A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 890 Tongtian Lingbao Deling Island

Neither Han Li nor the others had any objections to the words of the Hehuan Old Demon, and the group returned to Linggui Island first.

Han Li asked Master Zhiyang for a secret room and planned to meditate and rest for the night, while Wei Wuya and others went to the formation master to get the formation disk first.

Early the next morning, Han Li received a message from Master Zhiyang in the secret room and immediately went to the hall.

I saw Wei Wuya and three others sitting on chairs, gathering together to say something. With a raised eyebrow, Han Li walked over without politeness.

"Fellow Daoist Han, please take a seat. This is the specific location where the formation disk will be buried based on the research on the sealing array. I hope you will take it with you and remember it clearly." Wei Wuya greeted Han Li politely as soon as he saw him coming over, and held the palm of his hand. After turning it over, he placed a light red jade slip on the table in front of him.

"Oh! Take a look below." Han Li said calmly.

With a wave of his hand, the jade slip flew out on its own with a "swish" sound, and he caught it in his hand. Then he casually sat on another chair nearby and immersed his consciousness in the slip.

After a while, Han Li's expression gradually changed, and when he pulled out his consciousness from the jade slip, his expression turned completely gloomy.

"Three fellow Taoists, let Han go deep into such a deep place to set up a formation. Do you just want me to go there and never come back?" Han Li threw the jade slips on the table, raised his head, and said coldly.

"How could Fellow Daoist say this? Although the array is placed a bit deeper, Fellow Daoist Han is protected by the evil-dispelling divine thunder, so it shouldn't be a problem to get there." Hehuan Laomo said calmly and calmly.

"Really? Brother Hehuan, do you think that Han's evil-proof divine thunder will never be consumed? Or as long as the array is set up, there is no need to think about coming back." Han Li glanced at the old demon and said in a somewhat annoyed tone said.

"From what my fellow Taoist said, the evil-repelling divine thunder you have is not enough to support your round trip. But Wei remembers that when he fought against the ancient demon in Falling Demon Valley, the number of evil-repelling divine thunders driven by fellow Taoist was quite large. Yes. It shouldn't be a problem." Wei Wuya frowned and said slowly.

"Several of my Taoist friends have entered the demonic energy. I'm afraid they didn't go very deep." Han Li said with a strange expression on his face.

"Hey! What Fellow Daoist Han said is..." Wei Wuya was stunned.

Hehuan Laomo's eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't speak. Master Zhi Yang lowered his head, seeming to be thinking about something.

"If you go deeper than a certain depth below, you should know clearly that the further down the abyss of demonic energy is, the greater the demonic nature contained in the demonic energy will be. The evil-proofing divine thunder will be consumed faster. This is two to three hundred feet deep. I came to the conclusion only after that. Although Han possesses some evil-proof divine thunder, he will never be able to sustain it for long in the evil energy thousands of feet below." Han Li put his hands on his chest, crossed his fingers together, and said coldly said.

"Is there such a thing? Brother Zhiyang, among the three of us, you have penetrated the deepest into the demonic energy. Is this serious?" Wei Wuya frowned and turned to ask Master Zhiyang.

"It is true that this matter is missing. When I used the secret technique to penetrate deeper into the demonic energy, I did feel that the mana was draining faster than when I first entered the demonic energy. I originally thought that fellow Taoist Han had not noticed this, and I was about to give a warning! "Master Zhi Yang sighed, nodded and admitted.

"In this way, if we let a monk carry the treasure of exorcizing demons into the demonic atmosphere, even if he is safe at first, he will still be in danger of being demonized once he goes deep into it." The old demon Hehuan also changed his face slightly. Get up

"Yes, so Pindao has not been very interested in the previous plan. But before Fellow Taoist Han appeared, there was no other way, so he didn't stop it." Master Zhiyang showed a wry smile.

Han Li watched the conversations and expressions of these three people with cold eyes, but felt a little depressed in his heart.

He really couldn't tell whether these three people really didn't know about this, or whether they had made the appointment with bad intentions. But no matter what, this is also a mistake in dealing with it. Naturally, he couldn't agree to this easily.

The hall fell into silence for a while.

No one would do it even if they knew they were going to die and asked people to arrange the array.

As for what kind of righteousness should be used to suppress Han Li, this is even more impossible.

All of you here are people who understand. When their cultivation level reaches their level, let alone just half of Tiannan being affected by the demonic energy, even if the entire Tiannan is destroyed, no one here will do such a thing of sacrificing themselves for others. At worst, they just slap their butts and leave Tiannan.

With their cultivation, it would be easy to gain a foothold there.

Besides Han Li, no one in Tiannan could enter the demonic energy and complete the mission. The three major monks all fell into looking at each other.

At this moment, Han Li's eyes flashed, and his voice softened and he suddenly spoke:

"I also know that this matter is indeed of great importance. Several fellow Taoists are also in a dilemma. I have an idea that I can try."

"Whatever idea you have, just say it, Fellow Daoist Han." Upon hearing this, Master Zhiyang said hurriedly.

Wei Wuya and Hehuan Laomo also perked up and looked over hurriedly.

"It's very simple. I think I can still do it until the evil-repelling divine thunder is set up, but it will be troublesome to fight when I come back. Therefore, the magic-repelling evil-repelling treasures that I originally prepared must be borrowed for the next time. In this way, Han can persist for a longer period of time. However, the danger of this approach is naturally quite high..." At this point, Han Li's voice paused and he seemed to hesitate.

"No problem! As long as the array can be arranged well, it's perfectly fine to lend the Demon Exorcist Treasure to fellow Taoists." Wei Wuya's face lit up and he said hurriedly.

"Of course this matter is so dangerous. The three of us will not let Fellow Daoist Han take this risk in vain. Brother Hehuan, do you think so?" Master Zhiyang suddenly said to the old devil Hehuan with a smile at this time.

Hehuan Laomo was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but after hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said:

"Indeed. In fact, even if there was no such thing, the three of us originally planned to donate one of the Seven Spirit Islands to Fellow Daoist Han."

"As a gift to the next spiritual island?" After hearing this, Han Li's pupils shrank and he couldn't help being surprised.

"Yes, in fact, although the original division of the seven islands seemed to be divided by the seven major sects, most of these sects belonged to our three major forces. There happened to be one extra island that was difficult to allocate, and I originally wanted to leave it to Your alliance belongs to two Taoist friends, Long Han and Feng Bing, but they happened to be in retreat at this time and could not come here. The island had to be temporarily affiliated with an unknown small sect. Now that the Taoist friends are willing to sacrifice their lives, Fan Xian. No one from the Luoyun Sect assigned to Fellow Daoist Han on Ling'ao Island would gossip." Master Zhiyang said cheerfully.

"Is there really such a thing?" Han Li was a little stunned.

After all, he has also heard that these spiritual islands not only have excellent spiritual veins, but also have several spiritual stone mines with considerable reserves. This is extremely precious.

"Since the seven islands are part of the formation, after the formation is repaired, shouldn't these islands sink to the sea again?" Han Li thought for a while and asked with some worry.

"Don't worry. The repair method we use is slightly different from the original sealing formation. Naturally, these islands cannot be wasted and allowed to sink again. Of course, the sect monks who occupy these islands are naturally obliged to guard them together from now on. This is the sealing formation." Wei Wuya explained calmly.

"Since the three Taoist friends have promised such a generous gift, it will be impossible for Han to leave Qing and Li. But after this matter is settled, I will no longer participate in the follow-up matters." Han Li pondered for a moment, He said bluntly.

"Haha, as long as fellow Taoist disciples are willing to arrange the array, it will be regarded as a great achievement. Leave other matters to the three of me." Wei Wuya laughed and agreed.

Although Old Demon Hehuan and Master Zhiyang had different thoughts before, they both felt at ease now.

At this time, Wei Wuya took out another white round thing from his storage bag and handed it over.

Han Li took it and took a look.

A palm-sized formation plate made of exquisite white jade, with spiritual light flashing on it and various extremely complicated talismans engraved on it, it is definitely not an ordinary thing at first glance.

After a flash of green light in Han Li's hand, the formation disk disappeared and was put into the storage bag.

"Okay. Everything is ready now, all we need is Dongfeng. I don't know when Brother Han plans to go down." Wei Wuya asked with a satisfied look.

"The sooner you repair the magic circle, the better. After a night's rest, some of the mana that was originally lost has been restored. If the three Taoist friends have the treasure of exorcizing demons with them, I will go down and repair the magic circle first. The layout is ready. After a day or two, who knows how the demonic energy will change." Han Li looked serious and said solemnly.

After hearing what Han Li said, the three major monks in the hall naturally had no objections. And the few demon-repelling treasures that they finally collected were naturally carried with them.

They immediately took them out and handed them to Han Li one by one.

A dragon-headed jade Ruyi, a fiery red Bagua mirror, a golden battle armor and a black flag.

Han Li did not hold back the three of them, and tested the effects of these four treasures one by one on the spot. As expected, all of them were unusual. Three of them are treasures from the Sun and the Flame, which are indeed very effective against evil spirits. As for the black flag, on the contrary, it is a well-known treasure of the devil.

I heard from the old devil Hehuan that although this flag originally heralded the ghost wind, it can also absorb the evil energy, so it can be used for self-protection.

Looking at the flag, Han Li's heart moved. After playing with it for a few times, he finally put it into his bag.

This made the old devil Acacia a little surprised.

Han Li put away the treasures, and then left Master Zhi Yang's cave with the three of them and headed straight for the direction of the maelstrom.

A few hours later, Han Li appeared at the bottom of the whirlpool very smoothly. This time, he was alone.

Look at the demonic energy below the light curtain. Without saying a word, Han Li clenched his hands into fists, and with a thunderclap sound, several thick golden arcs shot out from his body, turning into an electric grid again and attached to the surface of the mask.

After looking at those golden arcs, Han Li's mouth twitched with a hint of sarcasm.

No matter how cunning and cunning Wei Wuya and the others were, they would never have imagined that he actually owned seventy-two Golden Thunder Bamboo Flying Swords. According to his estimation, not to mention one round trip, even if he escorted him twice, it would be more than enough to protect himself. Otherwise, how could he take on such a risky thing.

When he was bargaining with them before, he naturally thought of the benefits that Master Zhiyang had reminded him when he was in Baiqiao Courtyard. On the other hand, they were not willing to let these three people find out their own details at all, and deliberately miscalculated the number of evil-fighting divine thunders.

From now on, the only people who can pose a threat to him in Tiannan are the three great monks and those few Mulan masters. Han Li had to be on guard.

(Second update!)

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