A Precious Pearl in the Imperial City

Chapter 39 Why did the sky change after waking up?

His Royal Highness. Jiuzhu looked at King Chen with a serious expression: If you say that again in the future, the servant girl will really be angry with you.

The master said that she was born intelligent, and the master would not lie to her.

Well, I was wrong. King Chen smiled: Our Jiuzhu is the white cloud in the clear sky, the light boat on the Bibo River, and the red plum in the snow.

Jiuzhu looked at him blankly, he chuckled, but did not explain.

Let's go. King Chen gently held her hand, her palm was very hot, and the scalding hot air that rushed all the way along her palm, spread to his fingertips, and his Limbs and limbs.

Where are you going? Jiu Zhu obediently let King Chen lead her away.

Go inside and sit and rest for a while. King Chen sighed: You are sweating all over your body when you run, and when you go out and blow the cold wind, you will get sick easily.

That can't be. Jiu Zhu was full of confidence: I'm in good health.

Be obedient, don't make a fool of yourself. King Chen didn't let go, he pulled people inside.

His Royal Highness, I'm not an official of the imperial court, and entering the Ministry of Rites' bureau will cause you trouble. Jiu Zhu still had concerns.

You are the future concubine of this king, the county magistrate appointed by the imperial court, and the official office of the Ministry of Rites comes naturally. King Chen pulled Jiuzhu to the leeward: With this king here, who dares to say anything?


Pulling Jiuzhu into his office study, King Chen handed Jiuzhu the dry cotton towel he brought: You are sweating on your back, use this sweat towel as a barrier, and I will guard outside.

After that, he helped Jiuzhu to close the door, took a few steps back, and stood with his back to the door.

Did you see that?? The lord brought a girl into his office study just now.

This is under the eyes of the Ming Shilang, he actually did this?

Shh, keep your voice down, Shirou Ming has come in.

Why are the faces of your colleagues so strange? Ming Jingzhou walked into the house and saw his colleagues' eyes falling on him from time to time. When he raised his head, these people couldn't wait to withdraw their gazes and said with a smile, Why is this? already?

Nothing, nothing. An adult laughed dryly and changed the subject: Brother Ming, where is this going?

Oh, I found a few interesting articles and took them to copy for His Royal Highness King Chen. Ming Jingzhou shook the book in his hand: Speak slowly, my lords.

Hey, hey. Several adults hurriedly stopped Ming Jingzhou: Brother Ming, don't you want to make a return gift to other countries, why don't we send this book to you?

When King Qi got married, the neighboring countries that had made good friends all sent people to send gifts, and Dacheng wanted to return the gifts.

Why do you need everyone for this trivial matter. Ming Jingzhou put the book in his sleeve: Everyone is free, I'll come when I go.

It's over, it's over. The officials of the Ministry of Rites watched Ming Jingzhou go out, and they all became anxious.

Brother Ming's temper should be good?

No matter how good his temper is, he can't tolerate his future son-in-law bringing women into the official office under his own eyes.

Then what do we do?

What can I do? Shang Shu Li En came out, Come and see the two of you with me. If there is a fight, you can stop it.

Your Excellency is right! The officials came back to their senses: Hurry up, go and stop Brother Ming!

Ming Xiaozhu. King Chen knocked on the door twice: Are you ready?

Okay. Jiuzhu opened the door and twisted her neck: It's just that the back of the neck is a little uncomfortable.

King Chen glanced at Jiuzhu's white and tender neck, and quickly retracted his gaze: It's okay, maybe I'm not used to it, it'll be fine in a while.

Yeah. Jiu Zhu touched his back uncomfortably.

Go in, I'll ask the servants to make you a new pot of tea. I'll arrange a carriage to take you back later, and you must take the servants with you when you go out. The dignified county magistrate should be more careful.

After speaking, he reached out and pulled Jiuzhu's wrist.

His Royal Highness, what are you doing? Ming Jingzhou just walked into the corridor when he saw the corner of a woman's skirt protruding from the door of King Chen's office study, and his eyes suddenly became cold.

Father. When Jiuzhu heard Ming Jingzhou's voice, she tilted her body and stuck her head out: You came just in time. I plan to ask His Highness to send someone to find you.

Why is Jiuzhu here? Ming Jingzhou raised the corners of his lips, his eyes were kind and gentle.

Something happened just now, I...

Brother Ming!

Master Ming!

Two officials rushed up and held Ming Jingzhou's arms on the left and the right: I got a new orphan book there, and some of the contents in it are not very clear. You can help me to read the details.

Yes, yes, there seems to be some problems with the gift list record of a country, why don't you go and look at it?

My lords. Fu Gui brought the new tea and snacks prepared for the girl of the Ming family. Seeing that several officials of the Ministry of Rites were blocking the corridor, he politely smiled: Can you lend me a word?

The officials looked back at the contents of Fugui's tray, oh, the flower tea that women like, and the small snacks that only women like to eat!

Fugui was frightened by the eyes of these adults and took a step back. Although Miss Ming was not from the Ministry of Rites, she was His Highness's fiancée, the county magistrate awarded by His Majesty, and the daughter of the servant of the Ministry of Rites. Let her sit in the office of the Ministry of Rites. not a problem, right?

My lords came at just the right time. King Chen squeezed the officials of the Ministry of Rites in the corridor: This king has new snacks and refreshments here, all of you lords, come and taste it together.

Officials of the Ministry of Rites: Why, bring a girl under the eyes of the Ming Shilang

It’s okay for the children to come, how about they drink tea and watch?

His Royal Highness King Chen, the Ministry of Rites has finally relied on you to repair it. If Brother Ming smashes you with a tea cup in anger, it will be difficult for us colleagues to do it.

Thank you, Your Highness. Ming Jingzhou was the first to speak: Then I will come and taste it.

After speaking, he turned to the other officials: My colleagues, please.

Please, please. The group packed King Chen's study room to the fullest, and as soon as they sat down, they saw the little girl next to King Chen and walked straight towards Ming Jingzhou.

Seeing this scene, the officials of the Ministry of Rites raised their hearts.

Little girl, you look so well-behaved and beautiful, why do you do things so carelessly?

Father, these are bought by my daughter, you can try it. Jiuzhu put Ming Jingzhou's favorite flavor in front of him.

Father, father?

The nervous officials turned their heads to Lord Shang Shu, and found that he had already tasted tea with peace of mind, his expression was extremely comfortable, and he clearly knew the identity of the little girl.

Oh, they remembered, Lord Shang Shu went to the Ming family to pass the decree, and he must have seen this little girl from the Ming family.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and it was really great that they didn't have to struggle between their colleagues and King Chen.

Ming Jingzhou found that the hair on his daughter's forehead was not dry, and her cheeks were red: Where did you come from today, why didn't you bring someone to go out with you?

When I went out, I left in a hurry, so I forgot. Jiuzhu smiled at Ming Jingzhou: Father, don't be angry, daughter will remember it next time.

There are many cars in the capital, and the car of a big family met. If you want to greet me, I will let you three, push each other back and forth for a long time, so riding a carriage is not as fast as her legs. She was afraid that Sister Zhou would not wait for the sixth brother in the teahouse for a long time, and she would have a misunderstanding with the sixth brother, so she ran away by herself.

It is also a virtue to let lovers become married.

Next time, let your mother ban your feet. Ming Jingzhou pretended to be serious: Hurry up and greet your uncles and uncles.

The younger generation has seen your uncles.

Don't dare, don't dare, the county owner is polite. The officials of the Ministry of Rites stood up and returned their salutes, and they were very polite to Jiuzhu.

Ming Jingzhou lifted the lid of the tea cup, swept his eyes from the officials, took all their expressions into his heart, and said slowly, My colleagues, as a junior, you should be honored by her. of.

Everyone should be, but they dare not really accept the courtesy of the Ming family girl.

In terms of grade, the girl from the Ming family is the head of the second grade county, which is higher than most of the people present.

In terms of status, she is the future princess. After she gets married, she is a royal person.

Besides the royals, who really has the guts to accept her courtesy?

The officials of the Ministry of Rites of King Chen, and the adults of the Ministry of Rites, have a lot more brains than the Zheng family.

He admired these witty and intelligent officials.

Your Highness, Lord Shangshu, Lord Shilang, Your Majesty is urgently summoned!

There was a slightly anxious voice from the clerk outside.

His Majesty suddenly summoned so many officials of the Ministry of Rites, something must have happened. Li En looked at King Chen, and found that he shoved some food into his mouth in a hurry.

Your Highness? Li En, whose impression of King Chen was greatly improved, bowed to King Chen: I will enter the palace with you.

En. King Chen glanced at the snacks that Jiuzhu specially brought to him, grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his purse: Everyone, don't panic too much, the royal father summoned you, probably because of the assassination of King Qi.


King Qi was assassinated?!

Your Highness, don't be too sad. Ming Jingzhou stood up and sighed: No wonder His Highness looked so pale when he saw His Highness. It was because he was worried about the safety of His Highness King Qi.

Yes, Your Highness. Li En said, His Royal Highness King Qi has his own celestial appearance. If you hurt your body for His Highness King Qi, wouldn't it make His Majesty worry and sad?

King Chen took the handkerchief handed by Fugui and wiped his hands: He is the fourth brother of this king, how can this king not be worried? It hurts him and hurts my heart.

His Royal Highness is so kind to brotherhood.

Yeah. An official of the Ministry of Rites wiped the corners of his dry eyes with his sleeve: What a touching friendship this is!

An official of the Ministry of Rites wiped the dim sum slag from the corner of his mouth, opened the door, and said in a loud voice, All colleagues, quickly support Your Highness, His Highness is so sad that he almost fainted!

Jiu Zhu, who was sitting next to him, silently stuffed a piece of dessert into his mouth, holding the tea cup and not daring to speak.

The world of adults is too complicated.

She looked up and looked out the window. On the eaves of the Ministry of Rites, the newly replaced glazed tiles reflected the scorching light in the sun, like gold that would glow.

How can you be plotted by assassins? Sun Caiyao looked at King Qi, who was lying on the bed with a pale expression, and summoned King Qi's personal attendant: What happened at that time?

Back to the princess, with your highness's skills, I could have avoided the assassin's sneak attack. The valet hesitated for a moment: But when His Royal Highness walked to the assassin, he was suddenly stunned. The assassin took this opportunity to hurt him.

Sun Caiyao looked at her drowsy husband, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, His Highness has always been thoughtful and cautious, how could he suddenly lose his mind when approaching a stranger?

Is there anyone around you that made His Highness care about?

The attendant lowered his eyelids: Hui Wangfei, no.

Really? Sun Caiyao looked at the attendant who lowered his head and had an unclear expression.


Have. The valet cupped his hands and said: Princess, this time, in addition to the guards and valet of the palace, the escort is Lord Hubu, the Imperial Guard, and others.

Okay, I understand. Sun Caiyao sighed and wiped King Qi's forehead with a handkerchief. Lanxu Palace sent someone to say that Concubine Ning called her into the palace.

The prince was injured and needed someone to take care of him. Why did the concubine call her into the palace now? Is there anything more important than the safety of the prince?

So many people can actually hurt King Qi, what are you doing? The deputy commander of the Imperial Guard of Longfeng: I sent you to guard the safety of King Qi and the officials of the Ministry of Housing, and you did it. what?

The commander of the Imperial Guard was scolded by His Majesty and did not dare to come out.

Your Majesty, the officials of the Ministry of Rites and the princes have arrived.

Let them in. Emperor Longfeng threw the memorial in his hand heavily on the table and snorted to the deputy commander of the Guards: Get up first.

The deputy commander glanced at Emperor Longfeng gratefully, His Majesty gave him a lot of face, and did not let him kneel down with the officials of the six departments as a prince.

What's the matter with fifth brother? King Huai stood outside the gate of Taiyang Palace, and saw Yun Duqing being supported by officials of the Ministry of Rites, with a vigorous appearance.

Returning to King Huai, His Highness King Chen heard that His Highness King Qi was assassinated. He was very worried, angry, and his spirit was not good. Li En bowed to King Huai: Please don't worry, Your Highness, the Rites will definitely take good care of the Prince.



Does Yun Duqing believe this kind of nonsense?

He glanced at Li En and raised his eyebrows slightly. Li En is a staunch royalist and should not speak to Yun Duqing. During the time that Lao Wu stayed in the Ministry of Rites, his acting skills improved a lot.

Thinking of this, he said slowly: Fifth younger brother has always been soft-hearted and kind-hearted, and it is up to all of you adults to take care of him.


Please rest assured, Your Highness. Li En pretended not to see King Huai's insincere words, walked to King Chen's side, and supported his other arm: Your Highness, you are feeling better.

Thank you Li Shangshu, this king is much better. King Chen raised his eyelids and smiled weakly at King Huai and the other two princes: With the three older brothers here, this king is much more at ease.

Three princes: ...

Heck, when did Yun Duqing become so disgusting?

What the hell did he learn in the Ministry of Rites?

When everyone entered the hall, Emperor Longfeng's son, who was supported by Li En, changed his expression slightly: Li Shangshu, what happened to Du Qing?

Your Majesty, His Highness heard that His Highness King Qi was injured, and his body was a little weak. Li En sighed and looked worried: Your Majesty please punish the murderer to console His Highness King Qi and King Chen.

The other five officials glanced at Li En from the corner of their eyes, as if they had heard an earth-shattering lie.

Will King Chen be unable to walk steadily because of King Qi's injury?

What the hell kind of joke is this?

Liu Zhongbao, quickly bring the chair and let King Chen sit. Emperor Longfeng sighed: My son is too soft-hearted and attaches great importance to feelings.

Other princes: ...

All right, as long as the father is happy.

King Chen sat on the padded chair, and even coincidentally adjusted a very comfortable sitting position.

Emperor Longfeng didn't seem to be normal, and he was even worried that King Chen was sitting on the chair cold, so he asked the eunuch to cover him with a big cloak, so he almost didn't have anyone feeding melon snacks beside him.

King Huai did not start, lazy about this dazzling scene, he cupped his hands and said: Father, my son thinks that this matter must be strictly investigated, and this kind of thing will never be allowed to happen again.

Yeah. Emperor Longfeng nodded: In order to protect the safety of the princes and princesses, I have arranged for the provincial government to thoroughly investigate the identities of all servants in the prince's palace and the princess' palace, and all the servants of the prince and princess will re-check their identities and relatives. In communication, anything suspicious should not be left behind. The long-history officials in the mansion will be re-selected by me.

The six officials felt that something was wrong when they heard this. Your Majesty is protecting the princes and princesses, and is it that you want to keep the princes and princesses under your nose?

Thank you, Father, for thinking of the safety of my son. King Chen stretched out his two arms from the thick cloak and bowed to Emperor Longfeng: My son is incompetent, and Father is troubled.

The smiles on the faces of the three princes were shaky.

How much effort and energy did they put in to insert spies in the brother's house?

After the father's order came down, all their hard work over the years was in vain, and they were always under the father's eyelids. What else could they do, dare to do?

After today, they become blind with open eyes and deaf with long ears.

Except for the straw-like Yun Duqing, who can be happy.

You are my blood, and I only hope that you are safe and healthy. The sons with different expressions, Emperor Longfeng sighed: Before all the identities of the servants of the palace are found out, all the princes and princesses will move back to the palace. live.

You don't leave the palace today, and the affairs in the various ministries will be slowed down for the time being. Emperor Longfeng said to his sons: I have already asked the palace servants to prepare a residence for you, you just need to live in peace.

The princes did not dare to meet Emperor Longfeng's sight, as if just looking into their father's eyes, their thoughts and thoughts would be wiped out by their father.

None of the six officials who can stand here are fools. At this time, no one dares to speak out.

Call all the princes and princesses back to the palace, don't let them go out when they come in, and send someone to investigate their mansion thoroughly. This trick is really too cruel.

His Majesty has always been kind and kind, and he actually did

This choice was made by these princes and princesses, and they stepped on the bottom line of His Majesty. It is no wonder that these princes can't even maintain their basic expressions at this moment.

Li En turned his head slightly to King Chen sitting in the chair, no, there is a fish that slipped through the net.

Unexpectedly, among the princes, King Chen turned out to be the most normal and the one who didn't care about this matter the most.

It stands to reason that King Chen is arrogant and domineering, and is extravagant in his sex. He should be the one who is most afraid of His Majesty's thorough investigation. Why is the fact adjusted?

Imperial father, the princess of my son is in the mansion, my son...

Don't worry. Emperor Longfeng interrupted King Huai's words: I have already sent someone to bring in your concubine as well.

The six officials frowned.

Oh, I really can't run a single one now.

The last glimmer of hope in the eyes of the three princes was completely extinguished.

King Chen glanced at the three older brothers, and his mood was a little complicated. Unfortunately, he and Ming Xiaozhu were not married yet. Otherwise, he could let the father take Ming Xiaozhu into the palace, so that he could take her to the mother-in-law's palace every day. Have a meal.

The concubine not only eats a lot, but also has a lot of jewelry, fabrics, and jade. It would be great to pick some suitable for Ming Xiaozhu to take away.

King Huai, King An, and King Jing saw Yun Duqing staring at them with envious eyes, and resisted the urge to roll his eyes.


Du Qing, what are your brothers doing? Emperor Longfeng smiled at Yun Du Qing.

Father, my son just sighed that the father is really a good father who cares for his children. He was afraid that his brothers would live alone and lonely, and even the concubine took them in.

Six officials: ...

How else would you say that King Chen is hated?

How heartbreaking, how yin and yang are these words.

If the palace does not even have a mistress left, it means losing all control of the palace. With the royal family's ability to seriously investigate people, I am afraid that there are several ant nests in the palace that can be found.

The mood of two privately biased officials has sunk to the bottom. Your Majesty is suspicious of the princes.

Recalling the tragedy brewed by the princes competing for the throne when the previous emperor was there, the officials of the six departments were even more silent.

That's fine, as His Majesty firmly controls these princes and princesses, at least the three years of Xiande won't happen again.

When King Qi opened his eyes and woke up, he found that the surrounding environment was somewhat unfamiliar. He looked around vigilantly, and a young eunuch came over: My lord, are you awake?

Where is this? King Qi glanced at the clothes on the little eunuch and lay back.

Back to your lord, this is Zhang Liugong. Your Majesty is worried about your safety, so he sent someone to take you to the palace to recuperate.

Isn't this where the prince lived before he was a minor?

He was injured, and the royal father took him into the palace when he was unconscious?

Are you worried about him or trying to control him?

Thank you for your care. King Qi smiled and said, What's your name, where are all the attendants around this king?

The little slave is named Ercheng. The servants who are always by your side, Your Highness, will all stay in the palace. If you and the princess need anything, just tell me to wait.

He and the princess were put under house arrest by the emperor?

King Qi's face was pale, and at this moment, he seemed to feel that he had returned to Xiande for three years.

There was a quarrel outside the courtyard, and he vaguely seemed to hear the voice of King Huai.

Outside, why is it so noisy?

Go back to your Highness, the palace servants outside are tidying up the bedrooms for several His Royal Highnesses. Ercheng said with a smile: Because Your Highness has been assassinated, Your Majesty is not at ease with your Highnesses. Therefore, His Majesty ordered that before the spring of next year, all the princes will move to Zhangliu. The halls of the palace live.

You mean, all the princes have been brought in?

Yes, my lord. All the princes and concubines have princesses, and they all moved into the palace. Ercheng said, The princesses all live in the Xiyu Palace. After your injury is healed, you can go for a walk.

King Qi: ...

He just used Ma Fei San when he was healing, and he fell asleep for a few hours. Why did the sky change when he woke up?

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