"Where?" Han Li asked hurriedly after he regained consciousness.

"Over there!"

Following Li Feiyu's gaze, Han Li finally saw the pale Zhang Xiuer in the corner of the crowd. She was standing with two other female companions participating in the death fight. She was wearing a silk white dress, her apricot lips were slightly biting, and her whole body was like a small white flower, as delicate and pitiful as any.

"How could a weak woman like Miss Zhang participate in such a bloody duel? Did Wang make a mistake?" Han Li still couldn't believe his eyes and said in disbelief.

"Xiu'er is also a core disciple of Qijuetang. Didn't I tell you?" After hearing this, Li Feiyu smiled bitterly and told Han Li a piece of news that surprised Han Li.

Han Li fell silent.

Obviously there are not many masters left in the Qixuan Sect, and the leader of their Wang Sect has no intention of showing mercy. In order to win in the death battle, he even sent his daughter's family like Zhang Xiuer out. It seems that they are going all-out. .

"Brother, I won't talk nonsense. I want to be with Xiu'er, so take care of yourself!" Li Feiyu put his arm around Han Li's shoulders and said softly, then turned and walked towards the crowd.

Before he had even taken two steps away, he heard a soft sigh from behind, and then the breeze moved, and someone appeared beside him, and it was Han Li.

"What's the big deal? Isn't it just a fight to the death? This small scene doesn't bother me. We can be considered friends, so I will help you with this small favor." Han Li said with a smile.

After Li Feiyu heard this, without saying a word, he punched the other person's chest hard and whispered: "Good brother! Thank you very much!"

Han Li smiled and said nothing. As he said himself, the reason why he followed him was, on the one hand, because he had been in contact with Li Feiyu for a long time and had a deep relationship with him, and he did not want to watch him take risks alone. On the other hand, he was talented and courageous. He didn't think that the so-called masters of the Wild Wolf Gang could pose much of a threat to him who had mastered the Fire Bomb Technique and the Wind Control Technique. Moreover, he was also a little eager to try it out and wanted to test his current strength in person.

The two of them squeezed out of the crowd and walked directly towards Wang Juechu. On the way, they tore their Duanshui Sect clothes, revealing Qixuan Sect clothes.

Han Li and Li Feiyu appeared in front of the crowd and suddenly changed their identities, which shocked everyone on both sides. No one stopped them for a moment, allowing them to easily walk in front of Wang Juechu.

"Master Li"

"Doctor Han"

At this moment, many disciples in the Qixuan Sect recognized these two celebrities in the sect and couldn't help shouting in astonishment.

Zhang Xiuer was even more overjoyed to see Li Feiyu, her charming face was full of surprise. If there weren't so many people present, she would have thrown herself into the arms of her sweetheart and expressed her true feelings.

Sect Leader Wang naturally recognized the two of them. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he was very surprised by their sudden appearance.

"Li Feiyu, deputy master of the Wairen Hall, comes to see the sect master." Li Feiyu greeted in a loud voice.

"The two of us are willing to sign a death contract and participate in a bloody battle, and we hope that the sect master will fulfill his wish." He stated the request directly without waiting for the other party to ask. Han Li stood aside silently, looking like he was taking Li Feiyu as his leader.

After hearing Li Feiyu's words, Sect Master Wang automatically swallowed the words he wanted to accuse him of, and a slight smile appeared on his cold face. He said warmly:

"Okay! Fortunately, he is a loyal disciple of our Qixuan Sect. With Hall Master Li joining the duel, our sect must have an extra chance of winning. But Doctor Han should not participate. After all, his medical skills are still very useful to our sect. It’s useful, but if something goes wrong in a deadly battle, it will be worth the loss.”

Han Li smiled slightly when he heard this. Before Li Feiyu could explain, he swayed and the person suddenly disappeared from under the eyes of Sect Master Wang.

Sect Leader Wang was startled. Just as he was about to look around, he heard Han Li's lazily voice coming from behind him.

"I wonder if my skills will catch the eyes of the sect master! I think that even if I participate in a death battle, I will still be able to protect myself. I also ask the sect master to keep me loyal."

Sect Master Wang was horrified. He never expected that Han Li, who was well-known for his medical skills, would have such terrifying physical skills, and that he would be invaded from behind silently without any awareness.

"What a terrifying skill! Who is this person? What is his intention behind hiding in this sect?" A series of terrifying thoughts poured into Wang Juechu's mind.

He turned around and looked at Han Li, who was still looking harmless, and couldn't help but look at his three uncles.

His three uncles' expressions changed slightly, and their eyes showed a look of horror. It was obvious that Doctor Han's skills made them very afraid.

Several different thoughts went around in Sect Master Wang's mind for several times before he finally made up his mind.

He burst out laughing a few times, and then said kindly:

"Since Dr. Han is so sincere to our sect and is the sect leader, how can he refuse?"

He then made the two weakest disciples among the disciples who originally participated in the death duel withdraw from the team with a finger, and asked Han Li and Li Feiyu to join them. He also asked the two of them to first write in black on the blood-red book of life and death. They signed a death contract with their ink marks, making them the first to participate in the death duel.

The farce on the Qixuanmen side was naturally clearly seen by Jia Tianlong. Although he was a little surprised that two more masters were added to the opposite side, he didn't take it to heart. After all, he believed in mortals with flesh and blood. , is unable to withstand Master Jin Guang’s flying sword technique.

So, after both parties signed the death contract and exchanged the death contract documents, the bloody battle in which only one party could walk out of the field alive finally began.

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