The thought stopped for an instant at the one word he uttered.
The leader of all demons.
Its existence is well known to the allied forces, but no information about its appearance has been known.
It’s a natural story.
Since the war began, he had never been seen on the battlefield alone.
“…Can you believe a person who suddenly appears and claims that he is the Emperor of Demonic Beasts?”
“Well. At least you seem to believe it.”
I wanted to believe that it was an unreliable story.
However, the moment I saw him and felt the energy, I had no choice but to realize.
It was a truth, a providence, and an order that could not be broken.
All reality and senses made known that there was no lie in his words.
‘Am I alone?’
I can’t feel the reaction of other monsters nearby.
There are no reinforcements. Then, what is the power difference between Ilshin?
. . . cannot be estimated.
Magi’s attributes are unique and unfamiliar.
The depth is endless, and even the amount is difficult to count.
It was clear that he had power far beyond the current me and even the corps commander.
“…but it doesn’t matter.”
At this moment, there is only one action for me to take.
I don’t run away from the Witchbeast, nor do I delay the fight.
Read at
Just win and kill.
That is my iron rule and the law of life.
“Are you trying to fight? It must be pointless.”
“You’ll find out when you do it.”
“Ha ha… that’s really your answer.”
He willingly accepted my animosity.
I tried my best, but I still had some doubts.
Why did the emperor suddenly move?
I couldn’t understand why he had been quiet all this time and then suddenly came out.
Then, the emperor opened his mouth.
“Do you know that it is the law of the devil?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You are asking because you seem to be curious about my intentions.”
I glared at him without a word.
How do I know that
“The Demon King always waits for the hero on the final stage. He doesn’t intervene until he grows up and arrives in front of him.”
“Isn’t it strange? To allow the warriors to grow beyond their control.”
He wandered through the snow-covered forest, brainwashing like a madman.
“I wish I could kill them before they grow.”
“Are you here to kill me?”
“It may or may not be true. If it was only you who was going to kill me, there was no need to aim for today.”
It was intentionally offensive, but I was concerned about the deliberation implied in it.
A goal other than me he was aiming for.
It was not difficult to find out.
“In terms of Earth… yes, it should be 1+1.”
Maybe it was a simple problem.
What is the greatest danger that can threaten the Witchbeast?
Constellation? Helios? 3 generations? no.
These are the people who have ‘finished the war’.
What the battle of the monsters is like, how to kill them.
The “Pentagram”, who knows all of that, is undoubtedly the greatest threat to the Witchbeast…
‘But how?’
How did he come to Earth?
That much is still shrouded in a veil.
Even the emperor would not have been able to sneak into the barrier surrounding the world without anyone noticing.
The moment the Emperor entered Earth, there should have been traces of it somehow.
“…they’re all full of doubts.”
There was a lot of things I didn’t know, but I didn’t have time to indulge in speculation.
He grabbed the revolver and raised his mana.
one less.
And this is the ally’s camp.
An urgent message was sent to Helena, so many Constellations will turn their heads here soon.
Time, maybe 30 minutes.
“Those eyes.”
He spoke in the midst of the demonic energy leaking out.
“Even in the middle of this, you’re trying to beat me.”
“You sound obvious.”
“ha ha ha···.”
Even in the midst of this, his laughter was pleasant.
“That’s why you are a dangerous person.”
The rising demonic encroaches on the area.
Two pairs of red eyes shone bloody in the jet-black classification that shook the ground.
It is obviously a hopeless situation.
However, I wasn’t too nervous.
It was because of the energy of a person running this way, sensed by mental control.
“1+1…not bad, but aren’t we underestimating the remaining 1 too much?”
“I didn’t raise him to be that weak.”
I laughed at the guy.
And, a ray of flash fire was fired right in front of me.
The new model that came in like a wedge passed by me.
A rapid speed that far exceeded the speed of sound.
The wizard’s green eyes glowed as he held the wand, and his pearly hair cascaded.
Wizard Kaya.
It was the moment she entered the battlefield.
“Die! Witch-!!”
A hostile voice echoed through the forest.
The Emperor must have tried to kill me before she came.
It must have been because I had the confidence that she could kill me in time for her to come running.
The plan itself isn’t bad, but he’s underestimated Kaya’s power too much.
The magician who reached the final battlefield with me is not a weakling enough to allow the Emperor enough time for me to die.
Quaang-! Kwaaang—!!
Two new creatures cross the forest, entangled.
Kaya, who had flown for a long time while crushing the emperor’s armor, deployed her magic toward him, who bounced back with a single step.
light and glare.
The magic power that exploded set the darkness of the forest on fire.
A flash of light exploded, and the exploding shockwave shattered the terrain in all directions.
Kaya’s heart contained within it was a true ‘will to kill’ that was forged hard and sharp.
“He hates witches as much as I do.”
The speed of movement far exceeded the realm of humans.
The battles that have surpassed the human realm are fast and swift enough that I can barely catch up with my dynamic vision.
Following the swinging staff, the magical power of white light bursts out, leading the spectrum.
The stream of energy emitted like a beam of light devastated and evaporated all terrain in its path, swallowing the emperor.
The straight flash of light cut through the mountain ridge, and the swept rocks and earth heated up and turned into a handful of steam.
‘···It’s been a while since I’ve seen that.’
A banquet of overpowering magic that destroys everything in its path.
Kaya’s power is to condense and shoot out overwhelming magic power and the light and heat derived from it.
Truly the light of destruction.
Kaya’s nickname was Mage, but it’s just a modifier with the first letter removed.
His real nickname is ‘The Wizard of Luminance’.
It was the nickname of the greatest wizard in Earth’s history.
“Should I help out?”
Kaya’s level is comparable to Circle 9, but her fighting style is different from that of Skadi.
If Skadi is the type to cause large-scale natural disasters with wide-spread magic, Kaya specializes in exploding the energy she has gathered at one point or shooting it out in a straight line.
As you can see, its destructive power is such that the ground is overturned and mountains are shattered and blown away.
It’s a formidable power, but the fuel economy is also incredibly bad.
Right now, they are pushing the emperor who missed the attack timing, but if the battle continues as it is, there is a possibility that the situation will be reversed.
Above all, the state of the emperor was still in good health.
“”My movement follows everything””
Accelerated consciousness through autosuggestion.
Then, it synchronizes the body infused with magical energy to the accelerated consciousness.
In the midst of the war situation that has become as firm as the world that has slowed down, I aimed at the emperor who was clashing with Kaya.
The bullet fired broke the classification of Magi that was aiming for Kaya’s blind spot.
bang! bang! Quaang!
The bullets fired in succession blocked the emperor’s aim.
The attack aimed at the blind spot, the movement to draw out the weapon.
I can’t read the Emperor’s intentions, but I can read Kaya’s.
Anyway, a colleague who has been with me for over 10 years.
Even if it wasn’t for mental control, I knew all about her attack patterns and the timing of gaps derived from them.
If he could read that moment, it was possible enough to block the emperor’s tricks from digging into that place.
For an instant, Kaya’s eyes looked at me.
It was a fleeting moment that even 1 second was far away, but the intention contained in it was definitely ‘suspicion’.
It must be because my support is exquisite.
I changed the clothes I was wearing without a word to the tailcoat of the day and covered my face with a mask.
Because it’s hard to get caught.
The shock wave once again sweeps the earth.
On the noisy, shredded ground, I looked at her staff.
Kaya’s magic makes full use of a nuking-type technique that adds one final touch to several large techniques.
I calculated the amount of magical power released, so the next one is the final special move.
Since the last shot required warming up, I decided to personally tie the Emperor’s feet.
“Wait a minute, bastard…!”
She opened her mouth, but my reaction was a bit quicker.
raise one’s strength
The lacking part was replaced with holy power, and the sympathetic nervous system was unfolded.
The accelerating and amplified computing power recreates the sympathetic nervous system of the ‘ghost tribe’, and brings out their power, which is subordinated to the mental control of ‘domination’, to the present world.
The target is the 10 advanced monsters, ‘Reapers’.
The command given through ‘domination’ is the manifestation of the curse.
Soaring out of the shadows, they raised their staffs, and the ‘chains of death’ stretched out and entangled the emperor’s body.
His heart pounded and he squeezed his lips, causing blood to flow.
Without Adeline, Singularity, or even Skadi’s magical help, using this amount of magic was still an enormous burden on the mind and body.
However, it worked.
Even though he is not the highest level, he is a high-level monster, but he has realized the Lee Mae-mang-ryang alone.
Although the maintenance time was only fleeting, it was a clear evidence of growth and was the last move that created the moment of resolution.
“Expanding the spell——”
In front of Kaya, who opened her arms and recited the incantation, the staff wrapped in light came to mind.
Her hair waved along with the bubbling magic power, and her green eyes emitted a vivid phosphorescence.
Dotting all sides are nine magic circles.
The traces that he had not recognized in the past, he now knew that they were ‘magic’.
In front of the unfolding magic of the ‘9th Circle’, I was reminded of the fact that she was from Helios.
Gathering the light like a light, she commanded the magic that shook the land.
Flashes of light, and then an explosion erupted.
A huge beam of white light shot out in a straight line swallows everything in front of it and sublimes it into a handful of steam.
Even the untouched ground was heated red with heat, and a convection current of expanded air raged and a gale swept the area.
In front of Kaya’s overwhelming skills, I just put on my hat and waited for the disaster to pass.
‘Is it really Arc Wizard?’
The power comparable to the 9th circle was so powerful.
I remembered the time I fought against Baltazar with Skadi the other day.
It’s a shame that Skadi was so discerning, but thinking that if the top turned a little more, he could have released this much power from inside the cave, and I felt dizzy again.
A land where the torrent of splendor swept away everything.
The place that had melted into crimson had turned into a hell with blazing heat and scorching hot winds.
“Have you done it!?”
He sighed softly as she recited a revival spell out of nowhere.
Kaya didn’t seem to be able to feel it due to the aftermath of the large-scale technique, but my senses were catching it.
the emperor is still alive
The moment I recognized it, the huge demonic energy surged up again, pushing away the dust.
“…I see. There must have been a reason why you were so confident.”
Amidst the torrent of volcanic magic, the red-eyed emperor stood on his own two legs and looked at this place.
Kaya’s expression was a look of disappointment.
“To think that even after being hit properly…”
It was a voice that clearly showed resentment, but I think it was good enough.
It’s not an enemy that the two of you can defeat in the first place.
Rather, I felt that the emperor was looking after us.
“Then once again…!”
I lifted my arm to stop her from forcibly raising her magic power.
She must also be a magician who uses circles, but nuking-type magic requires cooling off the overloaded circles after battle to avoid side effects.
I stood in front of her and stopped the emperor.
“You’re calm. Even in the midst of this, you don’t look at all intimidated.”
“Does the preparation mean that this is not the end?”
The guy seemed to be struggling with continuing the fight.
It must be that you want to prevent the main guest from being evangelized by dragging more time here.
Being surrounded by constellations alone in the inner dimension, not the outer dimension, would be a situation he would like to decline.
“I thought you would be a bit more gullible in this era, but it seems my expectations were wrong.”
As the meaningless laughter continued, the alarm went off on the watch I was wearing.
It was Helena’s reply.
As the light poured in, the head of the angelic tribe, ‘Vega’, appeared.
Appearing with her back to the radiance, she looked around the chaos in all directions and became stunned.
“Do this by yourself…?”
Can’t you see the wizard behind me?
Before I could say anything, Helena’s eyes turned to the demonic emperor.
“Go, go! Don’t move!”
“… tsk.”
he clicked his tongue
It wasn’t that it wasn’t, he felt the Constellation’s power approaching from beyond.
Leading constellations, including Laniakea, are coming to surround the outer dimension outside the Earth.
“Was my preparation insufficient…”
He sighed briefly, then cast a crimson gaze through the mask.
“Next time, let’s try to settle properly.”
In the end, what he chose was to promise the following.
If I had tried to fight, it would have been a headache for me too, but fortunately the emperor was prudent and not adventurous.
“Wait! There…!”
Helena shouted something, but the emperor did not wait any longer.
ha ha ha···
A dismal laugh echoed through his empty seat as it faded into black smoke.
Seeing that, I could understand why the emperor’s power was weaker than expected.
“…was it an alter ego?”
As he disappeared, I felt the remnants of consciousness cut off like a thread.
Perhaps, it is a kind of alter ego ability similar to that of Lee Mae Mang-ryang.
I let out a sigh of relief a little.
“Who was that just now? I didn’t think it was an ordinary witchbeast, right?”
“I am the Emperor of the Beasts.”
“Hwang… yes?”
Helena’s expression, as she blankly questioned it, quickly turned into astonishment.
The Emperor himself moved.
She also knows that the meaning is by no means small.
“…I need to inform the central dimension quickly.”
I was ready to go back right away.
Knowing that Kaya and Balthazar had no contact, there was no reason to delay.
The sunlight shining from the brightened sky is dazzling.
With the emperor gone, the black clouds that filled the sky also disappeared.
I tried to ask Helena to return as I looked at the sky where the dawn was shining.
By the way.
“excuse me.”
Kaya’s voice called me.
“Hey, aren’t you dating me?”
so much-
She came up behind me, clattering her heels.
“There are few people who understand my battle patterns so well.”
“Who are you?”
I didn’t answer
‘Cause I’m no longer here
I couldn’t answer because I was a person who had to stand on a battlefield different from them.
I couldn’t, and I didn’t want to.
So I decided to pretend not to know.
I buried the joy of the reunion in my heart and tried to go back like that.
And, she called ‘I’.
“Are you uncle…?”
A throaty voice.
The voice that resounded as if squeezed was drowned in deep longing and echoed like a rumbling.
The urge to answer was strong, but I held back.
If I answer, she will follow me to the end.
I didn’t want to push Kaya and my comrades into the abyss of war again.
A life ruined by war is enough for me alone.
“… Hmm.”
She held my arm and the light enveloped me.
“Hey, wait…!!”
Kaya’s urgent voice was heard from behind the receding scenery.
However, I never looked back.
“Hey, wait…!!”
Kaya, who ran towards him as he disappeared, missed him by a narrow car.
In his empty seat that disappeared with the light, Kaya sat down and looked up at the sky in vain.
The outfit was different, but I could tell.
own ability. Habit. Attack patterns and gaps derived from them.
He took all of that into account and put the ‘bullet’ in precisely.
There are many people on Earth who can use guns, but only one person can do that.
Yujin Kang.
An old colleague of hers who is now dead.
And… the old master who taught her to fight.
“It must have been a man…”
That physique was definitely Kang Yoo-jin’s.
However, he did not answer Kaya’s anxious calls.
He disappeared with the person next to him, who was probably related to Helios.
Could it be that you didn’t recognize yourself?
How he survived didn’t matter.
Helios must have been up to something.
Otherwise, why didn’t he recognize me?
Kaya’s hand, which was on the dirt floor, gripped the floor.
“I will definitely go find it.”
The brightly shining green eyes were burning with a strange will.
The Emperor of Pandemonium awoke from the throne of the Black Sky Corridor.
The mask’s eyes flashed ferociously and stared at the corridor immersed in darkness.
He remembered the battle that had just taken place.
To be precise, Kang Yoo-jin’s undisturbed appearance.
“…was my prediction wrong?”
He never lost his composure from start to finish.
I know that he has a cool and thorough personality, but that composure is not something that only comes from his personality.
He believed in Kaya to follow, and in the Constellations to come after him.
And in response to his beliefs, Kaya stopped him with a force far greater than the power the Emperor had ‘knew’.
“What have I missed.”
What has changed.
what has changed
He clenched his fists and gazed at the other side of the sky with burning red eyes.
“Is this also your arrangement. Laniakea.”
He recited the name of the first star in a voice filled with heat.
What was inside was, obviously, a deep-rooted feeling of hatred.
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