A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 207 Hydra Melon (First update, please subscribe!!)


say what?

Luke frowned and looked at Sever.

"How do you say this?"

"you do not know?"

"what do you know?"

"its not right."

Seve looked at the expression on Luke's face: "Didn't you just say that you knew that Roland Fury used to be from Alexandria, but now doesn't he?"

Luke nodded: "I said it. Alexander told me last night when he said you would come over today, but he didn't say anything else."

Seve was stunned.

"I see."

"what happens?"

Luke looked at the time on his watch.

It's only half past four in the afternoon, still early before getting off work.

Moreover, Rachel had just said on the phone that he should not go back so early tonight, preferably after six o'clock, lest he frighten the little boy who went to pick up Lorna for the dance.

He just said it casually last night.

But the two women in the family seemed to take it seriously.

Luke shook his head speechlessly.

It just so happened that I had to listen to some gossip about Hydra right now, so I just wanted to kill some time.

Luke thought to himself, then grabbed the bourbon on the side, poured another glass for Seve, handed it to Seve, and said with a smile: "What's wrong?"

Arrogant at first and respectful at the end.

Nothing more than that.

Seve looked at Luke who was holding a wine glass and handed it to her. An idiom she had learned on the Internet these days because of her online love affair with Luke flashed through her mind. She used it here now. , couldn’t be more appropriate.

Then she thought of a sentence she had learned on the Dongguo Internet before overcoming the firewall.

"Luke, are you a dog?"


Lu Ke smiled and said: "You know the Eastern culture very well. You even know the zodiac signs, but you are not very proficient. I am not a dog."

Seve sneered: "Really? Didn't you drive me away just now? Why, throwing it away after it is finished is also the tradition of you Eastern people?"


Seve got up from the sofa, ignored Luke, and prepared to walk out the door.

Luke shook his head helplessly, grabbed Seve's arm as he passed by her, and pulled Seve back into his arms with a strong force.

He swore that he didn't hold Seve in because he wanted to hear gossip.

Lu Ke just felt that if other Dongguo people knew about it when he was away from home, he would be the one who ruined the good reputation of Dongguo's good men outside.

That's all.

Seve, who was pulled back into Luke's arms, opened her eyes and stared at Luke who was looking down at her.

"What are you doing?"


Lu Ke's language is concise and concise, and he always likes to use actions instead of words.

Lu's Spring and Autumn Period has clouds.

Nothing can't be solved with one shot.

If there is.

Then two shots.


Luke fired.

outside the office.

Jack, who was standing outside, listened to the sound of fighting coming from inside again. He couldn't help but sigh, raised his head, and then silently walked a few more steps to the side. He didn't stop until he couldn't hear the sound of fighting inside. .


The elevator opens.

Jack subconsciously looked toward the elevator. When he saw that it was Debbie who came out instead of Earl, he didn't know why, but he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Debbie held the information in her hand and looked at Jack standing in the corridor, curious: "What are you doing? Is the boss in there?"

Jack looked at Debbie who was also planning to imitate Earl and walked towards Luke's office, and quickly stopped her: "The boss is busy, what's the matter?"

Debbie was slightly startled, but she didn't think as much as Earl did. She handed the information in her hand directly to Jack: "Then you can show it to the boss later. This is what the boss wants. The family background information of the male high school student is still there. There are information on his parents, grandparents and grandparents, all sorted out.”


Debbie slapped the information in her hand into Jack's arms, then turned around and walked back into the elevator.

It happened that she still had some work to finish downstairs and was about to get off work. She also thought that she could get off work early tonight and treat the teacher she finally met to a meal.

if you can……

She hoped to sublimate her relationship with her teacher tonight.

Debbie felt that her teacher probably thought the same way.

Otherwise, why would my teacher appear in the Federal Building today? It can't be said that he came to see Luke.

Lu Ke has only known his teacher for a few days, but she has known him for many years.


What the teacher said about meeting Lu Ke must be an excuse. The teacher came here specifically to see her.

That's right.

That must be it.

Debbie was thinking warmly about the teacher-student relationship that would have the opportunity to sublimate tonight. She felt restless and quickly took out her mobile phone to choose a good couple's restaurant and reserve a seat.


Debbie would never have imagined that her teacher was being beaten in the office right now, and was feeling pain and happiness at the same time.

Forty-five minutes and thirty-nine seconds later.

The high-power air purifier in the office is running again.

Luke, who was leaning on the sofa, looked at Seve, whose long blond hair was a little sweaty. He reached out and held Seve's long blond hair and smiled: "You can talk now."

Sever rolled his eyes at Luke, got up from Luke without any nostalgia, and walked towards the bathroom in the office.

A thud.

Sever closed the bathroom door.

Luke got up from the sofa, put on his clothes quickly, then sat down on the sofa again, looking at the closed bathroom door with interest.

after awhile.

Seve walked out of the bathroom again. It seemed that in an instant, he returned to his previous cold and dignified appearance.

Luke looked at this scene with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Then he looked at Seve who was looking at him coldly, and said with a smile: "Who doesn't have a straight face after eating now? Let me give you a hint. It’s not me this time.”

There was actually no strangeness between him and Seve.

Thanks to the previous period, thousands of emails were exchanged almost every day.

Put it this way.

In the last few emails, he and Seve had discussed whether it would be better to call their third daughter Mila or Avril.

As everyone knows.

Whether you are a man or a woman, you will always let things go quickly on the Internet, but no matter how open the conversation is on the Internet, you will always experience a strange and awkward period when you meet offline for the first time.

So will Luke.

But for now.

After two passionate exchanges with Seve, Luke used the same words they had said in each other's online chats, and had already passed this embarrassing period.

As for whether Seve has gotten through this embarrassing period, Luke thinks he has too.

Seve glanced at Luke with cold eyes, ignored Luke's hands stretched out to her, sat on the sofa next to her, grabbed the wine glass next to her, drank it all, and said directly to Luke: " It’s true that Roland Fury was a member of Alexander before, but more than ten days ago, he received news that the team responsible for researching the ‘super potion’ had a mole from the Ten Rings Gang.”

Luke nodded: "I know."

It was he who told Alexander about this.

Luke frowned: "But what does this have to do with Roland Fury's betrayal of Alexander."

Seve laughed.

"Daniel Whitehorse has wanted to get involved in this 'Super Potion Project' for a long time."

"Originally, even if Daniel Whitehorse wanted to snatch this project away, it would not be easy."

“Because Alexander has always been in charge of the ‘super potion’.”

"But this time, after it was exposed that the Ten Rings Gang had an insider in this project, they gave Daniel Whitehorse this opportunity."

When Seve said this, he looked at Luke: "You should be able to guess who broke the news."

Luke nodded.

"Roland Fry?"

"it's him."

"And it was him who, after exposing the news, directly helped Daniel Whitehorse seize the entire project laboratory while Alexander was dealing with other directors. By the time Alexander reacted, the entire laboratory had been evacuated."


Luke was a little surprised when he heard this shocking thing: "Real or false, how can Alexander endure it?"

Seve smiled and said: "Of course he won't bear it. These days, he has held internal meetings several times to ask Daniel Whitehorse to hand over Roland Fury."

Luke raised his eyebrows.

"But Daniel Whitehorse didn't turn it over?"

"of course not."

Seve smiled and said: "If it were you, and your competitor's subordinate came to you with a project, would you hand him over?"

Luke shook his head.

This is definitely not something you can hand over. If you hand it over, if nothing else is said, no one will come to seek refuge with you again in the future.

"Then what?"

"No more."

"Nowadays, there are several directors within the organization, but except for Alexander Pierce, who is the newly promoted director, the others are all elders of the organization. Daniel Whitehorse is also the founder of Organization Regeneration. , I heard from Dr. Zola that Alexander is holding back his anger these days."

Seve said this, and then looked at Luke: "That's why I asked you, if you want to kill Roland Fury, is it Alexander's intention? Daniel Whitehorse is protecting this Roland Fury to the death. If he I’m afraid Daniel Whitehorse won’t let it go if he’s dead.”

Luke nodded while listening to Sever's gossip.

He didn't heed Seve's warning.

"I don't care what Daniel Whitehorse thinks. If he dares to come, I don't mind chopping him up too."

Luke looked up at Sever, smiled and said, and then said curiously: "I am more curious about why Roland Fry betrayed Alexander."

Could it be that Alexander’s character is not good enough?


He felt that Alexander was pretty good. At the very least, he felt much better than when he met Director Lewis.

Luke had seen Alexander and Lindsay together, looking at each other carefully.

A man who loves his woman, no matter how bad she is, will never be any worse.

Luke thought in his mind.

When Seve heard this, he looked at Luke curiously again.

"Did Alexander really say nothing to you?"

"Roland Fury betrayed him because of you."


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