How to make a star(1)

Constellations inevitably eat one world and are born.

The brilliant light of the origin of the constellation is paradoxically because it blooms in the battlefield infested with demonic beasts.

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Just like the light in the dark is the brightest.

“Attracting a demonic beast to cause a war… wouldn’t it work on an existing battlefield?”

“…Yes. Impossible.”

Laniakea nodded with difficulty.

I used the expression of attracting, but the monsters you encounter in the Ascension Test do not come from outside.

As the light gets brighter and the shadows get darker, they are like a kind of side effect caused by a reaction that awakens the source.

“If so, isn’t it a loss? It seems that sacrificing one world isn’t enough, so more monsters appear.”

“It’s okay because the demonic beasts that have been created are all sorted out at the time of awakening. It’s just that the world swept away by the waves is consumed.”



I couldn’t shake those thoughts.

Although the number of worlds scattered across all dimensions is large, it is not infinite.

It is a resource that has a limit and will eventually be exhausted.

Maybe it’s just a way to lose weight, but is it correct that there is no problem with this?

“Perhaps you’re thinking ‘inefficient’?”

“…I don’t see it that way.”

“That’s right. Not only Eugene-sama, but most people also think so.”

world sacrifice.

On top of that, even the side effects of witchcraft.

I don’t know why the Constellation and the Witchbeast were so closely intertwined, but that would surely be the height of inefficiency.

Constellations are needed to defeat enemies, and even if the number of constellations increases to the extent that constellations are created, mankind’s resistance is reduced.

“The reason why the Ascension Test continues…is it because there is no substitute?”

“Yes. We don’t have a choice.”

Emperor and Commander-in-Chief.

Because only the Constellation can overcome their forces.

The test of ascension continues despite knowing that it is inefficient and a way to cut one’s own flesh.

“So. The military is researching ‘artificial constellations’.”

The limitations of existing methods are clear.

The birth of a constellation has more losses than benefits in the long run.

That’s why they were looking for a way to bring about Constellation Awakening without sacrificing the world.

However, the process is too complicated and difficult, so there is no great progress.

Although the divine equation was recently created by Kang Yu-jin, there were a lot of difficult problems besides that.

“…that’s all.”

Raniakea answered everything except about the ‘truth’.

Originally, the contents of the Ascension Test were supposed to be top secret.

But Raniakea told me.

There are things that I believe in his heavy-mouthed nature, but more than anything, hiding something from him was because the ‘truth’ alone was too much.

At the same time, anxious curiosity arose.

I wondered why he wanted this information.

“Why do you ask me this question…?”

“It’s nothing special. I was just curious because I saw about the Trial of Ascension in the Rift.”

It is a story that is just a passing question.

But that made me even more anxious.

It was no different from the emperor’s intentions.

“But, then, is the war against the Witchbeast triggered only by that test?”

“No…Most local wars are fought by clashing front lines and accidental guerrilla warfare.”

Tests are not given that often.

If it was limited to ‘battle’, the test didn’t account for that much.

“Have you solved your question a little?”

“Yes. Thanks for your time.”

“It’s something you have to do, of course.”

It wasn’t at all obvious at the point of revealing the black level secret, but Laniakea answered like that.

And, even after the story was over, she couldn’t leave easily.

He clasped his hands tightly together and murmured.


I had something to ask.

It may not be a question I shouldn’t ask, but I still wanted to ask it.

Otherwise, I think I won’t be able to bear this pain.

So, Raniakea posed a question.



“If the war on Earth was also caused by a test, what would you do?”


A questioning gaze turned to her.

It was the face that asked why.

“I’m just curious.”

When I asked about the Trial of Ascension, it suddenly came to my mind.

Raniakea answered that.

It was a very rude question to him, but instead of being displeased, he just pondered.

He was lost in thought for a long time, and then he opened his tightly closed mouth.

“If that’s the case, I’d probably hate the Witchbeast as well as the Constellation.”



Even though it was a proposition that I already knew, I can’t help but feel heartbroken.

She lowered her head and pursed her lips.

“… is supposed to be normal.”


However, his words did not end.

Following the unexpected answer, he had a somewhat detached face.

“Well, I’m not sure now.”

Laniakea looked at him with puzzled eyes.

However, despite her gaze, Kang Yoo-jin was only looking at the distant view of the winter forest.

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Just as we remember the precious person who closed his eyes against this winter, and the young disciple who talked about his dreams while stepping on the snow.

“I have a lover whom I met thanks to you, and a student who was willing to give up his dream for me.”



It was an unexpected answer from her.

Raniakea blankly looked at Yujin Kang.

“Certainly, life on Earth has been painful for me. I have suffered a lot, and I have lost a lot.”

He spoke calmly as he calmly released his long-standing remorse.

“But now it’s also blunted.”

He hated the Witchbeast who took everything from him.

If it was the Constellation that brought it, they should also hate it.

However, now he had someone to lead before taking revenge.

There were people who had to set an example and show a better way.

An unbreakable bond in the name of a disciple.

“You never know.”

He turned to Laniakea and replied with a faint smile.

“Looking at their faces, I might be able to forgive them once.”


“Well, in the end it’s just a what-if story.”

Laniakea looked at him with a blank face as he smiled detachedly.

Suddenly, I felt as if the pain in my chest had melted away.

The ice-cold fear had melted and it seemed to fill up with tears.


Only then did she realize that she had been crying.

Kang Yu-jin was in a rare state of panic in the blurry vision.

“Why do you do that?”

“Nothing, nothing.”

Stepping forward, she opened her arms and hugged Yujin Kang.

“For a moment… please stay like this.”

It was a sudden request, but he did it.

“Thank you very much… I’m sorry.”


“Just. Everything.”

I don’t know if he will ever forgive me.

His answer was just a what-if situation.

However, he is not one to give such an answer lightly.

Because he always showed his sincerity to Raniakea.

So, that answer was enough for now.

My heart was still tormented by guilt, but I felt like I could take off the weight of my fear.

Because the warm voice that spoke forgiveness and the soft smile that had goodwill until the end made it that way.

“Wait a little.”

While handing over a small promise silently.

She felt his body heat for a long time in the snowy forest.


Returning to my office, I heard good news from Adeline.

It was the news that the ‘transfer of the rights of Abanrat’, which was pending in Central Police, had been passed.

In other words, it meant that as of today, Avanrat was fully owned by me.

It was a feat achieved by pouring a whopping 500 million shillings into it.

“People there didn’t seem to understand.”

“Does not matter.”

From the central point of view, it must have looked like I was wasting my money on a strange place.

For them, Abanrat was not an attractive place to invest that much capital.

“You’ll change your mind in a month.”

I have already finished all my research on Avantrat.

All of the minerals, animals and plants excavated there, as well as environmental resources.

Now that the thesis has been finalized, by the time the presentation is over, the value of Avantrat will skyrocket.

Of course, all the profits derived from it will be mine.

When that time comes, they will also regret the choice they made now, having handed over the island at a bargain price.

“What do you do with that much money?”

“There is a place to write everything.”

I don’t know Adeline, but the most money-making business in the world is war, and the most money is spent in war.

In war, more capital is better.

“Then it became a problem for Abanrat…”

When I look back at my desk, my headache hurts.

This is because the number of lectures has increased by one more because he has not yet found a suitable replacement professor.

Since I have to plan lectures for both grades, my work has doubled.

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Just as I was racking my brain over a pile of paperwork, I heard a knock on the door.


“Come in.”

I answered without looking back.

Because I checked who it was with mental control anyway.

“Hello professor.”

Estelle nodded and came forward.

The small smile on my face turned sullen at the sight of Adeline sitting next to me.

“Were you still staying in Helios?”

“Yes. I decided to postpone the exam for a while.”

It seemed that he was worried a lot about the test of ascension, but in the end, he decided to postpone it.

Terreon didn’t seem to like it, but he must have asked for permission.

Or did you just do it on your own?

“So. Why did you come to see me?”

“I have something I want to offer you.”

Estelle held out a piece of paper from me.

“The Picatinny Society?”

It was an invitation to the upcoming Picatinny Society.

I also receive letters every time asking for an invitation, but I haven’t been able to attend much due to lack of time.

It’s not a very beneficial conference for me anyway.

There’s no way Estelle wouldn’t know about that, but if she insisted on showing it, it would mean that she had a different purpose.

“At the conference being held this time-“

“Is there going to be a lecture on the topic of secrecy?”


“Then the topic must be about the Artificial Constellation Project.”


It seems to be a straight line.

Estelle looked at me with her round eyes blinking.

“Uh, how did you know?”

“It’s common sense reasoning.”

actually filmed

“But it won’t be a lecture I can attend at will.”

The Artificial Constellation Project has a special meaning even for the Picatinny Society.

It is a key research project promoted by the military, and it is a large project that has invested astronomical funds over many years.

Of course, as much as the fruit to be obtained as a result was large, there was no way to share it with outsiders.

“But I need a professor for this project.”

“The reason is?”

“Because you have completed the divinity equation.”

yes. I did.

Because at the time I had the ability to do that.

It is also true that the project, which had been stagnant, made great strides.

But helping some and leading all are different things.

The military wouldn’t want me to be the mainstay of the project.

“It won’t work. They won’t want it.”

“I can solve that. It’s a reserve, but I’m a Constellation for now.”


It is a plan to stab me there by using its authority to be treated as a quasi-constellation.

I don’t know if it’s anyone else, but if it’s Estelle with the name of Altair, it’s possible.

There was a strong possibility that bringing up such a story in the first place would have ended the conversation with the founder, Renoir.


It’s not that you don’t have one.

Rather, he overflows because he does not exist.

Over the past few months, I’ve made significant progress in my research into the source with Faelan’s corpse in Avanrat.

Even if it hadn’t been perfectly reproduced yet, it would have been possible to get a clue if it interlocked with the ongoing research.


The timing was really tricky.

It’s been a while since I heard about the Trial of Ascension from Laniakea.

As if I had been waiting, an opportunity arose.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

Busy but well worth the time.

It was a matter of artificially creating a constellation.

As long as I attend, it is only natural that I can absorb that knowledge.

‘Maybe, I might be able to use it.’

One day, in order to deal with Baltazar, there was a time when he obtained the power of the Constellation, even for a short time.

An inexhaustible power beyond the limits of mortals.

If only I could artificially reproduce the ‘power of the stars’ and apply it to me.

‘I will gain the strength to stand up to the emperor.’

By the time I reached that point, the hesitation had already disappeared.


Deep underground in Centralpolis.

Simcheo of the research building is busy with the project even today.

“My dear… Another failure.”

Nervously nervous, Laflis scratched her particularly frizzy hair.

Transformation of holy power through divinity equation.

The work of creating a magic engine that could continue it infinitely was in full swing here.

However, creating an institution comparable to the ‘source’ of the Constellation was never an easy task.

“Doesn’t it seem like things are going well?”

“…conversion efficiency and durability are too serious.”

At Claire’s natural question, Laflis let out a deep sigh.

The ‘source’ is the most core organ of the constellation that creates infinite holy power.

For the project to succeed, it was necessary to artificially recreate this source.

However, the mountain to overcome was too high for him.

Magic is a resource with limited quantities.

It was impossible to obtain it infinitely, but the engine was a delicate artifact, and it was difficult to have the durability to withstand a large amount of magic conversion.

“Well…it’s a deterioration of the source, so it can’t be helped.”

“If you’re going to bother people, why don’t you go somewhere else?”

“Ah. What are you saying so pitifully?”

As he smiled, cross veins appeared on Laflis’ forehead.

Today, that sunglasses-wearing face was disgusting.

“Why don’t we just make the source instead of the degraded version?”

“If that was possible, I wouldn’t be doing this nonsense.”

Uncovering the structure of the source… is impossible with today’s technology.

It was to the point that not only many scholars, but even the Mason of the Mage Tower, stuck out their tongues.

“How about Professor Yujin Kang?”

“…I wonder if that person is too much for this.”

I can’t join this place due to the military’s check, but even so, wouldn’t it be impossible to reveal the structure of the source?

To that extent, Lapless was skeptical about the reappearance of the source.

“Ah…don’t commit suicide.”

Claire poked her head over her, who had eventually collapsed on the spot.

“What will happen to the sword if we succeed in reproducing the source?”

“What did you hear me say? No.”

“No, assuming it happens.”

“…If you made it.”

I turn my blank eyes to the ceiling.

A person who has succeeded in reproducing the source.

If there really is such a person…

“I will become a ‘one greater than God’. I unlocked the secret of God with my own hands.”


Claire admired, but Laflis just snorted.

Because it can’t be done.


if, maybe.

‘If there really is someone who can do that…’

Laflis imagined the reorganization of order due to its existence.

A being greater than God.

A person who wears such a prestige.

If such a person exists…

He will surely be respected as the ‘Emperor’ of all things.

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