A Precious Pearl in the Imperial City

Chapter 79 Apricot Blossom

Sun Caiyao was dreaming again.

This dream is exactly the same as the dream she had before getting married.

The flickering candle, the angry Highness, and the Ming Jiuzhu fiddling with the incense burner, everything was a dream reappearance.

Did the lord hurt His Royal Highness King Chen?

Who killed King Chen?!

Is it you, ?? or the concubine Ning, ?? or... the king Huai, who has been demoted to a commoner?

You want to kill this king?

Waking up from her sleep, Sun Caiyao heard the sound of rain outside the window, got up and shook her hands, poured a cup of cold tea, raised her head and poured it.

Her hands were shaking so badly that half a cup of tea was spilled outside.

Prince Concubine, what's the matter with you? The maid who was serving heard the movement, pushed the door open, and saw Sun Caiyao sitting at the table with a pale face: Did you have a nightmare?? This servant is called Your Highness. .

Stop. Sun Caiyao looked at her with burning eyes: I'm fine, I can't disturb Your Highness.


What I said doesn't work? Sun Caiyao's shoulders trembled slightly, but her eyes were particularly bright.

The palace maid was taken aback by her appearance, she took a robe and put it on her: Prince Concubine, it's cold outside, go to bed and rest.

Sun Caiyao ignored her, pushed open the window, and listened to the sound of the rain outside, her mind was in a mess.

The matter of the Royal Racecourse is really just the personal actions of His Royal Highness's biological mother, does His Highness know nothing at all?

Prince Concubine, slave... go and change a pot of hot tea for you?

No need. Sun Caiyao turned her head and smiled at the palace maid: I was just startled, it's okay, just rest for a while.

When the palace maid left, she managed to cheer herself up and sat by the window listening to the sound of the rain all night until dawn.

Prince Concubine. Bai Shao walked into Sun Caiyao's house, waited for her to wash up, and found that she was fully dressed and sitting in the room: My servant is up late, please forgive me.

You didn't wake up late, I woke up too early. Sun Caiyao stood up: It rained all night outside, and there must be flowers falling all over the floor. You accompany me out for a walk.

Please wait for the prince and concubine, the servant will go and get the umbrella. Having been a servant for so many years, she has developed the habit of never asking more questions about what the master wants to do.

Sun Caiyao nodded.

She stood up, her numb legs shook, and she smeared a layer of rouge on her face to make her face look normal.

Bai Shao walked slowly behind Sun Caiyao, and the more she walked, the more suspicious she became: Prince Concubine, this is the way to Qilin Palace.

Really? Sun Caiyao smiled: I heard that there is a beautiful forest of apricot flowers outside the Qilin Palace. I don't know what the scenery will look like after the rain. You have been serving your mother and concubine for so many years, and you must be very familiar with the harem. Is it right?

Bai Shao bowed her knees: Prince Concubine, slaves are only palace maids. If there is no order from the master, they cannot walk in the harem.

Passing through a rockery, Sun Caiyao stood outside the apricot blossom forest, looking at the apricot blossoms that covered the ground like snow: It's a pity that such a beautiful flower fell into the muddy ground.

Great, in a few months, the tree will definitely be full of apricots, but I don't know whether the apricots in the palace are sour or sweet.

Princess, the servants have secretly tasted it. These apricots are very sweet. When the apricots are ripe, the servants will pick them up for you to taste.

Shh, keep your voice down, don't be overheard by the steward's aunt.

It's alright, when I heard it, I said I wanted to eat it. Jiuzhu stepped on the bluestone road with her skirt on, smelling the fragrance of apricot blossoms in the garden, she was in a particularly good mood.

The maids giggled and followed behind her, but they didn't want to hold an umbrella for her, and then looked at the falling flowers in her hair and snickered.

Princess. The Spring Equinox whispered in Jiuzhu's ear: There seems to be someone ahead.

Jiuzhu stopped in her footsteps, and the laughing maids also stood up behind Jiuzhu, as if the laughter just now had never existed.

Five younger siblings. Sun Caiyao walked across the sea of ​​flowers and walked to Jiuzhu: It's me.

Fourth sister-in-law. Jiuzhu blessed Sun Caiyao, Sun Caiyao held her hand, bowed her knees and bowed back: Fifth brother and sister, are you here to enjoy the flowers too?

I heard from the sisters in the palace that the apricot blossoms in the garden fell all over the ground, and they are very beautiful, so I will come to take a look. Jiuzhu saw that Sun Caiyao's brows were a little haggard, Sister-in-law 4 should pay more attention to rest on weekdays.

Thank you fifth brother and sister for your concern. Sun Caiyao touched her cheek: It's rare to meet here, brother and sister, let's walk with me.

Jiuzhu smiled: Fourth Sister-in-law, please.

Flowers are falling all over the ground, and some green grass buds have been drilled out of the mud, which is extraordinarily green and lovely.

The two walked side by side for a while, and neither spoke a word. Jiuzhu has always been embarrassed by others, but not embarrassed by herself. On the way, she did not forget to pick up a flower branch that someone threw on the ground.

Brother and sister. Sun Caiyao stopped and looked at the broken flowers and branches in Jiuzhu's hand: Your relationship with His Royal Highness Chen is really good.

Jiu Zhu gave her a surprised look: Don't tell me your relationship with the Fourth Prince is not good?

Sun Caiyao smiled: Of course it's also good.

Everyone is born with their own destiny. Instead of staring at others, it is better to care more about themselves. Jiuzhu finally knew why she thought Sun Caiyao was weird.

Because she was staring at her all the time, staring at her with a complicated look that didn't know what to expect.

Fate is predestined? Sun Caiyao couldn't help but ask, Is there no accident?

The fourth sister-in-law thinks that fate is doomed? Jiuzhu shook her head: The fate I understand is not a stone that stands still, no matter where you go, you can meet it.

Fate is that when you go east, you will encounter a peach forest, and you will be amazed by its beauty. If you go west, you will encounter a pear garden, and you will also be conquered by its beauty. This fate is not a peach tree. Lin, it's not the pear blossom forest, but the beauty. Jiuzhu smiled: You came to the pear blossom forest and wanted peach blossoms. When you came to the peach blossom forest and wanted pear blossoms, it wasn't fate, it was forced.

Sun Caiyao looked at her blankly: To you, is King Chen a peach blossom or a pear blossom?

His Royal Highness, he is the beauty in my eyes. Jiuzhu smiled: The peach blossom can be him, the pear blossom can be him, and the beauty of the four seasons can be him.

Sun Caiyao suddenly understood that if the death of King Chen in the dream was really related to His Royal Highness, Ming Jiuzhu would choose to kill him for revenge.

But she still didn't understand that Ming Jiuzhu in the dream had never seen King Chen, why would she treat him like her life?

Can a woman fall in love with a man she has never met?

Fourth Sister-in-law. Jiuzhu looked at her: I don't know what's hidden in your heart, but I would like to advise you with simple words. You can try to let go of many things in the world and reconcile with yourself.

If you have the only hairpin in the world, it originally belonged to you, but you didn't know it existed, so someone jumped in first, would you blame this person?

Something that I don't know, being taken first by others means that it doesn't belong to me in the first place, so why complain. Jiuzhu laughed: Not to mention it's just a hairpin, without this one, there will be more suitable for me. the hairpin.

What if it's a human? Sun Caiyao continued to ask, her expression full of urgency to try to get an answer: For example...for example, His Royal Highness King Chen?

Jiuzhu was stunned for a moment, she looked up at the apricot blossoms in the treetops, and thought for a moment: If it is His Highness, if the person who gets him will treat him very well, His Highness also likes her very much, and I will not complain. .

Because in the beginning, she never thought of getting His Highness.

I understand. After a long time, Sun Caiyao sighed: Ming Jiuzhu, I'm not as good as you.

What's wrong with the fourth sister-in-law? Jiuzhu felt more and more that something was wrong with Sun Caiyao: Do you want me to ask someone to help you with the imperial doctor?

It's okay. Sun Caiyao smiled reluctantly: I just envy the affection between you and the fifth brother.

Jiu Zhu looked at her and added in a low voice, The question you asked just now is that your Highness is in a relationship with other people. If it is now, I definitely don't want others to take away His Highness.

This moment, that moment.

The flowers bloom and branch, so we can talk about it in two parts.

Who will snatch me? King Chen walked in from outside the forest, bent over and took Jiuzhu's hand, and glanced at Sun Caiyao with a half-smiling smile: If there is any conflict between the fourth sister-in-law and the fourth brother, please two husbands and wives. People close the door and communicate slowly, don't ask my princess.

Zhangliu Palace is quite far from Qilin Palace, so be careful not to break your leg after walking so long. King Chen raised his chin: Yang Yiduo, send the Fourth Prince and Concubine back.

Sun Caiyao's face turned pale: Why is the fifth brother so aggressive? Let's say a few words between our sister-in-law, and the fifth brother doesn't need to be on guard here.

Jiuzhu noticed that Sun Caiyao's expression was a little guilty. She didn't want to talk to Sun Caiyao any more, so she pulled King Lachen's sleeve: Your Highness, let's go.

Five younger siblings...

Fourth sister-in-law, husband and wife are one body. Jiuzhu said unabashedly: You won't be in this situation, hope I can help you speak?

The moment she looked over, Sun Caiyao thought of the look in the dream.

Calm, indifferent, and leave no room for anything.

She took a step back in silence and watched King Chen and Ming Jiuzhu leave hand in hand.

Prince Concubine. Bai Shao moved the umbrella over Sun Caiyao's head: It's raining heavily, let's go back.

Bai Shao. Sun Caiyao asked, What kind of person do you think Ming Jiuzhu is?

Bai Shao lowered her head: Slaves don't dare.

Sun Caiyao glanced at her: Forgive your innocence, say.

Princess Chen has a very pure and kind personality, she should be... a very good person.

A good person? Sun Caiyao sneered vaguely: I don't think such a person can't make her anxious.

A person who is pure to the extreme is a kind of terrible in itself.

Your Highness, why don't you bring an umbrella when you go out? Jiuzhu moved half of her umbrella to the top of King Chen's head: My hair is soaking wet.

It's alright. King Chen wiped it with a handkerchief at will: Just now, my father asked me to bring a bunch of gifts back, saying that I would accompany my daughter-in-law back home, and a son-in-law should not come home empty-handed.

Wait. Jiuzhu took the handkerchief in his hand and wiped his forehead and the bridge of his nose: There are so many rules for returning to the door?

Of course. King Chen took the umbrella and held it firmly: Tomorrow morning, we will get up early and come back at night.

That way I can stay at Ming's house for a while.

Alas. It was just dawn, and Ming Jiyuan was lying on the wall: According to the rules of ordinary people's marriage, today should be the day when Jiuzhu returned home.

Third brother. Ming Cunfu almost cried: It was just dawn, you woke me up just to say this?

Ming Jiyuan ignored him and continued to talk: It would be great if someone told me at this time that Jiuzhu is back?

Eldest son! The steward shouted as he ran, Miss is back!

Sister is back? Ming Cunfu was suddenly sleepy

All disappeared, looked up and saw that the third cousin had already galloped away.

He climbed over the fence with difficulty and jumped off the fence tremblingly: Third brother, wait for me!

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