A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 103: Pearl Jade White Jade Soup (Improved Palace Version)

  Chapter 103 Pearl Jade White Jade Soup (improved court version)

   Turning on the pot, Li Yi took out a spoonful of uncooked rice from the rice bag and put it in the pot to stir fry.

   "Eh? Brother Yi, this is raw."

  Zhao Jinmai hurriedly reminded.

"I know."

  Li Yi explained: "I'm frying burnt rice."

   "What is Jiaomi?"

  Zhao Jinmai is puzzled.

  “Joyed rice is rice that has been fried until it is browned.”

  Li Yi smiled and said: "Jet rice is a good thing, rice is the first of the five grains, and it has the effect of strengthening the spleen, nourishing the stomach, nourishing the middle and replenishing qi.

  After frying into burnt rice, it is also a traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effects of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, warming the spleen and stomach, and can also relieve diarrhea and moisten the intestines, and warm the five internal organs.

  Some babies with lactose intolerance will have diarrhea when feeding. The ancients used to grind burnt rice into powder, boil it into porridge, scrape off the rice oil on it and feed it to infants and young children, which can save their lives. "

   "Rice oil?"

  Zhao Jinmai remembered something and exclaimed: "I heard from my grandfather that he had dysentery when he was a child and almost died. My great-grandmother cured him by cooking millet porridge and scraping off the rice oil on it."

   "In the past, many mothers used rice oil to feed their babies when their milk was insufficient."

   As Li Yi said, he poured out the roasted rice.

  I saw that the rice grains that were originally moist and white had turned brown all over, exuding an attractive rice fragrance.

   "It smells good."

   Liu Yifei was attracted by the smell of rice, looked at the scorched rice, and praised: "It feels like popcorn made of rice."

   "It tastes like it too."

  Li Yi picked up a few grains of scorched rice that were still hot to the touch and threw it into his mouth, chewing it crunchily, his mouth was full of crispiness.

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei also imitated him, squeezed a few grains, tasted it, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he signaled to Zhao Jinmai: "Mai Mai, try it, it's delicious!"

  Zhao Jinmai also pinched a pinch, put it in his mouth, and then nodded again and again: "The rice fragrance is so strong!"

  Wu Lei watched greedily from the side, but didn't reach out.

  Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Why did you change your gender? Didn't you always grab the fastest before?"

  Wu Lei looked at the burnt rice greedily, and sighed: "Carbon water, I have already eaten enough for today's amount at noon, and if I eat any more, I will exceed the standard."

  Li Yi heard the words and said with a smile: "You can drink some soaked water, which can cleanse the stomach and intestines, and have a certain effect on losing weight and thinning the stomach."


  Wu Lei's eyes widened in surprise.

  Liu Yifei on the side has already taken her thermos: "Let me try a cup!"

  Seeing that they were all going to get the cups, Li Yi hurriedly reminded: "Don't run out, save some for me, I still have to cook the soup!"

  The pearl jade white jade soup he made for Guoguo last time can only be regarded as a simplified version.

  What he made this time is the improved court version.

  Fermented food can indeed promote digestion, but the taste is indeed stronger.

   Like the physalis tofu he used this time, it is the most acceptable micro-fermentation state, the effect is good, and the smell is not so unacceptable.

   And the burnt rice he uses is more nourishing than ordinary overnight meals, and it is more beneficial to the spleen and stomach.

  Starting the pot again, he took out two spoonfuls of Su Shanzhen soup from the soup pot and poured it into the pot.

  Compared with the last time, the broth he used this time is also a vegetarian version, which tastes more refreshing and easier to absorb.

   Then, he put in burnt rice, side dishes, and tofu in turn, then covered the pot, and started to simmer over low heat.

  Five minutes later, he lifted the lid of the pot, and a slightly sour smell rose and quickly dissipated.

  Following the wafting breath, only fresh fragrance is left.

   Before turning off the fire, Li Yi sprinkled some pepper noodles, and Li Yi poured out the soup and put it on the serving port.


  Qin Lan heard the sound and came over, and immediately saw a bowl of tofu soup that was a bit like Sanfu soup.

  The emerald green spinach leaves are floating in the soup, and the yellowish tofu is soaked in it, exuding a special aroma.

  Smelling this fragrance, Qin Lan's stomach suddenly growled.

  She slowed down, lowered her head in surprise, looked up again, and saw a smile on the corner of Li Yi's mouth.

   "Caution it's hot."

  Li Yi reminded with a smile, then lowered his voice and joked: "Be careful not to drool."

  Qin Lan was a little embarrassed, but after picking up the tofu soup, her mouth suddenly secreted saliva frantically.

   A burst of special aroma floated out of the basin and rushed towards the face.

  This fragrance seems to have a magical power, which makes Qin Lan feel an unprecedented impulse.

  She was actually hungry!

   And I am greedy for this bowl of tofu soup!

  If it was placed a few days ago, she would not believe it at all!

   But this bowl of soup really made her greedy!

how so?

  She was puzzled.

  The previous tofu dishes were delicious, but they didn't make her have such a strong urge.

   There is a special aroma in this bowl of soup, which has a strong attraction to her!

  What did he put in the soup?

  Qin Lan was a little worried about her state, she had never encountered such a situation.

   This made her forget to report the name of the dish when she was serving it.

  However, Guoguo is no stranger to this bowl of soup. After seeing the soup, she didn't even eat the fried rice. She picked up the spoon, happily scooped up a spoonful of soup, put it near her mouth and blew it.

  The fragrance wafted away, and the Huang Gongzi and his wife opposite were a little puzzled.

   Today's bowl of pearl jade white jade soup, why is it not as pungent as the last bowl?

  Let's not talk about Guoguo, even they can smell it full of saliva.


  Wang Sicong on the side suddenly pulled away his chair: "I'm going to smoke a cigarette."

   As he spoke, he got up and left in a hurry.

   Seeing this, Mr. Huang said to the net red girl left behind: "You persuade him to smoke less, it is not good for your health."


  The Internet celebrity smiled and nodded, but she was complaining in her heart.

  He has to listen to me too!

  Guoguo didn't care so much, she was drinking the soup with relish, while digging into the smooth and tender tofu in the soup, and eating the softened burnt rice grains, it was delicious.

  Qin Lan stood aside, watching her concentrate on eating, with a struggling look on her face.

  Finally, she couldn't hold back, turned around and hurried to the kitchen, pulled Li Yi aside, and asked in a low voice, "Did you put anything that you couldn't put in that bowl of soup just now?"

"of course not."

  Li Yi flatly denied it.


  Qin Lan couldn't believe it.

   "What? Do you doubt my craftsmanship?"

  Li Yi smiled and asked back: "Do you think I can use that kind of stuff with my cooking skills?"

  Qin Lan recalled it, but couldn't refute it.

   It seems to be the case.

  So, Qin Lan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked puzzledly: "Then why does that bowl of soup smell so good? And that kind of smell is a bit special, I can't explain it."

  Li Yi looked at her and laughed.

   "You are talking about the taste of physalis tofu."

   As Li Yi said, he picked up half a piece of unused physalis tofu from the chopping board, and handed it to her.

  A slightly sour smell came to Qin Lan's nostrils, and Qin Lan was suddenly evoked with a bad memory, and he held his breath for an instant.

   But the smell still lingered in her nasal cavity, stimulating her olfactory nerves.

   After just a few seconds, she kind of got used to the taste.

   Immediately afterwards, she was surprised to find that after the smell faded a little, it really turned into the special aroma she smelled!

   It really tastes like this tofu!

   She was shocked.

   But this tofu seems to be sour?

  Why does she smell good?

  While shocked, her mouth was involuntarily secreting saliva.


  The sound of her swallowing was very clear.

  Li Yi looked at her, smiled and shook his head: "You stars, one counts as one, and you have stomach problems."




  (end of this chapter)

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