Although none of the three items he obtained could be used immediately, Han Li still collected them all without ceremony.

Then he stood up, dusted himself off, and looked at Jia Tianlong and other members of the Wild Wolf Gang with a half-smiling expression.

"Are you going to cut off your meridians yourself, or do you want me to send you on your way?" Han Li's tone was very polite, but the meaning behind his words did not leave any room for the Wild Wolf Gang.

When Jia Tianlong heard this, he felt very cold, and his whole face became stiff with the cold.

He kept telling himself to be calm, there would always be a way to deal with this person, but he couldn't help but wiped his face and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Jia Tianlong smiled bitterly, knowing that he didn't need to look in the mirror, and his complexion at this time would definitely not be much better. I'm afraid it would be extremely ugly.

He turned his neck with great effort and looked at the people around him. He saw that other people's faces were also pale, and they all had expressions of panic and imminent disaster. These people were at a loss and showed no fighting spirit.

Frustrated, Jia Tianlong looked in the direction of Qixuanmen again. I saw Wang Juechu, his sworn enemy opposite, looking at him coldly as if he were looking at a dead man. Most of the others also had expressions of revenge.

Jia Tianlong was at a loss, and his eyes unconsciously fell outside the death arena, on the supposedly loyal men outside the arena. The expressions of these people are now different, some are very anxious, some are indifferent, but a large number of people are actually happy, and they are gathering together to whisper, and they are taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

"No, I can't die here like this! I will definitely survive and continue to complete my dominance." I don't know who's look touched Jia Tianlong's nerves, and a look of madness suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Come here! Iron Guards come forward, crossbows ready! An Qingzi will take care of the others!" Jia Tianlong suddenly used up all his internal strength and roared loudly.

Jia Tianlong is worthy of being the leader of the gang. This roar containing inner strength made those who were at a loss in the death arena feel refreshed and woke up as if they were dreaming. Whether it was the members of the Wild Wolf Gang or the masters of other small and medium-sized gangs, they all had a backbone at this time, and they were gearing up and assuming a fight to the death.

Han Li frowned slightly, hummed slightly, and then slowly walked towards Jia Tianlong with his hands behind his back.

"Looks like we need to put in more effort!" Han Li thought mockingly to himself.

"Fire the arrow!" As soon as he saw the opponent walking into the range of the repeating crossbow, Jia Tianlong licked his dry lips and ordered without hesitation.

Suddenly, hundreds of green steel crossbow arrows were fired densely at Han Li, squeezing the small space in front of him until it became airtight.

An astonishing scene appeared. Jia Tianlong saw that the young man opposite showed no fear when facing the flying crossbow arrows. Instead, he smiled strangely at him, and then his body began to blur. The arriving crossbow arrows, Unexpectedly, it passed through this person without any hindrance and flew into the distance. At this moment, his body seemed to be weightless. Then the man shook it a few times in broad daylight and disappeared without a trace.

Jia Tianlong's face turned livid, and just when he was about to tell his men to be careful, Han Li suddenly appeared again only a dozen steps away from them.

This time, without waiting for Jia Tianlong's order, the serial crossbows in the hands of the iron guards once again fired a volley of arrows, mixed with other people's darts, sleeve arrows and other hidden weapons, all of which swarmed at Han Li. As a result, what made these people look at each other was that the other party disappeared in front of everyone again.

Just as Jia Tianlong was in panic, two shrill screams came from behind him. He was startled and quickly looked back.

I saw two iron guards standing next to each other not far away, suddenly turned into two flaming men, and the young man who disappeared was taking his two palms away from the two people. The moment his palms left, The two iron guards were destroyed and reduced to ashes. From the palm that the young man took away, Jia Tianlong could faintly see that there was a red light flashing in the palm of his hand, and he didn't know what kind of magic power it was.

The scene that Jia Tianlong saw was a perfect demonstration of Han Li's use of magic and martial arts. The red light in his palm was the small fireball of the "Fire Bullet Technique".

Mana flowed slowly in Han's body, restoring the fireball that had shrunk a lot due to consumption to its original size. Then his figure disappeared again, but he immediately appeared at the other end of the crowd, and again One person turned into a ball of flames.

Just like this, Han Li disappeared and reappeared in the crowd. Every time he appeared, a victim would appear. And no matter where his hand touched any part of the other person, that person would immediately burst into flames and completely disappear from this world. disappear.

Jia Tianlong stared blankly ahead, his eyes lost any sparkle, and his face turned as gray as death.

In just this short moment, more than half of his men died, and the remaining ones were all in danger and began to run away. But in front of the opponent's ghostly movement, these people were reduced to ashes one by one.

When the last of his men also died in the flames, Jia Tianlong was completely numb.

He knew that he was still safe and sound because the other party had done it deliberately, but now that he was the only one left, it was estimated that the fire of death would still come to him.

Han Li did not let Jia Tianlong, the leader of the gang, wait any longer. After killing the last of his men, Han Li did not hesitate for a moment and immediately ducked behind him and used a full version of the "Fire Bullet Technique" As a preferential treatment, Gang Leader Jia was sent on his way.

After Jia Da Tianlong returned to the west, Han Li clapped his hands and whispered to himself: "It seems that it is not too difficult to kill a few more people. It would be great if I told you to kill yourself earlier! There is no pain yet. Now let's let I'll do it myself, and the burning sensation won't be pleasant!"

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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