A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 845: Queen Kunling conquered the first generation to supervise 39

"Uncle? Superintendent, Mr. Qi? You feel awkward about everything. He Mengying has designed me several times, and I plan to take revenge. What do you think?"

If an actor wants to take revenge on the daughter of He Dashuai's family, if others hear this, they will laugh out loud.

But if they knew that this actor was not an ordinary person, and that Qi Hengyu had a good heart, they would have changed their minds immediately.

Qi Hengyu wrapped Shu Ange's cool little hand in the palm of his hand, and replied lightly: "Just do what you want, and when you need my help, just mention it."

The two hadn't seen each other for half a year, but now that they meet, they are more affectionate than when they left.

In the past six months, they have made a lot of calls and wrote a lot of letters, and Shu Ange's position in Qi Hengyu's heart has gradually increased.

She didn't accompany him, but her eyebrows, her smile, and her babbling and singing figure became clearer day by day in his mind.

Qi Hengyu is a rational person. Even after he is tempted, he still puts family and country affairs before his children's love.

It wasn't until he almost lost her that Qi Hengyu realized that her country was important, and so was her.

Shu Ange leaned on Qi Hengyu's shoulder and laughed out loud. She looked up at his eyes and said mischievously, "Mr. Qi, am I your pen pal or your friend?"

What she said was actually saying that the two had been together for less than a month, but they had been in communication for half a year.

Qi Hengyu would be wrong, and while her expression instantly became solemn, she straightened her body and promised seriously: "From now on, you will be my girlfriend, if you want, after the situation stabilizes, you and I will be together. wedding."

Suddenly hearing words like a marriage proposal, Shu Ange was stunned.

"The target character's favorability is +10, and the current favorability is 95."

Qi Hengyu's glittering eyes, under the dim light, seemed like an endless ocean.

"Now we all pay attention to romance and love. Mr. Qi will set An Ge for life with a single word. It's not romantic at all."

Shu Ange grabbed the tip of his hair, and a pair of bright eyes like autumn water swept lightly on Qi Hengyu's face.

"Romantic... What romance do you want, flowers, jewelry, rings? A car, a house?"

Qi Hengyu thought seriously about how to behave romantically and amused Shu Ange. She leaned softly into his hard chest, grabbed his shirt and said, "Just kidding with you, I have a lot to tell you, we will be at night. Let's talk while eating."

"Well, are you sleepy? Let's sleep for a while."

He let Shu Ange lie in his arms and wrapped her in a coat. She closed her eyes, and An Tian's sleeping face was as pure as a baby.

The snowflakes floated up again, and the cold wind came in from the gap in the body, and Qi Hengyu hugged Shu Ange tighter.

Embracing her and caring is like owning the whole world, no matter how big the wind and snow are.

Shu Ange was tense for a day, and Qi Hengyu had a reassuring breath on her body, and she soon fell asleep in his arms.

The car stopped at Renhe Street, and Qi Hengyu gently shook the sleeping Shu Ange: "It's time to get off the bus."

She sat up in a daze, he got out of the car from the other door, and Shu Ange sneezed at the cold wind.

After Qi Hengyu opened the car door on Shu Ange's side, he leaned over and led her out of the car, then bent her body and carried the princess all the way into Liu's house.

The guards held umbrellas and followed the two of them, snowflakes dancing gracefully.

After arriving in the living room, Qi Hengyu put Shu Ange down, took the towel from the servant, and brushed off the snowflakes on her body.

Shu Ange opened his eyes and stretched out. Master Wang and several guards bowed their heads, apologizing to Shu Ange apologetically and rejoicing for her safe return.

"Everyone, don't blame yourself. If you didn't report in time, the supervisor might not be able to find me so quickly."

Shu Ange comforted everyone with a smile, and then moved his neck again: "Hey, Master Wang, please help me call Teacher Zheng and tell him that I will arrive on time for the next class."

When she spoke, Qi Hengyu kept looking at her silently.

After Shu Ange finished speaking, Qi Hengyu stretched out his hand and led her upstairs to the study together.

After the two arrived in the study, the servant brought the hot food, and Shu Ange said happily, "I can finally fill my stomach, happiness!"

Qi Hengyu likes watching Shu Ange eat the most. Every time she eats her favorite food, she always squints her eyes, and her intoxicated appearance is very infectious.

From time to time, he gave Shu Ange a dish, which reminded her of the first time the two sat together to eat.

At that time, she gave him vegetables, but he refused.

Thinking of the past, Shu Ange took a ball and sent it to Qi Hengyu's lips.

"Huh? I ate it this time, didn't I dislike my saliva before?"

Shu Ange supported his chin with one hand and chopsticks in the other, and asked Qi Hengyu proudly.

He just smiled, took a piece of fish and put it in her bowl.

"What do you want to discuss? Tell me."

When the topic turned to business, Shu Ange's attitude suddenly became serious. She took a sip of sweet soup to moisten her throat and said, "Actually, there are many things, but I don't know where to start."

"Then talk slowly, don't worry, no matter how long you talk, I will listen."

Qi Hengyu raised her hand and wiped off the remaining soup on Shu Ange's lips with a tissue. The tenderness between her brows made her heart rip.

In the face of love, Hundred Steelmaking will inevitably become soft around the fingers.

"The first thing, I want to ask you to help me find relatives who have been separated for many years. The second thing, I want to cooperate with you to do some business in medicine, military industry, and people's livelihood."

After Shu Ange succinctly threw out the theme, Qi Hengyu put down his chopsticks and asked in a little surprise: "You can mention the matter of looking for your relatives earlier. As for business, you can open a company or a factory. But to choose a target, the three categories you just mentioned cover almost all industries in the country."

Qi Hengyu thought that Shu Ange had no experience, so he had this whimsical idea.

"I not only want to do business, but also a business that benefits the country and the people, saves the country and rejuvenates the country. Heng Yu, I will write a plan later on business matters. Today, let's talk about relatives first."

Shu Ange is a serious and responsible task performer, and the original owner's wish has always been in her heart.

The memory of the original owner before she was abducted and sold was very scattered. Shu Ange only knew that she lived in the Wu family in the south of the Yangtze River when she was a child.

Zhou Meiyun has only some very messy and fragmented memories of her former relatives and the nursing mother who took care of her.

If she saw the old man, Shu Ange might be able to vaguely recognize it, but if she were to re-simulate it with a portrait, she would feel like she didn't know where to start.

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