A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 33 The truth is revealed (did you guess it?)

The next morning, at the gate of Yancheng No. 2 Middle School.

Han Xu, dressed in a handsome police uniform, had been waiting here for nearly twenty minutes.

It was not yet eight o'clock, and students from all directions gathered and poured into the campus.

Han Xu unconsciously turned on his dynamic vision, his eyes were like a radar, not letting go of any child's face.

Not long after, Han Xu saw the person he was looking for this time.

Wang Yuming, the son of the deceased Wang Zhang, was walking over with a schoolbag slung across his shoulder.

"Are you Wang Yuming?" Han Xu had seen his photo at Wang's house, and was sure that the rebellious-looking child in front of him was Wang Yuming.

Wang Yuming stood leisurely and looked up at the police officer who was a head taller than him.

He thought that he might be here for his father's business.

"Let that bastard die, don't bother me!"

Han Xu didn't expect that the relationship between their father and son was so bad, and he pulled Wang Yuming aside without saying anything.

"What are you doing? Let me go, or I'll call the police!"

"I'm a police officer, why are you reporting? Listen, I don't care what your relationship with your father is. But your stepmother is suspected of a murder case, don't you want to know the details?"

Wang Yuming was stunned, his face changed immediately, and he said anxiously, "What happened to her? What did you do to her? Let her go!"

"If you want to know something, follow me!" Han Xu left a back figure.

"I still have class?"

"Boy, don't fool me, haven't you skipped enough classes?"


The two walked to a remote place, and Han Xu turned back to Wang Yuming and said, "Were you at home at 8 o'clock last Wednesday night?"

Wang Yuming thought for a moment, "8 o'clock last Wednesday night? I was at home, playing LOL in my room. What's wrong, why are you asking this?"

Han Xu had guessed this long ago, and then told Wang Yuming the general case.

Of course, some key points were not told to him.

"Are you saying that my aunt bribed someone to kill my dad?" Wang Yuming was frightened by this fact.

Han Xu sighed, after all, he was still a child.

"But I suspect there is something else going on. If you want to find out the truth, I need you to cooperate with me. I'll call your home now and tell you what I want to say."

Wang Yuming nodded. Although he was a little rebellious, he naturally put away his temper when it came to the people he cared about very much.

"I'll do whatever you ask me to do! As long as you can let my aunt go!"

The aunt Wang Yuming was talking about was naturally Chen Lu.

Han Xu could see from Wang Yuming's expression that he still cared about his stepmother.

Unexpectedly, he had such a bad relationship with his biological father, but he treated his stepmother, who had no blood relationship, as a relative.

Han Xu felt that what he was going to do next was a little too inhumane, but in order to solve the case, he could only take a risk.

"Who do you want me to call now?" Wang Yuming looked a little anxious.

Han Xu lowered his head and whispered a few words to Wang Yuming's ear.

Wang Yuming looked puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions. He took out his cell phone and called home.

"Hello, is this Aunt Liu?"

Han Xu motioned Wang Yuming to turn on the speakerphone.

Aunt Liu complained from the other side, "Master, why are you calling home now? Class is almost starting, you're going to be late."

"No, don't worry about class, Aunt Liu, listen to me now, I have something important to tell you."

"Yeah, Master, go ahead, I'm listening."

Wang Yuming paused, looked up at Han Xu again, sorted out what he was about to say, and then said, "Aunt Liu, listen to me, don't worry.

Now several police officers from the North Suburbs Police Station have come to me.

They said that I sent a text message that I shouldn't have sent using my aunt's cell phone last Wednesday.

So they asked me to go with them, saying that they want to investigate the cause of my father's death!"

"What?! Master, you can't go with them! You must not go with them!"

Han Xu heard the voice in the speakerphone and nodded at Wang Yuming.

Wang Yuming hung up the phone in a hurry and looked at Han Xu with a strange face. He had no idea why the police officer in front of him asked him to make this call.

"Okay, come with me first, I'll take you to see your aunt."


Half an hour later, Han Xu took Wang Yuming back to the Beijiao Police Station and arranged him in the detention room.

As soon as he pushed the door open, he saw Li Le waiting for a long time.

"How is the investigation going?"

Li Le smiled bitterly, "You are right, Liu Ma has worked in the Wang family for sixteen years, not ten years."

"Have you checked the death certificate of Wang Zhang's ex-wife?"

"I went to several major hospitals in Yancheng yesterday and found the death certificate of Wang Zhang's ex-wife. I took a photo, you can see it."

Han Xu took the mobile phone handed over by Li Le and enlarged the photo he had adjusted, which showed some basic information and cause of death of Wang Zhang's ex-wife.

Li Le added, "Because it was an unnatural death, I also checked the records left at the police station and found nothing wrong."

Han Xu nodded, very satisfied with Li Le's efficiency.

"Then what should we do next?"

Han Xu returned the phone to Li Le and smiled, "Nothing, just wait, I have already thrown the bait, just waiting for the fish to bite."

Li Le shook his head and said in admiration, "You are really good to come up with such a bad idea!"

Han Xu said helplessly, "There is no other way, just give it a try. Otherwise, this case will be very difficult."

After that, Han Xu and Li Le returned to the office area.

Less than ten minutes later, Chengzi pushed the door in.

"Han Xu, someone is here to turn himself in!"


All the police officers in the office area looked at the tall Chengzi together.

"What's going on? Another case?"

"That's right, didn't we just solve two cases?"

"Why is there another case!"

Han Xu and Li Le looked at each other and knew that the real boss was here.

After Chengzi finished speaking, he moved sideways two steps, and under his tall figure, a woman dressed a little old-fashioned was revealed.

A police officer was about to go up to ask, but was stopped by Li Le.

Han Xu stood up from his work station, "Hello again, Aunt Liu, or I call you Ms. Liu Mei Liu."

"Officer Han, I'm here to turn myself in. Please don't embarrass our young master."


In the interrogation room, Li Le became the one accompanying Han Xu.

The green light on the video equipment flickered.

Sitting on the interrogation chair, Aunt Liu hadn't said a word for a long time.

Han Xu was not in a hurry, just wasting time with the criminal suspect who came to turn himself in.

Since he came to turn himself in, he naturally had to explain everything he wanted to explain.

Li Le couldn't sit still, "Speak now, don't keep it to yourself, in case something bad happens again."

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