In Nan Province, there are many kinds of popular and influential light novel journals on the market.

But in addition to those nationally renowned journals, the most familiar novel journals to Nan Province people are the works of the five major light novel bookstores in Nan Province, Yundian Bookstore, Qingkong Bookstore, Fantasy Literature, Sakura Library, and Red Maple Literature.

People who buy these journals include office workers, students, teachers and other people of all ages and professions.

Basically, people don’t think it’s a bad thing for a person in his twenties or thirties to take out a youth novel magazine and read it intently on the subway.

Because the social atmosphere is like this, Longguo society does not have too many tinted glasses for second-generation ape enthusiasts.

Near noon, more and more people came to the major bookstores and newspapers to buy the latest issue of journals.

The five major light novel journal bookstores in Nan Province are in a competitive relationship with each other, but it is not a mindless competition.

The release dates of well-known periodicals and books under everyone's brand will be staggered as much as possible. For example, the main periodical "Red Maple" under Red Maple Literature is released on Wednesdays and Sundays, while the best-selling periodical "Blue Sky" under Blue Sky Book Club is released on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

The main periodicals under the command of several other top book clubs in Southern Province also have similar staggered release dates.

Otherwise, on the same day, everyone's periodicals are crowded together for sale, and readers will also suffer from choice difficulties. The final result is that everyone's periodical sales will decline. It's not a problem, of course, we will try to avoid this situation.

As for "Momentary Beauty", it and "Red Maple" are both three-day periodicals, and the release date is actually the same as Red Maple.

The first choice of book fans cultivated by Red Maple Book Club over the years is of course "Red Maple", but there will also be a considerable number of people. Will choose to buy both "Red Maple" and "Momentary Beauty" together, after all, they are released on the same day. The price is not expensive, "Red Maple" is priced at 15 yuan per copy, and "Momentary Beauty" is 12 yuan.

Ni Na is one of them. Her family lives in the center of Nancheng. She grew up in this city and grew up reading the journals of "Red Maple Literature".

Even now that she is an adult, her habit of buying Red Maple Literature journals has not changed.

"Let me see. There is a new serialized novel "Feng Ming" in the Red Maple issue. It seems that "Dawn" should have been cut off and replaced by this novel. That novel should have been cut off long ago. It's so ugly." Ni Na said to herself.

After she returned home, she put Red Maple aside and turned her attention to Momentary Beauty.

This is her reading habit. She starts with the journal serialized novels that she is not interested in, and then finishes reading the journal serialized novels that she is most interested in.

In this way, every time she reads a serialized novel, she can be full of expectations for the next novel to be read, instead of being like other people who finish reading their favorite serialized novels and lose interest in other works in the journal, which is quite a waste.

After opening the plastic cover of this issue of "Moment of Youth", Ni Na immediately felt something was different. →

There was something clearly sandwiched in the middle, and the journal text was thicker.

And the cover of this issue of "Moment of Youth"

clearly had two unfamiliar comic illustration characters.

Opening the first page of the book, there were two posters sandwiched in between.

Ni Na spread out the folded poster

The first thing that caught her eye

was an illustration of a boy and a girl holding hands and looking up at the starry sky under the starry sky, with the four big words "Yesterday's Starlight" printed on the top of the illustration.

When she opened the second poster, there was a scene of a boy and a girl standing opposite each other with autumn leaves falling all over the sky, staring at each other

Both posters were actually quite well drawn, but the biggest function of this thing was basically to let readers establish a general impression of the appearance of the protagonists of the novel.

"Youth Journey?"

"Are there two new serial novels in this issue of "Moment of Youth"?" Ni Na sat on the sofa at home and curiously turned the pages of the book.

As usual, start with the new serial novels.

The first thing she read was "Yesterday's Starlight" written by the pen name "Ningyun".

Soon, Ni Na entered the reading state.

From the poster, Ni Na thought "Yesterday's Starlight" would be a simple youth campus romance novel.

But in fact, after reading less than 2,000 words, the plot was completely different from what he thought.

The beginning of the story started with a strange legend that had been circulating in the school for many years, and the black cat that the heroine Shen Ying rescued in the school

The hero, is that black cat?

A fantasy campus romance novel?

This is quite rare.

As Ni Na read, she gradually became fascinated.

Because the curse of the school's strange legend was accidentally triggered, the black cat entered the dream and took the heroine through the dream of the school, taking her to find a way to save her own fate. During this dream journey, the relationship between the boy transformed by the black cat in the dream and the heroine Shen Ying gradually warmed up.

The first half of the first chapter of this novel is mostly used to explain the setting and world view, which seems a bit dragged, but in the second half, when the story of the hero and heroine enters the main line.

The exciting fantasy love text easily brought Ni Na into the world of the novel.

It took her almost ten minutes to read the plot of less than 20,000 words.

When she finished reading the last page of the first chapter of this issue of "Yesterday's Starlight", Ni Na couldn't help herself and had a desire to continue reading.

"It's a pity that it's too short. The plot has reached a critical moment. Which of the three Shen Yings in the dream is real? How did the black cat boy identify Shen Ying? It's really uncomfortable to end here!"

Ni Na looked depressed.

She thought it was just an ordinary novel serialized in "Momentary Beauty", but she didn't expect that the plot would be so attractive after reading it.

There are so many novels serialized in a journal. In fact, most of the novels will feel average after reading them, because everyone has different tastes and hobbies. Most of the serialized novels in a journal may not be to your taste.

Ni Na didn't know what other people felt after reading this chapter of the novel, but at least this "Yesterday's Starlight" was very much to her taste.

"I have to chase another novel. I hope the plot of this novel doesn't collapse later." Ni Na stretched.

Without wasting too much time, Ni Na followed the catalog and turned the pages to the serialized page of the novel "Youth Journey".

Youth Journey

Written by Genkiyo

[I once had an unforgettable time. It was the summer of junior high school, and after school, it rained.]

The first paragraph depicts the inner monologue of the heroine Futaba in junior high school.

When taking shelter from the rain, she met a classmate who was also taking shelter under the eaves.

The two shyly took the boy's towel to wipe her hair. Futaba peeked at the boy's cheek through the rain. Futaba's heart was beating. Because she was shy, she was afraid that her classmates would see that she liked the male protagonist Kou, so she blurted out "I hate all boys!" Then, this sentence was heard by the male protagonist Kou.

It was a very simple opening plot, but it only took a few hundred words to make Nina read it.

Put into the perspective of the heroine Futaba

Tsundere ruins life, hurtful words blurted out, the hero transferred to another school the next day, and the heroine Futaba wanted to apologize but had no chance to do so.

With only a few words, a plot was created, which aroused Nina's desire to read.

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