Black Widow Natasha, who was leaning against the desk with her butt raised, interrupted directly, tilted her head, looked at Ben Stasiak and said: "Besides, others will only think that we are stupid enough to use such a method to help the federal investigation. The Bureau found a fool with no loyalty whatsoever."

Colson on the side also shook his head, and then clapped his hands.

The applause fell.

The door of the office opened, and the two SHIELD agents who had brought Ben Stasiak in just now walked in expressionlessly again.

"You can go, Agent Stasiak." Natasha said with a smile: "We won't tell you the content of your meeting with us, but we don't know whether the FBI will know that you came in. However, if I were you, I would choose to leave now and never appear in the sight of Director Dane."

The two SHIELD agents took out the eyepatch without saying a word, just to put it on Ben Stasiak's head.

Ben Stasiak was anxious.

go back?


He doesn't want it.

He could swear that if he walked out of this door today, there would be a high probability that he would not have the chance to see the sun tomorrow.


"Wait a moment."

Ben Stasiak looked at the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were about to put a blindfold on him, and was shocked. Then he seemed to think of something, and quickly looked at Nick Fury with his eyes closed and said loudly: "There is physical evidence, and other evidence." Also, the collars that the three mutants took off are in our evidence room, and Roland Fury’s cell phone is also in the evidence room.”

Nick Fury opened his one eye and stretched out his hand.

The two SHIELD agents who were trying to drag Ben Stasiak out instantly stopped what they were doing.

Ben Stasiak breathed a sigh of relief and said to Nick Fury in a hurried tone: "I remember that I took Roland Fury's mobile phone and other things to the evidence room and kept them over there in the forensics department. He has never received a mobile phone, but the call records between him and the Mandarin have appeared. As long as you can get the mobile phone, you can prove that the communication records are forged."

Nick Fury looked at Ben Stasiak with his one eye shining.

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