Just when the dwarf was feeling triumphant, Han Li had something in mind.

Two more people jumped out from Qixuan Gate. After they jumped out of the crowd, without saying a word, they rushed straight towards the dwarf like lightning. They were Wang Juechu's other two remaining uncles.

The two men's faces were full of grief, and they were obviously extremely sad about the death of the burly man. Therefore, he hated Master Jinguang endlessly and ignored the dwarf as a swordsman. He only wanted to kill him and avenge that man.

Sect Leader Wang originally wanted to stop the two of them from their reckless behavior, but then he thought that he would always have to face this dwarf who knew magic, and his two uncles were the only ones who could pose a threat to them. Rather than stopping it now, it would be better to let the masters and uncles fight it out while they are obsessed with revenge.

Thinking of this, Wang Juechu's words that he originally wanted to call him back were swallowed from his throat and returned to his stomach.

After experiencing the lesson not long ago, Master Jin Guang did not dare to underestimate the other party this time. He drove the gray light and pointed at the two of them. The gray light immediately turned into a rainbow and flew straight to the opposite side.

The Confucian scholar among the two people opposite saw a gray light that looked like a flying sword flying over. He raised his eyebrows and raised his hand, and a thin silver thread shot out from his cuffs and met the gray light head-on. The gray light was paused for a moment, but then the gray light rushed away as if nothing had happened. Come here, it seems that the silver thread has no big effect.

Others didn't see clearly what the silver thread was, but Han Li could see it clearly with the super eyesight given by the Changchun Kung Fu. Those were clearly dozens of silver needles connected in a straight line. I don't know what method the Confucian scholar used to shoot out such light and thin needles with such a powerful technique, which greatly interested Han Li.

When the Confucian scholar saw that the silver thread had no effect, he did not panic. He bowed his body, and suddenly spun on the spot like a top, and then countless cold rays, large or small, shot out from the spinning figure. These cold rays divided into two paths and turned into one. The silver stream directly collided with the gray light, making a snapping sound, holding the gray light in mid-air and preventing it from coming down; on the other hand, it flew straight towards the dwarf and hit the golden shield. The jingling sound is very spectacular.

The cold current that hit the gray light kept falling off some debris, but because it was incomplete, its original appearance could no longer be seen. But the cold light that bounced off the golden shield was intact. They were all kinds of hidden weapons such as flying knives, bodhi seeds, iron lotus seeds, money darts, etc. There were all kinds of hidden weapons, and there were even some that couldn't be named. Strange stuff.

Master Jin Guang was stunned for a moment, but then curled his lips. He didn't think that these ordinary people could stop his treasure for long.

"Bah!" A loud shout like spring thunder resounded throughout the audience, making everyone jump.

At this time, people discovered that the man in gray clothes who originally ran out with the Confucian scholar had pulled out the sword from his back at some point and was walking towards the gray light step by step. On the tip of the sword he was holding, something unexpectedly appeared. There was a white light that was more than two inches long. The white light expanded and contracted indefinitely, and the cold air was pressing.

"Sword Light", I don't know who was the first to call out the name of this supreme sword skill that all sword wielders dream of.

With a bang, there was excitement inside and outside the stadium!

If the flying sword is just a legend in rumors, then the sword glow is a myth in the world and the yearning of all sword wielders.

Now, not only did Feijian and Jianmang appear one after another, but they also had to start a duel immediately. How could this not make everyone present excited and feel that their life was worth it?

At this time, Jia Tianlong, instead of boiling, felt cold and sweaty. Only now does he know what it means to be aware of and be afraid of later!

Although he knew before that there were three masters hidden in Qixuanmen. But he never expected that this master would be so powerful that he could use the sword light. If he had not invited Master Jin Guang, a cultivator of immortality, to take action this time, I am afraid that this man in gray who can use the sword light alone would be able to kill everyone on his side.

When Jia Tianlong was frightened and turned pale, the man in gray had already arrived under the gray light.

At this time, I don't know whether it was intentional by the Confucian scholar or whether the hidden weapon on his body had really been fired. The Confucian scholar's figure suddenly stopped turning, and the silver flow with gray light was also interrupted. The gray light without resistance naturally showed no signs of resistance. He politely dropped to the head of the man in gray.

The man in gray held a sword in both hands and jumped into the air without fear. He waved his sword light and struck hard at the gray light.

With a clear "dang" sound, the man in gray fell from mid-air to the ground. He stood unsteadily and stepped back several steps. Then he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, his expression becoming sluggish. As for the long sword in his hand, the three-inch tip at the front was missing and had become convex and flat.

After receiving this blow, Hui Mang fell into dust from the sky like a shot bird. But even so, the gray light has not lost its brilliance and is still beating and stretching on the ground, looking full of spirituality.

Seeing this scene, Jia Tianlong and the people from Qixuanmen exclaimed at the same time. However, the people from Qixuanmen exclaimed with joy, while Jia Tianlong's side was full of worry.

The Confucian scholar was also overjoyed. He looked at the tired man in gray and then at the dwarf. After hesitating for a moment, he floated and flew towards the dwarf. He planned to deal with the enemy first.

Before the Confucian scholar could take a few steps away, a man in gray suddenly shouted "flash" from behind.

The Confucian scholar was startled and wanted to take action, but he felt a chill on his neck. Gray light flew past his eyes, and then he saw a headless body running forward for a few steps, and then fell to the ground. The back looked so strange. familiar,. As soon as the Confucian scholar thought of this, he completely lost consciousness.

Master Jinguang was full of arrogance at this time. He commanded the gray light to jump up from the ground again and fly towards the only surviving man in gray among the three masters. He made a little plan for himself and was very proud of killing the Confucian scholar.

When he was thinking about waiting for the result, the men in gray would immediately kill all the remaining members of Qixuanmen, when he suddenly heard a word from the crowd opposite: "I like you flying thing very much. Give it to me to play with." How about playing?" Before he finished speaking, he felt a powerful spiritual power attached to the gray light, abruptly cutting off his connection with the object and taking away its control.

The gray light that originally flew towards the man in gray also turned in the air and flew crookedly towards the crowd on the opposite side.

Wherever the gray light went, everyone panicked and hid in all directions. There was only one ordinary-looking young man who was only seventeen or eighteen years old and did not move. The young man smiled at Master Jin Guang and revealed his dark-skinned face. The skin was completely opposite to the white teeth. Then he pointed at the gray light, and the gray light fell on his hand.

"Immortal cultivator!" The dwarf felt a chill in his heart, and his face turned extremely pale.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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