A perfect life starting from a light novel writer

Chapter 4 The boy who submitted a romance novel for girls

As soon as Xia Yan entered, there was a woman who looked to be in her twenties and wearing black-rimmed glasses.

With an oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, a straight nose bridge, delicate facial features, and long hair shawl, she is a perfect beauty.

She is Tang Yin, the editor of Red Maple Literature who is responsible for on-site review of new manuscripts today. Her face looks a little tired at the moment.

After all, the number of people who come to Red Maple Literature every day to submit articles on-site ranges from thirty to forty to as many as hundreds. It is natural to get tired easily if they continuously review the manuscripts of newcomers.

Xia Yan walked into the room with a curious look on his face. He was looking at Tang Yin, and she was also looking at him.


Tang Yin sighed inwardly.

After all, Xia Yan has a delicate face and is a sixteen-year-old boy. No matter how blind others are, they will not regard you as a social person.

It is not that there are no student writers in the Dragon Kingdom light novel world, but students often have to take care of their studies and have insufficient experience. Ninety-nine percent of the novels they create are difficult to describe, which is said to be lacking in quality at best and poorly at worst.

It is almost the same as a self-written article. It does not consider the market at all, the writing, and the plot structure are unstructured. I write whatever comes to my mind. Very few works created by students can be selected for serialization.

Most of the creators who can get their novels serialized in major book publishers are those who have been studying the novel industry for many years and are professional in this field. Those people are basically adults. After all, they only have so much time. Conceive a plot and find inspiration for the novel.

Of course, except for a very small number of unreasonable industry geniuses.

"Hello, Xia Yan, right? I am the editor-in-chief of Red Maple Literature, Tang Yin." Tang Yin said with a smile while looking at the information sheet that Xia Yan filled out before.

"Hello, Miss Tang." Xia Yan sat down.

Although he is just a student, his father took him to many dinner gatherings with uncles and friends, and he is not as socially anxious as many students of the same age when dealing with people in society.

"You are a sophomore at Nancheng No. 3 Middle School, right?" Tang Yin looked at Xia Yan.

"That's right.

After a pause, Tang Yin didn't ask any more questions. After her name and identity were confirmed, there was no need to know more about anything else. After all, if the quality of the novel manuscript Xia Yan brought was not up to par, it would be a waste of time to understand those things.

"I see that the name of the novel you want to submit on your information sheet is called "Journey of Youth", um, the genre is... a girl's love genre." Tang Yin's tone was slightly weird.

Normally, the novels a high school boy can create should be about battles, supernatural powers, romance, etc., with male characters as the protagonists.

Girls in love? As the name suggests, first of all, the protagonist is a woman.

Can a novel written by you, a sophomore in high school, accurately depict what a young girl character is thinking and the delicate inner world of a woman?

You know, the inner world of boys and girls is very different.

Anyway, in Tang Yin's two-year editing career, she has seen female creators create novels with juvenile themes that became popular, but she has never seen male creators create novels with teenage love themes that became popular.

"Yes, it is a girl's love theme. I have great confidence in the work "Journey of Youth"!"

Xia Yan deliberately showed a confident smile on his face, and handed the novel manuscript file of Journey of Youth to the opposite party with both hands, showing that he was full of momentum.

It's not that he really didn't feel guilty at all, he was also worried. Just because the works of the parallel world were popular in that world, it didn't mean that they would be the same in the Dragon Kingdom.

But as a creator, he cannot show any timidity at this moment. Creators have no confidence in their own works, and it will definitely be difficult for others to have confidence in your work.

Tang Yin wasted no time, opened the portfolio, took out the manuscript and started reviewing it.

【I once had an indelible time! 】

The beginning story of Journey of Youth is actually very simple. When the female protagonist Futaba and the male protagonist Gu were in junior high school, they gathered under the eaves to take shelter from a rain shower. After this brief contact, the two developed a mutual affection for each other.

But later, due to various reasons, Gu was about to transfer and leave this junior high school. Before he left, Gu wanted to ask Futaba to say his final farewell at the temple fair.

But because the female protagonist Futaba and the male protagonist Lu were too close, their classmates laughed at them for their impure relationship.

In desperation, Futaba said to everyone, "I hate all boys!"

And this sentence also deeply hurt the heart of "游" who heard this not far away, so at seven o'clock that night, at the place agreed upon for the temple fair, he was obviously the inviter, but he did not come, and I transferred to another school and left the next day.

Arrogance has ruined one's life since ancient times.

This is the beginning of the story between Futaba, the heroine of Youth Journey, and Yu, the male protagonist.

In the novel version of "Journey of Youth" adapted by Xia Yan, a lot of pen and ink was used at the beginning to depict the image of Futaba who was clumsy, arrogant and dishonest in junior high school.

The plot easily put Tang Yin into a reading state.

I thought it was a girl's romance novel written by an ordinary high school boy, but actually after reading the opening plot.

[This relationship was surprisingly clumsy and hazy. Although I seemed to be groping, I really liked him at that time.]

[Even now, he is still in my heart. I really want to go back to that time.]

The heroine's inner monologue depicts her unrevealed emotional state of mind.

As a young girl's romance novel, this beginning has actually attracted Tang Yin's attention.

The main text of the story comes to the high school stage of the heroine Futaba three years later.

In order to avoid being isolated by girls because of her cute and weak image that boys like in junior high school, Futaba, who entered high school, deliberately acted carefree in front of classmates and hid her cute side.

She deliberately ate with big mouthfuls, deliberately spoke loudly, and deliberately was not gentle and considerate, so that boys would think she was not a lady. In this way, the girls in the class felt at ease with her.

In the beginning, nearly 30 to 40 percent of the text is about the inner world of the heroine Futaba.

Yes, this is the big difference between works for girls and works for boys.

In most of the novels about boys' love, especially those novels about harem, readers actually focus on various female characters. The male protagonist? It's just a tool for readers to feel involved. Many times you will find that if the male protagonist in these works is changed to a different personality, a different person, or even directly replaced by the readers who read the novel, the story plot will not be too abrupt and can make sense.

But the works of girls' love are different. The protagonist of the story is the heroine, and she is difficult to be replaced in the story.

The highlight of the work is the transformation of the heroine's mental journey, from ignorance, to love, to being unable to extricate oneself, and then to heartbreaking, sweet, or first sad and then sweet, etc.

These descriptions of women's inner emotions are basically difficult for male creators to write, just like palace fighting-themed movies and TV shows, most of which can only be created by girls. How can male creators write a plot in which a bunch of women compete for favor with a man?

And the boy in front of him.

Tang Yin looked up at him.

"His novels, the description of the mood of the girl in secret love between the lines is really delicate! It is more attractive than many female writers." Tang Yin complained in her heart.

The setting of this heroine named Shuangye is quite interesting.

Will there be a follow-up between her and the boy Guang who had a crush on her three years ago?

Soon the main plot of the novel story starts from this day when she meets Guang again in high school.

Attracted by each other, she unconsciously looks for his figure in the school, approaches him, and talks again under the eaves where they took shelter from the rain three years ago.

[Even though the height and voice have changed, the boy who appeared in front of me is the boy I liked for the first time. ]

The girl's heart was beating faster.

Tang Yin continued to read the article:

"You seem to hate boys since the beginning." After three years of reunion, in the place where the two took shelter from the rain, Guang smiled and said casually.

"Well, I have hated it since the beginning." Shuangye hugged her schoolbag with both hands, her fingers tightly clenched, her voice steady, trying to suppress the trembling as much as possible.

"But you are an exception!"

The boy covered his eyes with his hands to cover his expression.

"What! Is that so."

"Well, me too, I used to like you very much." Guang said in a gentle and calm tone.

[Just like the happiest time back then, let time go back! ]

Shuangye prayed in her heart.

"It's already, there is no way to come back. Me too, you too." Guang smiled, his tone indifferent, turned around and left.

Tears overflowed from Shuangye's pupils, watching his back as he left.

[He was telling me to forget it, but as he said these cold words, his face was a little lonely. I waited for him all night on the temple fair night three years ago, but he didn't come. I was thinking that summer vacation was over, so I should explain the misunderstanding to him.]

[I thought there were still many opportunities.]

[.We can't go back to that time.]

The first chapter of the novel ends here.

Tang Yin's hands trembled slightly. To be honest, from the beginning of the story to the reunion of the hero and heroine, the more than 10,000 words of plot description, if it were normal, she would probably spend only two or three minutes.

Don't underestimate the ability of editors to read ten lines at a glance. High efficiency, and fast viewing speed does not affect the quality of review.

But this time.

Tang Yin looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

Eleven minutes

She watched it carefully for eleven minutes, completely substituted into the inner world of the girl Futaba, bringing her into her admiration for Guang, love, and regret for saying those words against her will three years ago.

Until the end of the first chapter, the inner thought of "There are still many opportunities!" made her feel a little sad unconsciously.

How can there be so many opportunities in the world? If you miss it, it will be forever.

Xia Yan wrote the first three chapters of the novel manuscript of Youth Journey for her. Xia Yan has researched the five major bookstores in Southern Province. Each of their serialized light novels has a plot text of more than 10,000 to 20,000 words per issue.

So he tried to control the plot arrangement and the number of words in the chapters within this range.

Xia Yan waited for Tang Yin for ten minutes in this silent room. During this period, she didn't say a word. Xia Yan is actually a little anxious now.

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