A Precious Pearl in the Imperial City

Chapter 66 What is cockfighting?

I remember how much friendship you have with the fourth prince? Ming Jingzhou answered without asking, In the past two years, have you communicated?

It's not really a friendship, but King Qi has read a few of my articles, saying that Zi is talented and so on. Ming Jiyuan thought about his past with King Qi: I don't dare to,?? The tea party hosted by the king, nothing else has been done.

You know, after you left the capital, King Qi once said that you were his confidant, and that reading ten of your essays is better than ten years of reading?

Isn't it nonsense? Ming Ji worked in the far north for two years. Because of his frequent contact with the local people, his accent was affected a little. In a hurry, he brought his accent: I am not a fool, ?? What kind of confidant do you have with an adult prince?? Do you think it's not enough trouble or what?

Ming Jingzhou glanced at him: Put your tongue straight and speak Mandarin.

Father, ?? I don't have much friendship with King Qi. Ming Jiyuan pulled his sleeves: I know, ?? None of these princes have good eyes, ?? Know who you are, ?? One by one, ?? are uneasy.

Okay, don't be angry, just go with him less in the future. Ming Jingzhou watched him pull his sleeves: Pull the sleeves back for me. Remember to me, our Ming family goes out, ?? They are all polite and cultural people, do you understand?

Ming Jiyuan took two deep breaths: Father, tell me what happened to King Chen and Concubine Su to save my sister.

When your mother and I knew about each other, you were already on your way home, and you were afraid that the letter you wrote would be robbed and cause trouble, so I didn't tell you. Ming Jinghai talked about what happened to Jiuzhu when she was a child.

He said that when Jiuzhu was bound by the hands and feet of the servants of the Zheng family and pushed into the icy river water, Ming Jiyuan couldn't bear it any longer, and punched the rockery with a punch, and the rockery fell to the ground.

The Zheng family is so cruel! Ming Jiyuan gritted his teeth and said, I must make them pay the price.

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You're too late, the Zheng family has already been put into prison, the head of the Zheng family has been sentenced to beheading, adult men and women have been distributed, and all descendants have become slaves. Ming Jingzhou glanced at the broken rockery on the ground: Put away your temper, I told you earlier that we scholars must be mature and stable, and we will not replace others if they are angry with me, and if they are angry, we will not replace them. In addition, the cost of repairing the rockery will be deducted from your salary for the next month.

Father, are you moving so fast? Ming Jiyuan bent down to pick up the broken rockery on the ground and tried to push it back, but unfortunately the broken rockery was like a broken bowl and couldn't be put back together.

It's not my fault. Ming Jingzhou smiled mockingly: I just started investigating the Zheng family, and several forces sent evidence to me. In this capital, people who want the unfortunate family of the fourth prince's grandfather are unlucky. , but a lot.

There are many people in the capital who praise the fourth prince as a virtuous king, but there are also many people who fall into trouble.

The Zheng family is over, the fourth prince and his mother will die, and the fourth prince will cut off all titles. Ming Jingzhou put his hands behind his back and led him to the East Courtyard: Jiyuan, the moment Jiuzhu becomes King Chen's fiancée, our Ming family can't stay out of it. .


Unless Jiuzhu is given up and she is allowed to marry King Chen, no matter what happens, the Ming family will not intervene.

No. Ming Jiyuan knew what his father was going to say, and he stopped thinking about it: Father, we have lost our sister once, and now the family is finally reunited, we can't do this to her!

Ming Jingzhou looked at him.

In the beginning, we had nothing, and we didn't have Jiuzhu. Ming Jiyuan's eyes were a little red again: Now that we have Jiuzhu, even if we become like a year with nothing, it's nothing to be afraid of.

This is your decision? When Ming Jingzhou was not smiling, no one could see through his thoughts.

Yes. Ming Jiyuan nodded.

But now you are still very tender. Ming Jingzhou chuckled lightly: If you want to support your sister, just learn from me and your uncle the way of being an official and the way of being a human being.

Your Highness. Shen shi asked King Chen, I don't know what your Highness has taboos?

I don't need to choose, it's fine. King Chen opened his eyes and said nonsense.

On the other hand, Jiuzhu said several dishes that she liked. Shen shi looked at Nv and Chen Wang with a half-smiling smile. How could she not know when Jiuzhu started to like these dishes?

Okay, I'll go and tell the kitchen to make these dishes. She stood up and walked outside: Jiuzhu, walk with His Royal Highness in the palace.

Okay. Jiuzhu responded happily, got up and pulled King Chen's sleeve: Your Highness, I'll take you to see the little white horse.

King Chen thought of a horse that looked like a dog. If he remembered correctly, he gave the horse to Jiuzhu.

If Ri hadn't picked a little white horse for her, maybe he'd already mounted a mad horse.

Ming Xiaozhu. He stopped her.

Huh? Jiuzhu looked back at him.

You said... He took her hand: Are you the mother sent to me by Huaxi River God?

Impossible. Jiuzhu shook her head: Master said that there is no river god in Huaxi River, and the river gods are all lies.

If it doesn't rain in the sky, it angers the river god and needs to go to sacrifice.

The heavy rain has also angered the river god, so he still wants to sacrifice.

These are all methods used by false gods and false practitioners to deceive people, but they have harmed many people.

King Chen: ...

Okay, I can't seem to talk about it today.

Although there is no river god in Huaxi River, His Highness is a fairy child. Jiuzhu looked at him with a smile: If there was no His Royal Highness, I would have been buried in the belly of a fish long ago in Huaxi River, where would I still be alive?

Bah, bah, boy

No worries, good luck. King Chen cut off her words: What's the life? It's unlucky to be buried in the first month of the month.

Jiuzhu wanted to tell King Chen that when she was with her master, she was not so particular about it. But seeing the child he recognized, he swallowed all these words: What should I say?

Say... a hundred years of longevity, everything will go well. King Chen thought for a while, coughed dryly, and turned his head away from Jiuzhu: What a good year, it's okay to grow old together.

He glanced at the girl secretly, and in eighteen days, they were about to get married.

Didn't others tell us? Jiuzhu looked at him.

We bless ourselves, what's the problem? King Chen asked back, Don't you think about it?

I never thought of leaving His Highness. Jiuzhu said naturally: At the beginning, I chose to leave Lingzhou and go to the capital for two reasons. One was to see my family, and the other was to find His Highness to repay her kindness.

You haven't thought about it, what if you can't find me, or if I'm no longer in the capital?

I don't know. Jiuzhu shook her head honestly, Because I have found His Highness.

Assumptions don't exist at all, so don't think about it at all.

Thank you for saving your life. King Chen smiled inexplicably, then bent down and looked at Jiuzhu: Ming Xiaozhu, what you said today will never be forgotten in this life.

Jiu Zhu carefully recalled what she had said to His Highness today, as if she had said a bit too much: All?

Everything. King Chen nodded, especially the words that he never thought of leaving.

Okay. Jiuzhu nodded, she will try her best to write down today's events and words.

After Ming Jiyuan took a bath and changed into clean clothes, he saw his sister walking around the yard with a big white dog, with King Chen by her side. The heads of the two were very close. In order to accommodate his younger sister's height, King Chen's entire body was crooked, which was neither graceful nor uncomfortable.

He doesn't understand, just walk well, why maintain such an uncomfortable posture?

Brother. Jiu Zhu saw him and waved at him. King Chen, who was crooked like a twist, instantly straightened up and became a high-ranking Highness King Chen again.

Sister, you're walking the dog. Ming Jiyuan walked over to the two of them and glanced at the big white dog.

Brother, this is a horse, not a dog. Jiuzhu touched the pony, Look carefully.

It turned out to be a pony, so cute. Ming Jiyuan stretched out his hand to touch the pony, and the horse obediently let him touch it, very docile.

This was given to me by His Highness a few months ago. Jiuzhu laughed even more when her brother praised her cute pony.

Ming Jiyuan turned to look at King Chen, and King Chen gave his uncle Wei a friendly smile.

Jiuzhu. The head of the fence stretched out two hands with difficulty. After dawdling for a long time, the owner of the hand climbed over the head of the fence: I heard that the third brother is back, let's take a look.

Sixth brother. Ming Jiyuan looked at Ming Cunfu, who was struggling, in surprise: Why did you start?

The former sixth brother was so gentle, let alone climbing the wall, even if he was going down the stairs, he had to organize his clothes twice. So what kind of earth-shaking changes have he made in his family in the past two years?

My family can climb, but I can't even beat my sister. Ming Cunfu sat on the fence and gasped, Third brother, help me quickly.

Clean up some useless things every day. Ming Jiyuan stepped forward and helped his youngest cousin off the wall. You said just now that my sister also climbs the wall?

He turned his head to look at Jiuzhu, Jiuzhu smiled embarrassedly, and the whole person shrank behind King Chen.

It's okay, I can climb the fence, which means I'm in good health. Ming Jiyuan smiled: The little girl who moves more will live longer.

He turned his head and glared at Ming Cunfu fiercely. While he was away, you, your cousin, taught your sister like this?

Ming Cunfu: ...

If he said that he learned from Jiuzhu about climbing the wall, would the third cousin believe it?

His Royal Highness, miss, two young masters, lunch is ready. The Spring Equinox walked into the lively courtyard: Please come to the front hall for dinner.

The maid took the little white horse away, and Jiuzhu stretched out her hand to hold King Chen's sleeve: Your Highness, let's go.

Ming Cunfu felt that the posture of his sister holding King Chen was very similar to the posture of holding a little white horse.

After lunch, Jiuzhu saw that her father and brother were discussing something, so she decided to accompany King Chen back to the palace.

Ming Cunfu thought silently, King Chen is so old, and he is with a bunch of Dragon Guards. In the entire capital, except for His Majesty, he is the safest beside him.

But Jiuzhu didn't think so. Ever since the New Year's Eve banquet, she felt that there were a lot of dirty people in the capital, and everyone could harm her highness.

King Chen led the horse, walked side by side with Jiuzhu on the street, and bought some things for Jiuzhu that the little girl liked.

See Your Highness King Chen. Several young masters in brocade clothes passed by, and when they saw King Chen, they saluted and greeted with a smile: Your Highness, you just happened to see a particularly powerful rooster in the cockfighting ground just now, with a crown like red jade and claws. Like eagle feet, very powerful...

What rooster? King Chen cut off their words with a blank expression: As descendants of the royal family, why do you think about these things that are not worthwhile?

Your Highness, it's not a cock, it's a cockfight...

What kind of cockfighting, this king doesn't understand cockfighting. King Chen looked at Jiuzhu with a helpless and painful expression: This king, these distant clan brothers, only know how to play around all day, making me fuck to pieces.

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