A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 972 Tongtian Lingbao Turmoil

Obviously, after reaching the Nascent Soul stage, there are not many monks who are still interested in refining puppets and Qimen magic weapons. After only three or four people fought with Han Li for a round, Han Li used 170,000 spirit stones to The price is easy to get. This made him happy.

Two more items were subsequently auctioned by the white light figure, and Han Li took a fancy to them, spending 190,000 spirit stones and 310,000 spirit stones to acquire them respectively. The latter material was a very famous magic weapon raw material. Han Li had to take pictures with many monks, and he had to pay the price to take the picture.

These few things made it almost impossible for Han Li to hold the spirit stone in his bag. Fortunately, no other needed puppet materials appeared later, which made Han Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When the last item was auctioned off and the storage bags on the jade table were completely empty, the figure in the white light seemed quite satisfied with the previous auction. After a pause, he said with a chuckle:

"All our things have been auctioned. If you have treasures that you want to exchange, you can go here to show the exchanges one by one. The ugly words are mentioned above, because it is an independent exchange, so if the exchanged items are fake or you have mistaken them, , this has nothing to do with us. We only provide the place, and we can only bear all the consequences ourselves. In addition, according to the past rules, no matter what kind of things are to be exchanged, how many items are prepared to be exchanged at a time, as long as the exchange is successful, we will follow the rules afterwards 10,000 spirit stones will be drawn from each head as the processing fee. All fellow Taoists can do whatever they want from now on. As long as there is no violation of the rules, I will just be a bystander."

This person was very cheerful. After saying a few simple words, he immediately swayed and suddenly appeared at the edge of the open space. Then he sat down cross-legged, looking like he was directly in meditation.

This scene did not surprise most of the monks around. Instead, the figures swayed, and at the same time, several startling rainbows flew towards the place. As a result, one of them was obviously one step faster than the others. The brilliance faded, and a figure wrapped in red glow appeared first. He appeared behind the jade table, then Ma Li cupped his hands into fists and said with a smile:

"Chengzheng, I'm here one step ahead. Fellow Taoists, please wait a moment."

Seeing this, those few rays of light could only circle helplessly before flying back to their original seats.

Han Li smiled slightly when he saw this.

If you want to exchange for materials, generally speaking, you can take advantage of it by taking action earlier. This can avoid others taking away the things you need. However, there won’t be many such things, and the rarer the materials in exchange, the less likely they are to be valued by others. Therefore, most of the monks were able to keep their composure and did not compete with the few people just now.

The few materials Han Li still lacked were relatively uncommon materials, so he didn't have much to worry about.

These people rushed to change stations first, probably because the items they wanted to change had too many uses, so they were fighting like this.

Sure enough, after the monk in Hongxia took out several rare materials, he named several things he wanted to exchange for, all of which were alchemy materials that could be used in a variety of elixirs.

After a while, several people actually came up and exchanged most of the materials. This made Hongxiazhong walk away contentedly.

The exchanges with the few people who came up one after another also went smoothly, and they all gained something more or less.

However, when a yellow figure held a piece of blue metal and asked for a water-based material that Han Li had never heard of in exchange, he asked three times in a row, but no one came forward to trade. This man could only walk away in frustration.

From then on, monks who returned without success began to gradually appear. When thirty or forty people went up one after another, most of them returned empty-handed, and only a few of them could exchange things.

Of course, this does not mean that the things these monks want to exchange for are not really available to other people here, but it is possible that the monks who have exchange items feel that the other party's things are not worth exchanging, or the items provided by the other party are not what they want at all, so He was indifferent and did not go up to exchange.

Therefore, in this exchange of things, the more precious the things taken out, the easier it is to successfully exchange them.

Of course, there are also monks who are interested in other monks' materials, but they don't have what the other monks want, so they come forward to secretly negotiate for other treasures in exchange. But very few of them succeeded, and most of them were coldly rejected. But among the few who succeeded, Han Li was included in an exchange.

Han Li's move was also very simple. He directly exchanged a few rare thousand-year-old spiritual grass and some high-level demon pills for the materials he needed. These two things are of great use to any monk. Although one or two items can be bought occasionally at auctions in some markets, it is naturally very difficult to collect such a large quantity at once.

Therefore, the monk only hesitated for a moment, no longer insisted on his original plan, and nodded in agreement.

In addition, there were two types of puppet materials that Han Li obtained in exchange for items he had stored. Now there are only two rarest things left to collect all the puppet materials.

However, these two items are too rare, and there is probably no need for them. Ordinary monks would not take the initiative to trade them.

"Boy Han, what are you planning to exchange for the materials? If it's a lesser treasure, I'm afraid others won't take it out easily even if they have the materials." God Lord Dayan suddenly said in Han Li's consciousness.

"I've thought about this a long time ago. Most of the monks here are demons. Don't I just have something in my hand that the demons regard as a treasure?" Han Li said lightly.

"Are you talking about that kind of material, you are willing to give up this thing?" God Lord Dayan was a little surprised.

"There is nothing I can do if I don't want to, but I have gathered all the puppet materials to this point, and I must get the last two items. Otherwise, all the work ahead will be in vain. As long as the puppet is as powerful as the senior said, it is still worth doing. "Han Li said with a faint smile,

Then he looked around and felt that it was almost done.

When a monk returned in frustration, he finally stood up from his seat, walked forward calmly, and came to the back of the jade table.

The monks present subconsciously looked at Han Li, wanting to see what rare things he could come up with.

Han Li flipped his hands over, and two more small jade boxes came out. However, he did not open them in a hurry. Instead, he glanced around and said in a slightly changed hoarse voice:

"The materials for refining the magic treasure, two magic marrow diamonds, can be exchanged for two materials, Five Elements Jade and Glare Crystal. If you have any, fellow Taoists, you can exchange them." As soon as Han Li finished speaking succinctly, he Immediately, his hands shook slightly, and the lid of the box fell off at the same time and opened. Two dark, crystal-clear objects of several inches in size slowly floated out of the box, exuding a faint black aura. The two magic marrow diamonds that Zheng Hanli had obtained in the Demonic Abyss. .

"Magic Marrow Diamond! Material for refining the Demonic Dragon Blade, did I hear it correctly?"

"Impossible, how could such a thing really exist in the world?"

"real or fake?"

As soon as Han Li finished speaking, the whole hall suddenly went into chaos. Many people were shocked and screamed out in surprise.

The figure in the white clouds who had been meditating with his eyes closed at the edge of the clearing also opened his eyes in surprise and stared at the two magic marrow diamonds in front of Han Li without blinking. .

"To be honest, if I hadn't practiced magic skills, I wouldn't have exchanged this kind of thing. As for authenticity? As long as someone can come up with something I need, I will let the other party examine it carefully." Han Li said with a normal expression.

Hearing what Han Li said so confidently, the monks who were originally agitated suddenly calmed down. Everyone looked at the Demonic Marrow with different expressions and fell silent.

Although the Five Elements Jade and Glare Crystal are hard to find in the world, compared with this magical treasure material that can only appear in rumors, they are naturally inferior, which makes everyone tempted.

"I remember there is another Glare Crystal in the warehouse, but it was not put up for auction because it was too valuable. I can have someone pick it up right away. How about I check the Magic Marrow Diamond first?" It was beyond all expectations. As expected, the figure in the white light, who was the landowner of the trade fair, suddenly said this after looking at the magic marrow diamond from a distance for a moment.

"Since it is your Excellency who has spoken, of course it cannot be false. Fellow Taoist, you can identify it first." Han Li's face flashed with surprise, but he said without hesitation.

The man in the white cloud seemed to nod his head, raised his hand, and a ray of fire flew out, directly to the roof of the hall, and disappeared in a flash.

Then he slowly stood up and walked towards Han Li.

When the other monks heard the conversation between Han Li and him, there was another commotion, but this time no one said anything. Since the monk in the white light can be sent to host this exchange meeting, he is naturally a person with extensive knowledge and extraordinary experience. Therefore, everyone opened their eyes wide and watched the results of this appraisal.

The figure in the white clouds seemed to really know a lot about the magic marrow diamond. After reaching out and deftly taking one in his hand, he opened his mouth one after another and sprayed a stream of white baby fire directly on it. As a result, as soon as these white flames came into contact with the black air on the surface of the crystal diamond, they seemed to have encountered a nemesis. They immediately passed by from both sides and could not get close to the magic marrow diamond for calcination.

There was a trace of excitement on the face of the figure in the glow, and then he made a seal with his hands and put away the baby fire in his mouth, and then spurted out a ball of blue and cold air. This cold air enveloped the crystal diamond, but it couldn't freeze it at all.

His eyes flashed for a few times, and he raised one hand, pointed a finger at the crystal diamond and tapped it lightly. Suddenly, a black demonic energy was poured directly into it. The result was like a mud cow entering the sea, and the magic marrow diamond had no reaction at all. No.

"Yes, it is indeed a magic marrow diamond. I want this thing." I don't know if it was a coincidence, but just as he said these words, a spiritual light flashed three or four feet away from him, and a man in gray robes The naked masked monk appeared there strangely.

He saluted the figure in the white clouds, raised his head and handed over a jade box, and the person disappeared again.

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