Medicine Master Huang's eyes widened in surprise and he looked at the peach blossom tree in disbelief.

However, in just a few breaths, this peach blossom tree showed Huang Yaoshi the miracle of dead wood blooming in spring and iron trees blooming.

The withered peach blossom tree was rejuvenated in an instant, and from germination to flowering, it went through a process of several months in an instant.

When Huang Yaoshi returned to his senses, the peach blossoms had already bloomed, and the enchantment was extreme.

Even if Huang Yaoshi was stupid, he knew that this kind of thing was wrong.

If something goes wrong, it is a demon.

He quietly took a step back and came to Huang Rong, protecting Huang Rong and Feng Yu behind him.

At this moment, he suddenly believed what Luo Wei said.

If it weren't for the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon, how could this withered and withered peach blossom tree be blooming at this time.

It's not scientific.

Luo Wei looked at this dead wood peach blossom tree in spring, but in his heart he kept thinking about what happened to the streamer just now, and why the peach blossom tree was so abnormal.

What kind of demons and monsters are the extraterrestrial heavenly demons that have descended this time.

Just as he was thinking, a face appeared on the trunk of the peach blossom tree, a face of a yin and yang strangeness, not male or female.

I saw this face staring at Luo Wei, Huang Yaoshi, Huang Rong, and Feng Yu with dead faces.

The mouths of the human face closed one by one, and a voice came out.

"When you see Grandma and me, why don't you worship, kneel down quickly, Grandma I can't wait to die." "

This voice is male and female, the male voice is masculine, and the female voice is feminine and tactful, making people unclear whether the other party is male or female.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be surprised, this sudden male and female voice, coupled with the other party's self-title.

It's you 11, the dryad grandmother of Lanruo Temple.

Roviton felt a toothache, the first time came was a centipede spirit, the second was a painting ghost, and the third time actually became a dryad grandmother, this span is also a little too big.

No wonder the diary rewards itself with mastering the five thunders.

The dryad grandmother is also a big monster who has lived for thousands of years, if it is not for mastering a powerful spell like five thunders.

Luo Wei really didn't dare to face this thousand-year-old demon.

Huang Yaoshi was originally an unruly man, and when he heard that the dryad grandmother let him kneel and surrender, he suddenly became furious, suppressed the fear in his heart, and shouted angrily: "He Fang demon, he actually spoke wildly, looking for death." "

I saw him stretch out his right hand and flick his fingers.

It is the unique school of Peach Blossom Island, and it is a magic at the snap of a finger.

A line of cultivated True Qi ejected from Huang Yaoshi's hand, emitting a sharp whistling sound, like a sniper bullet that had come out of the chest, and shot towards the dryad grandmother.

If it were usual, Huang Yaoshi's magic could completely pierce the trunk of the peach blossom tree.

Not to mention a tree, even seven or eight trees must be pierced.

But this time, Huang Yaoshi's flick of his fingers bombarded the body of the dryad grandmother, but it only made a muffled sound, and the peach blossom tree was not only not pierced, but even the bark was not broken.

This couldn't help but make Huang Yaoshi's scalp tingle.

The dryad grandmother was enraged by Huang Yaoshi's move, and roared angrily, "Find death!"

I saw the peach blossom tree sway slightly, and a branch stretched out at an amazing speed, like a whip thrown towards Huang Yaoshi, fast as an electric flint.

Huang Yaoshi subconsciously hugged Huang Rong and Feng Yu, and his figure retreated rapidly.

But the whip thrown out by the dryad grandmother became longer and longer, and in just a few breaths, he was about to catch up with the Yellow Medicine Master.

Seeing that Huang Yaoshi was about to be hit by a branch, Luo Wei quickly raised his hand and aimed at the branch.


In the next second, a bolt of thunder jumped out from Rowe's palm, hitting the branch, destroying it in an instant.

This allowed Huang Yaoshi to escape.

Medicine Master Huang glanced at Luo Wei in shock.

The dryad grandmother first let out a hysterical scream, and then roared: "Palm Thunder, you guy turned out to be a stinky Taoist, give me death." "

As soon as the words fell, I saw the branches of the peach blossom tree, growing rapidly, and one whip after another was drawn towards Luo Wei.

Luo Wei quickly cast the teleportation technique, avoided these tree whips, and appeared at the side of the dryad grandmother out of thin air.

Then, without hesitation, Rowe unleashed one of the hole cards he had mastered.

Master the Five Thunders.

There was a sound of thunder in the void, and Luo Wei's whole person was suspended in mid-air, and lightning bolts were released from all over his body, revolving around Luo Wei.

I saw that the originally clear night, I don't know when it started, was covered by thick dark clouds.

In the dark clouds, there was a faint roar.

The originally arrogant and domineering dryad grandmother saw this scene, and the revenant burst out, "Leifa, you actually know Leifa." "

Rowe laughed loudly, "There are so many things you can't think of." "

He pointed to the sky and roared, "Lei Lai !!"

A bolt of thunder fell from the sky and bombarded the peach blossom tree possessed by the dryad grandmother with the momentum of thunder.

The powerful thunder was like a sword of heavenly punishment, instantly penetrating the peach blossom tree possessed by the dryad grandmother, splitting the entire peach blossom tree in half.

The dryad grandmother let out hysterical screams again.

But in the midst of this scream, Luo Wei saw a green streamer fly out of the peach blossom tree split in half and land in the body of another tree.

Rowe realized that the streamer was the essence of the dryad grandmother descending into this world, and once again pointed with one hand.

"Ray. "

The second thunder came with a bang, accompanied by a crisp click, bombarded the other peach blossom tree, splitting the peach blossom tree in half again.

The Dryad Grandmother's body ran away again.

But Luo Wei did not give it a third chance to possess, driving lightning and lightning, and released a thunder in his palm, spreading into the void at an amazing speed, accurately hitting the galloping green light.

Only listening to a muffled rumble, the original night was instantly filled with endless light. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The entire Peach Blossom Island was as bright as day in an instant.

Huang Yaoshi only felt that his eyes were tingling, and he was white in front of him, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

This made him realize that Luo Wei was really not as simple as he imagined, and this guy was likely to be the same as his wife said, a god immortal who fell from the sky.

Otherwise, how can you drive lightning and lightning, control thunder.

This is an ability that only immortals have, and it is not an ordinary immortal.


The Dryad Grandmother's body was hit, and the other party's hysterical screams echoed in the void.

Participation turned into a wave of sound, sweeping in all directions like a violent storm.

Before these waves approached Luo Wei, they were torn apart by the thunder and lightning around Luo Wei, but Huang Yaoshi, Huang Rong, and Feng Yu's daughters were unlucky.

The terrifying sound swept across the bodies of the three people, and Huang Yaoshi only felt a pain in his ears, and it seemed that blood was flowing out.

Immediately after, he couldn't hear anything.

Huang Yaoshi suddenly realized that he had become deaf.

Now he could not see or hear, as if he had become blind and deaf.

Knowing this, he should have left Peach Blossom Island with Huang Rong and Feng Yu in the first place.

In an instant, Huang Yaoshi regretted it, but what he regretted was not not that he did not listen to Luo Wei, but that he should not affect his wife and daughter.

Even he, the great master, could not bear this terrifying aftermath, what should Rong'er and A Heng look like.

For a while, Huang Yaoshi only felt that his heart was like a thousand insects tearing and biting, and it hurt his heart.

He is too arrogant to burden Ah Heng and Rong'er.

He really damn it.

On the other hand, the battle between Rowe and Grandma Dryad has entered its final stage.

With the support of mastering the spell of five thunders, Luo Wei raised his hand and released one thunder after another, constantly bombarding the core of the dryad grandmother.

In the bombardment after bombardment, the dryad grandmother's screams rose wave after wave.

It kept rushing left and right, trying to escape Peach Blossom Island.

But no matter how fast the dryad grandmother is, it can't be faster than thunder.

One after another thunder bombarded the core of the dryad grandmother under the drive of Luo Wei, and the dryad grandmother suddenly let out a final scream, her soul shattered, and the green light was shattered at any time.

The things inside also revealed their original appearance.

It turned out to be a Bodhi bead.

After losing the support of the green light, the Bodhi bead fell to the ground.

At the same time 490, the voice of machinery sounded in his head.

[Detect that the host kills the extraterritorial heavenly devil, and will get a reward from this world, whether to receive it]

Luo Wei did not immediately receive it, but walked up to the Bodhi Bead and picked it up.

He vaguely sensed that this bead was extraordinary, so he asked his diary, "Could this thing be the thousand-year-old tree heart of the dryad grandmother?" "

The diary system did not disappoint Rowe either, replying:


Luo Wei thought that this was indeed the case, put away the Bodhi Bead, walked to Huang Rong, took out the Shennong Ruler and put it on Huang Rong's head, and the power of the Shennong Ruler entered Huang Rong's body endlessly.

In just a few minutes, Huang Rong returned to normal.

"Brother Vigo. She threw herself into Rowe's arms and vented her inner fear.

Just now, she was affected by the battle between Luo Wei and the Millennium Dryad, unable to see or hear, although it was only for a few minutes, the fear brought to her could not be described in words.

That feeling, she never wanted to try a second time.

While comforting Huang Rong, Luo Wei used a Shennong ruler to heal his mother-in-law's injuries.

After a while, Feng Yu also returned to normal, and he was relieved to see Luo Wei, who was holding Huang Rong and comforting him constantly.

Luo Wei then sent Huang Rong into Feng Yu's arms and took the Shennong ruler to heal Huang Yaoshi's injuries.

After Pharmacist Huang returned to normal, he saw Luo Wei standing in front of him for the first time, and he couldn't help frowning.

He raised his head and glanced at the Shennong ruler placed on his head, his eyes flickered several times, and asked, "Could it be that this is the legendary Heavenly God Soldier Shennong Ruler." "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said: "Father-in-law is really well-informed, not bad, this is Shennong ruler." "

Huang Yaoshi's face was full of displeasure, thinking when I became your father-in-law, but when he thought that his uncontending daughter had already identified the other party, his wife was resurrected by the other party, and now he was saved by the other party again.

Huang Yaoshi couldn't get angry anymore, and finally acquiesced to this title.

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